
The man's mother fell ill, so she went home to take care of him, but unexpectedly, he escaped the catastrophe

author:Serious train I8

Oh, folks, listen to me slowly, today we have to talk about an interesting story of a thief. There is such a buddy, known as Li Ergou, his wife is unwell, he didn't say a word, trotted all the way from the city, and hurried home. But who would have thought that this return home would let him escape a catastrophe. Li Ergou, this kid, is very filial, although his mother is old, her body is quite tough. But one day, the old lady suddenly fell ill, and she was very sick, which made Li Ergou anxious. He immediately invited a doctor, bought medicine, and stayed by his wife's side day and night, taking care of him carefully.

Just a few days after Li Ergou went home, something strange happened in our village. The big river at the east end of the village is usually calm, but in those days, it suddenly became turbulent and the river was churning. The people in the village said that this was the river god who was angry, and he had to hurry up and worship the river god and ask for peace. Li Ergou also heard about this, but he only thought about his mother's illness in his heart, so he didn't pay much attention to it. He thought to himself, what does this river god's anger have to do with our family? The old lady's illness is the big deal.

But on the third day of Li Ergou's return, something strange happened. That morning, his wife took medicine and felt better, so she asked him to go to the river to fetch some water and come back, and boil some hot water to drink. Li Ergou didn't think much about it, so he took the bucket and walked to the river. When I walked to the river, I said, "Oh my god, why is the river so churning?" It's like boiling a pot. Li Ergou felt a little hairy in his heart, but thinking that the old lady was still waiting for water to drink, he stubbornly walked to the river.

The man's mother fell ill, so she went home to take care of him, but unexpectedly, he escaped the catastrophe

Just as he was approaching the river, suddenly, a large fish jumped out of the water and flew straight towards him. Li Ergou was frightened and hurriedly hid back. The fish didn't hit him, but it fell at his feet, fluttering and panting. Li Ergou settled down, looked down, this fish is really not small, more than a meter long, covered in golden scales, eyes dripping and rolling, it looks quite divine. He thought to himself, why is this fish so strange? Why did you fly towards me?

At this moment, the big fish suddenly spoke: "Li Ergou, you hurry up and leave this village, there is a big disaster coming!" When Li Ergou heard this, he was so frightened that he almost didn't throw away the bucket. He rubbed his eyes, thinking to himself what was going on? Why can a fish still talk? He took a closer look, and yes, the fish's mouth opened and closed, and it was talking.

Li Ergou chuckled in his heart, and hurriedly asked the big fish: "What's the matter with you?" How can you speak? Also, what are you talking about? The big fish sighed and said, "I am the fish god of this river, and I should not be nosy." But I see that you are filial to your mother and kind-hearted, and I can't bear to see you suffer. Hurry up, leave this village alone, there's a big flood coming! As soon as Li Ergou heard this, he panicked. He hurriedly asked, "When will this flood come?" I have to go back and tell my mother! The big fish said, "It's only been a few days, you should leave quickly, and leave this village alone." "Oh, the big fish slipped into the water with a pop and went into the water, and the shadow was gone. Li Ergou stood on the bank of the river, his heart as if he had tied a knot. His mother's illness hasn't recovered yet, if he leaves, who cares about this disease? But if you don't leave, if there is really a big water that washes the Dragon King Temple, won't the mother be more offended? He turned over the river and the sea in his heart, struggled for a long time, and finally slapped his thigh and left! He thought, if his mother knew that she was leaving for her good, she should be able to understand. So, Li Ergou hurriedly returned home, packed up some belongings, and told his mother about it. When his mother heard this, she was also shocked, but in the end she nodded in favor of him leaving. She sighed and said, "Ergou, let's go, mother, this old bone, even if there is really something, it will be enough to live." You're young, and your days are still long. In this way, Li Ergou said goodbye to his mother with tears in his eyes and left the village. On the day he left, the sky was as cloudy as the bottom of a pot, and dark clouds were overhead, as if something big was about to happen. Sure enough, the next day, the flood came, and when the river rose, the whole village was flooded, and even the old house did not run away. Li Ergou heard the news from a distance, and his heart felt uncomfortable. But fortunately, his mother escaped because he was gone. As he walked, he suddenly remembered the stories his mother told him when he was a child, saying that there were gods in the river who would bless the villagers. At that time, he was still laughing at his mother's superstition, but now that he thinks about it, the big fish may really be a fairy in the river, and he came to save him. Thinking about it like this, Li Ergou felt much more comfortable. He thought, since there is the blessing of the gods, his mother will definitely be safe. He quickened his pace, wanting to quickly find a safe place to settle down and inquire about his mother's news. After walking for a few days and nights, Li Ergou finally arrived in a small town. He found an inn to stay in, had a hot meal, and felt much warmer on his body. He inquired about the situation in the town, and felt that it was far from the village, so there should be no danger. So, Li Ergou settled down in the town and found a job. He gets up early every day and is greedy for darkness, saving money to go back to see his mother. But every time I saved enough money and was about to go back, I heard that something had happened in the village again, either a flash flood or a plague epidemic. He was so scared every time that he didn't dare to go back, for fear that he would never see his mother again. In this way, Li Ergou spent several years in the town. He went from a young man to a middle-aged uncle. His hair is gray and his back is hunched, but he still thinks about his mother. He often sat at the door of the inn, looking into the distance, and silently prayed in his heart, hoping that his mother would be safe. One day, Li Ergou was basking in the sun at the door of the inn when he suddenly heard someone calling his name. As soon as he looked up, oh my mother, isn't this the village lady Wang? Aunt Wang also fled here, and when she saw Li Ergou, she was so excited that she ran over, hugged him, and cried a lot. Mrs. Wang revealed a poignant news to Li Ergou: his mother died shortly after he left home. At the last moment of her life, she kept calling Li Ergou's name, eager to see her son again. Hearing these words, Li Ergou's heart seemed to be hollowed out by an invisible giant hand, and the pain made him tremble involuntarily. How can the pain of his mother being gone forever and not even seeing her for the last time can be easily subsided?

The man's mother fell ill, so she went home to take care of him, but unexpectedly, he escaped the catastrophe

Wang also told him that the inhabitants of their village had since moved away, and that the land had become a barren village. A sudden flood engulfed the entire village, leaving no trace. Hearing this, Li Ergou's mood became even heavier. He couldn't help but wonder if he would have been able to face the disaster with his mother if he hadn't left.

Seeing that Li Ergou was so sad, Aunt Wang comforted him and said, "Ergou, don't be too sad. Your mother's heavenly spirit will be comforted to see that you are doing well. The flood was a natural disaster that no one could prevent. The fact that you were able to survive is a blessing in itself. Li Ergou listened to Aunt Wang's words, and the pain in his heart was slightly reduced. He realized that his mother's spirit in heaven must also want him to live well and no longer grieve for her.

So, Li Ergou wiped away his tears, thanked Aunt Wang, and then returned to the inn. Since then, he has let go of the burden in his heart and began to face life again. He still toiled hard every day, saving up money to visit his mother. But whenever he saved enough money and was ready to set off, he would think of Aunt Wang's words and his mother's hope in the heavenly spirit, so he gave up his plans to return home and donated the money he had saved to the orphanage in the town, hoping to bring some help to the homeless children.

The man's mother fell ill, so she went home to take care of him, but unexpectedly, he escaped the catastrophe

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Li Ergou has entered old age. He became a respected elder in the town, and people affectionately called him "Grandpa Ergou". Despite his age, he still misses his mother in his heart. He often sat at the door of the inn, staring into the distance, silently having a heart-to-heart conversation with his mother.

One day, Li Ergou was sitting at the door enjoying the sunshine when he suddenly noticed a group of people walking in the distance. They are dressed in distinctive costumes and hold all sorts of bizarre items in their hands. Li Ergou's heart was full of doubts, where did these people come from, and what did they come here for?

At this moment, the group of people walked to the door of the inn, and the leader walked up to Li Ergou, bowed respectfully, and said, "Mr. Li Ergou, hello." We are scientists from the future, and we have come to you. Hearing this, Li Ergou's heart was full of doubts. He thought to himself, what are these scientists looking for me? I'm just an ordinary old man, what is there to pay attention to?

The man's mother fell ill, so she went home to take care of him, but unexpectedly, he escaped the catastrophe

The scientist saw Li Ergou's confusion and explained, "We heard that you are a dutiful person who missed the great flood because you were caring for your sick mother. We are here to thank you for your choice to change the course of history. "If it weren't for you, the flood would have been even more violent." As soon as Li Ergou heard this, the little Jiujiu in his heart understood everything. He pondered that it was surprising that his decision to slap his head back then could have such a big impact. He grinned and said, "Hey, what's this, didn't we just do something." I went back to my hometown and took care of my mother for a few days, who would have thought that this would still affect the wheel of history, this thing really makes people cry and laugh. The scientist saw that Li Ergou thought so, and admired him even more. He continued: "Mr. Li Ergou, we are here this time to thank you and invite you to participate in an event in our future world. We want you to see for yourself how our future world has changed because of your actions. When Li Ergou heard this, his eyes lit up. He thought to himself, this is new, can he go to the future world to see? He asked eagerly, "What about my mother?" Can she come with me? The scientist shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Li Ergou, you are the only one to go this time." But rest assured, we'll keep you safe and have an unforgettable experience in the world to come. Li Ergou listened and muttered a little in his heart. He pondered, if he went to the future world, what would our mother do? Although he didn't see his mother's last face, in his heart, his mother is always the most important. But at this moment, he seemed to see the figure of his mother, smiling and waving to him in the distance. His heart warmed, and it felt like his mother was telling him, let him rest assured, don't worry. So, Li Ergou made up his mind to go to the future world to see. He thought that this might be an opportunity for him to understand the world more deeply, and also to make his mother in the heavenly spirit proud of him.

In this way, Li Ergou followed those scientists to the future world. He saw towering buildings, cars flying through the sky, and all sorts of strange things. He felt fresh and excited, as if he had opened the door to a new world. In the world of the future, Li Ergou had an unforgettable time. He participated in various interesting activities and met many people from all over the world. They are very friendly to Li Ergou, full of respect and curiosity. During this time, Li Ergou also learned a lot of new knowledge. He learned that because of his actions, he changed the course of history and made the world a better place in the future. He felt very proud and satisfied, and felt that although he was just an ordinary person, he could make an extraordinary contribution.

However, Li Ergou always thought about his mother in his heart. Every day, he would find time to talk to his mother and tell her what he saw and heard in the future world. He believed that his mother would be able to hear his words and be proud of him. Finally one day, Li Ergou is leaving the future world. Heck, this has to be said. The scientists gave Li Ergou a lively farewell party, and everyone was very grateful for his contribution. Li Ergou's heart was warm, but it was also a little unpleasant, after all, he knew that he had more important things to do-that was to hurry back to our mother. So, Li Ergou waved his hand, said goodbye to those scientists, and returned to his own territory.

The man's mother fell ill, so she went home to take care of him, but unexpectedly, he escaped the catastrophe

He returned to the town, the familiar inn. He sat at the door, basking in the sun, his eyes looking into the distance, and silently chatting with his mother in his heart. In such a blink of an eye, several years have passed, and Li Ergou has lived his old age peacefully in the town. He became an old man in the town, and everyone respected him and took care of him. Although he is old, Li Ergou still misses his mother in his heart. He always likes to sit at the door and tell his story to passers-by—it's a story about filial piety, about changing history.

One night, Li Ergou sat at the door, looking at the starry sky. He suddenly felt that although his life was full of ups and downs, the most precious thing was the longing and concern for his mother. He thought that his mother would definitely be able to feel his heart and blessings in the heavenly spirit. At this moment, suddenly a ray of light fell from the sky and shone on Li Ergou's body. He felt a sense of warmth and comfort, as if he was being held in his mother's arms. He closed his eyes, smiled, and left this world like this - with his thoughts and blessings for his mother, and left forever.