
Burdock (diffuse wind and heat medicine)

author:Words and Bodies Medical Society
Burdock (diffuse wind and heat medicine)

Burdock is an Asteraceae plant, and its roots and leaves can be used as cattle feeding, which can be called "beef vegetables". Because of the great power of the ox, people implicitly call its fruit "Hercules". Because its fruit is ugly, and it has many spiny hooks, it is easy to attach to people's clothes, which is annoying, so it is also called "evil reality". At the same time, it is also because the mouse touches it and often sticks to the body and is difficult to get rid of, so it is also known as "rat sticky" and "rat sorrow".

Burdock (diffuse wind and heat medicine)

"Huanxi Sha" Song Dynasty The Way of the King

The mountain light outside the water is faint, the grass by the embankment is green like a shop, and the green poplar wind is soft and the birds call each other.

Burdock leaf Qi Luo Cui fan, Lu Li flower small pass pearl, where to call the pot.

Burdock (diffuse wind and heat medicine)
In ancient Materia Medica, the Chinese medicine burdock seed is mostly justified by evil and truth. "Compendium of Materia Medica": "In fact, the appearance is evil and prickly, hence the name." And because the original plant ""Don't Record" is called burdock, so "the evil is the burdock seed". Burdock is commonly used by clinical physicians, so some Materia Medica in the Qing Dynasty is named after it, such as "Materia Medica", "Materia Medica" and so on.
Burdock is known for its "small and prickly shell like a chestnut ball." If the rat is too much, it will not be able to get rid of it, so it is called the rat sticky". "Hygienic Easy Formula" also takes this product as a strong force. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" explains "vigorously" and says: "Its roots and leaves are edible, and people call it a cow vegetable, and people hide it, and call it vigorously." The name of Hercules is used for modern clinical prescriptions because of its simple books.

Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine burdock is the dried and ripe fruit of the Asteraceae plant burdock. It is mainly produced in Hebei, Jilin, Liaoning and Zhejiang. In autumn, when the fruit is ripe, the inflorescence is harvested, dried, the fruit is laid, impurities are removed, and then dried. This product has a slight gas, a bitter taste and a slight pungent and slightly numb tongue. It is better to have large, plump, gray-brown color. Use raw or stir-fried, mashed as you use.

This product has a pungent, bitter and cold taste. Return to the lungs and stomach meridians. It has the effect of evacuating wind and heat, promoting lung expectoration, diluting pharyngeal rash, detoxifying and reducing swelling.

Note: This product is "cold and smooth", and people with qi deficiency and loose stools should not use it or use it with caution.

Burdock (diffuse wind and heat medicine)

"The Meaning of Medicine"

Burdock belongs to the yin and slightly yang, the body is small and the meat is slightly moist, the color and flesh are white and green, the qi is harmonious, the taste of the meat is bitter with a slight pungency, the sex is cold, it can rise and fall, the force detoxifies heat and poison, the temperament is thin and the taste is thick, and it enters the liver and lungs.

Burdock has a bitter taste that clears the fire, and bitterness can dispel the wind. It is mainly used for the treatment of upper wind and phlegm, edema of the face, unfavorable throat, poisonous heat, saber scrofula, phlegm nucleus of the neck, blood fever acne, rash and skin addiction rash. Where the lungs are depressed by fire, and the lungs are through wind and heat, it is appropriate to use this.

Burdock (diffuse wind and heat medicine)

Commentary on the Materia Medica

It is flat, pungent and non-toxic. The Lord clears his eyes, mends the middle, and removes wind wounds. A wicked man, steamed, wiped and baked.

Burdock seed is flat, the golden gas of the heavenly autumn level, sweet and non-toxic, the golden taste of the West, and the Taiyin Lung Meridian. The smell drops more than it rises, and the yin also. Burdock gas is flat and heaty, the taste is pungent and depressed, and the heat is clear, then the eyes can see the blood, so the eyes are bright. The yin of the middle is also guarded, the yin and yang of the human body, the rise and fall of the body, the burdock root is smooth and the lungs are cleared, and the lung qi is descended, so the middle is also supplemented. The wind hurts the guard, the guard attaches the fur, the fur is also the combination of the lungs, and the Xin Ping sparses the lungs, then the fur is dissolved, so in addition to the wind injury.


Burdock root with comfrey, rhino horn, raw land, cure acne and blood fever.

Same as bellflower and licorice, treat wind, heat and sore throat.

Burdock (diffuse wind and heat medicine)

Modern pharmacology

Traditional Chinese medicine burdock mainly contains lignans: burdock glycoside, burdock alcohol A~F and H; Fatty acid components: arachidic acid, stearic acid; Volatile oils: (S)-mentholone, etc.

Traditional Chinese medicine burdock decoction has significant antibacterial effect on Pneumococcus, and water immersion has different degrees of inhibitory effect on a variety of pathogenic skin fungi. Burdock has antipyretic, diuretic, hypoglycemic, and antitumor effects. Burdock glycosides have anti-nephropathic effects, can inhibit the increase of urine protein excretion in rats with experimental kidney disease, and can improve serum biochemical indicators.

Time: 2024
Burdock (diffuse wind and heat medicine)