
How to use a man's guilt to make him love you more and more?

author:Saiko Emotion

By mastering their psychological mechanisms, such as guilt, you will be able to effectively grasp their behavior.

Today, I'm going to share how to take advantage of this.

Guilt, to put it bluntly, is the embodiment of "the beginning of man, the nature is good".

If someone says that they don't feel guilty, then stay away from him, this kind of person may really have no conscience.

I'll give you an example: for example, if your husband agrees to pick you up, but he is late, will he feel guilty?

Of course, he would be embarrassed.

But think about it, what would you do if your husband was late for picking you up?

A lot of people seem to be caught, and you give me a sophistry when you're late, what's wrong, right?

Then you accuse him, stand on the moral high ground and criticize him, even ask for reparations or reparations, etc.

That way, his guilt would disappear.

He would even think, "Isn't it just a little late, you are like this, do you know how congested the road is?" You don't understand me at all! ”

How to use a man's guilt to make him love you more and more?


Some men do something wrong outside and feel guilty about their family.

But if you're always arguing with him, arguing with him, and making him feel bad, he'll just think, "I should have separated from her a long time ago." ”

Although it is his fault for cheating, if you just stand on the moral high ground and blame him, without magnifying his guilt, then you will gain nothing.

So, how can we take advantage of men's guilt?

The key is to amplify it, and the way to amplify it is to refuse and welcome, and to capture and indulge.

Specifically, when he did something that made you unhappy, you didn't directly mess with him, but rather understood him, but were secretly sad.

I'll give you an example of myself, you will definitely understand after listening to it, even I, a psychological counselor, am no exception, and I was pinched to death by my wife.

I remember very clearly, one year Valentine's Day was coming, and we planned where to go for this Valentine's Day, and I planned to stop working that day and take a day off.

How to use a man's guilt to make him love you more and more?

However, there is a very important meeting that must be attended temporarily, and the event party has booked the tickets.

And it's an event held by an author that I used to love and respect, so I'm definitely going to go.

However, I was entangled, how to explain to my wife when I went home?

Along the way, I felt a lot of guilt.

What's more, as soon as I got home, I saw that she was packing her luggage, and she was almost packed, and the suitcase was on the side, so I couldn't say anything.

But they called me again and told me to pack my bags and go tomorrow.

I couldn't help it, I could only say okay, and after saying that, I thought she would be sad and sad and blame me, but she didn't.

She was stunned for a few seconds before telling me, "Okay then, then you stay safe tomorrow." ”

Without saying anything else, he returned to his room with his packed luggage.

It's the kind of, you know, I saw the back of her pulling her suitcase towards the room, and I really couldn't stand it.

I didn't want to go immediately, but I couldn't help it.

I thought: Alas, forget it, it's a big deal to come back a little earlier tomorrow, and then accompany her.

Okay, that's over.

But in the evening, something happened that made me even more uncomfortable.

When she slept, no one spoke, and she lay with her back to her. After a while, what sound did I hear?

She was crying, crying alone, and she didn't say anything.

You see, how can I stand this?

I immediately sent a message telling me that I couldn't go, and then it was changed to a conference call, and I didn't go.

You see, that's a typical pinch.

How to use a man's guilt to make him love you more and more?

Although I knew very well that it was my guilt that was at work, I was still being manipulated by her.

That's why I think she's going to be angry, but not only is she not angry, she's understanding of me, but she's secretly sad.

Can men stand it? Stand!

And what is the point of achieving others? It was someone else who needed me to save her, not the kind of "hey, that hero, come and save this place" instruction and teaching.

It's that I feel like you need me, and that's the heroism of men.

You have to mobilize his heroism and his sense of guilt, which is not something you can handle!

Do the girls get it!

How to use a man's guilt to make him love you more and more?