
The first sword on the shore is to cut the person you want first

author:There are always endless kisses
The first sword on the shore is to cut the person you want first

That day, I heard a rumor - "The first sword on the shore, the first to kill the person you want". My heart tightened, should our relationship also come to this point? But looking back on the road we've traveled, I know you're not that kind of person.

The first sword on the shore is to cut the person you want first
The first sword on the shore is to cut the person you want first

Our time together was plain but warm. I've never asked you for an expensive gift, and I've never taken advantage of you. Every time I get together, I always rush to pay the bill, just to prove that I am not the kind of person who is greedy for small profits. My girlfriends, roommates, and even the students in the student council have advised me that you are not reliable enough, but in my heart, you are always the one who will stand up when I need it.

The first sword on the shore is to cut the person you want first
The first sword on the shore is to cut the person you want first
The first sword on the shore is to cut the person you want first
The first sword on the shore is to cut the person you want first

In my sophomore year, I participated in a cheerleading competition and accidentally got hit by a ball. You're the first to rush up and grab the guy by the collar and make him apologize to me. At that moment, you were like a hero, guarding my side. Last summer, I stayed in school to prepare for the exam, and you silently brought me hot meals every day, which made me feel the warmth of home.

The first sword on the shore is to cut the person you want first
The first sword on the shore is to cut the person you want first
The first sword on the shore is to cut the person you want first
The first sword on the shore is to cut the person you want first

However, the reality is always cruel. I know I'm not the person in your life. Perhaps, I really don't deserve you, but believe me, I never wanted to drag you down. Today, I am writing these words to tell you: I let go, and I wish you a bright future and a bright future.

The first sword on the shore is to cut the person you want first