
The carpenter repented of asking for money, but the old man did not agree, and the carpenter buried an axe in the corner


The carpenter repented of asking for money, but the old man did not agree, and the carpenter buried an axe in the corner

In an ancient and mysterious village, there is a villager named Lin Laohan. He is over half a hundred years old, with gray hair, but he is in good spirits and vigorous. Lin Laohan was industrious and simple all his life, making a living from farming, and although his home was simple, it was full of warmth and tranquility.

On this day, Lin Laohan's old house was in disrepair, the roof tiles were incomplete, and every rainy day, the house was dripping and leaking. Lin Laohan decided to hire a carpenter to repair the roof so that his family could live a stable life.

Soon after the news broke, Zhang San, a well-known carpenter in the village, came to visit. Zhang San is burly, ruddy-complexion, and his eyes are bright, and his craftsmanship is well-known in the village. When Lin Laohan saw Zhang San coming to the door, he was overjoyed, and hurriedly welcomed him into the house, made a pot of tea, and carefully discussed the matter of repairing the house.

After some deliberation, the two set the salary and construction period. Zhang San patted his chest and promised that the roof would be repaired in the shortest possible time. When Lin Laohan heard this, his heart fell to the ground, and he was convinced of Zhang San's craftsmanship and personality.

However, not long after Zhang San started work, he suddenly found Lin Laohan and said that he wanted to process money. When Lin Laohan heard this, he was stunned. He thought to himself, this Zhang San had sworn before, why did he suddenly change his hexagram? Although Lin Laohan was dissatisfied in his heart, he still patiently asked the reason.

Zhang San hesitantly explained that the recent increase in timber prices has increased his costs a lot, and that he will not be able to make ends meet without processing money. When Lin Laohan heard this, he sneered in his heart. He understood that this tripartite was clearly trying to take advantage of the opportunity to blackmail, but he was unwilling to compromise easily. So, he politely refused Zhang San's request and said that he could only pay according to the salary agreed before.

Zhang San listened to Lin Laohan's words, and his face suddenly became gloomy. He didn't say much, just snorted coldly, turned and left. Lin Laohan looked at Zhang San's back, and couldn't help but have a hint of foreboding in his heart.

The carpenter repented of asking for money, but the old man did not agree, and the carpenter buried an axe in the corner

A few days later, Lin Laohan found that Zhang San was always wandering in the corner of the wall when he was repairing the roof, looking strange. Suspicious, he quietly followed. I saw Zhang San digging a small pit in the corner of the wall, and then buried a sharp axe in it. This scene was clearly seen by Lin Laohan, he was shocked, and hurriedly retreated into the house, pretending to be nothing.

That night, Lin Laohan lay on the bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep. He couldn't understand why Zhang San buried an axe in the corner, what did this mean? Does he want to be against himself? The more Lin Laohan thought about it, the more uneasy he felt, and he decided to find an opportunity to have a good talk with Zhang San the next day.

However, the next morning, when Lin Laohan got up and came to the courtyard, he found that Zhang San had disappeared. He searched around, but found no trace of Zhang San. Lin Laohan had a puzzle in his heart, not knowing what was going on.

At this moment, a child in the village came to tell Lin Laohan that he had seen Zhang San leave the village in a hurry with his luggage last night. When Lin Laohan heard this, he suddenly understood in his heart. He understood that this Zhang San must have been dissatisfied because he didn't talk about processing money, so he deliberately buried an ax in the corner of the wall to scare himself.

Although Lin Laohan was a little scared in his heart, he also understood that he couldn't be intimidated by Zhang San like this. He decided to dig out the axe himself and see what Zhang San wanted to do. So, he found a shovel and dug it carefully in the corner.

After a while, the sharp axe appeared in front of Lin Laohan's eyes. He carefully dug out the axe and took it in his hand to examine it carefully. I saw a line of small words engraved on the axe: "If there is a bad heart, this axe will be punished." Lin Laohan saw it and sneered in his heart. He understood that this was just Zhang San's trick.

Since then, Lin Laohan no longer has any trust in Zhang San. He repaired the roof with his own hands, so that his family could live a stable life. And Zhang San, the carpenter who once vowed to repair his house, became a joke among the villagers after dinner.

The carpenter repented of asking for money, but the old man did not agree, and the carpenter buried an axe in the corner

However, the story doesn't end there. Just when Lin Laohan thought that everything was over, he suddenly received a news - Zhang San, a carpenter who had left the village, died in an accident in the field. Hearing this news, Lin Laohan couldn't help but feel a trace of complicated emotions in his heart. He felt both sorry and felt that this was the evil fruit planted by Zhang San himself.

Time passes, and time flies. The old house of Lin Laohan's family has become more and more simple and quiet under the baptism of time. And the story about the carpenter Zhang San has also been passed down from generation to generation by the villagers and has become a legend to warn future generations. In this fantasy folk tale, people not only see the complexity and changeability of human nature, but also feel the contest and collision between justice and evil. And Lin Laohan's tenacity and wisdom have become the most shining stroke in this story. After the news of the death of carpenter Zhang San spread in the village, it caused quite a stir. Some lamented Zhang San's superb skills but ill-fated fate, while others believed that his greed and dishonesty led to such an outcome. Lin Laohan silently prayed for Zhang San in his heart, hoping that he could rest in peace in another world.

However, not long after Zhang San's death, something strange happened to the old house of Lin Laohan's family. In the dead of night, there would always be a muffled sound of axes in the corner of the old house, as if someone was working in secret. Although Lin Laohan and his family were suspicious, they did not dare to explore it easily.

One day, a Taoist priest came to the village who had traveled all over the world. He was dressed in a Taoist robe, holding a whisk in his hand, and he looked like an unfathomable one. When the Taoist priest was wandering around the village, he happened to hear about the strange things in the old house of Lin Laohan's family, so he took the initiative to visit him and expressed his willingness to help Lin Laohan find out the truth.

Lin Laohan saw that the Taoist morale was extraordinary, so he invited him into the house. The Taoist priest walked around the room, then came to the corner of the wall, closed his eyes and stared, as if sensing something. After a while, he opened his eyes and said to Lin Laohan: "There is an evil aura lingering here, someone must have buried something ominous here." ”

When Lin Laohan heard this, he immediately remembered the axe that Zhang San had buried. He hurriedly took the Taoist priest to the corner of the wall and told the Taoist priest everything about the axe. The Taoist priest listened, nodded slightly, and said, "That's it." The axe was magical, intended to intimidate and take revenge. If you don't deal with it in time, I am afraid it will bring even greater disaster to your family. ”

Lin Laohan listened to the words of the Taoist priest and was shocked. He hurriedly asked the Taoist priest what to do with the axe. The Taoist priest pondered for a moment and said, "You need to suppress the evil energy of the axe with an exorcism charm, and then bury it deep in the ground to completely eliminate the calamity." ”

So, with the assistance of Lin Laohan, the Taoist priest drew an exorcism charm and pasted it on the axe. Together, they then dug up the axe and took it to a wasteland outside the village, where they buried it deeply. In the sound of the Taoist priest's incantation, the evil aura of the axe gradually dissipated, and the old house returned to its former tranquility.

The carpenter repented of asking for money, but the old man did not agree, and the carpenter buried an axe in the corner

Since then, no strange things have happened in the old house of Lin Laohan's family. And the story about the carpenter Zhang San and the evil axe has also become a legend in the village through the ages. People have learned a lesson from this and understood the truth that people should be honest and trustworthy and not greedy for ill-gotten gains. And Lin Laohan's wisdom and courage have also become a good story for future generations. Since the evil axe was buried deep underground, the old house of Lin Laohan's family has returned to its former peace. Lin Laohan and his family were also able to live a peaceful and peaceful life. However, Lin Laohan could not completely let go of his heart, he often thought of the former carpenter Zhang San, remembered his greed and dishonesty, and the heavy price he paid for it.

As the years go by, Lin Laohan is getting old, but he still maintains that love for life and adherence to justice in his heart. He often told the story about Zhang San, a carpenter, to the children in the village, hoping that they could learn from it and understand the truth of life.

One day, Lin Laohan met a young carpenter at the entrance of the village. The carpenter's name was Li Si, and he was tall, handsome, and his eyes flashed with intelligence and perseverance. Li Si came from other places, heard about Lin Laohan's reputation, and specially came to learn art.

Lin Laohan saw that Li Si's attitude was sincere and his skills were good, so he accepted this apprentice. He unreservedly passed on his skills and experience to Li Si, and at the same time told him the story about Zhang San, a carpenter. Li Si was deeply touched when he heard this, and he vowed to be an honest and trustworthy carpenter with exquisite craftsmanship.

Under the careful guidance of Lin Laohan, Li Si's craftsmanship has improved rapidly. He not only inherited the traditional craftsmanship of Lin Laohan, but also continued to innovate and improve, making his works more exquisite and practical. His fame spread through the village, and he became the leader of a new generation of carpenters.

However, just when Li Si's career was booming, he encountered a problem. A wealthy merchant took a fancy to his craft and wanted him to make a beautiful piece of furniture for himself. However, the wages offered by wealthy businessmen were much lower than the market price. Li Si was in a dilemma: on the one hand, he didn't want to lose this rare opportunity; On the other hand, he didn't want to go against his principles.

Just when Li Si was hesitating, he remembered the story that Lin Laohan had once told. He understood that he could not violate his conscience and principles for the sake of immediate gain. So, he firmly rejected the unreasonable demands of the wealthy businessman and explained the reason to him.

The carpenter repented of asking for money, but the old man did not agree, and the carpenter buried an axe in the corner

The wealthy businessman listened to Li Si's words, and although he was a little disappointed, he also expressed his appreciation for his honesty and adherence to principles. He eventually raised his salary and reached a cooperation with Li Si. And Li Si has also won the respect and trust of more people because of this decision.

Time flies, and Lin Laohan finally passed away, but his spirit has been passed down in the village. And the story about the carpenter Zhang San has also become a good story in the village from generation to generation. While people are telling this story, they are also passing on the insistence on justice and honesty. And Li Si, as Lin Laohan's apprentice, has also become a new legend in this story.