
In 1984, a man dug up a golden silkworm in a pond, and five days later, someone offered 8,000 yuan and refused to sell it

author:Zhuxi Literature
In 1984, a man dug up a golden silkworm in a pond, and five days later, someone offered 8,000 yuan and refused to sell it
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
In 1984, a man dug up a golden silkworm in a pond, and five days later, someone offered 8,000 yuan and refused to sell it

In the late autumn of 1984, an incredible piece of news came out of an ordinary village in Ankang, Shaanxi Province. Tan Fuquan, a local farmer, accidentally found a golden silkworm in the pond in front of his home.

This special "golden silkworm" quickly caused a sensation, not only attracting the attention of the whole village, but also alarming the county leaders.

Just five days later, a businessman from Mongolia came to the door and offered a sky-high price of 8,000 yuan to buy the golden silkworm. You know, at the time, this was a huge amount equivalent to 267 months' wages for the average worker.

However, to everyone's surprise, in the face of such an attractive offer, Tan Fuquan resolutely refused.

In 1984, a man dug up a golden silkworm in a pond, and five days later, someone offered 8,000 yuan and refused to sell it

What's the secret behind this decision? A saga spanning nearly 40 years begins.

Tan Fuquan was born in 1937 in Tanjiawan Village, Chihe Town, Shiquan County, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province. He and his wife Fu Yuanxiang are raising five children together, and their lives are not easy.

In order to subsidize the family, Tan Fuquan often led his family to pan for gold in a pond about thirty or forty meters in front of his house. The pond is located downstream of the Jihe River, the largest tributary of the Han River, and has been deposited over the years to contain a lot of gold in the sand.

On an ordinary afternoon in the autumn of 1984, Tan Fuquan and his family were busy in the pond as usual. When they dug to a depth of two or three meters in the pond, the eldest son, Tan Kebao, suddenly exclaimed.

In 1984, a man dug up a golden silkworm in a pond, and five days later, someone offered 8,000 yuan and refused to sell it

I saw him holding a yellow silkworm in his hand and excitedly showing it to his father.

Just when the whole family was immersed in joy, an unexpected birth occurred. A young man took advantage of the chaos to take the golden silkworm into his mouth and tried to sneak it away. Fortunately, Tan Fuquan was quick to stop this behavior in time, so that this treasure was not recovered.

With this unexpected joy, Tan Fuquan hurried home. He carefully handed the golden silkworm to his wife Fu Yuanxiang, who immediately found his dowry mahogany box and solemnly treasured the golden silkworm.

The news of the golden silkworm spread like wings and soon spread throughout the village. In the past few days, an endless stream of villagers have flocked to Tan's house, just to see the demeanor of this magical golden silkworm.

In 1984, a man dug up a golden silkworm in a pond, and five days later, someone offered 8,000 yuan and refused to sell it

The loudspeaker in the village even specially broadcast the news, which made the threshold of the Tan family be trampled on. This golden silkworm seems to have brought a ray of hope to the impoverished Tan family.

However, Tan Fuquan and his wife were not carried away by the joy in front of them. They realized that this might be a rare treasure and did not dare to be careless. Every night, Tan Fuquan would repeatedly check the storage location of the golden silkworm, for fear of accidents.

On the fifth day after the golden silkworm was discovered, a businessman from Mongolia came to the door and offered a high price of 8,000 yuan to buy the golden silkworm. This figure shocked Tan Fuquan and his wife.

You must know that in 1984, the monthly salary of ordinary workers was only twenty or thirty yuan. Faced with such a huge temptation, Tan Fuquan's heart couldn't help but set off huge waves.

In 1984, a man dug up a golden silkworm in a pond, and five days later, someone offered 8,000 yuan and refused to sell it

However, to everyone's surprise, Tan Fuquan finally chose to reject this deal that was enough to change the fate of the whole family.

Faced with the huge temptation of 8,000 yuan, Tan Fuquan said firmly: "This is a treasure of our country, how can it be easily sold to foreigners?" This decision has puzzled many people, but Tan Fuquan has his own considerations in mind.

He was well aware that this golden silkworm might have important historical value, and was determined to find out its true identity.

With apprehension, Tan Fuquan decided to go to the Xi'an Museum to seek expert identification. However, at that time, he was shy in his pocket, so he could only borrow 50 yuan from his cousin as a travel fee.

In 1984, a man dug up a golden silkworm in a pond, and five days later, someone offered 8,000 yuan and refused to sell it

With the expectations of the whole family, Tan Fuquan embarked on a journey to the provincial capital.

After arriving at the Xi'an Museum, the staff warmly received the farmer from the countryside. However, the conclusions reached by the experts after their research disappointed Tan Fuquan.

They thought it might just be an imitation and recommended sending it to Beijing for further identification. This news was like a basin of cold water poured on Tan Fuquan's head, but he did not give up.

When leaving the museum, the staff understood Tan Fuquan's plight and gave him 70 yuan for his travel expenses. However, Tan Fuquan, who came to the big city for the first time, soon got lost in the bustling streets.

In 1984, a man dug up a golden silkworm in a pond, and five days later, someone offered 8,000 yuan and refused to sell it

After wandering the streets for a long time, it was getting late, and he had to return to the museum again to ask for help. Faced with Tan Fuquan's dilemma, although a staff member was a little reluctant, he still gave him another 30 yuan.

With a little loss and more expectations, Tan Fuquan returned to his hometown. He and his wife, Fu Yuanxiang, looked forward to the news of the museum every day, but day after day, there was no news.

As time passed, the hope in their hearts gradually faded.

Just when Tan Fuquan and his wife were about to give up hope, an exciting news came: their golden silkworm was actually identified as a national first-class cultural relic! This news was like a thunderclap, which not only shocked Tan Fu's family, but also made the entire village boil.

In 1984, a man dug up a golden silkworm in a pond, and five days later, someone offered 8,000 yuan and refused to sell it

However, after the joy, a trace of regret welled up in Tan Fuquan's heart. He began to regret why he didn't go to Beijing to witness the process in person. But soon, he was relieved again - no matter what, the golden silkworm had finally returned to its rightful place.

This experience made Tan Fuquan deeply appreciate the complexity of cultural relics identification. From initial skepticism to final recognition, every step is fraught with unknowns and challenges. Despite the twists and turns, the end result proved that he made the right decision.

Tan Fuquan's story quickly spread throughout the local area, and people praised him for his vision. However, Tan Fuquan did not become complacent because of this. He often said, "I just did what a Chinese citizen should do."

These simple and unpretentious words expressed his deep feelings for the country in his heart.

In 1984, a man dug up a golden silkworm in a pond, and five days later, someone offered 8,000 yuan and refused to sell it

Although the golden silkworm has left the Tan family, its impact is far from over. This experience not only changed the fate of Tan Fuquan's family, but also added a touch of color to their lives.

Whenever he recalls those days of searching for the truth, Tan Fuquan's eyes always shine with pride.

With the in-depth research of experts, the mystery of this golden silkworm is gradually revealed. It turns out that it is a precious cultural relic of the Western Han Dynasty, and its exquisite craftsmanship and unique historical value are breathtaking.

This golden silkworm is 5 years long. 6 cm, chest 1. 9 cm and weighs only 0. 01 kg. Although it is small in size, its production process is extremely complex. Craftsmen first cast the basic form of the silkworm in red copper, and then used a sophisticated gilding technique to melt the gold leaf in mercury and cover the surface of the copper tire.

In 1984, a man dug up a golden silkworm in a pond, and five days later, someone offered 8,000 yuan and refused to sell it

After heating, the mercury evaporates, and the gold leaf is firmly attached to the silkworm's body, forming this beautiful work of art.

The shape of the golden silkworm is lifelike, the nine abdominal segments of the whole body are clearly visible, and the tail foot, chest foot and abdominal foot are all available, showing a lifelike silk spinning posture. Although there is a slight wear and tear due to age, it does not affect its overall beauty at all.

Experts marvel at the superb skills of ancient craftsmen and believe that this cultural relic is not only an artistic treasure, but also a microcosm of the scientific and technological level of ancient China.

What's even more exciting is that this golden silkworm is the only gilded silkworm unearthed in the world so far, and it is speculated that it is likely to be a special imperial gift made by the emperor of the Western Han Dynasty in recognition of silkworm farmers.

In 1984, a man dug up a golden silkworm in a pond, and five days later, someone offered 8,000 yuan and refused to sell it

Its excavation provides key physical evidence for the study of the ancient Silk Road in China.

Ankang has been an important production area and foreign trade export base of sericulture and silk since ancient times. The silk produced in the region was transported to Chang'an through the Meridian Road, and then sold to Central Asia and Western countries through the Silk Road.

The discovery of this golden silkworm not only confirms the records of many ancient documents, but also adds a strong evidence to the long history of sericulture in Ankang.

With the deepening of research, experts were surprised to find that this golden silkworm is not only an artistic treasure, but also a microcosm of an era, carrying the wisdom and ingenuity of ancient China.

In 1984, a man dug up a golden silkworm in a pond, and five days later, someone offered 8,000 yuan and refused to sell it

Every detail of it tells a little-known history, and one can't help but be in awe of the ingenuity of the ancients. This unexpected discovery has opened up a new perspective for the study of ancient Chinese civilization and added a precious wealth to the world cultural heritage.

The discovery of the golden silkworm brought Tan Fuquan unexpected honors, but the turmoil of life did not subside. Soon after, fate dealt a heavy blow to this ordinary peasant family.

Tan Fuquan was diagnosed with lung cancer, and the high medical costs were like a mountain, weighing down the already poor family.

Despite the best efforts of Tan Fuquan and his wife, the disease eventually ruthlessly took Tan Fuquan's life. On March 16, 2000, Tan Fuquan left this world forever, leaving his wife Fu Yuanxiang to face the hardships of life alone.

In 1984, a man dug up a golden silkworm in a pond, and five days later, someone offered 8,000 yuan and refused to sell it

Fu Yuanxiang, who lost her husband, did not bow to fate, she began to make a living by making soles and uppers, and supported the family with her own hands.

The weight of life did not crush this strong rural woman. Whenever she thinks of her husband's decision to donate golden silkworms, Fu Yuanxiang feels proud. She often said, "Life was hard, but we did the right thing."

This spirit has sustained her through one difficult day after another.

It was not until 2017, with the promotion of the "One Belt, One Road" policy, that this golden silkworm regained the attention of the society. People began to re-examine Tan Fuquan's selfless dedication back then, and his deeds were widely reported by the media.

In 1984, a man dug up a golden silkworm in a pond, and five days later, someone offered 8,000 yuan and refused to sell it

In 2019, the Shiquan county government made a decision to provide Fu Yuanxiang with a pension subsidy of 500 yuan per month in recognition of the Tan family's contribution to the protection of cultural relics.

In the face of the government's help, Fu Yuanxiang was grateful, but he did not give up his labor because of this. She still insists on making soles and uppers and selling them at the market. In her opinion, it is an obligation to hand over cultural relics to the state free of charge, and there is no need for too much praise.

She often said, "As long as I can move, I have to live with my own hands."

Fu Yuanxiang's strength and optimism touched many people. She interprets what real wealth is in her own way, and makes people rethink the meaning of money and value.

In 1984, a man dug up a golden silkworm in a pond, and five days later, someone offered 8,000 yuan and refused to sell it

Although life is still simple, Fu Yuanxiang's face is always filled with a happy smile. She said: "Although Lao Tan and I failed to leave the golden silkworm, we left a priceless treasure in our hearts.

Looking back at Tan Fuquan's choice, I can't help but think deeply: if I were to change myself, how would I choose in the face of the huge temptation of 8,000 yuan? In 1984, this money was enough to change the fate of an ordinary peasant family.

However, Tan Fuquan resolutely chose to donate, and this selfless spirit is admirable.

The story of Tan Fuquan and Fu Yuanxiang shows the feelings of family and country of ordinary Chinese farmers. Instead of being shaken by the difficulties of life, they put the interests of the country above their personal gains and losses.

In 1984, a man dug up a golden silkworm in a pond, and five days later, someone offered 8,000 yuan and refused to sell it

This spirit is the vivid embodiment of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. In the era of scarcity of material conditions, they used their actions to interpret what true patriotism is.

However, the story also raises questions about how do we balance personal and national interests? How can we protect cultural heritage while still giving the discoverers what they deserve? These questions are still worth exploring.

This story, which happened to ordinary people, reflects the spiritual character of a nation. It is not only a tribute to the past, but also a revelation to the future. In the journey of the new era, we need to continue to inherit this spirit of selfless dedication and contribute to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The choice of Tan Fuquan and Fu Yuanxiang also provided valuable experience for the protection of cultural relics. It reminds us that the preservation of cultural heritage requires not only the efforts of professionals, but also the participation and support of ordinary people.

In 1984, a man dug up a golden silkworm in a pond, and five days later, someone offered 8,000 yuan and refused to sell it

Every citizen has the responsibility and obligation to contribute to the preservation of the country's cultural heritage.

In the end, the lesson of this story is that greatness often comes from the ordinary, and everyone can make history without even noticing. Just like Tan Fuquan and Fu Yuanxiang, their ordinary actions have made extraordinary historical contributions.

This spirit is worth learning and inheriting from each of us.

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