
The same father has different lives: Li Shuangjiang has two sons, one is still a treasure after being imprisoned, and the other drives for him

author:Hope University Palace
The same father has different lives: Li Shuangjiang has two sons, one is still a treasure after being imprisoned, and the other drives for him
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The same father has different lives: Li Shuangjiang has two sons, one is still a treasure after being imprisoned, and the other drives for him

On the streets of Beijing, a modified BMW whizzed by, and a high-spirited young man sat in the car. At the same time, another ordinary sedan drove slowly, and behind the wheel was a taciturn driver.

These two young people are actually half-brothers, both of whom are the sons of the famous singer Li Shuangjiang.

In February 2013, a nationwide shocking news shattered the family's apparent peace: 16-year-old Li Tianyi was arrested by the police on suspicion of gang rape. This "proud son of heaven", who was once held in the palm of his parents' hands, is now in prison.

The same father has different lives: Li Shuangjiang has two sons, one is still a treasure after being imprisoned, and the other drives for him

And his elder brother Li He has been serving as his father's full-time driver in obscurity.

also has Li Shuangjiang's blood flowing, why are the life trajectories of the brothers so different? What kind of tragedy does the story of these two brothers reflect in family education? Let's walk into Li Shuangjiang's family and uncover this embarrassing modern version of the "gourd baby" story.

In 1965, a young man with a musical dream stepped on a train heading north. This 20-year-old young man named Li Shuangjiang left his hometown of Harbin with his parents' savings and enthusiasm.

His eyes flashed with a vision for the future, but he didn't know what ups and downs fate had prepared for him.

The same father has different lives: Li Shuangjiang has two sons, one is still a treasure after being imprisoned, and the other drives for him

After years of hard work, Li Shuangjiang's music career has finally improved. In 1982, he met dancer Ding Ying, and the two quickly fell in love. Soon after their marriage, they ushered in the crystallization of their love - their son Li He.

Li Shuangjiang, a first-time father, is full of joy and expectation in his heart.

However, as his career flourished, Li Shuangjiang put more and more energy into his work. The long-term gathering and separation of more have gradually lost the temperature of this marriage.

Although Li Shuangjiang's mother made a special trip from Harbin to Beijing to take care of her grandson, this did not save the marriage from breaking down. After more than 20 years of stumbling, Li Shuangjiang and Ding Ying finally chose to part ways.

The same father has different lives: Li Shuangjiang has two sons, one is still a treasure after being imprisoned, and the other drives for him

In 1988, fate favored Li Shuangjiang again. In a public class, he met Mengge, a student who was 27 years younger than him. The young and lively dream pigeon made this singer with a successful career feel the throbbing of love again.

However, the huge age gap and the tight relationship between teachers and students have plunged Li Shuangjiang into deep contradictions and struggles.

With the encouragement of his friends, Li Shuangjiang finally mustered up the courage to confess his past to Mengge. He told her that he had been married once and had a son, Li He.

To his surprise, Dream Pigeon did not back down because of this, but chose to accept all of him.

The same father has different lives: Li Shuangjiang has two sons, one is still a treasure after being imprisoned, and the other drives for him

Although the society has a lot of complaints about this "year-old love", Li Shuangjiang and Mengge still came together bravely. In 1996, 57-year-old Li Shuangjiang became a father again, and their son Li Tianyi was born.

Looking at the little life in his arms, Li Shuangjiang was full of expectations, hoping that this "old man" could bring new meaning and happiness to his life.

However, Li Shuangjiang never imagined that these two marriages and two sons would evolve into an embarrassing family tragedy in the future.

In 1996, Li Tianyi's birth brought infinite joy to Li Shuangjiang's family. As an "old man", this little prince has been the focus of the whole family since birth.

The same father has different lives: Li Shuangjiang has two sons, one is still a treasure after being imprisoned, and the other drives for him

Li Shuangjiang and Mengge poured all their love into this child, hoping that he could grow into an outstanding person.

Under the careful cultivation of his parents, Li Tianyi received a high-quality education since he was a child. He studied piano and calligraphy, and showed great artistic talent. At the age of 13, he became the youngest member of the Calligraphy Association in Haidian District, and was also awarded the title of "Olympic Bid Ambassador".

These achievements make Mr. and Mrs. Li proud of their achievements, and they believe that their education is the right way.

However, excessive doting also laid hidden dangers for Li Tianyi's character. At school, he often had conflicts with his classmates and threatened others with his family background.

The same father has different lives: Li Shuangjiang has two sons, one is still a treasure after being imprisoned, and the other drives for him

Sometimes he would accuse his classmates of stepping on his shoes, and sometimes he would claim that someone was speaking ill of him behind his back. The teachers informed Li Shuangjiang and his wife about these problems, but they regarded them as children's play and did not pay attention to them.

On his 14th birthday, he made a staggering request to his father — he wanted a BMW. Although he knew that his son was not yet of legal driving age, Li Shuangjiang agreed to this absurd request.

Li Tianyi, who owns a luxury car, is even more unscrupulous, and even asked his father to come up with another 270,000 yuan for modification. Li Shuangjiang's doting made Li Tianyi more and more willful.

In 2011, Li Tianyi finally broke into a catastrophe. One evening, he was speeding in a modified BMW on the streets of Beijing. When the vehicle in front suddenly slowed down, he had to brake suddenly.

The same father has different lives: Li Shuangjiang has two sons, one is still a treasure after being imprisoned, and the other drives for him

Annoyed and angry, Li Tian got out of the car, dragged the driver of the car in front of him out of the car and beat him. When bystanders tried to call the police, he also threatened: "Whoever dares to call the police will bear the consequences!" Although the incident was quelled after Li Shuangjiang's apology, Li Tianyi was still sent to a juvenile detention center.

However, this lesson did not make Li Tianyi relent. In February 2013, 16-year-old Li Tianyi gang-raped a girl with several friends in a bar.

They forcibly took the girl away from the bar and committed this heinous crime inside the hotel.

This vicious incident quickly detonated public opinion, and Li Shuangjiang's family became the target of public criticism in an instant. The major media across the country rushed to report on it, and even alarmed the international media.

The same father has different lives: Li Shuangjiang has two sons, one is still a treasure after being imprisoned, and the other drives for him

In the end, Li Tianyi was sentenced to 10 years in prison, and this former "pride of heaven" completely fell into the abyss.

Li Tianyi's case not only ruined his future, but also brought a devastating blow to Li Shuangjiang's family and career. This tragic ending has undoubtedly sounded the alarm bell for the society, reflecting the serious problems in the education of wealthy families.

In stark contrast to the much-loved Li Tianyi is Li Shuangjiang's eldest son, Li He. His life trajectory is ordinary and low-key, but he shows a very different character from his younger brother.

After graduating from university, Li He accepted his father's arrangement and became Li Shuangjiang's full-time driver. Every day, he dutifully shuttles his father between his workplace and his residence on time.

The same father has different lives: Li Shuangjiang has two sons, one is still a treasure after being imprisoned, and the other drives for him

Li He's colleagues sometimes tease him knowingly: "Look at your brother, who drove a luxury car at the age of 14, and you are driving for your father here." In the face of such words, Li He always smiled indifferently.

He knew that true wealth came from his own efforts, not from his father's reputation.

In 2011, when he learned that his younger brother Li Tianyi had suffered a misfortune due to a traffic accident and assault on others, Li He immediately contacted his father to find out the situation. He bitterly advised his father, hoping to discipline Li Tianyi and stop letting him go freely.

However, Li Shuangjiang blamed his busy work and failed to give his son enough love. Li He's suggestion was not taken seriously by his father, which made him feel helpless and disappointed.

The same father has different lives: Li Shuangjiang has two sons, one is still a treasure after being imprisoned, and the other drives for him

In 2013, when Li Tianyi was imprisoned again, Li He was always by his father's side. He witnessed his father's torment because of his brother's incident, and his temples turned white in just a few days.

Looking at his father's pain, Li He had mixed feelings in his heart. He patiently comforted his father and encouraged him to be strong: "You have to be strong, Li Tianyi has committed such a serious crime and deserves to be punished by the law."

When he was released from prison, he was not yet 30 years old, and there was still hope for the future.

After careful consideration, Li He finally made an important decision. He resolutely quit the job as a driver arranged for him by his father and chose to develop independently. This decision surprised and relieved Li Shuangjiang, and he finally realized the maturity and responsibility of his eldest son.

The same father has different lives: Li Shuangjiang has two sons, one is still a treasure after being imprisoned, and the other drives for him

Li He's life choices show his independent character and positive attitude towards life. Although he didn't get as much attention as his brother, he explained what real success is in his own way.

Li He's story adds a touch of color to the family's tragedy, and also brings people some thoughts on education methods.

The huge pressure made Li Shuangjiang, who was over seventy years old, physically and mentally exhausted. His temples turned white in just a few days and he had to be admitted to the hospital to recuperate. However, even though his physical condition is deteriorating, the 83-year-old Li Shuangjiang still insists on taking on commercial performances and accumulating wealth for Li Tianyi.

He knew that after spending 10 years in prison, Li Tianyi would need to start his life all over again, and that would require a lot of financial support.

The same father has different lives: Li Shuangjiang has two sons, one is still a treasure after being imprisoned, and the other drives for him

Once upon a time, Li Shuangjiang could display his talents on the national stage and enjoy the applause and praise of the audience. Now, he can only perform for hours on a humble stage in a remote town, braving the cold wind.

At the end of each performance, he has to force a smile and take a photo with others. The bitterness and helplessness in this can only be experienced by himself.

Looking at his father's difficult situation, Li He's heart was like a knife. He persuaded his father many times to put down his burden and recuperate, but Li Shuangjiang stubbornly believed that he had to prepare for Li Tianyi's future.

This kind of almost paranoid fatherly love made Li He both distressed and helpless.

The same father has different lives: Li Shuangjiang has two sons, one is still a treasure after being imprisoned, and the other drives for him

Li Shuangjiang's later years have become a journey of self-redemption. Every time he performed on stage, it was like atoning for his educational mistakes. This once powerful singer can now only struggle in the winds of fate, trying to save some dignity and hope for his family.

The tragedy of Li Shuangjiang's family has undoubtedly sounded a wake-up call for society. Li Tianyi's case not only ruined his future, but also brought irreparable damage to the entire family.

This embarrassing story reflects the educational plight of some wealthy families in contemporary society.

Instead of bringing happiness to Li Tianyi, excessive doting pushed him into the abyss of crime. Li Shuangjiang and his wife's obedience to their youngest son contributed to his reckless character.

The same father has different lives: Li Shuangjiang has two sons, one is still a treasure after being imprisoned, and the other drives for him

In contrast, Li He grew up to be an honest and kind person in the ordinary, but he never received the attention his father deserved.

This modern version of the "gourd baby" story reminds us that true love is not unprincipled indulgence, but moderate care and necessary discipline. Each child is an individual, and parents should teach their children according to their characteristics, rather than imposing their own expectations on others.

Li Shuangjiang's lesson may be a inspiration for thousands of families: to love children, but also to know how to love. Only in this way can we avoid the recurrence of the tragedy of "the same father's different life".

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