
Chen Danhuai, son of Chen Yi: The teacher asked his father what he did. Chan: He's a director

author:Shi Zai has no money

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Chen Danhuai, son of Chen Yi: The teacher asked his father what he did. Chan: He's a director

Text | Edit: Shi Zai has no money


When he was in junior high school, Chen Danhuai's teacher curiously asked him who his father was. Chen Danhuai replied without hesitation: "My father's name is Chen Xueqing, and he is a director. But the teacher didn't seem to be satisfied with this answer, so he casually took out the newspaper of the day, pointed to the mayor Marshal Chen Yi above, and asked again. Chen Danhuai insisted on answering: "No, my father is a director. "What's going on here? Why is Chen Danhuai unwilling to admit that his father is Marshal Chen Yi? Let's take a little history to learn about it.

Chen Danhuai, son of Chen Yi: The teacher asked his father what he did. Chan: He's a director

Although Chen Yi is known as a military leader, his heart is more inclined to literature. During the May Fourth Movement, he served as an editor with forward-thinking ideas and wrote countless poems praising new ideas. His works, both in the choice of words and the skill of rhyme, show his profound literary attainments.

In this context, Chen Yi resonated with Hu Lanqi's soul. The meeting between the two is an exchange of ideas, but also a meeting of hearts, due to the cruelty of the war and the secrecy of their identities that must be kept, the two have to part ways after a simple dinner, leaving endless regrets.

Chen Danhuai, son of Chen Yi: The teacher asked his father what he did. Chan: He's a director

In 1930, Chen Yi was sent to the Red Army Cadre School as the principal, where he met Xiao Juhong. She was firm and down-to-earth, and soon married Chen Yi. Soon after their marriage, the two threw themselves into the battle against "encirclement and suppression" and experienced life and death.

After the war, Chen Yi unexpectedly received a secret assignment to a meeting of the Central Committee, which he knew could be full of danger. Before leaving, he instructed Xiao Juhong that if she did not return within three days, she should leave immediately. This farewell was full of reluctance and tears. When Chen Yi returned home on the fourth day after many difficulties, he found that his home was deserted, and his wife had complied with his instructions and was nowhere to be found. This discovery plunged him into deep pain and self-blame.

Chen Danhuai, son of Chen Yi: The teacher asked his father what he did. Chan: He's a director

After losing Xiao Juhong, Chen Yi fell into a deep sense of work and sorrow, numbing his pain by toiling. At this time, his comrades-in-arms introduced Lai Mingyue to him. Lai Mingyue and him do not have the same personality, but the common ideals make the two try to establish a relationship. Although their relationship was not a match made in heaven, the brutality of the war once again separated them, with Lai Mingyue staying in the rear to support the fight while Chen Yi went to the front.

After three years of separation, when Chen Yi learned the rumors that his wife jumped off a cliff and died, his heart was like a knife. Later, I learned that all this was a misunderstanding, but everything was irreparable. By 1938, Chen Yi was disheartened and no longer had any expectations for marriage, and the wheel of fate did not seem to stop spinning.

Chen Danhuai, son of Chen Yi: The teacher asked his father what he did. Chan: He's a director

By chance, he met Zhang Qian at a field service station. Zhang Qian's appearance made his life full of hope and warmth again. The two gradually got closer, and finally entered the palace of marriage. When Chen Danhuai was a child, his time with his father, Mr. Chen, was very limited, limited to a few brief meetings.

In 1943, Chen Danhuai was born at a critical moment in the War of Resistance Against Japan, which brought Chen Yi unprecedented family happiness. He hurried to the hospital, and the moment he saw the newborn for the first time, his heart was filled with tenderness. However, the clarion call for war sounded again, and he had to return to the battlefield to fight for the future of his family and country. Chen Yi's relationship with his son is rarely seen because of the war, which is an eternal pain in his heart.

Chen Danhuai, son of Chen Yi: The teacher asked his father what he did. Chan: He's a director

Even if Chen Danhuai felt his father's absence at a very young age, he could only learn about his father's deeds from his mother. It wasn't until the end of the war that Chen Yi had the opportunity to truly reunite with his family, and he felt deeply sorry for the strangeness and fear of his children.

It was not until 1954 that Mr. Chen was transferred to Beijing as Vice Premier of the State Council, which gave the father and son more opportunities to get together.

Chen Danhuai, son of Chen Yi: The teacher asked his father what he did. Chan: He's a director

In order to prevent Chen Danhuai from having an unnecessary sense of superiority, Mr. Chen emphasized that Chen Danhuai should be modest and low-key outside the school, claiming that his father was only a director. Although Chen Danhuai was confused by this arrangement, he still complied with his father's wishes and insisted on keeping a low profile on campus.

So Chen Danhuai filled in his father's name as "Director Chen Xueqing" in the register when he was a student, which was a common position that was enough for him not to attract too much attention in the crowd. Chen Danhuai's performance at school has always been very low-key, he rarely participates in family discussions, and even when his classmates discuss his parents' work, he always deliberately avoids specific details and never reveals too much information.

Chen Danhuai, son of Chen Yi: The teacher asked his father what he did. Chan: He's a director

This low-key attitude did not make him appreciated among his classmates, but was ridiculed for the old clothes on his body, Chen Danhuai always maintained his self-esteem, and he firmly believed that no matter how high or low his position, as long as he served the people, he was worthy of respect.

He also often thinks that if even national leaders such as Chairman Mao can maintain the simplicity of life, why should he pursue excessive material comforts? After all, Chen Danhuai's true identity still aroused the suspicion of the teacher, Mr. Yu. After a home visit, Ms. Yu noticed that Chen Danhuai's home was obviously unusual, as it was impossible for an ordinary director to have cars in and out of his home, and his living conditions would not be so superior.

Chen Danhuai, son of Chen Yi: The teacher asked his father what he did. Chan: He's a director

This sparked a direct inquiry from Mr. Yu in class. He called Chen Danhuai to the podium and tried to pressure him to reveal the truth. "Is your father really just a director?" Teacher Yu kept asking questions and even took out a newspaper with a photo of Marshal Chen Yi on it, trying to force Chen Danhuai to admit the truth. But Chen Danhuai shook his head firmly and insisted on his answer, "He is Chen Xueqing, a simple director."

Although Mr. Yu tried to break this secret many times, Chen Danhuai was always tight-lipped. This insistence eventually made Mr. Yu give up asking questions. Chen Danhuai's perseverance won great appreciation for his father's arrangement. When Marshal Chen Yi learned of this, he smiled happily and patted his son on the shoulder and praised him: "Danhuai, your firmness and prudence make me very proud, you really know how to protect the family."

Chen Danhuai, son of Chen Yi: The teacher asked his father what he did. Chan: He's a director

Chen Danhuai, who has been passionate about military affairs since childhood, often pulls his father, Chen Yi, to discuss tactics and strategies. Once, Chen Danhuai accidentally flipped through the book "Commentary on the Art of War" in his father's study, and after Chen Yi found it, Chen Yi asked him if he was interested in military politics.

Chen Danhuai said slightly shyly that he was curious about these. Chen Yi then encouraged him, gave him a set of "Selected Works of Mao Zedong", and instructed him to study it together with "Commentary on the Art of War", emphasizing that Chairman Mao's military thinking was derived from actual combat experience and far exceeded traditional dogma.

Chen Danhuai, son of Chen Yi: The teacher asked his father what he did. Chan: He's a director

Influenced by his father, Chen Danhuai was admitted to the Harbin Military Engineering Institute after graduating from high school, specializing in radio. Chen Yi was very happy about this, and even wrote a poem for this purpose, "Shi Danhuai, and Tell Haosu, Xiaolu, Xiaoshan", in which he not only expressed his satisfaction with his son's academic achievements, but also hoped that he would study Marxism-Leninism in depth, uphold the party's education, be diligent and thrifty, and self-discipline.

After graduating, Chen Danhuai was eager to practice what he had learned in a grassroots company, and he wrote to his father for advice. In his reply, Chen Yi expressed support but stressed the need to put the study of politics and Mao Zedong Thought in the first place. Since then, Chen Danhuai has taken root in the field of military science and technology, successively serving as deputy director of the National Defense Science, Technology and Industry Commission and the General Armament Department, and was promoted to major general in 1992.

Chen Danhuai, son of Chen Yi: The teacher asked his father what he did. Chan: He's a director

The reason why Chen Danhuai concealed his true identity from the outside world was, on the one hand, because in a socialist country, fairness and justice are of paramount importance, and private rights and interests are strictly restricted. On the other hand, Chen Yi taught his children to avoid any improper accommodation due to their position and to adhere to the principles of honesty and fairness.

Chen Danhuai's qualities are also a key factor in his success, and he is deeply influenced by the good education of his family and country, showing excellent character and strong principles. These traits were particularly evident in the face of his teacher's questioning, even though the teacher lived near his home and often saw the family traffic in and out of his family, suspecting that Chen Danhuai's family background was unusual. The teacher's continuous questioning did not shake Chen Danhuai, and he stood his ground, showing his wisdom and maturity.

Chen Danhuai, son of Chen Yi: The teacher asked his father what he did. Chan: He's a director

In 1979, Chen Xiaolu embarked on the road to study in the Soviet Union, with the goal of further mastering the cutting-edge technology of aerospace power system. During his studies in the Soviet Union, he not only absorbed advanced knowledge, but also made a significant impact in the field of international astronautics through many of his papers, and won high praise from international peers.

These papers mainly focus on the innovative application of aerospace propulsion technology, which provides valuable academic reference for later research. After returning to China, Chen Xiaolu was appointed as the director of the Master of Systems Engineering Professional Degree Education Center, in which he was committed to training senior engineers and researchers in the field of aerospace, and successfully led the team to develop several key technologies, which greatly promoted the development of domestic aerospace engineering.

Chen Danhuai, son of Chen Yi: The teacher asked his father what he did. Chan: He's a director

Chen Xiaofen has shown excellent learning ability since he was a child, and at the age of 14, he was already admitted to the North China People's Revolutionary Military School with top grades. In 1962 he went to the Soviet Union for further studies, where he specialized in theoretical weapons. His study abroad career culminated in 1969, graduating with honors from the Moscow Military Theoretical Academy.

After returning to China, he held key positions in the General Staff and the National Defense Science and Technology Commission, focusing on the theoretical research and equipment planning of new weapon systems. Chen Xiaofen's work has been extremely fruitful, and he presided over the compilation of the book "Overview of the Weapons of the Chinese People's Liberation Army," which systematically introduces the development process and future trends of the mainland's military equipment, and is considered an authoritative guide for analyzing the development of China's military equipment. In addition, Chen Xiaofen's innovative research has won him two first prizes for the army's scientific and technological achievements, and his contributions have played a key role in improving the combat effectiveness and scientific and technological level of our army.

Chen Danhuai, son of Chen Yi: The teacher asked his father what he did. Chan: He's a director

As an outstanding representative of the older revolutionary generation, Marshal Chen Yi devoted his life to the construction and development of the country. On the issue of family education, he has always insisted on not using his position to seek any improper convenience for his children, but through strict education, he has made them down-to-earth and independent in all walks of life.

Chen Danhuai, son of Chen Yi: The teacher asked his father what he did. Chan: He's a director

Chen Yi is well versed in the ancient adage that "doting is tantamount to harming children", so he has taught his children the way of ordinary people since childhood, firmly believing that only in this way can they hone real gold in the melting pot of society. His educational philosophy is that children can give full play to their potential by exercising and growing under equal conditions.

Chen Danhuai, son of Chen Yi: The teacher asked his father what he did. Chan: He's a director

Chen Yi also treats family members equally, and always maintains a simple and frugal attitude towards life. During his tenure as mayor of Shanghai, he did not use his official position to provide special treatment to his parents, even when they came to Shanghai from the countryside to visit relatives. Instead, he arranged for his family to accompany the elderly on a walking tour of Shanghai, as a way of demonstrating an equal sense of responsibility to all citizens.

This seemingly harsh approach is actually Chen Yi's high standards for himself and his family. He firmly believes that any form of privilege can lead to injustice and corruption, so within the scope of his duties, he always adheres to principles and refuses to take shortcuts.

Chen Danhuai, son of Chen Yi: The teacher asked his father what he did. Chan: He's a director

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