
The carpenter attended the wedding feast and noticed that the bride was walking strangely, so he hurriedly threw out the ink fountain line


The carpenter attended the wedding feast and noticed that the bride was walking strangely, so he hurriedly threw out the ink fountain line

In a quiet town, there is a carpenter named Carpenter Lee. He is skilled and kind, and is deeply loved by the villagers. On this day, Carpenter Li received a wedding card, which was a wedding banquet for Zhang Ergou, the son of his distant relative Zhang Da Niang's family. Although he usually doesn't move around much with Carpenter Li, after all, they are relatives, so Carpenter Li packed up his tools and prepared to go to congratulate.

On the day of the wedding feast, the sun was shining and the breeze was not dry. Carpenter Li rode his old bicycle through the field road to Mrs. Zhang's house. The courtyard is lit up with lights, and the voices of people are boiling, so it's not lively. Carpenter Li parked his bicycle and walked into the yard.

He looked around and saw that the courtyard was full of all kinds of festive decorations, with bright red lanterns hanging high and happy stickers everywhere. People gathered in groups of three or five, talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was very harmonious. However, in this lively occasion, Carpenter Li sensed that something was wrong.

He noticed that the bride walked in a strange way, as if something was restraining her under her feet. The bride was wearing a bright red wedding dress and a phoenix crown and a silk veil on her head, which should have been graceful and graceful, but she stumbled and staggered. Carpenter Li secretly wondered in his heart, but he didn't dare to ask rashly.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew, and the lanterns in the yard suddenly swayed, making a strange sound of "squeak". Carpenter Li couldn't help but shudder, he looked around and found that people's faces had become a little pale, and there was a hint of fear in their eyes.

At this moment, the bride suddenly gave up on her feet and fell to the ground. The crowd exclaimed in surprise and rushed forward. Carpenter Li also squeezed into the crowd, only to see that the bride was pale and sweating profusely, and seemed to be in pain. He looked down and saw that the bride had a thin black thread wrapped around her ankle, which seemed to come out of the ground and tightly strangled hers.

Carpenter Li was shocked, and he immediately thought of the ink fountain line in his hand. He had learned some methods of exorcism from his master, and knew that the ink fountain line had the effect of warding off evil spirits. He hurriedly took out the ink fountain line from his pocket, quickly untied the black ink fountain on the bride's ankle, and replaced it with his own.

The carpenter attended the wedding feast and noticed that the bride was walking strangely, so he hurriedly threw out the ink fountain line

At the moment when the ink fountain thread wrapped around the bride's ankle, she suddenly let out a scream, and the whole person sat up suddenly. Her face gradually returned to ruddy, and her eyes became clear. Seeing this, everyone exclaimed that it was amazing and was grateful to Carpenter Li.

The bride looked at Carpenter Li gratefully and asked, "Engong, how did you know that I was in trouble?" Carpenter Li smiled slightly and said, "I was also lucky to notice the abnormality. I noticed that you were walking in a strange way, and I was suspicious when I saw the lantern in the yard flickering suddenly. Add to that the sudden reaction of the ink fountain line in my hand, and I know you must have encountered something unclean. ”

When the bride heard this, she was afraid for a while, and she told Carpenter Li that before marrying into the Zhang family, she had gone to a remote mountain village, where she met an eccentric old man. The old man gave her a bracelet, saying that it would bless her with a happy marriage. As soon as she put on the bracelet, she felt as if something was restraining her under her feet, and she struggled to walk. Until today's wedding banquet, she finally couldn't hold it anymore and fell to the ground.

After hearing this, Carpenter Li frowned, he knew that the strange old man was by no means a good type, and there must be something wrong with the bracelet. He reassured the bride that she should not worry and that she would find a way to solve the matter.

The wedding feast continued, but Carpenter Li had no intention of participating again. He quietly left the courtyard and came to the backyard of Aunt Zhang's house. He took out the peachwood sword and charm he had brought with him, and began to set up a magic circle to ward off evil spirits.

As night fell, the circle was finally arranged. Carpenter Li stood in the center of the circle, holding a peachwood sword, and chanting words in his mouth. As his incantation sounded, the air around him seemed to become heavy, and a mysterious power filled the air.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and a cloud of black smoke rose from the center of the circle. In the black smoke, a hideous-looking old ghost slowly appeared. It stared at Carpenter Li with blood-red eyes, and let out a burst of eerie laughter.

The carpenter attended the wedding feast and noticed that the bride was walking strangely, so he hurriedly threw out the ink fountain line

Carpenter Li was undaunted, he wielded a peachwood sword and started a fierce battle with the old ghost. After a fierce battle, Carpenter Li finally defeated the old ghost with his superb Taoism and firm faith.

As the old ghost dissipated, the shackles on the bride's body were completely lifted. She was grateful and grateful to Carpenter Li. Carpenter Li smiled faintly and said, "This is what I should do, after all, we are all a family." ”

Despite the success of exorcising the evil spirits, Carpenter Li was not complacent. He knows that there are too many unknown things in this world, and what he has learned is far from enough. So, after the wedding banquet, he said goodbye to Aunt Zhang and decided to continue to travel around the world and learn more Taoism to help himself better protect the villagers.

Carpenter Li embarked on a new journey, he traveled all over the mountains and rivers, visited the famous mountains and rivers in various places, and sought advice from Taoist masters in various places. He studied with an open mind, studied hard, and gradually comprehended more of the true meaning of the Dao.

A few years later, Carpenter Lee returned to his hometown. At this time, he is no longer the young carpenter he was at the beginning, but a Taoist with advanced Taoism. His fame spread throughout the town, and the townsfolk came to ask for advice, hoping that he could solve life's problems for him.

One day, a bizarre disappearance suddenly occurred in the town. Several young girls have disappeared inexplicably, and the whole town is in a panic. The villagers found Carpenter Li, hoping that he could find out the truth and find the missing girls.

Carpenter Li took on this task without hesitation. He carefully investigates the details of the disappearances and discovers that each of the missing girls had received a strange letter before the incident. There was only one line in the letter: "See you at the mountain temple on the night of the full moon." ”

The carpenter attended the wedding feast and noticed that the bride was walking strangely, so he hurriedly threw out the ink fountain line

Carpenter Li's heart moved, and he decided to go to the mountain temple on the night of the full moon to see if he could find clues to the missing girls.

On the night of the full moon, there was silence in the mountain temple. Carpenter Li held a peachwood sword and quietly entered the temple. He looked around and saw several strange altars in the temple, and some strange objects were placed on the altars. When he got closer, he was surprised to find that the items were identical to the tokens of the missing girls.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew, and black smoke suddenly rose from the items on the altar. In the black smoke, several hideous-looking demons slowly appeared. They stared at Carpenter Li with blood-red eyes, and let out a burst of eerie laughter.

Carpenter Li felt a pang in his heart, he knew that these evil spirits were the culprits responsible for the disappearance of the girls. Wielding a peachwood sword, he engaged in a fierce battle with the demons. After a fierce battle, Carpenter Li finally defeated the demons one by one with his superb Taoism and firm faith.

As the demons dissipated, the missing girls also appeared. They were deceived by evil spirits and used evil magic to lose consciousness and be taken to the mountain temple. Now that the demons have been removed, they have regained their senses.

After the villagers learned the news, they rushed to the mountain temple one after another, and when they saw that the missing girls were safe and sound, they were all so excited that they burst into tears. They are indebted to Carpenter Lee and regard him as the patron saint of the town.

Time flies, and Carpenter Li's reputation in the town grows. He not only guarded the peace of the villagers, but also often taught young people to have good thoughts and do good deeds. His words are simple and profound, and he is deeply loved by the villagers.

One day, a strange Taoist priest suddenly came to the town. He claimed to be a Taoist priest who traveled all over the world, and when he heard about the name of Carpenter Li, he came to learn Taoism. The villagers gathered around to see who was better than this Taoist priest or Carpenter Li.

Seeing this, Carpenter Li smiled slightly, he didn't care about winning or losing, he just thought this was an opportunity to exchange and learn. So, he invited the Taoist priest to take a seat, and the two began an in-depth discussion.

The questions raised by the Taoist priest were quite tricky, but Carpenter Li responded to them one by one. He not only answered the Taoist priest's doubts, but also shared his experience of practice over the years. After hearing this, the Taoist priest was greatly impressed, and even called Carpenter Li a master of Taoism.

The more the two chatted, the more speculative they became, and the Taoist priest decided to stay in the town for a few more days to practice with Carpenter Li and learn from each other. During this time, the two traveled together in the mountains and rivers, discussed Taoism, and their relationship became deeper and deeper.

However, the good times were short-lived. Just as the Taoist priest was about to leave, a plague suddenly broke out in the town. The villagers fell ill one after another and were in agony. Carpenter Li and the Taoist priest were so anxious that they immediately began to look for a way to heal the villagers.

After some hard work, they finally found an herb that could cure the plague. However, this herb grows on cliffs and is extremely difficult to pick. Regardless of their personal safety, Carpenter Li and the Taoist priest decided to go to pick it themselves.

They trekked through mountains and rivers, went through hardships and dangers, and finally came to the edge of the cliff. I saw emerald green herbs growing on the cliffs, exuding a faint fragrance. However, the road to picking is extremely difficult, and the slightest mistake can lead to an abyss.

The carpenter attended the wedding feast and noticed that the bride was walking strangely, so he hurriedly threw out the ink fountain line

Carpenter Li and Taoist priests supported each other and carefully climbed the cliff. After some hard work, they finally picked enough herbs. However, on the way back, the Taoist priest accidentally stumbled and fell off the cliff.

Carpenter Li was grief-stricken, and he desperately tried to save the Taoist priest, but he couldn't do anything about it. He could only bury the body of the Taoist priest at the foot of the mountain and return to the town with endless sorrow.

After the villagers learned the news, they came to express their condolences to Carpenter Li. They knew that Carpenter Li had paid a huge price to save them. Under the leadership of Carpenter Li, the villagers worked together to fight the plague together. Finally, with the joint efforts of everyone, the plague was completely eradicated, and the town returned to its former tranquility.

Although he lost his best friend, Carpenter Li was not depressed. He continues to guard the peace of the town and teach the young people. His deeds spread all over the world and became a legend. And the town has become more harmonious and beautiful because of the existence of Carpenter Li.

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