
Ginger (diffuse wind chill medicine)

author:Words and Bodies Medical Society
Ginger (diffuse wind chill medicine)
Ginger is not uncommon in our daily life, it can be shredded ginger hidden in shredded potatoes, or ginger pieces disguised as chicken legs, and my mother has been talking about eating ginger. In fact, it is also one of the important traditional Chinese medicines. Chen Xiuyuan's "Reading of Materia Medica" said: "Ginger and jujube are used together, take its pungent and lung and stomach, get the sweetness of jujube to nourish the heart, and contain it to adjust the camp and health." ”
Ginger (diffuse wind chill medicine)

A ginger, although it was first published in the "Famous Doctor's Record", but it is actually from the "Shennong's Materia Medica", in which the dry ginger strips go down to the clouds: "The main chest is full of cough and reverse qi, warm, stop bleeding, sweat, chase rheumatism and paralysis, the intestines are beneficial, the living are especially good, take it for a long time to get rid of the odor, and pass the gods." It can be seen that the two were not differentiated from the drug at that time. According to the experience of famous doctors such as Zhang Zhongjing, the "Famous Doctor's Directory" named ginger separately, saying that it is "the main typhoid fever, headache, nasal congestion, and cough reversal." "Commentary on the Materia Medica" adds its "return to the five organs, dispel wind, evil cold and heat...... Stop vomiting, remove phlegm and lower gas, remove rheumatism, cold and heat. Zhang Yuan said that it "benefits the spleen and stomach, disperses wind and cold"; Li Shizhen said that it "diverges from raw use, and is familiar with it"; Wu Yiluo said that he "divides the yang and dispels the cold, declares the lung qi and relieves depression, and unwinds the appetite and opens the phlegm to eat", all of which are more concise and to the point.

Ginger (diffuse wind chill medicine)


The traditional Chinese medicine ginger is the fresh rhizome of the ginger family. It is mainly produced in Sichuan, Guizhou, Hubei, Guangdong and Guangxi. Harvesting in autumn and winter to remove fibrous roots and sediment. This product has a special aroma and spicy taste. It is better to have a tender quality. Cut into thick slices and use raw.

Ginger (diffuse wind chill medicine)

Ginger has a spicy taste and is slightly lukewarm. Return to the lungs, spleen, and stomach meridians. It has the effect of dissolving cold, stopping vomiting in warmth, dissolving phlegm and relieving cough, and relieving fish and crab poison.

Note: This product helps fire and hurt yin, so people with heat and yin deficiency and internal heat should not take it.

Ginger (diffuse wind chill medicine)
Ginger is used as a rhizome as medicine, which should be "ginger", and "Shuowen Jie Zi" is written as "ginger", and the precept is "the dish that resists moisture". "Compendium of Materia Medica" quotes Wang Anshi's "Words Say" cloud: "Ginger can resist all evils, so it is called ginger." ”


Ginger, dried ginger, and ginger are the same thing, all of which can dissipate cold in the temperature and are suitable for spleen and stomach cold syndrome. However, due to the different processing, its performance is also different.

Ginger is warm and spicy, long in divergence, and can be warm and stop vomiting, mostly used for external wind chill and stomach cold drinks;

The pungent nature of dried ginger has been reduced, and it is biased towards the treatment of cold, so it is mainly used to warm the middle of the yang, warm the lungs and dissolve phlegm;

Ginger, also known as black ginger, has no effect of pungent dispersion, so it is specialized in stopping bleeding by warm menstruation and stopping diarrhea by warmth.

Ginger (diffuse wind chill medicine)

"Honzo Chonggen"

Dried ginger is dried with female ginger, with thick and white meat, firm and bright as gastrodia, so it is also known as white ginger. Linhai, Zhang'an, Hanwen, Chizhou can be done everywhere, now Jiangxi, Zhejiang are all there, and Sanqu civilization is good.

Taiyin is the yin of the yin, the foot is the main wet soil, and the hand is the main yin. The smell of dried ginger is pungent and warm, and its color is yellow and white, which is the warm product of the hands and feet. If the chest is full, the lungs are on the chest, and the lungs are cold. For those who cough up the upper qi, the yin qi of the hands and feet is not connected, causing the lung qi to be reversed. Those who are warm, Yan Gan ginger is the main treatment of chest full cough and reverse qi, and it can be warm. If the spleen is weak and cold, the blood will overflow. Dried ginger is warm, so it stops bleeding also. For those who sweat, Xin to moisten, open the intestines, and ventilate the fluid. For those who chase rheumatism and paralysis, Xin can diverge. Intestinal dysentery is a deficiency of the spleen. "Treatise on Typhoid Fever" cloud: The temper is lonely and weak, the five liquids are injected, and the lower coke is not compatible, like a pork liver. Dried ginger can warm the spleen and soil, so it treats intestinal dysentery. The living are especially good, and it is said that ginger can reach the stomach, and it is especially good to use it.

Press: Cinnamon branch, kudzu root, bupleurum soup, and stomach reversal vomiting, cold evidence, ginger is used more. Husband ginger is the son of the old ginger ginger, the main Xuan Da Yang Ming stomach and soil gas, Yang Ming is the house of Taiyin, so dry ginger cures the spleen, ginger cures the stomach, viscera, and the son and mother are also called.

Press: "Shennong's Benjing" only has dry ginger, ginger, and no cannon ginger, and later generations use dry ginger to cannon black, which is called cannon ginger. "Jin Kui Yaolu" uses licorice and dried ginger soup to treat pulmonary impotence, and its dried ginger is also a cannon, which is the use of cannon ginger, and the ancestor of Zhongzu. Ginger flavor is spicy, and the pungent taste is slightly reduced, which is mainly used to treat postpartum blood deficiency and body heat, as well as evidence of cold vomiting blood, blood and blood in the stool. If it is processed too much, the essence does not exist, it is called ginger charcoal, its taste is slightly bitter and not bitter, its quality is frivolous and unreal, and it is not as good as the function of ginger. Even if you use ginger, you must also be the mother ginger of Sanqu civilization to be powerful. In today's pharmacies, most of the ginger that hurts the water and changes the flavor is used for drying the cannon, which is inevitably nameless.

Modern pharmacology

Ginger can promote the secretion of digestive juices, protect the gastric mucosa, and have anti-ulcer, hepatoprotective, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antibacterial, analgesic, and antiemetic effects. Its alcohol extract can excite the vascular motor center, respiratory center, and heart. Normal people chewing ginger can raise blood pressure. Ginger water infusion has different degrees of inhibition effect on typhoid bacillus, Vibrio cholerae, viriophyton and Trichomonas vaginalis, and has the effect of preventing schistosomiasis egg hatching and killing schistosomiasis.

Dried ginger methanol or ether extract has sedative, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea and transient hypertensive effects; Aqueous extract or volatile oil can significantly prolong the experimental thrombosis time in rats; Dried gingerol extract and the gingerol and gingerenone contained in it have significant anti-snail and anti-schistosomiasis effects.

Ginger can significantly shorten bleeding and coagulation time, and inhibit irritant and pyloric ligation gastric ulcers and acetic acid-induced gastric ulcers.

Dried ginger

The Chinese medicine dried ginger is the dried rhizome of the ginger family. It is mainly produced in Sichuan, Guizhou, Hubei, Guangdong and Guangxi. All are cultivated. Harvested in winter, fibrous roots and sediment are removed, and dried in the sun or at low temperatures. Those who are dried in the sun while they are freshly sliced or dried at low temperature are called "dried ginger slices". This product has a special aroma and spicy taste. It is better to have powdery feet and strong smell. Cut into thick slices or pieces, raw or charcoal-fried. This product has a spicy taste and is hot. Return to the spleen, stomach, kidneys, heart, and lungs. It has the effect of dissipating cold in the warmth, returning to the yang and passing the pulse, and warming the lungs. Note: This product is hot and dry, and should not be used by those who are delusional in yin deficiency and internal heat and blood heat.

Ginger (diffuse wind chill medicine)

Dried ginger

"Shennong's Hundred Kinds of Materia Medica": "All the medicine with a thick taste is mainly guarded, the medicine with a thick atmosphere is mainly scattered, and the smell of dry ginger is thick, so it is scattered and can be kept." If the husband is not completely dispersed, and if the guard is not complete, it will rotate between the meridians and viscera, and it is inevitable to drive away cold and dampness and blood ventilation. ”


Traditional Chinese medicine ginger is a processed product of the dried rhizome of the ginger family. Blanch the dried ginger sand until it is bulging and the surface is brown. It can be processed in most parts of the country. This product is fragrant, specific, and slightly spicy. It is better to have a bulging surface, tan, brown and yellow inside, and loose quality. Its sexual taste is pungent and hot. Return to the spleen, stomach, and kidney meridians. It has the effect of warming menstruation and stopping bleeding, and relieving pain in warmth.

"Compendium of Materia Medica": "Ginger is bitter, bitter, and hot." "Materia Medica": "Ginger cannon black is less hard and more bitter, the dryness has been reduced, the power of Wen Shou is unique, it can divide people's blood, and help the power of tonics." ”

Ginger peel

Traditional Chinese medicine ginger peel is the outer skin cut from the rhizome of the ginger family. The taste is pungent and cool. Function and spleen water swelling, mainly used for edema, urination is not good. Decoction, 3~10g.

Time: 2023
Ginger (diffuse wind chill medicine)

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