
Follow-up: The Fudan student who beat people was expelled from school, and his father's identity was suspected to be exposed, no wonder it was so difficult to drop out

author:Ginger fruit

The scene at the graduation ceremony of Fudan University a few days ago is still fresh in my memory.

The teacher gives the student a tassel to represent the student to complete this stage of study and move on to the next stage.

During the completion of this action, a student at Fudan University made an unexpected move that made himself and the school "famous". The student stretched out his palm and struck at the teacher, and the five finger prints appeared firmly on the teacher's cheek.

Follow-up: The Fudan student who beat people was expelled from school, and his father's identity was suspected to be exposed, no wonder it was so difficult to drop out

Unexpectedly, he not only did not realize his mistake, but posted his "glorious deeds" in the circle of friends, and the final punishment of "administrative detention" was already expected. At the time, Fudan University did not respond much to this behavior.

Follow-up: The Fudan student who beat people was expelled from school, and his father's identity was suspected to be exposed, no wonder it was so difficult to drop out

Now, after a series of investigations, Fudan University has come up with the final result: expulsion.

Follow-up: The Fudan student who beat people was expelled from school, and his father's identity was suspected to be exposed, no wonder it was so difficult to drop out

There are several reasons for this:

1. The person has been planning for a long time, not on the spur of the day or for any other reason.

2. It has had a very bad impact on the school and affects the reputation of the school.

3. Having a bad influence on society, knowing the law and breaking the law, treating teachers with no respect, hurting others and hurting oneself for one's own selfish desires.

When ordinary students see this result, they may feel that their past four years have been wasted, and they have no graduation certificate or anything, and they are full of panic. But for the student who beat someone, it can be regarded as "getting his wish".

The beating was premeditated, because before the beating, he had left foul language on the roll, tried to cheat with a communication tool, challenged the school rules, and removed him from the list. Even, he openly insulted his school in the form of a paper, but it was unsuccessful.

Follow-up: The Fudan student who beat people was expelled from school, and his father's identity was suspected to be exposed, no wonder it was so difficult to drop out
Follow-up: The Fudan student who beat people was expelled from school, and his father's identity was suspected to be exposed, no wonder it was so difficult to drop out
Follow-up: The Fudan student who beat people was expelled from school, and his father's identity was suspected to be exposed, no wonder it was so difficult to drop out

This beating has also been planned for a long time, otherwise it would not have been publicly explained in the circle of friends afterwards.

However, after this was issued, some netizens pointed out: He was not expelled from the test with a zero score at the beginning, why?

A zero score in the exam means that you will fail the subject, and if you do not have enough science points, you will be delayed from graduation or even drop out. Why didn't he?

Some say it's because of his strong background.

Repeated verbal abuse, many blatant provocations, for the person concerned, that is, the person who beat the person, just wanted to drop out of school, and had no other purpose. However, his family did not allow it, so he could only try his best to be a demon at school, so he challenged the rules and authority to achieve the goal of dropping out.

Some people say that it is because he is the son of a major figure in Taiwan that he will be challenged by such naïve and relatively stupid means under the pressure of his family.

Follow-up: The Fudan student who beat people was expelled from school, and his father's identity was suspected to be exposed, no wonder it was so difficult to drop out

Some people also said that his parents were in business, and let him study the Fa, but he himself was not happy, but his family did not agree to it, so he had a ridiculous behavior in the eyes of everyone.

But all this is just hearsay, and it has not been proven after all.

Follow-up: The Fudan student who beat people was expelled from school, and his father's identity was suspected to be exposed, no wonder it was so difficult to drop out

Now, he has been detained and expelled from school, and Peking University's Baoyan is estimated to have failed, I don't know if his wish has been fulfilled?

Many voices on the Internet say that it is because of our Taiwan compatriots that they have some preferential treatment, but preferential treatment does not mean that they can challenge the bottom line without a bottom line, and such a result will only prove their stupidity.

Finally, I would like to remind you here, don't be so stupid and bury your future, just because of impulsiveness, the gains outweigh the losses, and it is really unnecessary to hurt others and yourself.