
The incident of tourists being opened for inspection after passing through customs continued to ferment, and the details of their identities were exposed, which was too explosive

author:Ginger fruit

Reading the news, I accidentally saw a news: A Taiwanese woman traveled to Palau and was asked to break her butt for inspection when she passed through customs.

The first glance is to break open the ass to check, and the second glance is what is Palau?

To get to the bottom of the situation, look up Palau.

The incident of tourists being opened for inspection after passing through customs continued to ferment, and the details of their identities were exposed, which was too explosive
The incident of tourists being opened for inspection after passing through customs continued to ferment, and the details of their identities were exposed, which was too explosive

It turns out that Palau is a country, very small, with a population of only 18,000, in the western Pacific Ocean, surrounded by a lot of different terrain.

Discovered by explorers in 1710, it was occupied by Japan during World War I, occupied by the United States during World War II, negotiated with the United States in 1969, and became an independent country after ending its trusteeship in 1982.

It has been more than 40 years since the founding of the country, and in December 1982, they joined the United Nations as an independent state.

At the beginning of July, a long-haired woman wearing sunglasses and a pink jacket appeared in front of the public, telling her bizarre experience, and when it came to her excitement, the woman wanted to speak several times, because she was too ashamed to speak.

The incident of tourists being opened for inspection after passing through customs continued to ferment, and the details of their identities were exposed, which was too explosive

It turned out that in June this year, this Taiwanese friend spent more than 70,000 Taiwan dollars, equivalent to more than 10,000 yuan, and 14 of his friends chose to come to Palau for tourism, because Palau is an independent country, and travel must go through customs.

Customs inspections are usually more stringent to avoid some prohibited items from being brought into the country without careful inspection, thus posing a threat to national safety. But her experience was a bit too harsh, even beyond the normal range.

When she faced the public, she told more details.

The incident of tourists being opened for inspection after passing through customs continued to ferment, and the details of their identities were exposed, which was too explosive

During the inspection, he was detained by the customs and called to a small room, which was originally thought to be a normal inspection, but the other party asked to take off his underwear and underwear.

The woman felt ashamed and unacceptable, especially when she was naked and was checked, so she said to the other party: I don't like that, but the other party said that it must be checked like this, and the woman could only cooperate.

The incident of tourists being opened for inspection after passing through customs continued to ferment, and the details of their identities were exposed, which was too explosive

The woman took off her underwear, and the other party checked it with her hands, and also made a more explosive request: asked the other party to take off her pants and break her ass to check, and the same was true for the front.

The woman didn't like it, she was afraid of being repatriated, and she didn't want her friends to wait, so she did it, although she was extremely ashamed. It's just that when she returned to her hometown of Taiwan Province, she found the media to expose the matter.

The incident of tourists being opened for inspection after passing through customs continued to ferment, and the details of their identities were exposed, which was too explosive

When people saw the woman's story, they felt that this was a perverted behavior at all, but because of this matter, some departments in Taiwan fell into a relatively embarrassing situation.

This woman complained about the two "diplomatic relations", which is actually a joke, every year Taiwan will give them a lot of money, donate money to help them establish the general Tong Mansion, and treat foreign tourists like this.

Many people saw this and knew the country of Palau for the first time, and they didn't know what the name of the virus was.

The incident of tourists being opened for inspection after passing through customs continued to ferment, and the details of their identities were exposed, which was too explosive

Palau may not have imagined that it was originally unknown, but now it is known because of the operation of the customs.

Regarding this matter, You Zhibin, deputy spokesman of the New Party, said: Our people are asked to strip naked when they go sightseeing, and it is extremely bad. Spending NT$30 billion a year, as a result, the people's hard-earned money can't even cover their private parts.

When he said this, the spokesman was very resentful.

The incident of tourists being opened for inspection after passing through customs continued to ferment, and the details of their identities were exposed, which was too explosive
The incident of tourists being opened for inspection after passing through customs continued to ferment, and the details of their identities were exposed, which was too explosive

Those who pay attention to various situations point out directly and sharply: the reason why they are treated this way is because they lack strength. The so-called diplomatic relations are nonsense, and the best way is to return to your mother's arms as soon as possible and let her support you.

Your mother, China, is the second largest economy in the world, and now the economy is also growing, and if it were for your mother's protection, Palau would not dare to do this.

The incident of tourists being opened for inspection after passing through customs continued to ferment, and the details of their identities were exposed, which was too explosive

In fact, this kind of behavior is really hateful, no matter where the tourists come from, they should have a minimum of respect, such an approach is really inappropriate.

However, most people feel that this matter will not be resolved in the end.

If you really want to travel, it is recommended to choose a relatively developed country, first, to ensure safety and security, and second, human rights will be fully respected.

What do you think about this?