
What if it sold 790 million yuan, it was reduced to live broadcast, and 35-year-old Yang Ying embarked on the road of no return

author:Watermelon Tea Party

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What if it sold 790 million yuan, it was reduced to live broadcast, and 35-year-old Yang Ying embarked on the road of no return

Edit: Watermelon Tea Party

Yang Ying's acting career: drastic changes from the peak to the bottom

Yang Ying, a name that used to be dominant in the entertainment industry, has now suffered a career waterloo because of an unexpected watching the Crazy Horse show. Originally, her status in the entertainment industry was unshaken, but it was that Crazy Horse show that became the fuse for the turning point of her career. Watching her perform so well on stage, who would have thought that this would turn out to be a turning point in her career. For a while, Yang Ying's reputation in the circle fell to the bottom, and her former glory was instantly covered in the shadows. Watching the aura of the past gradually fade, Yang Ying's inner loss and helplessness can be imagined. Unwilling to let this sink, she began to seek various opportunities to make a comeback, trying to regain her footing at the top.

What if it sold 790 million yuan, it was reduced to live broadcast, and 35-year-old Yang Ying embarked on the road of no return

The road to comeback: Yang Ying's multiple attempts

In order to return to the entertainment industry, Yang Ying can be said to have done everything she could. From participating in various variety shows to filming new dramas, she does everything. Whether it is a guest on a variety show or a supporting role in a movie, she is willing to try, just to regain the recognition of the audience. These efforts did not bring her back to the top. The audience's eyes are bright, and the cruelty of the entertainment industry is everywhere. In the face of all this, Yang Ying did not flinch, her professionalism and perseverance are admirable. But the reality is cruel, although her appearance and figure are impeccable in the circle, the audience and industry insiders still have endless doubts about her.

What if it sold 790 million yuan, it was reduced to live broadcast, and 35-year-old Yang Ying embarked on the road of no return

The lost road of the fashion industry and the modeling industry

Yang Ying's appearance and figure could have broken out of the fashion industry and the modeling industry. She has appeared on the cover of fashion magazines many times and has become the face of many brands. It stands to reason that Yang Ying can find her own place in the fashion circle, and she chose an unusual path, which makes many people feel sorry for her. The fashion industry is equally competitive, and it is not easy to gain a foothold in this field. Although Yang Ying also has a certain influence in the fashion industry, it still takes a lot of effort and time to make a comeback through this field. And Yang Ying obviously did not choose this safer path, but found another way, trying to make a quick comeback through other means.

What if it sold 790 million yuan, it was reduced to live broadcast, and 35-year-old Yang Ying embarked on the road of no return

A humble scene in Simba's live broadcast room

In order to achieve a comeback, Yang Ying chose the emerging field of live streaming. She appeared in Simba's live broadcast room as a brand spokesperson, trying to regain the audience's love in this way. However, although she wears a haute couture dress worth millions, it still can't hide her humility and helplessness in front of Simba. The 35-year-old Yang Ying smiled in the live broadcast room, which was in stark contrast to her former glory. Watching her bow down in front of Simba, former fans all felt sad for her. During the live broadcast, Yang Ying continued to cooperate with Simba's rhythm, and even demonstrated the use of the product in person, striving to win the favor of the audience.

What if it sold 790 million yuan, it was reduced to live broadcast, and 35-year-old Yang Ying embarked on the road of no return

Live streaming: Yang Ying's efforts and embarrassment

In the live broadcast room, Yang Ying was extremely excited and hardworking. In order to increase product sales and popularity in the live broadcast room, she shouted and publicized the whole process, and even did not hesitate to challenge her incomplete five tones and sang Dong Chou's songs. This scene is both funny and poignant to watch. used to be a big star, but now he is performing hard in the live broadcast room, just to win a glimmer of life. And Simba and his team constantly praised Yang Ying, and his kung fu can be described as perfect. This kind of exaggerated flattery even embarrassed Yang Ying herself. After the live broadcast, Yang Ying returned to the backstage, her face full of exhaustion, but she still kept a smile, because the results of this live broadcast exceeded her expectations.

What if it sold 790 million yuan, it was reduced to live broadcast, and 35-year-old Yang Ying embarked on the road of no return

A win-win situation and a confused future

After some hard work, the live broadcast finally achieved 790 million sales, which seems to have reached a win-win situation. Does this mean that Yang Ying's comeback road is smooth? The audience is not optimistic about this. Although this live broadcast has achieved good results, no one can predict what the future holds. When Yang Ying first appeared in the live broadcast room, it attracted a lot of complaints, and everyone knew that she was testing the water and preparing for her comeback. Choosing Simba as a partner may have been an adventure for her, but it's still unclear how far this path can go. There are still many challenges to face, and the road ahead is not easy.

What if it sold 790 million yuan, it was reduced to live broadcast, and 35-year-old Yang Ying embarked on the road of no return

There is a huge contrast between feelings and careers

In terms of feelings, Yang Ying's situation is also unsatisfactory. Since divorcing Huang Xiaoming, she has remained single. It was once rumored that she was in a relationship with Li Chen, but it was eventually confirmed that it was just hype. In contrast, Huang Xiaoming has a bumper harvest in career and love, and has just won the title of actor, with continuous resources and a lot of income. And his new girlfriend Ye Ke is even younger and more beautiful, and her appearance and figure are not inferior to Yang Ying. This contrast makes people sigh that Yang Ying's situation is really not as good as before. Looking at Huang Xiaoming's bumper harvest in career and love, the gap in Yang Ying's heart can be imagined.

What if it sold 790 million yuan, it was reduced to live broadcast, and 35-year-old Yang Ying embarked on the road of no return

Yang Ying's choice and netizens' questions

Netizens are full of doubts about Yang Ying's choice. Everyone thinks that her choice to go to Simba's live broadcast room was a wrong decision. Simba was once investigated for selling fakes, and his reputation was very poor. And Yang Ying chose to cooperate with such a person, laughing all the way, trying to please such an Internet celebrity, which makes people feel sad. Her comeback road was full of hardships and twists and turns, and every step was extremely hard. Looking at her performance in the live broadcast room, many people felt sorry and heartache for her. She needs to face not only the test of the market, but also the pressure of public opinion.

What if it sold 790 million yuan, it was reduced to live broadcast, and 35-year-old Yang Ying embarked on the road of no return

Returning to the original intention: Yang Ying's reflection and self-adjustment

After many attempts, Yang Ying began to reflect on her comeback path. She realized that relying solely on live streaming would not bring her back to the top. She began to try to return to her original intention and re-examine her career plan. Yang Ying decided to participate more in some public welfare activities and use her influence to help those in need. At the same time, she also began to pay attention to some in-depth and meaningful film and television scripts, trying to win back the hearts of the audience through more solid performances. This change makes people see a more mature and responsible Yang Ying.

What if it sold 790 million yuan, it was reduced to live broadcast, and 35-year-old Yang Ying embarked on the road of no return

Social responsibility: Yang Ying's public welfare road

In order to regain the recognition of the audience, Yang Ying began to actively participate in various public welfare activities. She went into the impoverished mountainous areas to bring warmth and hope to the children. She participates in environmental protection projects and calls for attention to environmental protection. These public welfare activities not only allowed Yang Ying to find her self-worth, but also won the respect of more audiences. She used her practical actions to prove that she is not only a star, but also a person with a sense of social responsibility. Her efforts gradually paid off, and more and more people began to pay attention to and recognize her again.

What if it sold 790 million yuan, it was reduced to live broadcast, and 35-year-old Yang Ying embarked on the road of no return

Regaining confidence: Yang Ying's new beginning

After experiencing the trough of her career and the twists and turns of her feelings, Yang Ying finally ushered in a new starting point. Her hard work and persistence began to pay off, and more and more directors and producers began to pay attention to her and threw olive branches to her. Yang Ying returned to the film and television industry and participated in some high-quality works, and her performance was also recognized by the audience and industry insiders. Although the road to comeback is full of hardships, Yang Ying has proved with her actions that as long as she has faith and persistence, she will be able to get out of the predicament and usher in a new dawn.

What if it sold 790 million yuan, it was reduced to live broadcast, and 35-year-old Yang Ying embarked on the road of no return

A star who used to be in the entertainment industry has unlimited scenery, but now he has to shout hard in the live broadcast room, this gap is too big. Her comeback road is not destined to be smooth, but as long as she can persevere, there will always be a day when she will rise again. I suggest that Yang Ying can try more different fields and not be limited to live streaming. In any case, she should maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and believe in herself in order to get out of the predicament and usher in a new dawn.

What if it sold 790 million yuan, it was reduced to live broadcast, and 35-year-old Yang Ying embarked on the road of no return

There are highs and lows on the stage of life, and it is important to learn to find the way forward in the face of adversity. You know, the glory of the past cannot be reproduced, but the future is also worth looking forward to. Come on, Yang Ying! You can do it again!