
World champion Li Na's quirks: After getting married, she doesn't change her name to call her parents, and she orders takeout and doesn't cook when she entertains guests

author:Loving Home Joy Reading
World champion Li Na's quirks: After getting married, she doesn't change her name to call her parents, and she orders takeout and doesn't cook when she entertains guests
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World champion Li Na's quirks: After getting married, she doesn't change her name to call her parents, and she orders takeout and doesn't cook when she entertains guests

In the tennis world, Li Na is a well-known name. Her serve is like a cannon and her backhand is like a sword, and her title is the dream of countless tennis fans.

However, when the World Champion unloaded her racket and returned home, her life took on a surprising aspect.

In the 14 years of marriage, Li Na has never taken the initiative to visit her mother-in-law. At home, she rarely sets foot in the kitchen, and even when she entertains guests, she is used to ordering takeout. What's even more surprising is that she still calls her in-laws "uncle and aunt" to this day.

These seemingly bizarre behaviors have puzzled many people. However, beneath these surfaces, are there hidden stories? Let's unravel the mysteries of the tennis star's life and explore the deeper reasons behind her unique behavior.

World champion Li Na's quirks: After getting married, she doesn't change her name to call her parents, and she orders takeout and doesn't cook when she entertains guests

Li Na's athletic career stemmed from a dream that was sealed in the dust of time. When her father, Li Shengpeng, was young, he worked hard in the provincial team with the passion to become an excellent badminton player.

However, the burden of life eventually forced him to put down his racket and return to his hometown factory to earn a living. This unfulfilled dream found new hope in his daughter.

Li Na's childhood was supposed to be an elegant journey of playing the piano and learning dance. Her parents spent all their money to buy her an expensive piano, looking forward to the little Li Na shining on the keys.

However, fate always likes to joke. In the face of the black and white keys, Xiao Li Na seemed to be lacking in interest, which disappointed her parents' expectations.

World champion Li Na's quirks: After getting married, she doesn't change her name to call her parents, and she orders takeout and doesn't cook when she entertains guests

That's when Li Na's grandfather came up with a life-changing suggestion: why not let your child try sports? This proposal seemed to open Pandora's box, unleashing the long-dormant athletic talent in Li Na's body.

At first, Li Na embarked on her father's old path - badminton. Whenever Li Shengpeng saw his daughter's figure, as if he saw the shadow of his youth, an indescribable sense of relief and expectation surged in his heart.

He secretly made up his mind that he wanted his daughter to be the one who made his dream come true.

However, fate once again showed its magic. Li Na's grandfather, the wise elder, was keenly aware of the sense of power his granddaughter displayed when she swung the racket. He realized that this force might be better suited to another sport – tennis.

World champion Li Na's quirks: After getting married, she doesn't change her name to call her parents, and she orders takeout and doesn't cook when she entertains guests

In this way, under the guidance of her family, Li Na's sports career shifted from badminton to tennis.

This seemingly simple change completely changed the trajectory of Li Na's life. Her talent is on full swing on the tennis courts, showing amazing potential.

From the provincial team to the national team, from the domestic arena to the international stage, Li Na climbed step by step, and finally became a tennis star who attracted worldwide attention.

Looking back, Li Na's success seems to have its own providence. Her father's athletic dreams, her grandfather's vision, her family's encouragement and support, and her own hard work and talent all came together to create a tennis legend.

World champion Li Na's quirks: After getting married, she doesn't change her name to call her parents, and she orders takeout and doesn't cook when she entertains guests

Li Na's story is not only her personal success, but also the continuation and realization of a family's dream.

In 1996, as soon as spring began to set foot in Guangzhou, 14-year-old Li Na packed her bags and prepared for an important game in her life. Before leaving, she had only one simple wish in her heart: to see her father.

At that time, Li Shengpeng was already seriously ill, but he still dragged his weak body to the station. The time when the father and daughter met was like a white horse, and the reunion of just ten seconds became their final farewell.

After the competition, Li Na received the sad news of her father's death. This blow was tantamount to a bolt from the blue for the young her. The figure who once cheered her on the sidelines of the court is now forever fixed in her memory.

World champion Li Na's quirks: After getting married, she doesn't change her name to call her parents, and she orders takeout and doesn't cook when she entertains guests

Li Na's heart was filled with sadness and regret, and how she wished that her father could witness her future achievements and see her glorious moment when she stood on the podium and lifted the trophy.

However, fate doesn't seem cruel enough for the 14-year-old girl. Soon after, Li Na learned that her mother had decided to remarry. This is simply worse for her.

Young Li Na could not understand her mother's choice, and her heart was filled with anger and feelings of betrayal. In her opinion, her mother's actions were an infidelity to her father and a betrayal of their once happy family.

From then on, Li Na began to consciously distance herself from her family. Even on an important festival like the Spring Festival, she chose to stay in the team and was reluctant to go home. What was once a warm home has become a strange place in her eyes.

World champion Li Na's quirks: After getting married, she doesn't change her name to call her parents, and she orders takeout and doesn't cook when she entertains guests

She would rather spend time alone in a deserted training base than step into that "home" that has changed beyond recognition.

However, it was these painful experiences that became the source of motivation for Li Na to persist in her tennis career. She poured all her emotions into tennis as if it was the only way to communicate with her father.

Every swing of the racket is a commemoration of my father; Every victory is the fulfillment of a father's dream. The tennis court became her safe haven and her only outlet for her emotions.

This experience has deeply influenced Li Na's personality and way of doing things. She has become more independent and more closed-minded. She has learned to rely on herself and is also used to facing difficulties alone.

World champion Li Na's quirks: After getting married, she doesn't change her name to call her parents, and she orders takeout and doesn't cook when she entertains guests

This may explain some of her peculiar behaviors later in her married life, such as her reluctance to change her name easily, or her unaccustomed use of cooking. These seemingly bizarre habits are actually the self-protection mechanism of the 14-year-old girl in her heart.

Losing her father and being estranged from her mother, this painful experience became a watershed moment in Li Na's life. It shaped her strong, independent character, and also planted in her heart the desire and fear of family affection.

This turning point at the age of 14 not only changed the trajectory of Li Na's life, but also laid the groundwork for her future success and lifestyle. On the tennis court, she found a new purpose in life; In life, she carefully protects her inner world.

In the darkest moment of Li Na's life, fate sent her an unexpected gift. 17-year-old Jiang Shan, like a ray of sunshine, quietly walked into Li Na's world.

World champion Li Na's quirks: After getting married, she doesn't change her name to call her parents, and she orders takeout and doesn't cook when she entertains guests

That year, Jiang Shan had just joined the provincial team for the second year, and he was arranged to have mixed training with Li Na. At that time, he may not know how this arrangement will change the lives of two people.

Jiang Shan soon noticed that Li Na was different. While the other team members went home happily for the holidays, Li Na always stayed alone in the team. A trace of curiosity and pity rose in Jiang Shan's heart.

After learning about Li Na's situation, he made a decision that touched Li Na: to stay with her.

During the festival, Jiang Shan always patiently enlightened Li Na and persuaded her to go home and not make her mother too sad. Even if Li Na stubbornly refused, Jiang Shan never forced it.

World champion Li Na's quirks: After getting married, she doesn't change her name to call her parents, and she orders takeout and doesn't cook when she entertains guests

On the contrary, when Li Na decided to end her vacation early and return to the team, Jiang Shan was always the first to come back to accompany her. This kind of silent support and understanding slowly melted the ice in Li Na's heart.

The two often train together late into the night, until the team's cafeteria is closed. At this time, Jiang Shan would ride his battered bicycle and take Li Na out to forage for food.

In the dark night, Li Na sat in the back seat of Jiang Shan's car, feeling the night breeze blowing on her face, and the haze in her heart seemed to dissipate. The memories of those nights have become the most precious treasure in Li Na's heart.

Jiang Shan's appearance is like a warm sunshine, illuminating the haze in Li Na's life. His thoughtfulness and understanding slowly melted the ice in Li Na's heart. By Jiang Shan's side, Li Na found a long-lost sense of security and belonging.

World champion Li Na's quirks: After getting married, she doesn't change her name to call her parents, and she orders takeout and doesn't cook when she entertains guests

She began to learn to trust again and to accept the care of others. Although she still maintains an independent and autonomous personality, she is no longer so lonely inside.

Jiang Shan's support not only warmed Li Na's heart, but also injected new impetus into her tennis career. With Jiang Shan's encouragement, Li Na's performance on the field is getting better and better.

Every time she wins, Jiang Shan silently pays and supports.

In this way, on the training ground, on the back seat of the bicycle riding at night, in the common sweat and laughter, the relationship between Li Na and Jiang Shan quietly grew, and finally blossomed and became an enviable love story.

World champion Li Na's quirks: After getting married, she doesn't change her name to call her parents, and she orders takeout and doesn't cook when she entertains guests

From a tacit partner on the court to a partner in life, the relationship between Li Na and Jiang Shan has become more mellow after the baptism of the years. Their married life is a moving picture of mutual understanding, tolerance and support.

After marriage, Li Na retained some maverick habits. She rarely sets foot in the kitchen and is more accustomed to relying on takeout for her meals. In this regard, Jiang Shan not only did not complain, but took the initiative to take on the responsibility of cooking.

He is well aware of his wife's hardships and hopes that she can get enough rest at home. Jiang Shan's thoughtfulness made Li Na feel deep warmth.

Li Na still refers to her in-laws as "uncle and aunt", which may cause misunderstanding in traditional concepts. However, Jiang Shan's parents showed remarkable understanding and tolerance.

World champion Li Na's quirks: After getting married, she doesn't change her name to call her parents, and she orders takeout and doesn't cook when she entertains guests

They were considerate of Li Na's upbringing and never asked her to change her name. This respect made Li Na feel warm and made her cherish this family even more.

Although the outside world has quite a lot of complaints about some of Li Na's behavior, Jiang Shan has always stood firmly on his wife's side. He openly stated that he did not want his wife to do too much housework.

Jiang Shan's support is undoubtedly Li Na's most solid backing, allowing her to be herself without scruples.

After many years of marriage, the relationship between Li Na and Jiang Shan is still like glue. Their married life shows a model of mutual respect and understanding. This relationship not only warmed Li Na's heart, but also allowed her to find a new balance and happiness in her life after retirement.

World champion Li Na's quirks: After getting married, she doesn't change her name to call her parents, and she orders takeout and doesn't cook when she entertains guests

In the story of Li Na and Jiang Shan, we see the power of love. It can transcend the differences in growth backgrounds, eliminate the barriers of living habits, and allow two people to walk hand in hand through the ups and downs of life.

Their marriage is not only the union of two people, but also the integration of two families, which explains what it is to truly love each other and know each other.

Li Na's life is like a tennis match with ups and downs. On the Circle, she used amazing perseverance and skill to make it all the way to the top of the World Championship.

For Li, however, the real triumph doesn't stop at the Circle, it extends to her private life.

World champion Li Na's quirks: After getting married, she doesn't change her name to call her parents, and she orders takeout and doesn't cook when she entertains guests

After retiring, Li Na and Jiang Shan joined hands to form an enviable "champion family". They have welcomed a lovely daughter and a lively son, adding infinite joy and vitality to the family.

Although Li Na maintains some unique habits in her family life, this does not affect the happiness index of the family in the slightest.

Today's Li Na has faded away from the tension and pressure on the field, and her whole person exudes happiness. Her skin is fairer and more translucent than it was when she was on the national team, and her eyes are full of satisfaction and tranquility.

This change from the inside out is undoubtedly a victory for another aspect of her life.

World champion Li Na's quirks: After getting married, she doesn't change her name to call her parents, and she orders takeout and doesn't cook when she entertains guests

From the lonely girl in the past to the happy wife and mother today, Li Na's life has undergone a huge transformation. Her story shows us that true champions can not only achieve brilliant results on the field, but also win happiness on the track of life.

Li Na used her own experience to prove that the life of an athlete after retirement can also be wonderful and full of hope.

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