
Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another avenue

author:Beibei said entertainment

Photo/Beibei says entertainment

Editor/Beibei Says Entertainment

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another avenue


In this bizarre entertainment industry, the ups and downs of stars have long been commonplace. But there are always some people, even after the spotlight fades, they can still leave an indelible mark on people's hearts. Today, let's walk into the world of folk song queen Song Zuying, uncover the mystery of her "retirement", and explore the unknown stories behind her.

Song Zuying disappeared

I remember that in those years, whenever the bell of the Spring Festival rang, every household sat in front of the TV, and the most anticipated thing was Song Zuying's familiar and warm figure. She stood on the bright stage of the Spring Festival Gala in a gorgeous national costume and sang "Good Day" with a heavenly voice, as if she could instantly dispel the cold of winter and bring joy and warmth to the house.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another avenue

However, I don't know when this former evergreen in the folk song industry seems to have quietly faded out of the public eye, leaving people with only endless reveries and speculations: Song Zuying, where did she go? Are you tired of the hustle and bustle of the stage, or is there something else going on?

A miracle from the mountain village to the stage

To solve this mystery, we have to go back to the starting point of Song Zuying, an ordinary small mountain village in Guzhang County, Xiangxi. In 1966, an ordinary peasant family welcomed their daughter, who would have thought that this seemingly ordinary little girl would become a well-known folk song diva in China in the future?

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another avenue

Song Zuying's childhood was not smooth, and when she was 12 years old, the family suffered major changes, and the death of her father and grandmother made the family even worse.

In order to reduce the burden on her family, she resolutely gave up her studies and chose to join the local theater troupe, shouldering the burden of life on her immature shoulders. This experience not only sharpened her will, but also laid the groundwork for her future singing career.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another avenue

The "Golden Voice" in the Troupe

In the days of the troupe, Song Zuying's unique voice quickly attracted the attention of the old artists. As if they had discovered a treasure, they taught the little girl and patiently guided her.

It is said that there was an unwritten rule in the troupe at that time that everyone would take turns to sing a piece on stage after rehearsals every night, and Song Zuying's singing always won a full house, and even the most discerning old artists were full of praise. It was this valuable experience that laid a solid foundation for her future singing career.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another avenue

From "Little Back Basket" to the regular guests of the Spring Festival Gala

In 1989, Song Zuying, who was only 23 years old, attracted everyone's attention because of the song "Little Back Basket" at CCTV's literary evening, and overnight, the name Song Zuying resounded all over the country.

Subsequently, she became a frequent guest on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and for 24 consecutive years, her singing voice has become the memory of the Spring Festival in the hearts of countless people. Classic songs such as "Good Day" and "Hot Girl" not only have beautiful melodies, but also contain love and yearning for life, and have become eternal classics.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another avenue

The transition from front of the stage to behind the scenes

thought that Song Zuying would continue to appear in front of everyone, but she didn't expect that when her career was booming, she chose to leave and devote more energy to her family. It turns out that behind her glamorous acting career, she also has a warm little home. The love story with Luo Hao, the choreographer and director of Hunan TV, is full of sweetness and warmth like the songs she sang.

In 2010, they ushered in the crystallization of love, and the arrival of this little life made Song Zuying cherish every moment with her family even more. She realized that family is the ultimate harbor and the destination of the soul.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another avenue

Although the exposure in front of the screen has been reduced, Song Zuying's road to public welfare has never stopped. She is well aware of her responsibilities and responsibilities as a public figure, actively participates in various public welfare activities, and uses her singing voice to bring warmth and strength to those in need.

What is even more admirable is that she also founded the Education Foundation, which is committed to supporting poor students in her hometown and lighting the lamp of hope for them to study. In her opinion, it is far more meaningful to use her influence to contribute to society than to stand on the stage and receive applause.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another avenue

Regarding Song Zuying's "retirement", the public's voices are varied. Some people expressed regret, thinking that her departure made the Spring Festival Gala stage less colorful; There was also an understanding that everyone has the right to choose their own way of life.


Song Zuying's story is a story about dreams, perseverance, family and responsibility. In this ever-changing entertainment industry, she interprets what a true artist is in her own way - not only to shine on the stage, but also to convey love and warmth in life.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another avenue

Although she no longer appears frequently on the big screen, those classic songs and warm memories will forever be engraved in the hearts of everyone who has heard her singing.

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