
Nepeta (divergent wind chill medicine)

author:Words and Bodies Medical Society
Nepeta (divergent wind chill medicine)

"Shennong's Materia Medica" lists the Chinese medicine nepeta in the Chinese product, saying that it is "the main cold and heat, rat fistula, scrofula, sores, broken and agglomerated, blood stasis, and dehumidification and paralysis", which more accurately records the main main treatment scope of this product. Since the Tang Dynasty, the supplement of materia medica to its function has been gradually enriched. "Treatise on Medicinal Properties" proposes that this product "cures evil wind and thief wind, mouth and face evil, stubborn paralysis all over the body, forgetfulness of the heart, benefits and strength, and repels evil and poisonous gases, and removes labor...... Treatment of swelling ...... The main Tongli blood, sending the five internal organs to lack of qi, can sweat, and remove cold wind"; "Dietary Materia Medica" added to the treatment of "typhoid headache, dizziness, and tendons"; "Rihuazi Materia Medica" says "cure head wind and sweat".

Nepeta (divergent wind chill medicine)
Nepeta is mostly born next to the house or in the shrubs, the altitude is generally not more than 2500 meters, the plant is relatively tall, can grow to more than one meter high, and is also very fragrant. It is used by people all over Europe to prevent and treat stomach problems, anemia and many other diseases. Today let's talk about the Chinese medicine nepeta.
Nepeta (divergent wind chill medicine)
The traditional Chinese medicine Nepeta was first published in the "Shennong's Materia Medica" in the name of false Su. "Tujing Materia Medica" explains that "the fragrance is like Su, so it is named". The Three Kingdoms "Wu Pu Materia Medica" said: "Fake Su is a nepeta", and it was called nepeta. "Famous Doctors" said: "Fake Su, a ginger mustard". The "Compendium of Materia Medica" explains the name: "(False Su) Su, ginger, and mustard are all because of the spicy smell, such as Su, ginger, and mustard." It can be seen that the name of nepeta is related to its spicy smell. Now with nepeta as the correct name of this product, in addition to the pseudonym, rat fruit, ginger mustard, artemisia quadrangular, fragrant nepeta, thread mustard and so on.

Chinese medicine

The traditional Chinese medicine Nepeta is the dry aerial part of the Lamiaceae plant Nepeta. It is mainly produced in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hebei and Hubei. Mostly cultivated. In summer and autumn, when the flowers bloom to the top and the ears are green, they are harvested, impurities are removed, and they are dried. Slice segments. This product is aromatic, slightly astringent and spicy. It is better to have thin stems, purple color, many ears and strong aroma. Raw.

Nepeta (divergent wind chill medicine)

Traditional Chinese medicine nepeta has a pungent taste and is slightly warm. Return to the lungs and liver meridians. It has the effect of dissolving the surface and dissipating wind, diaphragm, and eliminating sores.

Note: This product has a strong power of Xinsan, and should not be used by those who are weak and sweaty; Those who have penetrated measles and ulcers should not use it.

Nepeta (divergent wind chill medicine)

"Materia Medica"

The smell is pungent and warm, and it is non-toxic. The main cold and heat, rat fistula, scrofula, sores, broken and agglomerated gas, blood stasis, and dehumidification.

[Nuclear said] false Su, that is, nepeta. Stealing like Lusu, originally wild, now for common use, so a variety of fish. In February, the cloth seedlings are born, with square stems and thin leaves, like falling hedges and thin. Bloom small flowers in August, make ears into a house, the house is like a water soy, there are fine seeds like a leaflet, the color is yellow and red, and the ears are harvested.

[Reference] the fake Su Zhi, hence the name fake Su. For example, if the false cold and heat are rat fistula and scrofula, the fake qi is knotted and gathered, the fake blood is stasis, the fake dampness is the boiled, and the fake fake is not true. Also known as Xinjiang, nepeta. The boundary of Xinjiang painting is divided, and Jing Fang mustard is also hard. Words can draw borders, special domains, and new ones.

Nepeta (divergent wind chill medicine)

Commentary on the Materia Medica

The temperature, the taste is pungent and non-toxic. The main cold and heat, rat fistula, scrofula and sores, breaking and accumulating qi, blood stasis, and dehumidification.

The temperature of nepeta, the wood gas of the spring rise in the sky, enters the foot less yang gallbladder meridian, and the foot syncope yin liver meridian; The taste is spicy and non-toxic, and the golden taste of the West is obtained, and the Taiyin Lung Meridian is started. The smell rises, and so does the yang. Shaoyang gallbladder Sutra, half of the surface and half of the mile, the evil guest is cold and hot, nepeta is bitter and warm, and the reconciliation of Shaoyang, so the Lord. Rats fistula and scabies produce sores, all of which are less yang fire depression, nepeta spicy to reach the wind and wood gas, warm to the phase of fire depression, depression fire and wind tranquility, all symptoms are flat. Eating and drinking into the stomach, dispersing essence in the liver, the liver does not disperse essence, qi accumulates and accumulates, nepeta enters the liver, and the temperature can move qi, so the lord is. The liver hides blood, the blood travels with the qi, the liver qi stagnation, the blood is also stagnant and stasis, the temperature can be qi, and the xin can break the blood, so the blood stasis is also. The lungs are also the officials of the waterways, and if the waterways are not passed, the dampness and heat will become gangrene, and the nepeta can moisten the lungs, and the lungs will be treated by the waterways, so the dampness will be removed.


Nepeta is the same as children's stool and treats postpartum hemorrhage.

With acacia flowers, it treats blood in the stool.

Ibid., Heal Scepter.

Nepeta panicle, the end, the wine takes two coins, treats stroke and mouth silence, and also treats postpartum wind and depression.

Nepeta (divergent wind chill medicine)

Modern pharmacology

Traditional Chinese medicine nepeta mainly contains volatile oils: menthone, etc.; Monoterpenoids: nepetaside, nepetrol, nepetadiol, etc. It also contains flavonoids.

The decoction of Chinese medicine nepeta can enhance blood circulation in the skin, increase the secretion of sweat glands, and have a weak antipyretic effect. Nepeta has a strong antibacterial effect on Staphylococcus aureus and diphtheria bacillus, and has a certain inhibitory effect on typhoid bacillus, dysentery bacillus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Mycobacterium tuberculosis human. Raw products cannot significantly shorten the bleeding time, while nepeta charcoal can shorten the bleeding time. Nepeta methanol and ethyl acetate extracts have certain analgesic effects. Nepeta has a significant anti-inflammatory effect on the inflammation caused by acetic acid, and nepeta spike has a significant anti-complement effect.

Nepeta (divergent wind chill medicine)


This product is a processed product of nepeta. Take the nepeta section and fry it according to the charcoal method until the surface is charred black and the inside is charred yellow, spray a little water, extinguish the fire, take it out, and dry it. Spicy, astringent, lukewarm; Return to the lungs and liver meridians. Functional convergence hemostasis. It is suitable for blood in the stool, leakage, and postpartum blood halo.

Time: 2024
Nepeta (divergent wind chill medicine)