
Is Li Yong to blame? Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to be buried abroad

author:Beibei said entertainment

Photo/Beibei says entertainment

Editor/Beibei Says Entertainment

Is Li Yong to blame? Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to be buried abroad


Speaking of Li Yong, everyone must think of the variety show "Very 6+1" he once hosted, because of his humorous hosting style and good field control ability, Li Yong has countless fans, and many viewers also like him to host the show. Later, whether it was on the variety channel or in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, Li Yong's excellent hosting ability was obvious to everyone, and at that time, he became the face of CCTV.

But after a period of time, when Li Yong's career was in full swing, he suddenly chose to go abroad, and there was no news at all during this period, which also made many netizens feel that he was not worthy of everyone's liking at all.

Is Li Yong to blame? Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to be buried abroad

Li Yong's career development was in the United States

Everyone also knows that Li Yong's career development has reached a time when it is in full swing, and everyone expects him to bring more wonderful moments to everyone, but things often do not develop in the direction that everyone thinks, after a period of time, we rarely see Li Yong appear on the CCTV stage, and the outside world continues to spread various rumors, saying that their family has immigrated.

"Immigration", "making money at home and talking abroad". These bad voices have been filling everyone's hot ears, which has also had a very bad impact on Li Yong and his family. In addition, everyone is also wondering, why do celebrities like to go abroad now, even CCTV hosts are no exception?

Is Li Yong to blame? Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to be buried abroad

Li Yong died

During the period of Li Yong's trip abroad, he rarely heard some news about him again, until October 2018, a news about Li Yong's death suddenly appeared in everyone's sight, which caused everyone's onlookers and heated discussions for a while, many people didn't believe this rumor at first, after all, Li Yong just went to the United States not long ago, and it has only been a few months, how could he die?

As the voice of Li Yong's death became louder and louder, his wife Ha Wen posted "Forever Lost" on social platforms, and then everyone realized that Li Yong had really passed away. Looking at Li Yong's whereabouts, everyone found that Li Yong actually died of illness, and the reason why he gave up his career to go to the United States before was because he had already suffered from cancer.

Is Li Yong to blame? Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to be buried abroad

In fact, as early as 2014, Li Yong felt that his throat was uncomfortable, and for the sake of insurance, Li Yong went to the hospital for an examination and found that it was only a slight rhinitis, so he didn't take it to heart. Until 2017, Li Yong suddenly fainted while hosting the show, and after being sent to the hospital, it was found that it was throat cancer!

Such news is like a bolt from the blue for a host, after all, this not only means that Li Yong is leaving his favorite industry, but even his life will be threatened. Therefore, at that time, Li Yong immediately resigned from CCTV and went to the United States for treatment.

Is Li Yong to blame? Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to be buried abroad

Five years after his death, the doctor revealed the truth of his death

The reason why he went to the United States was also because at that time, the level of medical development abroad was relatively high, so their family would choose to be treated abroad, and later the doctor also said that the United States, as a developed country, also has the top level of treatment and equipment, so it is natural for him to choose to go to the United States for treatment.

It can be seen that he is not unpatriotic, but wants to spend more time with his family, but the sky is unsatisfactory, and Li Yong, who has been treated fruitlessly, still passed away. After his death, Li Yong was not buried in China, but continued to be buried abroad. Such a move also made Li Yong's wife Ha Wen once again questioned like never before.

Is Li Yong to blame? Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to be buried abroad

After all, everyone wants to return to their roots, not to mention that Li Yong is still far away abroad, and his behavior of still being buried abroad after his death has once again aroused everyone's doubts, and many netizens firmly believe that Li Yong's family has immigrated, otherwise they would not be buried abroad.

In fact, all this is Li Yong's idea, Li Yong felt that he didn't want to trouble his wife after he died, after all, it was also very troublesome to transport the ashes back like this, plus he didn't want the white-haired person to send the black-haired person, and he didn't want his parents to worry, so he made up a "white lie". It's just that this "lie" is indeed inappropriate in everyone's eyes.

Is Li Yong to blame? Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to be buried abroad


Although there has always been a lot of controversy when Li Yong went to the United States, it is undeniable that he is indeed not what everyone thinks, because he doesn't want to trouble the people around him, so he thinks about being buried abroad. In any case, this is Li Yong's idea, and as spectators, we should understand and respect it.

Now that Li Yong has been away from us for 6 years, I hope that he will not suffer in heaven. Regardless of whether his actions are understood by everyone or not, we hope that his family can face the future well.