
15 years ago, the American actress who said that the Wenchuan earthquake was China's "retribution", what is happening now?

author:Zhuxi Literature
15 years ago, the American actress who said that the Wenchuan earthquake was China's "retribution", what is happening now?
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15 years ago, the American actress who said that the Wenchuan earthquake was China's "retribution", what is happening now?

In 2008, a shocking piece of news swept the world. American actress Sharon Stone actually called the Wenchuan earthquake "interesting thing" and "retribution" in an interview.

This cold-blooded remark was like a heavy punch, which instantly detonated international public opinion. The Chinese people are outraged, and people from all walks of life around the world have condemned it. The once glamorous Hollywood actress fell into the whirlpool of public opinion in an instant, and Audi China immediately announced the termination of all cooperative relations with her.

Stone's career and reputation took a heavy hit, hitting rock bottom overnight. 15 years have passed, what is the situation of Sharon Stone, who was open-mouthed back then? What ups and downs has she experienced in her life? Let's take a look back at this controversial past.

Sharon Stone's life is like a Hollywood blockbuster, full of dramatic ups and downs. In 1958, she was born into an ordinary family in Pennsylvania, USA.

15 years ago, the American actress who said that the Wenchuan earthquake was China's "retribution", what is happening now?

However, as a child, Stone experienced a haze that is unimaginable to ordinary people. She and her sister were sexually abused by her grandfather, and this dark experience is deeply imprinted in her heart like a scar that will never heal.

Perhaps it was this painful past that shaped her rebellious and complex character in the future.

With dreams of becoming a lawyer, young Stone was determined to bring his inferior grandfather to justice. However, fate made people, and her studies were mediocre, and she finally gave up this ideal.

At the age of 22, Stone decided to break into Hollywood and launched her acting career. However, the gap between the ideal and the reality is far wider than she imagined. For the next ten years, Stone could only play supporting roles in some obscure films, and he was never able to win the favor of the public.

15 years ago, the American actress who said that the Wenchuan earthquake was China's "retribution", what is happening now?

It wasn't until 1992 that the 34-year-old Stone ushered in a turning point in his life. In the restrictive film "Instinct", she took on a very challenging role.

For this opportunity, Stone paid a huge price. The director asked her to fully reveal herself in front of the camera, even her panties had to be removed. Faced with such a request, Stone was full of struggle and hesitation.

However, in order to be able to become famous in one fell swoop, she finally chose to compromise.

This decision did bring Stone unprecedented success, but it also labeled her a "star". She has managed to become an international superstar, enjoying unparalleled glory, but also suffering from the pressure and criticism that comes with it.

15 years ago, the American actress who said that the Wenchuan earthquake was China's "retribution", what is happening now?

In those days, a woman often had to pay more if she wanted to gain a foothold in Hollywood.

Stone's success didn't come easily, but she wasn't satisfied. In the years that followed, she continued to try to break through herself and challenge various roles. In 1995, she played the wife of Robert De Niro in "Las Vegas", and won the Best Actress crown at the 53rd World Awards for her outstanding performance, further establishing her status in Hollywood.

However, the Hollywood stage is always brutal, and the audience's eyes are always chasing the novelty. Gradually, Stone found it difficult to replicate his former glory. In order to maintain her popularity, she had to constantly challenge her bottom line.

In 2003, she published a memoir titled "The Beauty of Two Lives," which chronicles her upbringing, including her childhood experiences of sexual abuse and the injustices she suffered while making large-scale films.

15 years ago, the American actress who said that the Wenchuan earthquake was China's "retribution", what is happening now?

As soon as the book came out, it immediately sparked widespread controversy.

Stone's story is like a microcosm of Hollywood, full of bright light, but also hidden gloom that cannot be ignored. Her experience teaches us that the cost of fame is sometimes much greater than we think.

With the advent of the new century, Sharon Stone's acting career began to decline. The once radiant Hollywood actress is now facing unprecedented challenges.

In 2005, Stone starred in the crime movie "Catwoman" again, hoping to revive himself, but unexpectedly encountered Waterloo. After the film was released, audiences and critics gave unanimous negative reviews.

15 years ago, the American actress who said that the Wenchuan earthquake was China's "retribution", what is happening now?

That once stunning Sharon Stone can now only rely on her naked body to attract the audience's attention. In the end, she "won" the Golden Raspberry Award for this work, an "honor" given to low-quality films.

For a superstar who once dominated the film industry, this is undoubtedly a heavy blow. However, Stone didn't give in to it. In order to save the decline, she launched "Instinct 2" the following year.

It's a pity that instead of helping her return to the top, this sequel put her in an embarrassing situation again. Stone, who is nearly half a hundred years old, has a face covered with traces of time, and his once amazing figure no longer exists.

The audience began to lose interest in her, and for many years in a row, she could not escape the "favor" of the Golden Raspberry Award.

15 years ago, the American actress who said that the Wenchuan earthquake was China's "retribution", what is happening now?

Over the next five years, Stone's situation became increasingly difficult. She was unable to receive any influential film work, and her once brilliant career seemed to fall into eternal night.

Just when Stone's career fell to the bottom and needed to turn around urgently, the Wenchuan earthquake occurred in 2008. This catastrophe, which claimed the lives of nearly 70,000 people, touched the hearts of the whole world.

Stone, however, chose a grossly inappropriate way to regain attention.

On May 22, in an interview, Stone went so far as to call the disaster "a funny thing" and "retribution." As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused an uproar around the world.

15 years ago, the American actress who said that the Wenchuan earthquake was China's "retribution", what is happening now?

The Chinese people were outraged, and the international community strongly condemned her remarks. Audi China quickly dissolved all cooperative relations with it, and the once high-flying Hollywood actress was instantly reduced to a street rat that everyone shouted at.

In the face of overwhelming criticism, Stone seemed to realize his mistake. On September 9, 2008, in an interview with Hong Kong media, she reluctantly said an apology: "The reporter distorted my original words, but in fact I did not mean to do so, I want to apologize to China."

However, this seemingly sincere apology exposes her nature of shirking responsibility.

When the Hong Kong media released the original footage of the interview, Stone's lies were completely exposed. Faced with hard evidence, she had to admit her mistake. However, it was too late.

15 years ago, the American actress who said that the Wenchuan earthquake was China's "retribution", what is happening now?

As a result of the turmoil, Stone lost the Chinese market, both financially and reputationally.

Stone's words and actions not only caused anger among the Chinese people, but even the Japanese media, which has long had a tense relationship with China, reported on the incident. They thought it was a disaster that no one wanted to see, but it was used as a hype tool by some unscrupulous stars.

This series of events ruthlessly reveals Stone's true nature. Her arrogant and prejudiced remarks not only ruined the career she had worked so hard for many years, but also made the world see her true colors.

The price of falling from the top was enormous, and Stone paid a heavy price for his unbridled mouthful.

15 years ago, the American actress who said that the Wenchuan earthquake was China's "retribution", what is happening now?

This once dominant Hollywood actress now has to face the dilemma of double failure in her career and reputation. Her story teaches us that no matter how successful a person is, one should always be humble and empathetic.

An inappropriate remark can ruin a person's years of hard work and accumulation.

As the saying goes, if you plant melons, you will get melons, and if you plant beans, you will get beans. Sharon Stone's inappropriate remarks back then finally got the "reward" of fate many years later. In 2020, a sudden new crown epidemic swept the world, and countless families fell into grief.

Stone's family was not spared.

15 years ago, the American actress who said that the Wenchuan earthquake was China's "retribution", what is happening now?

Stone, who was once arrogant and arrogant, has to face a cruel reality at this time: her beloved grandmother, godmother, seriously ill sister and brother-in-law are all on the verge of life and death.

The catastrophe ruthlessly shattered Stone's world and made her truly appreciate the fragility and impermanence of life.

In a media interview, Stone poured out bitterly: "People are struggling, and the culprit of all this is the government's lies." She blamed all the blame on then-US President Donald Trump, believing that it was the so-called "free" speech he advocated that led to the successive deaths of her loved ones.

The video quickly went viral around the world, sparking widespread discussion in China, in particular. At that time, China was going all out to implement a strict anti-epidemic policy, taking a series of decisive and effective measures.

15 years ago, the American actress who said that the Wenchuan earthquake was China's "retribution", what is happening now?

Many Chinese netizens expressed strong sarcasm about Stone's experience, believing that it was entirely the result of her own doing.

Once upon a time, Stone was indifferent to the suffering of the Chinese, and even called it "retribution". Now, when disaster befell her, she has begun to speak out and condemn the government's inaction.

Fate gave her a resounding slap in the face, and also made her truly experience the pain experienced by the Chinese people back then.

It all seemed like a merciless mockery. Twelve years ago, Stone saw the Wenchuan earthquake as "funny" and "retribution," but now she herself is in a similar pain.

15 years ago, the American actress who said that the Wenchuan earthquake was China's "retribution", what is happening now?

Those lives that she once despised have now become the ones she cherishes the most.

Stone's story provokes deep thought. Some sympathize with her situation, believing that she has paid the price for her words and deeds; Others believe that this is self-inflicted and the inevitable result of her arrogant words and deeds.

In any case, Stone's story teaches us a lesson: freedom of speech is important, but it is more important to know how to respect life and cherish the value of each person.

Time has passed, and the once dazzling Hollywood stars now have to face the impermanence of fate. Stone's experience teaches us that no matter where you are, you should be humble and empathetic.

15 years ago, the American actress who said that the Wenchuan earthquake was China's "retribution", what is happening now?

Because of the fragility and impermanence of life, we may feel the suffering of others at any time.

Sharon Stone isn't the only international star to get into trouble with inappropriate remarks. In the entertainment industry, similar incidents occur from time to time, which has brought us a profound warning.

The famous American actor Jimmy Kimmel once made an extremely inappropriate response to how to solve the problem of the United States' debt to China in a 2013 episode.

He said: "We can take a detour to the other side of the world and make the Chinese all disappear!" As soon as this remark came out, it immediately aroused strong dissatisfaction among the majority of Chinese audiences.

15 years ago, the American actress who said that the Wenchuan earthquake was China's "retribution", what is happening now?

In the face of the surging criticism, Kimmel had to publicly apologize on the show, promising never to make similar inappropriate remarks in the future.

Similarly, South Korean artist Jang Nara has also lost the favor of the Chinese market because of a casual remark. In 2009, she said in an interview with Korean television: "When I have a tight production budget, I choose to perform in China.

As soon as this sentence came out, it immediately aroused strong dissatisfaction among countless Chinese fans and the public. Many believe that Ms. Zhang's use of the Chinese market as an "ATM" has seriously hurt the feelings of Chinese audiences.

These cases are a reminder that as public figures, everything we say and do is subject to widespread scrutiny. Any irresponsible remarks may cause irreparable damage to one's career and life.

15 years ago, the American actress who said that the Wenchuan earthquake was China's "retribution", what is happening now?

In this era of rapid information dissemination, we should be more cautious in our words and deeds and respect the feelings of every country and nation.

Sharon Stone's story is a profound revelation. As public figures, their words and actions have a huge impact on society. However, this influence is a double-edged sword.

It can spread positive energy or trigger negative effects.

Respect for the cultures and feelings of other countries is a norm that everyone should keep in mind. Sensationalism may bring short-lived attention, but in the end it will only damage one's reputation and career.

15 years ago, the American actress who said that the Wenchuan earthquake was China's "retribution", what is happening now?

In this era of rapid information dissemination, we should be more cautious in our words and deeds, and treat everyone and every country with kindness and respect.

Fifteen years later, Stone's lessons are still worth pondering. Whether you are an ordinary person or a celebrity, you should recognize the impact of your words and actions, and always maintain humility and empathy.

Only in this way can we live together harmoniously and progress together in this interconnected world.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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