
debuted for 36 years but was tepid, but his wife relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala

author:Sissi Literature Hall

24-year-old Chen Guangbiao stepped into the showbiz and played a small supporting role in the movie "Wrangler". This seems to be an ordinary beginning, but it is the starting point of his long acting career. Chen Guangbiao came from an ordinary background, his mother died when he was 12 years old, and his family environment was not wealthy.

debuted for 36 years but was tepid, but his wife relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala

From an early age, he learned to be independent and developed a tenacious character.

In the face of temptations and challenges in the entertainment industry, Chen Guangbiao has always adhered to a down-to-earth attitude. He is not in a hurry, and pays more attention to taking every role seriously, even if it is just a supporting role in a few shots.

On the set, he always silently and calmly observed the performances of others, learned and accumulated acting skills, and this humble attitude and hard work spirit laid a solid foundation for his future acting career.

debuted for 36 years but was tepid, but his wife relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala

However, the reality is always less than ideal. Despite his efforts, Chen Guangbiao's acting career still did not reach the heights expected. Faced with this situation, Chen Guangbiao did not give up, but chose to persevere.

He clearly knows that in this highly competitive industry, only by constantly improving his ability can he gain a foothold in this industry.

In order to better develop his acting career, Chen Guangbiao decided to continue his studies and applied for the Beijing Film Academy. He hopes to improve his professional level through systematic learning.

debuted for 36 years but was tepid, but his wife relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala

This decision means that he needs to take time off from work to revise, which will undoubtedly make his life more busy, but Chen Guangbiao is not afraid, he firmly believes that as long as he works hard, he will eventually pay off.

In this way, Chen Guangbiao began his acting career. Although his start was very ordinary, his heart was always full of love and dedication to acting. This love and dedication will accompany him through his long acting career and become the driving force for him to keep moving forward.

In order to have a place in the entertainment industry, Chen Guangbiao made up his mind to be admitted to Beijing Film Academy, because he knew that he needed more professional training to open up a new situation for his acting career. However, there are many difficulties and challenges along the way.

debuted for 36 years but was tepid, but his wife relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala

During the day, Chen Guangbiao needs to arrive on the set on time to play various roles; In the evenings, he has to study hard to prepare for the upcoming exams. This dual identity switch made him feel very tired, but he never wanted to give up.

In the process of preparing for the exam, Chen Guangbiao encountered a thorny problem - his height was not ideal, and in order to overcome this disadvantage, he came up with a unique method: the innovative spirit and unyielding attitude of putting newspapers in his shoes fully demonstrated his love and dedication to his acting career.

During Chen Guangbiao's time at film school, he studied diligently and was keen to participate in practical activities, and was the first to arrive at the school and the last to leave the school every day. He actively participates in various performances and rehearsals organized by the school, and strives to apply the theoretical knowledge he has learned to practice. The hard work paid off, and he was finally successfully admitted to the Beijing Film Academy.

debuted for 36 years but was tepid, but his wife relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala

However, although Chen Guangbiao has become a professional actor, his acting career is still full of challenges. After graduation, he continued to develop in the film and television industry, but he was never able to get rid of his identity as a supporting actor and failed to have the opportunity to become popular.

In the face of this situation, Chen Guangbiao did not feel sorry for himself, but chose to continue to work hard, he firmly believes that as long as he remains enthusiastic and focused, he will eventually have his own stage.

Chen Guangbiao's experience tells us that in the highly competitive entertainment industry, success is not achieved overnight, and requires continuous hard work and perseverance, as well as the persistent pursuit of art. Although he is not as famous as his wife Lin Ping, he interprets what professionalism is and what persistence is in his own way.

debuted for 36 years but was tepid, but his wife relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala

This insistence in obscurity is a true portrayal of his career.

In 1987, an unexpected opportunity came to change the fate of Chen Guangbiao and Lin Ping. A composer created a song called "Always Go Home to See" at this time, and originally wanted Chen Guangbiao to sing it.

However, Chen Guangbiao politely turned down the opportunity.

debuted for 36 years but was tepid, but his wife relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala

When asked why he refused to sing the song, Mr. Chan said, "At that time, I felt that I was not suitable for singing this song, although I am an actor, I am not a professional singer. Moreover, I think this song needs a singer who can better express the emotions of the song. This seemingly simple decision opened the door to new opportunities for his wife, Ms. Lin Ping.

Lin Ping received the task of singing "Always Go Home to See". The song was written by the composer under the touch of a real experience. At that time, the composer saw an old man in the waiting room waiting for his children to pick him up, and this scene touched his heart deeply.

Therefore, he decided to write a song as a way to call attention to the family and to come home often.

debuted for 36 years but was tepid, but his wife relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala

The songwriting process did not go well, and the composer changed the lyrics and melody several times. But in the end, the song touched the hearts of a wide audience with its unpretentious lyrics and warm and touching melody.

Lin Ping's singing injected the power of warmth into this song, making it spread all over the country in a short period of time.

There are several reasons why "Always Go Home to See" can resonate widely: First, the song sings the voice that inhabits the hearts of many people. The fast-paced lifestyle often makes people overlook the importance of family and affection.

debuted for 36 years but was tepid, but his wife relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala

Secondly, the theme of the song is in line with the values of "100 virtues and filial piety first" in traditional Chinese cultureFinally, Lin Ping's warm and friendly voice perfectly interprets the theme of the song, making the listener feel the warmth of home.

Lin Ping became an instant hit in the entertainment industry because of this song and became a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala. However, Chen Guangbiao continued to work silently. In the face of his wife's success, Chen Guangbiao did not show jealousy or unhappiness, but sincerely sent blessings and support.

He often said: "We are a family, her success is my success, and I am proud of her".

debuted for 36 years but was tepid, but his wife relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala

This song not only changed Lin Ping's career trajectory, but also affected Chen Guangbiao's life to some extent. Although he has always insisted on his acting career, he has also placed more emphasis on family life.

The success of "Always Go Home to See" made the couple more deeply appreciate the importance of family.

The popularity of "Always Come Home to See" is not accidental, it shows the power of music and the sincere emotions in life. The success of the song has given us a deep understanding of what art really touches people's hearts, and it also shows the mutual respect and support between Chen Guangbiao and Lin Ping in their career choices.

debuted for 36 years but was tepid, but his wife relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala

Although there is a contrast between Chen Guangbiao and Lin Ping in their careers, this has not affected the relationship between them. On the contrary, their married life presents a beautiful picture of mutual support and mutual growth.

Chen Guangbiao and Lin Ping's marriage is based on mutual understanding and respect. Although Lin Ping became popular because of the song "Always Go Home to See" and became a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala, this did not form a gap between them.

Chen Guangbiao has always been proud of Lin Ping's success and regarded it as their common pride.

debuted for 36 years but was tepid, but his wife relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala

In family life, Chen Guangbiao voluntarily took on most of the housework, and he paid silently without complaint, which he considered his responsibility. This attitude of his infuses warmth and sweetness into their married life.

In terms of children's education, Chen Guangbiao and Lin Ping have the same opinion. They all want their children to grow up healthy and happy without putting too much pressure on them. They pay more attention to cultivating children's character rather than deliberately pursuing "success".

This educational philosophy reflects their deep understanding of the value of life and the sense of responsibility they should have as parents.

debuted for 36 years but was tepid, but his wife relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala

Despite the long separation between the two, Chen Guangbiao and Lin Ping still found the best way to take care of and maintain their relationship. They connect every day through phone calls, text messages, etc., so that each other can feel deep love and strong support.

This constant attention and care makes their love deeper and more timeless.

Chen Guangbiao once said in an interview: "Lin Ping and I have a very good relationship, mutual understanding and mutual support, her success did not affect our relationship, but made us cherish each other more." This sentence reveals the true meaning of their marriage.

debuted for 36 years but was tepid, but his wife relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala

Their married life shows the extraordinary greatness of daily life, and they use their actions to tell us what is the real love for each other, and what is the depth of love between husband and wife.

In the entertainment industry full of temptations and challenges, their marriage is like a warm landscape.

Although his wife Lin Ping became popular for the song "Always Go Home to See" and became a frequent guest at the Spring Festival Gala, Chen Guangbiao's acting career has always maintained a low-key and steady development trend. He did not give up his pursuit because of his wife's success, but worked harder to study his acting skills and constantly tried various roles.

debuted for 36 years but was tepid, but his wife relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala

Although Chen Guangbiao knows that he may not be able to become a big star, he insists that as long as he works hard, he will definitely find his place in the entertainment industry. Over the years, whether in TV series or movies, although most of the roles he has played are supporting roles, he has taken them seriously, deeply experienced the lives of the characters, and understood the inner world of the characters, in order to make the performances more realistic.

On set, Chen always takes a positive and serious approach to his work, and he treats every role as an important part. He carefully pondered and strived for perfection, and enjoyed the appreciation of his peers and directors, who once commented: "Chen Guangbiao is a very dedicated actor, and he devotes all his heart and soul to each role. "

In the face of doubts and comparisons from the outside world, Chen Guangbiao has always faced them with a calm mind. He does not envy the brilliance of others and only focuses on doing his best. This indifferent attitude towards fame and fortune has made him maintain a rare purity and focus in the impetuous entertainment industry.

debuted for 36 years but was tepid, but his wife relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala

Although Chen Guangbiao's acting career has not improved greatly, he has never given up his love for acting. He often said: "Acting is my dream, and I will definitely stick to it".

This persistence is reflected not only in his career choice, but also in his attitude towards work.

Chen's experience tells us that in the highly competitive entertainment industry, not everyone can become a dazzling star. However, as long as you stick to your dreams and strive to pursue the true meaning of art, everyone can find their own piece of the world.

debuted for 36 years but was tepid, but his wife relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala

Chen Guangbiao interprets the meaning of professionalism and persistence with his actions, showing the actor's persistent pursuit of art.

After 36 years of acting career, Chen Guangbiao's life and career have a deeper understanding. He firmly believes that true success lies not only in the brilliance of his career, but also in the balance between family and career.

"Lin Ping's success has provided tremendous support to our family, but we have never forgotten the importance of family, and no matter how busy we are, we will always find time to spend with our children and care for each other. "It's this emphasis on family that allows them to find a balance between their careers and their families.

debuted for 36 years but was tepid, but his wife relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala

Chen Guangbiao has his own views on his acting career: "Everyone's life path is different. I may not have become a big star, but I gained a happy family and a love for the performing arts.

For me, that's the most successful" attitude shows his unique understanding of the value of life.

The story of Chen Guangbiao and Lin Ping makes us deeply realize that in the process of career success, the importance of family cannot be ignored. They interpreted the true meaning of the song "Always Go Home to See" with practical actions, and also set an excellent example for us to balance family and career.

debuted for 36 years but was tepid, but his wife relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala

In the fast-paced modern society, Chen Guangbiao and Lin Ping's experiences teach us a vivid lesson about family, career, and the value of life. Their stories tell us that success is not only about fame and fortune, but also about inner satisfaction and family happiness.

Balancing these may be the life realm that many people are pursuing.