
The baked cakes were lost one after another, and the shopkeeper was squatting at night when he saw a woman coming in the shop

author:Serious train I8

Hey, ladies and gentlemen, let's tell the big guy a very troublesome folk tale today. This happened, it happened in an inconspicuous town in the south of us, don't look at this small place, there are a lot of things, and it is more energetic than the messy stew in our northeast! Let's say that in that town, there is such a time-honored baked cake shop, the owner is Li Laohan, the craftsmanship is leveraged, the baked baked cakes are crispy on the outside, soft as marshmallows on the inside, and the fragrance can float ten miles away. But recently, Li Laohan encountered a headache - the baked cakes in his store, when he counted them at night, he always found that there were so many furnaces missing, do you say this thing is strange?

Li Laohan muttered in his heart, wondering if there was something unclean to make trouble? But how can we Northeast people believe that, Li Laohan slapped his thigh and decided to squat at night, so he had to see what was going on. That night, the moon hung high, and Li Laohan moved a broken chair and sat at the door of the store, staring directly at the store. After waiting for a long time, there was no movement, and Li Laohan began to drum in his heart: Is he too careful? But at this moment, his eyes lit up, and he saw the door of the store, which opened quietly! Li Laohan's heart tightened, he tiptoed over, and looked into the store, oh my mother, I saw a woman in a plain long dress, carrying a basket in her hand, walking towards the baked cake oven! This woman looks very smart and looks very kind, but Li Laohan just feels that something is wrong in his heart - what is she doing here in the middle of the night?

Li Laohan was curious, so he quietly followed in. Then the woman went to the oven, stretched out her hand, grabbed some of the cakes, and put them in the basket. Li Laohan was in a hurry now, and thought: This is not good, I have to sell this baked cake for money! He just wanted to rush over, and then he thought, this woman doesn't look like a bad person, besides, how capable can she be as a woman? So, Li Laohan decided to take a look first and then see what this woman wanted to do.

The baked cakes were lost one after another, and the shopkeeper was squatting at night when he saw a woman coming in the shop

I saw that after the woman took the baked cake, she turned around and walked outside the store, and Li Laohan quietly followed her. The two walked one after the other, and walked for a while, and came to a cemetery. This cemetery is the ancestral grave in the town, and no one usually comes, so why is there such a woman here today? Li Laohan muttered again in his heart. Then the woman went to a tomb, laid down the basket gently, and then took the bread and laid it down in front of the tomb. As soon as Li Laohan saw this scene, he understood a rough idea in his heart - dare to love this woman to bring food to the people in this tomb! But who is buried in this grave? Why do you have to eat this pancake?

Li Laohan was curious and decided to continue to observe. I saw that after the woman had put down the baked bread, she bowed to the grave a few times, and still had words in her mouth. Li Laohan pricked up his ears and listened carefully, but the woman's voice was too quiet, and he didn't hear anything clearly. When she had finished praying, the woman took up the basket again and turned to leave. 1 As soon as Li Laohan saw that she was about to slip away, he quickly chased after her. The two of them returned to the door of the bakery. The woman pushed the door open and went in. Li Laohan beat a drum in his heart: What is the situation with this woman? Why do you want to steal our baked cakes? This has to be understood! So, Li Laohan had a score in his heart, and he had to ask the woman early in the morning to see what she had to hide. Ladies and gentlemen, isn't this quite tortuous and bizarre? What is the truth about the disappearance of this baked cake one after another? Let's talk about it tomorrow, and let's talk about this baked cake.

Early the next morning, Li Laohan got up early in the morning, thinking about how to talk to the woman. He thought about it and felt that he had to pay attention to a strategy in this matter, and he couldn't just ask it. So, he decided to wait for the woman to come again, first to get close to her, and then to slowly lead to the topic. Strangely, the woman didn't show up for days. Li Laohan muttered in his heart, did she dare not come again when she knew that she had been discovered? But there must be an explanation for this matter, Li Laohan decided to take the initiative and went to the town to inquire about the origin of this woman. It doesn't matter if you don't inquire, when you inquire, Li Laohan was shocked to learn a shocking news - that woman turned out to be the widow of the late Lord Wang in the town, Mrs. Wang! Mr. Wang was a great benevolent man during his lifetime, and often helped the poor, but since his death, Mrs. Wang has lived in a simple life and rarely interacted with people. As soon as Li Laohan heard the news, he understood in his heart that he was not far from ten. He pondered that this Mrs. Wang missed her deceased husband and couldn't sleep at night, so she came out to bring food to Master Wang. But why does she have to take this baked cake? Li Laohan decided to go to Mrs. Wang's house again and ask her face to face.

The baked cakes were lost one after another, and the shopkeeper was squatting at night when he saw a woman coming in the shop

When he arrived at the door of Mrs. Wang's house, Li Laohan knocked on the door. After a while, the door opened, revealing Madame Wang's delicate face. When she saw that it was Li Laohan, her face showed a hint of surprise, and then she became a little embarrassed. "Boss Li, why are you here?" Madame Wang asked softly. "Mrs. Wang, I came to ask you, have you ever been to my baked cake shop these past few nights?" Li Laohan asked straight to the point. When Mrs. Wang heard this, her face suddenly turned pale, and she said hesitantly, "I...... I ......" Li Laohan understood when he saw her like this. He sighed and said, "Madam Wang, if you have any difficulties, just tell me." Although I don't have much ability, I will definitely help if I can help. When Madame Wang heard this, tears fell from her eyes. She choked up and said, "Boss Li, you are really a good person. Actually, I ...... I'm here to bring food to the master. "Food?" Li Laohan was stunned for a moment, and then asked again, "Then why do you have to take my baked cakes?" Mrs. Wang wiped her tears and said, "My lord loved to eat your baked cakes the most when he was alive, but after he died, I couldn't buy them anymore." "When night falls, when everything is silent, I can't help but think of him, the bite of baked bread that he loved when he was alive. So, I ...... Then he ......" When Li Laohan heard this, he immediately understood everything in his heart. He sighed lightly and said gently, "Madam Wang, why do you have to suffer so much? If you miss the smell of the pancakes, just say yes, and I'll deliver them to you. When Mrs. Wang heard this, her gratitude was overflowing, and she choked up and said, "Boss Li, I really don't know how to repay your generosity." Li Laohan waved his hand lightly and said sincerely: "Don't be so outside." We Northeast people are the most honest, if you need it, just let me know. This bakery will be your home from now on. When Mrs. Wang heard this, she was so excited that her eyes were hazy with tears. She held Li Laohan's hand tightly and said emotionally: "Boss Li, you are really my savior!" The incident quickly became a good story in the town, and people praised Li Laohan's craftsmanship and kindness. Mrs. Wang also regained her confidence because of Li Laohan's good deeds, began to communicate with people, and gradually walked out of the shadow of widowhood. And Li Laohan's baked cake shop is also famous for this beautiful event. There is an endless stream of customers, and business is getting more and more prosperous. He often said: "My baked cakes are not only baked with flour and stove, but also integrated with the enthusiasm and kindness of our Northeast people." And so it spread from the mouths of the people. Whenever it is mentioned, people will sigh: "Li Laohan, what a rare good person!" And Li Laohan has also become more open-minded and optimistic because of this beautiful event. He often said: "In life, we must pay attention to reality and kindness." Only in this way can we live openly and happily. As a result, Li Laohan's baked cakes became a beautiful scenery in the town. When night falls, the smell of baked cakes fills the town, and people gather in front of the shop to enjoy food and talk about life. Li Laohan made many friends and gained countless joys in the process. He often said: "In my life, the proudest thing is to open this baked cake shop!" "Since the misunderstanding between Li Laohan and Mrs. Wang has been resolved, life in the town has become more harmonious. The pancake shop has become a popular spot in town, not only because of its deliciousness, but also because there is always a warm story going on there. One evening, the door of the bakery opened softly again, and in came a strange old man, dressed in slightly shabby but clean and tidy clothes, with the traces of time carved on his face. He looked around, and his gaze finally fixed on Li Laohan. "Lao Li, how do you sell this baked cake?" The old man's voice was hoarse. Oops, Lao Tie, you're here! Uncle Li's enthusiasm is as warm as the winter in the Northeast, "My baked cakes, the people in our town are all at this price, one for two copper plates, you see, how many do you want?" The old man's hand trembled, took out a few copper plates from his arms, and counted, "Give me two baked cakes." "Uncle Li's hands and feet are nimble, and he will be loaded up after three times and five divided by two, and handed it to the old man.

The old man took the hot baked cake, and the light of gratitude in his eyes was as bright as the snow in the northeast. Just about to turn around and leave, "Brother, wait a minute!" Uncle Li suddenly stopped him, "I see that you are dressed like this, unlike the people here, although our town is small, but the human touch is strong, if you need anything, you just say it, you're welcome." When the old man heard this, he stopped, looked back, and the complicated emotions in his eyes were like the autumn harvest in the Northeast, with mixed tastes.

He sighed, "Lao Li, I'll tell you the truth, I fled from the north. The family suffered a disaster, and there was nothing left, and I was left with my old life. When Uncle Li heard this, he understood and patted the old man's shoulder, "Brother, we people in the Northeast are the most unbearable." In this way, you will come to me every night from now on, and I will leave you two baked cakes, and you are welcome. When the old man heard this, his eyes were hot, and he hurriedly waved his hand, "This is not good, where is my old face to rest?" Uncle Li waved his hand, "What is an old face and not an old face, we Northeast people pay attention to being realistic." You, just eat at my place with peace of mind, and when you come to your senses, it's not too late to find a way. "

The baked cakes were lost one after another, and the shopkeeper was squatting at night when he saw a woman coming in the shop

In this way, the old man became a frequent customer of the baked cake shop. Every night, he would show up on time in front of the baked cake shop, chat with Uncle Li, and tell his previous story. As for Uncle Li, he would also tell him interesting things in the town from time to time, and the two gradually became friends. Time passed, and the old man's body slowly recovered. He started looking for work everywhere and wanted to be self-reliant. Uncle Li saw it in his eyes and was happy in his heart, he knew that the old man was a person with backbone and would not always rely on the help of others.

Finally, one night, the old man did not show up in front of the baked cake shop. Uncle Li was a little worried, and he didn't know if something had happened to the old man. Early the next morning, he went to the old man's house to see if he was well. When he arrived at the old man's residence, Uncle Li found that the door had been locked. He knocked on the door, but there was no response. Just as he was about to leave, the door suddenly opened, revealing the old man's smiling face. "Lao Li, why are you here?" The old man greeted warmly. "I'm here to see you, why haven't you come to me to eat baked cakes in the past two days?" Uncle Li asked. The old man smiled and said, "Lao Li, I have to thank you." Your care during this time has given me the courage to start over. I've got a job, working on a construction site in town. "Oh, it makes people's hearts warm when they hear this. When Li Laohan heard that, his heart blossomed, and he was happier than drinking sorghum wine from our northeast. He patted the old brother on the shoulder and said happily, "Okay, brother, if you find a job, that's good." When you have time, come up to me, let's have a good fight, cheering for home. When the old man heard this, his eyes flashed with tears, and he nodded and said, "Lao Li, I remember your kindness." What's the matter, even if you squeak, don't see me. In this way, the two of you said goodbye reluctantly, like old friends. The old man carried his luggage and embarked on the road to a new life, but Li Laohan was still busy with his baked cake shop every day, and his life was enjoyable.

This matter spread ten, ten to hundred, and the people in the town gave Li Laohan a thumbs up, praising him for his good craftsmanship and better heart. The old man also won everyone's admiration because of his strength and unyieldingness. Time passed day by day, and the fragrance of the baked cake shop was still wafting all over the town, and the story of Li Laohan and Mrs. Wang, as well as the old man, also became a beautiful talk in the town and was talked about by people.

The baked cakes were lost one after another, and the shopkeeper was squatting at night when he saw a woman coming in the shop

This is the story of our Northeast people, simple and direct, but full of warmth and strength. We Northeast people pay attention to reality and kindness, just like Li Laohan, use our enthusiasm and kindness to warm the world. We Northeast people, that's the taste!