
He is the idol of the basketball god and the super champion of the NBA, but his career was ruined because of drugs!

author:Hope University Palace
He is the idol of the basketball god and the super champion of the NBA, but his career was ruined because of drugs!
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He is the idol of the basketball god and the super champion of the NBA, but his career was ruined because of drugs!

In April 1978, the Auckland Stadium was packed. David Thompson, 23, was like a bolt of lightning as he shuttled back and forth on the court. Every jump shot and every dunk he made elicited thunderous applause from the audience.

When the game ends, the beep sounds, and the scoreboard flashes with a staggering number: 73 points! Thompson set a new NBA single-game scoring record, and the future looks bright.

However, fate tricked people. Just a few years later, the basketball genius who was once known as "Skywalker", the idol in Michael Jordan's heart, is struggling with drugs.

He is the idol of the basketball god and the super champion of the NBA, but his career was ruined because of drugs!

From NBA superstar to a fringe player who didn't care, Thompson's career was like a shooting star, bright and short. What pushed this dazzling nova into the abyss of destruction? Let's uncover this legendary and tragic basketball story together.

In July 1954, in the suburbs of Shelby, North Carolina, a boy named David Thompson fell to the ground. As the youngest of 11 children, Thompson struggled with poverty from an early age.

Fate gave the boy a unique gift – extraordinary athletic talent.

At Crest High School, Thompson quickly became a star on campus. His incredible bounce and precise shooting skills are intimidating to opponents. Every time he leaps high and slams the ball into the basket, the audience erupts in deafening cheers.

He is the idol of the basketball god and the super champion of the NBA, but his career was ruined because of drugs!

Thompson is said to have bounced a staggering 1.22m, which gave him an edge in the competition.

After graduating from high school, Thompson chose North Carolina State University to continue his basketball career. However, the rules on the college field presented a new challenge for the young talent.

At the time, the NCAA banned players from dunking in games, which undoubtedly limited Thompson's play. But he was not discouraged, and together with his teammate Monte, he creatively invented the "air relay" tactic, cleverly circumventing the rules and restrictions.

During his four years at North Carolina State, Thompson's performance was nothing short of impressive. He averaged a whopping 29 points per game. 1 point, shooting percentage consistently above 54%.

He is the idol of the basketball god and the super champion of the NBA, but his career was ruined because of drugs!

He led the team to a stellar record, including a 27-0 record in one season. Thompson's No. 44 jersey became the first and only jersey in NC State history to be permanently sealed, a testament to his place in campus basketball history.

Standing at the beginning of his career, the young Thompson's eyes flashed with confidence and eagerness. He believes he can do more miracles on the professional court and become one of the greatest players in basketball history.

However, he could not have imagined that what awaited him would be a career full of ups and downs, glory and sadness. From a poor teenager to an NBA rookie, Thompson's basketball journey has just begun, and the gears of fate have quietly turned.

David Thompson has shown incredible potential at the start of his career. In 1976, he participated in the first all-star dunk contest in ABA history.

He is the idol of the basketball god and the super champion of the NBA, but his career was ruined because of drugs!

Despite ultimately losing to Julius "Dr. J" Irving, Thompson's performance was still impressive. His astonishing bounce of 1.22 meters and graceful aerial movements amazed the audience.

Under the tutelage of Coach Larry Brown, Thompson quickly adapted to the rhythm of the professional game. He led the Denver Nuggets all the way to the ABA Finals.

Although he eventually lost to the New York Nets led by "Dr. J", Thompson's potential has been fully demonstrated.

In 1976, the ABA merged with the NBA, and Thompson officially stepped onto the NBA stage. In his first season in the NBA, he showed extraordinary quality.

He is the idol of the basketball god and the super champion of the NBA, but his career was ruined because of drugs!

Averaged 25 per game. The 9-point performance helped the Nuggets achieve an excellent record of 50 wins and 32 losses, and successfully broke into the playoffs. Despite losing to the Portland Trail Blazers in the second round, Thompson's performance has already caught the eyes of the entire league.

The 1977-1978 season was the pinnacle of Thompson's career. In that game on April 9, he set a single-game scoring record of 73 points, shocking the entire basketball world.

Throughout the season, he averaged 27.15 points per game, and only 0.07 points narrowly settled for the second place in the scoring position, losing to George "The Iceman" Gervin.

Thompson's outstanding performance earned him back-to-back NBA All-NBA All-NBA selections.

He is the idol of the basketball god and the super champion of the NBA, but his career was ruined because of drugs!

At the All-Star Game, Thompson shone even more. He led the West Force to defeat the East Force led by "Dr. J" and "Iceman" Gwen and was named the All-Star MVP.

This award is not only a recognition of his strength, but also a sign that he has become one of the top stars in the league.

Seeing his name frequently appear in the headlines of major media outlets, Thompson's heart was filled with pride and excitement. He believes he's writing a legend and is on track to become one of the greatest players in NBA history.

The Nuggets also had high hopes for him, offering a record five-year, $4 million contract.

He is the idol of the basketball god and the super champion of the NBA, but his career was ruined because of drugs!

However, just when it seemed that Thompson was about to reach the top of the NBA, the haze of fate began to loom quietly. In the 1979-1980 season, injuries began to plague the young superstar.

He was reimbursed after only 39 games throughout the season, which was not only his personal low, but also the first time the Nuggets missed the playoffs since joining the NBA.

Still, Thompson didn't give up. In the 1980-1981 season, he miraculously regained his form, averaging 25.2 points per game.

However, this is only a flashback. As the drug problem worsened, his performance began to decline sharply.

He is the idol of the basketball god and the super champion of the NBA, but his career was ruined because of drugs!

Standing at a crossroads in his career, Thompson faces serious challenges. Injuries, the lure of fame and fortune, and the growing drug problem are eating away at the talented player's career.

Thompson's choice will completely change his fate and cast a shadow on his brilliant basketball career.

The 1981-1982 season was a turning point in David Thompson's career. "Skywalker", who once terrified opponents, is now only able to spend most of his time on the bench.

His scoring average plummeted to 14.9 points per game, a figure that is ironic for a former superstar.

He is the idol of the basketball god and the super champion of the NBA, but his career was ruined because of drugs!

The pain of injury and the decline in performance put a lot of psychological pressure on Thompson. To alleviate the pain, he began to be exposed to drugs. At first, he tried to convince himself that this was only a temporary relief, but soon, this dangerous habit began to dominate his life.

On the court, Thompson's performance deteriorated. His bounce is no longer as amazing as it used to be, and his shooting accuracy has dropped dramatically. To make matters worse, his professional attitude has changed dramatically.

Being often late or absent from training, and being absent from the center of the competition has become his label.

His teammates began to shun him, and the coach's trust in him fell to its lowest point. The tacit cooperation between former teammates has now turned into an awkward silence. Nuggets management was disappointed with Thompson's behavior and even demanded that he return his $200,000 salary.

He is the idol of the basketball god and the super champion of the NBA, but his career was ruined because of drugs!

For a former superstar, this is undoubtedly a great humiliation.

Whenever Thompson looked at his haggard self in the mirror, his heart was full of contradictions and pain. He knew he was ruining his career, but he couldn't get out of the clutches of drugs.

The once high-spirited genius is now left with an empty shell.

In the 1982-1983 season, the Nuggets finally lost patience with Thompson and traded him to the Seattle SuperSonics. This is his last chance, a chance to prove himself again.

He is the idol of the basketball god and the super champion of the NBA, but his career was ruined because of drugs!

At the SuperSonics, Thompson seems to have found a glimmer of hope. His performance improved slightly, averaging points per game back up to 15. 9 points. With his past glory, he was even named to the All-Star team again.

However, fate once again played a cruel joke on Thompson. Just when people thought he might be back at the top, an accidental fall in New York left him with a serious knee injury.

The injury ended his season early and nearly ended his career.

From a top star in the NBA to a problem player that no one cares about, Thompson's career is coming to a tragic end. The "Skywalker" who once soared on the court is now mired in drugs and can't extricate himself.

He is the idol of the basketball god and the super champion of the NBA, but his career was ruined because of drugs!

Thompson's story has become one of the most poignant tragedies in NBA history, and it has also become a warning to those who come after him.

In 1984, at the age of 31, David Thompson stood at a crossroads in his career. Injuries and drugs have severely affected his performances, and no team has offered the one-time superstar a contract.

In desperation, Thompson announced his retirement, ending his journey in the NBA.

However, the love of basketball and the desire to return to the top of the game did not die in Thompson's heart. Soon after retiring, he began to prepare for a comeback. After a period of self-adjustment and training, Thompson finally waited for his chance.

He is the idol of the basketball god and the super champion of the NBA, but his career was ruined because of drugs!

The Indiana Pacers showed interest in the former superstar, and the two sides quickly reached a verbal agreement.

With a strong determination to bounce back, Thompson began to make final preparations for his upcoming comeback. However, on the eve of the signing, fate played a joke on him again.

To celebrate his upcoming comeback, Thompson came to a bar for a drink. Under the influence of alcohol, his emotions became extremely agitated. Unfortunately, he got into a heated argument with someone, which eventually led to a conflict.

The accident completely ruined Thompson's comeback plans. When the Pacers learned of this, they immediately canceled his contract. The news spread quickly, and other teams shy away from the problematic star.

He is the idol of the basketball god and the super champion of the NBA, but his career was ruined because of drugs!

In this way, Thompson's dream of returning to the NBA came to naught.

Standing outside the gymnasium, looking at the familiar court, Thompson's eyes were full of remorse and unwillingness. He used to be the pride of the sky on the basketball court, but now he has become a negative teaching material that everyone spurns.

What was once a glorious future within reach is now only a remnant of a dream.

Thompson's story became one of the most poignant tragedies in NBA history. A gifted basketball genius is thus pushed into the abyss by drugs and self-destructive behavior.

He is the idol of the basketball god and the super champion of the NBA, but his career was ruined because of drugs!

His experience has also become a warning to those who come after him, reminding people to cherish their talents and stay away from the harm of drugs.

Despite a tragic end in his career, Thompson's basketball career didn't end there. After the pain of falling to the bottom, he will begin a difficult but hopeful path of rebirth.

David Thompson's story did not end after a tragic end in his career. In the years following his retirement, he went through a difficult but profound process of self-redemption.

With the help of a pastor, Thompson converted to Christianity, which became a turning point in his victory over drug addiction.

He is the idol of the basketball god and the super champion of the NBA, but his career was ruined because of drugs!

Thompson, reborn and reborn, began to reflect on his life. He decided to turn his experience into positive energy and devote himself to youth basketball education. Thompson travels around the world to tell his story to young people and warn them about the dangers of drugs.

His personal experience has become the most powerful educational tool and has influenced countless young players.

On November 11, 2009, Thompson received the highest honor of his career. He was selected as an inductor for Michael Jordan to enter the Hall of Fame. When Jordan said to the kids in training camp, "Thompson was my childhood idol," Thompson's eyes glistened with tears of relief.

At this moment, he felt that the value of his basketball career was recognized at the highest level.

He is the idol of the basketball god and the super champion of the NBA, but his career was ruined because of drugs!

Despite his short and bumpy career, Thompson's place in basketball history cannot be overlooked. His talent and skills ushered in a whole new era for the NBA, influencing countless subsequent players.

His story is both a tragedy about the fall of talent and a legend about redemption and rebirth. Thompson's basketball life turned out to be an educational fable, warning future generations to cherish talent, stay away from drugs, and never give up hope.

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