
Selina relied on her 4-month-old son to make 7 figures, was busy fighting for a second child, and quarreled with her boyfriend several times a month

author:Sissi Literature Hall

Selina is known as a Taiwanese goddess-level star, who has stood at the pinnacle of her career and life, and her glamorous appearance hides an infinite vision for the future. However, fate often likes to play tricks on people, and a sudden stage accident puts her at a low point in her life.

Selina relied on her 4-month-old son to make 7 figures, was busy fighting for a second child, and quarreled with her boyfriend several times a month

After a loud bang, a strong heat wave hit her face, and before Selina could react, the gorgeous stage costume was instantly engulfed in flames. A desperate roar drowned out in the flames: "Don't! But the tongue of fire had engulfed her entirely, and it was too late.

When Selina was rushed to the hospital, doctors announced that 52% of her skin had been severely burned and her appearance was gone, which was like a bolt from the blue, instantly shattering all her illusions about a better future.

The goddess, who was once in the limelight, can now only cry helplessly from the hospital bed.

Selina relied on her 4-month-old son to make 7 figures, was busy fighting for a second child, and quarreled with her boyfriend several times a month

The accident not only ruined her appearance, but also took her career and marriage. Selina, whose career was in full swing, suddenly lost everything. What made her even more heartbroken was that her husband, who had been by her side, couldn't accept her appearance after being burned, and finally chose to leave.

For Selina, this is undoubtedly adding insult to injury. She used to be the goddess of thousands of favors, but now her face is gone, and even those closest to her choose to leave. She fell into unprecedented despair, as if she had fallen from heaven to hell in an instant.

Whenever she sees her scarred self in the mirror, Selina always bursts into tears. She began to question the meaning of life, and even had the idea of suicide for a while. This once radiant woman can now only lick her wounds alone in the dark, struggling to face this sudden change in her life.

Selina relied on her 4-month-old son to make 7 figures, was busy fighting for a second child, and quarreled with her boyfriend several times a month

What happened to Selina has undoubtedly taught us a cruel lesson about the impermanence of life. However, in this darkest moment, a strong belief sprouted in her heart, which was the source of her strength to get back on her feet in the future.

Selina, who lost everything, fell into a severe depression. The pain of burns, the disfigurement of her face, the interruption of her career, and the breakdown of her marriage were almost unbearable blows. Whenever she saw herself scarred in the mirror, she couldn't help but want to end this painful life.

Selina, who has been hurt, said: "It was the darkest time of my life, and I even had the idea of looking for a short-term vision. Just as she was about to give up, the worried eyes of her elderly parents rekindled the only glimmer of hope in her heart.

Selina relied on her 4-month-old son to make 7 figures, was busy fighting for a second child, and quarreled with her boyfriend several times a month

Looking at her parents' aging faces and unconcealed worries, Selina knew she couldn't just give up. "For the sake of my parents, I have to be strong to live." She told herself silently in her heart.

This decision became a turning point for her to regain her strength.

Selina actively undergoes psychotherapy and gradually learns to be honest with reality. Despite the hardships of the process, her eyes were rejuvenated. Gradually, he re-faced the public, although there were still severe burn marks on his face.

Selina relied on her 4-month-old son to make 7 figures, was busy fighting for a second child, and quarreled with her boyfriend several times a month

After years of recuperation, Selina is back on stage. This time, she is no longer the goddess who attracts attention only by her beauty, but a woman who has gone through vicissitudes and is full of resilience.

Each of her appearances is an inspiration to those who are going through difficult times.

It was then that Selina's god of fate seemed to finally smile at her. She meets a man who accepts her as she is, and instead of paying attention to the scars on her face, he is drawn to her steadfast heart.

Selina relied on her 4-month-old son to make 7 figures, was busy fighting for a second child, and quarreled with her boyfriend several times a month

"He made me feel loved again," Selina once said of her new partner, "and he accepted me as I am and gave me the courage to move on." With him, Selina regained her courage to live and began to look forward to the future.

Although the haze of depression has not completely dissipated, Selina has learned to live with it. Her experience teaches us that even in the darkest of times, life will always forge a new path for us as long as we don't give up hope.

Fertility was another important milestone in Selina's life. After a long period of psychological adjustment and recovery, her relationship with her new partner gradually stabilized, and ushered in the crystallization of their love - a cute little baby.

Selina relied on her 4-month-old son to make 7 figures, was busy fighting for a second child, and quarreled with her boyfriend several times a month

The moment she picked up her newborn for the first time, she felt extremely happy and felt that all the effort was worth it.

However, what Selina didn't expect was that the four-month-old baby not only brought her spiritual comfort, but also became the key to her career and the key to her career restart.

By chance, Selina received an invitation to advertise for baby products, and at first, she was a little hesitant and uneasy about facing the camera again.

Selina relied on her 4-month-old son to make 7 figures, was busy fighting for a second child, and quarreled with her boyfriend several times a month

When she stood in front of the camera with her son in her arms, her world seemed to be different. The scars on Selina's face, though obvious, seemed to be overshadowed by the radiance of motherhood, and she looked tenderly at the baby in her arms, the love in her eyes that deeply touched everyone present.

This sincere maternal love moved everyone.

After the broadcast of this advertisement, it immediately generated a great response from all walks of life. The audience was captivated by Selina's maternal charm in the advertisement, which struck a wide chord. In just one month, Selina earned nearly one million sky-high advertising fees for this advertisement, setting the highest income since her comeback.

Selina relied on her 4-month-old son to make 7 figures, was busy fighting for a second child, and quarreled with her boyfriend several times a month

This windfall not only helped Selina overcome her financial difficulties, but more importantly, it rekindled her zest for life. "I never thought that my son would be my strength to get back on my feet," Selina said in an interview, "and he gave me a new purpose in life." ”

After this success, Selina's self-confidence has increased a lot. There was a spark of hope in her eyes again, and there was a confident smile on the corner of her mouth. This experience made her realize that even if her looks are no longer there, she can still touch people's hearts and create value in other ways.

Inspired, Selina began to reimagine her life, no longer confined to her past image, but began to experiment with new possibilities. What's even more surprising is that she even came up with the idea of having a second child, hoping to expand her happy family.

Selina relied on her 4-month-old son to make 7 figures, was busy fighting for a second child, and quarreled with her boyfriend several times a month

All of these transformations began with that four-month-old life. Selina's story shows us that sometimes life's turnaround can come from the most unexpected of things.

Mother's love has become Selina's most powerful weapon to reinvent herself and restart her career.

Selina's career has improved, but her love life is like a nightmare. The shadow of depression haunted her like a nightmare, bringing endless troubles to her work life.

Selina relied on her 4-month-old son to make 7 figures, was busy fighting for a second child, and quarreled with her boyfriend several times a month

Her mood is volatile, her boyfriend can't even predict her actions, and the slightest mistake can be infinitely magnified by her, triggering her outbursts, and this emotional fluctuation brings great challenges to her new relationship.

"Why are you always like this?" Selina's roar echoes around the house, and her boyfriend tries to accommodate it, but frequent arguments strain their relationship. According to the report, they would quarrel several times a month over various trivial matters, which cast a shadow on the otherwise sweet family life.

Selina was aware of her problem, however, her emotional control was a little out of control, "I know my temper has become terrible, but I really have a hard time controlling my emotions," she said in a candid conversation, "and I was afraid it would push him away." This inner contradiction and struggle made Selina feel tormented.

Selina relied on her 4-month-old son to make 7 figures, was busy fighting for a second child, and quarreled with her boyfriend several times a month

Selina is a very cautious person, and even though she already has children, she is very reserved in her attitude towards marriage. She often said, "Marriage is just a piece of paper, and what really matters is feelings." This attitude may have something to do with her past experiences with failed marriages, which made her doubt about the institution of marriage.

However, even the relationship is difficult to maintain, so the future of the relationship is naturally worrying. After all, there is a limit to what a normal person can endure. In this regard, Selina is very aware that if she can't change the status quo, she may lose her hard-won happiness again.

This challenging relationship journey became a new test in Selina's life. It not only tests her patience and determination, but also her understanding and cherishing of love. Despite the difficult road ahead, Selina still chooses to face it bravely and strive for her own happiness.

Selina relied on her 4-month-old son to make 7 figures, was busy fighting for a second child, and quarreled with her boyfriend several times a month

Despite the many challenges, Selina was not defeated. On the contrary, these challenges seem to fuel her fighting spirit. After a long period of recuperation and adjustment, she made a decision that surprised many – to return to the stage.

Despite the burn marks on her face, Selina's performance is more infectious than ever. She is no longer the goddess who attracts attention with her beauty, but a strong woman who has gone through vicissitudes and is full of maternal aura.

Her every movement and every look tells her story and touches every audience.

Selina relied on her 4-month-old son to make 7 figures, was busy fighting for a second child, and quarreled with her boyfriend several times a month

To the surprise of the audience, Selina on stage exudes a charm that has never been seen before, and her performance is full of love for life, dedication to art, and this emotion from the inside out is far more striking than a perfect appearance.

"I'm not the star who only looks like me anymore." Selina confessed in an interview, "Now I know the true meaning of life more and cherish the people around me more." This maturity and strength have given her new recognition in her career and made her look forward to the future.

Selina's journey out of the doldrums is not only manifested on stage, but also in her attitude towards life. She began to devote herself to social welfare undertakings, using her influence to help those less fortunate as much as possible.

Selina relied on her 4-month-old son to make 7 figures, was busy fighting for a second child, and quarreled with her boyfriend several times a month

Her story has become an inspirational role model for many, proving that even if you suffer a major blow, you can get back on your feet and live a different life.

At the same time, Selina's attitude towards work has changed. She no longer pursues those flashy superficial achievements, but pays more attention to the connotation and quality of her works. This shift has taken her career to a new stage and earned her the respect of more industry insiders.

Selina's life experience shows the image of a woman who has been reborn in the face of adversity. She shows both her inner strength and her love for life, which shows her beauty.

Selina relied on her 4-month-old son to make 7 figures, was busy fighting for a second child, and quarreled with her boyfriend several times a month

Although life has brought her a heavy blow, she has deduced a more wonderful life in her own way.

Today's Selina has made an amazing comeback in her career. She was once a burn patient and hit rock bottom, but now she has managed to turn around and even earn up to seven figures by investing in her son's commercials, a process that is undoubtedly an inspiring legend.

Throughout, Selina has shown remarkable resilience and fearless courage.

Selina relied on her 4-month-old son to make 7 figures, was busy fighting for a second child, and quarreled with her boyfriend several times a month

However, Selina understands that life is not all about career. She is trying to balance her family and work, planning a second child, hoping to give her children more love. "Children are the only sustenance in my life," Selina once said, showing how much she values her family.

At the same time, she is constantly adjusting her emotions and improving her relationship with her partner. Although they still argue from time to time, Selina is learning how to better communicate and control her emotions wirelessly.

It's not an easy process, but she knows it's the way to stay in bondage.

Selina relied on her 4-month-old son to make 7 figures, was busy fighting for a second child, and quarreled with her boyfriend several times a month

When it comes to her career, Selina doesn't stop. She is always trying to try new possibilities, not only on stage, but also in other areas. Her story has inspired countless people and proved that as long as you don't give up, you always have a chance to get back on your feet.

Although financial success has given Selina more freedom of choice, she is not satisfied and still maintains a passionate anticipation for life and the future. This positive attitude has made her life full of possibilities.

Selina's experience tells us that life is a marathon, and the important thing is not the speed of running, but the courage to persevere. No matter what awaits her ahead, we will continue to care for and support her.

Selina relied on her 4-month-old son to make 7 figures, was busy fighting for a second child, and quarreled with her boyfriend several times a month

We look forward to seeing her achieve greater success in her career in the future, and wish her the best of luck in finding peace of mind and achieving true happiness. Selina's story continues, and this resilient woman is sure to write a new chapter in her life in her own unique way.