
Peppermint (diffuse wind and heat medicine)

author:Words and Bodies Medical Society
Peppermint (diffuse wind and heat medicine)

When it comes to mint, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is mint gum, which is cool, refreshing between inhaling and exhaling. But in addition to making chewing gum and toothpaste, mint can also be used as medicine, and can also be used as tea and vegetables.

Peppermint (diffuse wind and heat medicine)
At present, more than 25 species of peppermint plants have been found in the world, which are widely distributed in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere as an important aromatic plant, a few are found in the southern hemisphere, and there are 12 species of peppermint plants in the mainland, mainly distributed in Northeast China, East China, Xinjiang and other regions.
"New Materia Medica" lists mint in the vegetable department (middle grade), which is called "also a raw food", so "Qianjin Yao Fang, Food Treatment" is called "lotus vegetables". And because of the prolific and high quality in the south, "Materia Medica" is named southern mint. In later generations, because of the mint "into the medicine to Su production for the victory", the smell is fragrant, also known as Su mint, borneol mint. For example, "Materia Medica": "Peppermint ...... Also known as chicken Su, there are species everywhere, and Gusu borneol is the first. And according to the said: "The place name of dipterocarp, in front of Confucianism in Suzhou Prefecture, the people who planted here are very fragrant, so they are named." The ancient recipe has dipterocarp chicken su pills, that is, this is also. Modern doctors also use fresh mint stems to distill aromatic oil, because the oil has a large number of colorless crystals precipitated at low temperatures, and the prescription is mostly called "peppermint ice" or "peppermint cream", and the function is the same as that of peppermint. Other names include lotus cabbage, chicken su, southern mint, Rendan grass and so on.
Peppermint (diffuse wind and heat medicine)

Chinese medicine

The traditional Chinese medicine peppermint is the dried aerial part of the Lamiaceae plant mint. It is mainly produced in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. In summer and autumn, when the stems and leaves are lush or the flowers bloom to three rounds, choose a sunny day, harvest them in stages, and dry them in the sun or shade. Slice segments. This product has a special cool aroma and a spicy and cool taste after rubbing. It is better to have many leaves, green color and strong smell. Raw.

Traditional Chinese medicine mint has a pungent taste and is cool. Return to the lungs and liver meridians. It has the effect of evacuating wind and heat, clearing the head, relieving pharynx, diaphragm, and soothing liver qi.

Note: This product is fragrant and spicy, sweating and gas consumption, "Benjing Fengyuan" cloud "do not apply to those who sweat themselves", and those who are weak and sweating are not suitable.

Peppermint (diffuse wind and heat medicine)
Peppermint is fragrant and non-toxic, and the "New Materia Medica" lists it in the vegetable department (middle grade), saying that "it can also be eaten raw", so "Qianjin Yao Fang, Food Treatment" is called "Lotus Vegetables". And because of the prolific and high quality in the south, "Materia Medica" is named southern mint. In later generations, because of the mint "into the medicine to Su production for the victory", the smell is fragrant, also known as Su mint, borneol mint. Modern doctors also use fresh mint stems to distill aromatic oil, because the oil has a large number of colorless crystals precipitated at low temperatures, and the prescription is mostly called "peppermint ice" or "peppermint cream", and the function is the same as that of peppermint. Other names include lotus cabbage, chicken su, southern mint, Rendan grass and so on.

"Materia Medica"

Mint. The smell is pungent and warm, and it is non-toxic. The main thief wind, typhoid fever and sweating, evil wind, heart and abdomen fullness, cholera, food and lodging, and low breath. Boiling juice to serve it, sweating, greatly relieving fatigue, and can also be eaten raw.

Peppermint is mostly planted, and there are also wild ones, and the smell of stems and leaves is similar. After the winter roots do not die, the seedlings are pumped in February, the Qingming branch is planted, the square stem is red, the green leaves are opposite, the beginning is round and long, and the leaf end is gradually sharpened for a long time, like Esu, Camelina Ning. It is taken in summer and autumn, and the daily exposure is dry, and the manure soil is poured in advance, and the harvest can be harvested after the rain. No, the smell is not bitter and cold. Wu Yue Sichuan Lake to replace the tea, only Wu Di stem small leaf thin, stinky than all directions, like borneol, that is, called borneol mint. The stem of the right side of the river is fat, the Shu Han is fatter, and the medicine is not as good as that of Wu Di. Chen Shiliang's "Edible Materia Medica" is called Herbacea, Yang Xiong's "Ganquan Fu" is called Zang, Lu Chen's "Word Forest" is called Zang, and Sun Simiao's "Qianjinfang" is called Fanhe. Although the name is wide, it should be in accordance with the "Tang Ben" mint. The "Compendium" says that mint is commonly known, and this does not explain the meaning of the name. A leaf round as small as money, called money mint. A kind of leaf tiny, frost and snow resistance, to winter stem and leaf pure purple, born between the stones of the south mountain in the south of the Yangtze River, called stone mint; A kind of Hu mint, the shape is no different from mint, but the taste is small and sweet, more than Jiangsu and Zhejiang, commonly known as Silla mint, now Bianyu monk temple is worth more, "Tianbao unilateral" called the desmodium is also. Made with shallots, refreshing and delicious, thin people eat for a long time to quench their thirst, new diseases do not eat it, so that the sweat does not stop. The drunkenness of cat food, Lu Nongshiyun: mint, cat wine also.

Ancestors: The temperature is cool, with the turn of summer into autumn, for the image of high coolness and clarity, then there is more than gas, since it is not similar to the weak deficiency and cold, and the lack of yin camp. The first weather is dry gold, and Fu Yangming is above the disease, and it is taboo.

The wood is said to be a forest, and the grass is thin. The thin one, the fast drive; The load, the load and drive. "Poetry" is thin and thin, as the name suggests, the strange prescription of the prescription and the urgent prescription. The taste of pungent temperature, the use of Xin Jin, the expelling of thieves, the sweat of the table, the opening of the coke, the flavor of the Xuan Valley, so the food and lodging, the swelling solution, the cholera set, the annoyance of the Zhang Jing continuation, the agent of the Xuan, the light agent also, the clearance of the grid, the joint, to the anger, but the kidney qi, through the wind and salivation, the treatment of yin and yang poison, the blood to break the blood and stop dysentery, the throat and mouth teeth, the treatment of scrofula, the rash and ulcers, are all born in the wind, the effect is very fast. More detailed, urgent, proclaimed, and light righteousness, and the inadequacy is not good.

Tiredness is absolute, and it still makes it continuous. "Tang Ben" said that fatigue is missing, but the four characters are omitted. Jin Note breaks the sentence to read, "Annoyance is Zhang" as a sentence, and "exquisite" as a sentence. There is a lot of futile work, and every time there is a mistake in speaking.

Peppermint (diffuse wind and heat medicine)

Commentary on the Materia Medica

Mint. The temperature, the taste is pungent and non-toxic. The main thief wind, typhoid fever and sweating, evil qi, heart and abdomen fullness, cholera, food and lodging, and low breath. Boiled juice can also be eaten raw.

The mint temperature, the wood gas of the spring rise in the sky, enters the yin and liver meridians; The taste is spicy and non-toxic, and the golden taste of the West is obtained, and the Taiyin Lung Meridian is started. The smell rises, and so does the yang. There are five types of typhoid fever: stroke, typhoid fever, damp temperature, fever, and temperature disease. Thieves with typhoid fever have a stroke, and the wind hurts the guard, so it is advisable to sweat with a warm taste. The evil qi is full of heart and abdomen, and the evil qi that covers the distension will come from the liver, and the mint enters the liver, and the warmth can be done, and the bitterness can be dispersed, then the evil qi will disappear and the evil qi will be full and flat. If Taiyin is not cured, it will be squandered and disturbed, mint will moisten the lungs, and the lung will regulate and cholera will be cured. Eating and drinking into the stomach, dispersing sperm in the liver, and if the liver does not disperse sperm, it will not be eaten, mint enters the liver and is sloppy, and the food is self-eliminating. The main qi of the lungs, the mint flavor is spicy and moistens the lungs, and the lungs are moistened by the order of decline, so they can also breathe. With the smell of aroma, it can be eaten raw.


Peppermint is the same as sumac leaves, Sophora radix, Polygonum multiflori, hemp seeds, nepeta, raw land, tribulus terrestris, Atractylodes, calamus, to treat leprosy.

Specially designed for the end, honey pills, to cure wind and heat.

Peppermint (diffuse wind and heat medicine)

Modern pharmacology

Peppermint oil is taken internally by stimulating the central nervous system, making the skin capillaries dilate, promoting the secretion of sweat glands, increasing heat dissipation, and playing a role in sweating and antipyretic. Peppermint oil can inhibit gastrointestinal smooth muscle contraction, and can show antispasmodic effect against acetylcholine. Menthol has a choleretic effect. Peppermint oil is used externally, which can stimulate the cold receptors of nerve endings and produce a cold sensation, and reflexively cause changes in deep tissue blood vessels to play an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-itching, local anesthetic and anti-irritating effects. In addition, this product has expectorant, cough, anti-implantation, anti-early pregnancy, anti-pathogenic microorganisms and other effects.

Time: 2024
Peppermint (diffuse wind and heat medicine)

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