
Geese don't eat grass (divergent wind chill medicine)

author:Words and Bodies Medical Society
Geese don't eat grass (divergent wind chill medicine)

The traditional Chinese medicine goose does not eat grass in the Tang Dynasty is more commonly used, and the "Dietary Therapy Materia Medica" calls it "treating hemorrhoids"; "Materia Medica" said that it "removes the eyes, plugs the nose, and the pannus fall spontaneously"; Xiao Bing's "Four Voices of Materia Medica" said that it "clears the nose, benefits the nine orifices, and spits out wind and phlegm". The "Compendium of Materia Medica" highly evaluates the special function of this product, and summarizes the experience of medication since the Tang and Song dynasties, saying that it "detoxifies, brightens the eyes, scatters the eyes and swelling, clouds, deafness, headache, cerebral acid, cures phlegm and malaria, (pronounced hōu hē, that is, asthma phlegm, such as the sound of sawing in the throat), nasal congestion, nasal congestion, nasal congestion, and sores and swelling." Subsequently, the "Compendium of Medical Forests" said that it "intercepted malaria and stopped dysentery"; "The Illustrated Examination of Plant Names" called it "curing sha"; "Herbal Sexual Preparation" said that it "manages bruises and fractures, relieves pain and swelling".

Geese don't eat grass (divergent wind chill medicine)
This product comes from the Tang Dynasty Meng Xu's "Food Therapy Materia Medica", also known as: Stone Coriander, Food Coriander, Wild Garden, Chicken Intestine Grass and Coriander, Starry Sky, Pepper, Big Rescue, Sanjie Sword, Mountain Pepper, Erlang Halberd, Tongtianqi, Scattered Star Grass, Sanya Drill, etc. Li Shizhen believes that the medicine "raw stone crevices and damp places, small grass, two or three inches high, seedlings in the winter moon, thin stems and small leaves, the shape is like a tender coriander; Its breath is too smoky to eat, and the geese do not eat it...... Also known as chicken intestine grass, that is, this grass also. It has the same name as chickweed's chicken intestines. It shows that its name is related to its pungent aroma and its birth in stone crevices.
Geese don't eat grass (divergent wind chill medicine)

Chinese medicine

The goose does not eat herbs, and it is the whole herb of the annual herbaceous plant Coriander of the Asteraceae family. It is distributed in most areas of the north and south of the continent and is wild. Collected in May ~ June, fresh or dried. Medicinal properties: slightly fragrant, irritating for a long time, bitter and slightly pungent. It is better to be gray-green, inflorate, no impurities, and easy to sneeze when smelling. Raw.

This product has a spicy taste and is slightly warm. The Lord returns to the Lung Sutra. It has the effect of diverging wind and cold, clearing the nose, expelling phlegm, relieving cough and relieving pain.

Note: This product has a certain irritation to the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, and strengthens the contraction of the stomach wall, causing smooth muscle spasm.

Geese don't eat grass (divergent wind chill medicine)

Modern pharmacology

Traditional Chinese medicine goose does not eat grass, containing triterpenoids such as dandelion sterol, β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, volatile oils, flavonoids, amino acids, organic acids, etc.

The volatile oil and alcohol extract contained in the traditional Chinese medicine goose does not eat grass have anti-inflammatory, cough, expectorant and asthma effects; Whole herb hot water extract and flavonoids have anti-allergic effects. It is highly sensitive to diphtheria bacillus, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus albicans, Streptococcus A and B, Pneumococcus, Catarrhal, Typhoid bacillus, Dysentery bacillus flexneri and Sung dysentery, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other experimental strains, and has a certain inhibitory effect on Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It also has the effect of inhibiting influenza virus, jaundice hemorrhagic leptospira. In vitro tests have roundworm killing effects. This product has a protective effect on the mouse liver injury model caused by carbon tetrachloride; It contains compounds with α-hypomethyl-γ-lactone structure that have antitumor and cytotoxic effects.

Time: 2023
Geese don't eat grass (divergent wind chill medicine)