
Qianghuo (divergent wind and cold medicine)

author:Words and Bodies Medical Society
Qianghuo (divergent wind and cold medicine)

Traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions are commonly referred to as "Erhuo", which is the abbreviation of Qianghuo and Duhuo. One of the prescriptions to fight the new crown is to dissipate the poison, and the Jun medicine used in the prescription is Qianghuo and Duhuo. Qianghuo is derived from the perennial herbaceous plant Qianghuo is the dried root of this plant, which is produced in most parts of the country, and in some areas people also call it black medicine.

Qianghuo (divergent wind and cold medicine)
The name "Qianghuo" was first seen in the "Shennong Materia Medica" under the article "Duhuo", and was listed as an alias. He said that he lived alone "a Qiang live". Therefore, in the era of "Benjing" and "Beilu", there was no separation between Qianghuo and Duhuo. For the first time, the "Commentary on the Materia Medica" distinguishes between Qianghuo and Duhuo from the form, saying that "Qianghuo is thin and knotty, soft and moist, and the breath is extremely violent...... The color of the lone living is slightly white, and the shape is large". It was not until the Tang Dynasty that the "Treatise on Medicinal Properties" divided Qianghuo and Duhuo into two categories. Qing Dynasty "To Medicine": "The shape is as big as a ghost's eyes, and the knots are sparse and yellow. The color is purple and dense, and those who are violent are Qiang. And out of Shu Han, and the name of the person who came from Xiqiang was Qiang". It can be seen that the origin of the name of Qianghuo is related to the origin and form of medicinal materials.
Qianghuo (divergent wind and cold medicine)

Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine Qianghuo is the dried rhizome and root of Apiaceae plants Qianghuo or broad-leaved Qianghuo. It is mainly produced in Sichuan, Gansu and Qinghai. Harvested in spring and autumn, fibrous roots and sediment are removed and dried. Slice. This product is fragrant, slightly bitter and bitter. It is better to have a brown skin color, many oil spots on the faceted surface, and a strong smell. Raw.

The active taste of traditional Chinese medicine Qiang is pungent, bitter and warm. Return to the bladder and kidney meridians. It has the effect of dissolving cold, dispelling wind and dampness, and relieving pain.

Note: 1) The pungent and warm and dry nature of this product is relatively strong, and it is contraindicated for yin deficiency and dry heat. 2) Excessive dosage is easy to cause vomiting, and patients with weak spleen and stomach should use with caution.

Qianghuo (divergent wind and cold medicine)

Commentary on the Materia Medica

The air is flat, the taste is bitter and sweet, and it is non-toxic. Hit by the main wind and cold, gold sores relieve pain, epileptic spasms, women's hernias, long-term clothing and light body and age-resistant. A lone live.

Qiang is alive and flat, the golden gas of autumn dryness, and the Taiyin Lung Meridian is started; The taste is bitter, sweet and non-toxic, and it has the taste of fire and soil in the south of the land, and starts with the Shaoyin Heart Sutra and the Foot Taiyin and Spleen Sutra. The smell drops more than it rises, and the yin also. If the gold sores are struck by the wind and cold, and the gold sores are struck by the wind and cold, the blood and qi will not work, and the pain will be even worse. Qiang's bitterness can be discharged, sweet and peaceful, and it enters the lungs to relieve wind and cold, so the wind and blood can stop the pain. The dolphin runner, the evil of the kidney water, such as the dolphin rushing and the heart is also, the bitterness can be dry and damp, and the sweet can cut the kidney, so the lord of it. Epilepsy is also rheumatism, and spasms are also damp joints. Qiang is active and flat, can cure wind, and the bitter taste can be dry and damp, so it stops epilepsy and spasms. Women's hernia is mostly caused by blood and false rheumatism after menstruation. Qiang Huoping is dry and damp, and he is also majestic, and can scatter blood. If you take it for a long time, your spleen will be damp, so you will lose weight; hard work and, so resistant to aging; All taste sweet and bitter.


Qianghuo is the same as wheat winter, front hu, skullcap, licorice, to treat sun disease.

With Atractylodes, Atractylodes, Qincheng, Shengdi, Yiren, Papaya, Dendrobium, Phellodendron cork, the lower part of the damp heat.

Tongshengdi, red peony, licorice, danpi, gypsum, treat wind, heat and toothache.

Qianghuo (divergent wind and cold medicine)

"The Meaning of Medicine"

Qianghuo belongs to the yang with a slight yin, the body is light and weak, the color is purple, the air is fragrant and masculine, the taste is bitter (Yungan, non), the sex is slightly warm, it can rise and fall, the force is divergent, the sex is heavy and the taste is light, and it enters the four meridians of the bladder, small intestine, liver and kidney.

Qiang is vigorous and masculine, sweating and relieving the surface, and it is a foot sun bladder meridian medicine. From the beginning to the heel, the big is all-encompassing, the small is all-encompassing, and the transparent joints are the fastest. If you use the Lord more to disperse evil spirits, all rheumatism and cold, cold and fever, headache and body pain, so as to vent your senses, for the master of chaos. If it is used less, it will be a good trick, where the bone joints around the body are painful, wind and heat, and stroke paralysis, and the hands and feet are not successful, so as to dredge the airway and relieve the meridians. Pox is used at home, it can transport poison, chase pus on the surface, eliminate poison and heat carbuncles, and relieve the pain of 100 joints. The only living breath is fragrant and turbid, and the evil of good deeds is divided into blood; Qiang is vigorous and pure, and good deeds are evil.

Qianghuo (divergent wind and cold medicine)

Modern pharmacology

Traditional Chinese medicine Qianghuo mainly contains volatile oils: α-thujene, α-pinene, β-pinene, etc.; Coumarins: Purple unaragin, Qianghuol, Isoimperatorin, 8-Methylisoimperatorin; Phenolic ingredients: Zanthoxylum toxinol. It also contains fatty acids, amino acids, sugars, etc.

Traditional Chinese medicine Qianghuo has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic effects, and has inhibitory effects on skin fungi and brucella. Qianghuo volatile oil can fight against myocardial ischemia caused by posterior pituitary lobes and increase myocardial trophic blood flow. The water-soluble part of Qianghuo has anti-experimental arrhythmia effect. Qianghuo has an inhibitory effect on delayed allergic reactions in mice.

Time: 2024
Qianghuo (divergent wind and cold medicine)