
Asaroxin (diffuse wind and cold medicine)

author:Words and Bodies Medical Society
Asaroxin (diffuse wind and cold medicine)

The history of fine pungent in medicine has a long history, and it has been widely used in the unearthed "Juyan Han Jian Prescription" and "Wuwei Han Jian Prescription for Treating Hundred Diseases". The ancients said: "If you are spicy Tibetan ginseng, the ginseng will not be moth-eaten." ", indicating that Asarium has expelling and anesthetic effects on all kinds of insects. 另外,宋代陈承《本草别说》:“细辛非华阴者不得为真,若单用末,不可过一钱,多则气闷塞不通则死” ,更是描述细辛的毒性,和其‬‬在‬用药‬用量上‬‬的‬谨慎‬。

Asaroxin (diffuse wind and cold medicine)
The root of fine pungent is small, fragrant and strong, the taste is spicy, and there is a burning sensation of numb tongue, so it gets this name. Su Song's "Tujing Materia Medica": "The roots are thin and the taste is extremely pungent, hence the name." "Aliases are: small Xin, fine grass, less Xin, unifolia, golden pot grass, etc.

Chinese medicine

The Chinese medicine Asarium is the dried root and rhizome of the Aristolochiaceae plant Northern Asarocine, Seoul Asarax or Asarocene sinensis. The first two are known as "Liao Xixin", which are mainly produced in Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang; The latter is known as Hua Xixin, which is mainly produced in Shaanxi. Harvested during the ripening period of summer or early autumn, the aboveground parts and sediment are removed, and dried in the shade. Slice segments. This product is spicy and fragrant, spicy and numb. It is better to have gray and yellow roots, dry, spicy taste and numb tongue. Raw.

Asaroxin (diffuse wind and cold medicine)

This product has a spicy taste and is warm. Return to the heart, lungs, and kidney meridians. It has the effect of dissolving the cold, dispelling wind and relieving pain, clearing the body, and warming the lungs.

Note: This product is dissipated in pungent and warm, qi deficiency and sweating, yin deficiency and fire, blood deficiency and yang hyperactivity, headache, lung heat, cough and asthma. Local anesthesia can be used with water infusion, alcohol infusion or extraction of volatile oil, and should not be used as a decoction, otherwise the effect is not good. Its local anesthetic effect is related to the volatile oil it contains, and it should be used with caution when used as a topical anesthetic because of its irritating properties. If this product is taken too much or the decoction time is too short, it is easy to cause poisoning and cause headache, vomiting, sweating, irritability, redness, shortness of breath, rapid pulse, rising body temperature, arrhythmia, increased blood pressure, irritability, etc., and in severe cases, trismus, unconsciousness, angular arch reflexion, convulsions of limbs, inability to urinate, dilated pupils, and finally death due to respiratory paralysis.

The toxic component of asaroxin is volatile oil, which can easily lead to poisoning due to overuse or misuse. Its volatile oil directly acts on the central nervous system, initially excited, then inhibited, gradually weakens voluntary movement and respiratory movement, disappears reflexes, and finally causes respiratory paralysis and cardiac arrest. For those who have convulsions of the limbs due to the poison, sodium pentobarbital or chloral hydrate can be injected intravenously to stop convulsions. For those who are delirious, they can use Angong Niuhuang Pill to open their minds and awaken their minds. Licorice mung bean soup, Coptis detoxification soup, five-flavor disinfection drink and other heat-clearing and detoxifying agents also have a certain detoxification effect. Those who take preparations containing asaroxin for a long time should also pay attention to their chronic toxic damage to the liver and kidney.
Asaroxin (diffuse wind and cold medicine)

Asarum and ephedra

Asarum and ephedra can sweat and relieve the surface, and can be used to treat wind and cold. The difference is that the fine pungent and warm go away, reach the surface into the inside, can disperse the lungs and feet less yin and kidney through the wind and cold, although the power of sweating is not as good as ephedra, but the power of dispersing cold is better, both to treat the general wind and cold, especially good for cold offenders and less yin, no sweat and cold, fever and pulse sinking yang deficiency external sense; It is good at relieving pain, warming the lungs, and treating diseases of the head and face, rheumatism, paralysis, phlegm, cough and other syndromes. The ephedra Xin opens the bitter discharge, focusing on the promotion of health qi, opening the intestines, penetrating the hair holes, sweating and relieving the surface, mainly dispersing the lungs and bladder through wind and cold, which is a strong antidote to the surface of sweating, so it is mainly used to treat the external bundle of wind and cold, the lung qi is solid, the hair is occluded, and the surface is not sweating for severe cases of wind and cold; It can also be used for the shortness of breath and the attack of wind and evil on the surface of lung qi obstruction, and the feng shui edema syndrome of swelling all over the body.

Asaroxin (diffuse wind and cold medicine)


"Materia Medica"

[Nuclear said] out of Huayin, Goryeo valley is the top. Although there are everywhere today, they are not as good as them. It is also available for those who are near the sea in Nanyang. "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" cloud "How much Xin is in the mountain of floating opera", and "Guanzi" cloud "Five fertile soil groups medicine and fine pungent" are the same. Spring seedlings, one leaf is connected. Today, Du Heng is mostly for it. "Naturalist" cloud: Du Heng can be chaotic and hard, and Zhengu is already there. Yi is the one who can mess with the fine bitterness, not only Du Heng, but also the color and taste of the roots and seedlings. The leaves are like small sunflowers, the stems are soft and the roots are thin, the end is straight and long, the color is purple and the taste is pungent, and the habit of chewing is like pepper, and the fine pungent is also. The leaves are like horseshoe, the stem is slightly thick, the root is like fine and pungent and curved, the color is yellow and white, the taste is also pungent, Du Heng also. A stem is straight up, the stem end leaves are like an umbrella, the root is like fine and slightly thick, the color is yellow and white, the taste is bitter and bitter, and the ghost supervises the post. The root is like a ghost supervising the post and the color is black, and he is also. The leaves are like small mulberries, the roots are like fine and pungent and thick and long, the color is dark yellow, and the taste is spicy and smelly, Xu Changqing is also. The leaves are like willow leaves, the roots are like fine and pungent and thick and long, the color is yellow and white, the taste is bitter, and the white myrtle is also. The roots are brittle like white myrtle, the color is white and the taste is sweet, and the white front is also. Treatment: Pick out the double leaves, cut off the head, soak it in melon water for one night, and use it for drying. Zeng Qing and jujube root are used for it. Angelica, peony, angelica, xiong, peony, herb, licorice, to heal women. Cassia, carp gall bladder, and green sheep liver are used to treat eye pain. Astragalus, wolf venom, dogwood. Avoid lettuce and raccoon meat. Chlorophobic, talc, anti-veratrol.

The people of the world use fine pain, regardless of the truth and falsehood, and do not distinguish it early. Du Heng, Ghost Inspector, Xu Changqing, Bai Wei, and Bai Qianqian are all coarse and fat, but they are fine and pungent. The five kinds are also many songs, which are contrary to the straightness of fine pungentness.

Mr. Shaolong Wangyun: The liver wood is up, the spring breeze is rising, and it is all over the place. "Sutra" cloud: no anger and its ambition, so that Huaying becomes a bad. This spring turns into summer, and the opportunity to rise and turn from out?

Ancestors: Dense essence, great fire, and the image of the green sun.

Asaroxin (diffuse wind and cold medicine)

[Reference] thin finger form words, Xin refers to taste words. Light and soft, straight and slender, when into the young yang, the use of the bile is proclaimed, from the bottom up, to the spring order. Therefore, the main spring is sick at the head, and the headache and brain movement, the vision is unclear, and the trick is unfavorable, although this is from the bottom up, it cannot be preached; cough against the upper air, this is only from the bottom up, not to follow the order; 100 knots, this can not be from the bottom up, from the order of the person also; Paralyzing the pain and killing muscles, this must not be from the bottom up, and the winner of the anti-insult is also. It is always the liver that is too late to use, and the only preference is not enough?

Light and soft, straight and slender, that is, the so-called "spring veins like strings" in the "Neijing", how can it be like a string? Those who have spring veins, liver veins, too. The reason why all things are born is also. Therefore, the origin of its veins is light and void to float, straight to long, to say that the liver and wood are used, and the weather is also used to describe it. The function of fine prickly is anastomosive, and there is no doubt that Shaoyang medication is used.

Asaroxin (diffuse wind and cold medicine)

"The Evidence of the Scriptures"

The fine pungent color is purple, and the purple one is red and black. Red is the color of the heart, and black is the color of the kidney. The heart and kidneys are both less yin, the two less yin meridians are short and straight, the fine pungent branch is straight up, and the body is thin and soft. Those who have less yin are all dependent on each other. Although the body is fine, the taste is extremely strong. Therefore, where the wind and cold qi depend on the sperm, blood, and stool and saliva, and can drag it out, so that they are separated and not attached, then the semen, blood, and stool and stool will return to their normal state, and the wind and cold will not tolerate it. As mentioned in the "Sutra", the main treatment of cough rebellion, the wind and cold depend on the drink in the chest. For those with headache and brain movement, wind and cold depend on the marrow of the brain. For those who are confined to 100 joints, the wind and cold depend on the fluid of bone joint flexion and extension. For those who suffer from rheumatism and pain and dead muscles, wind and cold depend on the muscles. By extension, there is fluid everywhere, and there is liquid everywhere, and the wind and cold can be attached. Therefore, phlegm is stagnation in the chest, paralysis in the throat, knot in the breast, nasal slump, epilepsy in the heart, water in the small intestine, sweat in the qi, and blood in the blood. This "Separate Record" is consistent with the "Benjing". However, it is necessary to examine whether the wind and cold fruits are scattered and fragmented, and those who rely on the liquid should be appropriate. If the wind and cold are all over the body, and those who fight with the camp guards, they have their own taste for treatment, and there is no precaution with the fine bitterness.

Fine Xin can put forward the wind and cold that is attached to the jin liquid, and cannot make the jin liquid return to normal. And it can't make the qi in the liquid not come out with the lifting, so its cough treatment is even with schisandra chinensis and dried ginger. Such as Xiaoqinglong soup, Zhenwu soup, and magnolia ephedra soup are also. If you shoot dry ephedra soup, instead of dried ginger, use ginger. Si Reverse San, Xiao Chai Hu soup, but with dry ginger, schisandra, do not use fine pungent. Cover the water vapor and the wind and cold, there is drinking, wet and water, with the person, but also with the evidence. Then there are those who vomit, those who are full, and those who are asthmatic, but not only because of their cough, but also because of their cough, mixed with treatment. If the wind and cold will melt, the fine pungent will not be available. Xiao Chai Hu Tang proves that those who are half-transformed and half-untransformed are true, not to mention those who are fully transformed. Although the four inverses are scattered with the four inverses of the less yin, but the end of the cold outside and the heat inside, so it can be used to treat cough, dry ginger and five flavors, and fine pungent is not available.

Asaroxin (diffuse wind and cold medicine)

Modern pharmacology

Asarum volatile oil has antipyretic, sedative, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, topical anesthesia and infiltration anesthetic effects. Asarum water and alcohol extract can reduce the release of allergic mediators for immediate allergies by more than 40%. A large dose of volatile oil can excite the central nervous system first and then inhibit it, showing certain toxic side effects. In vitro experiments showed that the volatile oil of asaroxin had a certain inhibitory effect on gram-positive bacteria, Bacillus subtilis, Typhoid bacillus and a variety of fungi. Verathyl octanol infusion can be used to combat morphine-induced respiratory depression. In addition, asaroxin has the effects of strengthening the heart, dilating blood vessels, relaxing smooth muscle, enhancing lipid metabolism, increasing blood sugar, etc., and has inhibitory effects on cellular immunity and humoral immunity.

A large dose of asaroxin volatile oil can excite the central nervous system first and then inhibit it, slow down voluntary movements and breathing, disappear reflexes, and finally die due to respiratory paralysis. In addition, asaroxin has a direct inhibitory effect on myocardium, and excessive use can cause arrhythmia. The main manifestations of poisoning are headache, vomiting, irritability, sweating, neck stiffness, thirst, increased body temperature and blood pressure, mild dilated pupils, flushing, etc., if not treated in time, it can quickly turn into a spasmodic state, trismus, angular arch reflexion, unconsciousness, convulsions of limbs, urinary closure, and finally die of respiratory paralysis. The main reasons for asaroxin poisoning are: first, the direct swallowing of the unilateral powder dosage is too large, and the second is that the decoction time of the larger dose into the decoction is too short. Therefore, it must be used in strict accordance with the prescribed dosage to ensure the safety of medication.

Time: 2024
Asaroxin (diffuse wind and cold medicine)