
@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!

author:Released in Jinan City

The 2024 college entrance examination has come to an end

The high school entrance examination is also about to begin

Holidays after the end of the big exam every year

It is a time for students to rest and play

It is also a period of high incidence of various dangers

Attend parties, go out, visit relatives and friends


Everyone must pay attention to safety while relaxing

Prevent tragedy from happening


Case 1

2023.6.17 A 15-year-old junior high school graduate drowned

On June 17 (after the high school entrance examination), a 15-year-old junior high school graduate in Chongqing met with his classmates to catch crabs by the stream and accidentally fell into the water and drowned. The student scored 780 points in the high school entrance examination, but he could no longer go to the high school of his choice.

@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!

Case 2

2022.7.20 An 18-year-old boy drowned

On July 20, 2022, an 18-year-old boy (a college entrance examination student at the time) and his classmates were playing and taking pictures by the reservoir when they accidentally slipped down the slope of the reservoir dam and drowned. It is reported that the drowning boy has been admitted in advance and admitted to a public security academy in China.

@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!

Case 3

2021.6.12 4 people drowned

On June 12, 2021, a group of 7 college entrance examination students were drinking by the river, and one of them suddenly jumped over the guardrail and jumped into the river, and then 5 more people entered the water to rescue them, causing 4 people to drown.

@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!

Case 4

2020.7.9 A college entrance examination student drowned

On July 9, 2020, after taking the college entrance examination, 8 boys from the same school met to play ball on the beach of the beach.

@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!

Drowning accidents are common in summer

Schools and parents must warn their children

Life first, safety first

Be conscious of staying away from dangerous waters

@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!
@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!
@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!
@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!
@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!
@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!
@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!
@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!
@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!

In addition to drowning prevention

What other safety issues do students need to pay attention to?

@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!

Prevent severe weather

@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!

In summer, heavy rains occur frequently, so it is necessary to pay attention to the prevention of thunderstorms and flash floods. Do not stay on the platform of high-rise buildings when thunder and lightning are added, and do not enter isolated sheds, sentry boxes, etc. in outdoor open places; Pay attention to observation when walking in stagnant water to prevent falling into manholes, pits and holes. Do not visit, camp and sleep in areas such as mountain ponds, reservoirs, mountain valleys, tidal flats, river embankments, and spillways during thunderstorms.

@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!
@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!
@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!
@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!
@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!
@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!

Traffic safety

@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!

Do not drive a motor vehicle by minors, which is not only unsafe, but also illegal; Students who have obtained a motor vehicle driver's license should not drink and drive. Obey the traffic rules when riding, and always wear a seatbelt when riding in a vehicle, remembering that "a seatbelt is a lifebelt". When taking a taxi, take a regular taxi, remember the license plate number before getting on the bus, and don't be greedy for cheap black cars.

@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!
@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!
@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!
@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!
@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!
@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!

Travel safely

@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!

Choose a regular travel agency, take a regular vehicle, stay in a regular hotel, and travel to a safe and suitable place. Don't travel alone, and communicate with your parents in time when traveling with your classmates. When you go out, tell your family the details of your itinerary. In the process of tourism, potential safety hazards should be reported to the tourism supervision department in a timely manner.

@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!
@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!

Party safety

@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!

Remember to eat hygienically and safely, don't overeat, and don't drink too much. When gathering in public places, pay attention to fire exits and safety exits, and follow the fire prevention regulations of the meeting place.

@全体师生家长, after the big exam, this safety reminder should be kept in mind!

Source: Ningbo Fire Department, People's Daily Online, Ministry of Emergency Management, Shandong School Safety, China Education Daily, Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, etc

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