
The mother is pregnant, but she is pregnant with the child of her online dating partner

author:Princess Storytelling

[This content is a fictional story, please read it rationally, do not sit in the right seat]

The mother was pregnant with her ex-boyfriend's child, and the father left with the money.

My second aunt sold me to a strange man for money, but when she refused, she gave up her life to marry.

My dad fell in love with the rich black silk woman, but he didn't want my mom to have been chatting with her online dating partner for three years.

After getting off work, when I saw the familiar side face, I didn't think that my mother's online dating partner was my ex-boyfriend who had been dead for three years.

My mom covered her stomach and said she was pregnant with my little brother.

My ex-boyfriend turned around and asked me to call his dad.

The mother is pregnant, but she is pregnant with the child of her online dating partner


[Jiahui is going to be almost 30 this year, right?] It was my second aunt in her 50s who said this.

I really wanted to smash the bottle of mineral water on her salallow and freckled face.

[I said second aunt, I'm only 25, even if I round up, it's not like you just 30.] ]

I just choked back.

[My aunt told you that girls still have to get married.] I don't want to talk about anyone else. The second aunt squinted at me.

[Yes, yes, yes, you have to listen to what your aunt says, and your aunt won't hurt you.] My mom came over.

My mother has a handle in the hands of my second aunt, and she would not be so controlled by others.

[Second aunt, Mom.] I went back to my room. I don't want to get married to them here.

[Why are you so rude, your aunt is finally here.] My mom was anxious when she heard this.

[Mom, I have a job.] 500 an hour. ]

Knowing the daughter Mo Ruomu, I know my mother's personality too well.

Sure enough, when I heard this, my mother picked up the melon and fruit plate directly from the coffee table and handed it to me.

[You also have to combine work and rest, and your mother will heat it in the pot for dinner.] You just work in the room a little longer. The corners of my mother's mouth are almost grinning.

When I went back to my room, I could still hear my mother and second aunt showing off there.

[Our Jiahui is capable, I often tell her not to work too hard, but the child fights for himself.] said that he wanted to earn money to support his family. ]

[Listening to this, Jiahui has earned a lot.] Will the money not be clean. ]

[It's okay, just have a lot of money.] ]

[I introduced a boyfriend to Jiahui, and it was evening.] ]

I had closed the door and had not heard what my second aunt said.


I didn't look at the time when I was working all the time.

This will look at 22.37 p.m.

I walked out the bedroom door and into the kitchen.

[Jiahui.] ]

Suddenly a man's voice came from behind me.

I was almost scared to death and turned around.

[Who are you?] ]

The man in front of me was wearing round-rimmed glasses, his height looked less than 170, and his eyes were staring at me obscenely.

[I was introduced by Aunt Liu.] ]

[Blind date?] I asked tentatively.

[Hmm.] He stepped forward and tried to take my hand.

[I don't know about this blind date, you can leave.] I tried to reason with him.

[But Aunt Liu asked me to stay with you tonight.] This man has a long face, a small nose and small eyes.

I'm really in no mood to talk to him right now, so I knocked on my mother's bedroom door.

[What are you doing, you damn kid doesn't sleep in the middle of the night.] ]

Through the door, I could hear her talking to a young man.

My mom is on video with an online dating partner.

[Your online dating partner has come to you.] ]

My mother has been hiding something from me about online dating partners.

Sure enough, when she heard the online dating partner, she hurried out.

As if I was afraid that I would find something.

I went to the kitchen, opened the pot, and didn't find any food.

Pick up the water, boil the snail noodles, add spicy and odorous.

I didn't close the kitchen door, and the man suddenly came in, naked.


[Are you sick?] I'm going to call the police. ]

I picked up the pot and poured a pot of water directly on him.

[What for?] Do? Why are you so handsome? ]

My mom heard the voice and hurried over.

[He is in my house and has no clothes on.] You still have to sleep with me at night, isn't this sexual harassment? I looked at her with my arms crossed.

[Why is it so ugly?] Shuai Shuai is from the countryside, he is honest, how can there be these fancy intestines you said. My mom argued.

The man called Shuai Shuai was formerly known as Wang Shuai.

This will make you feel embarrassed and get dressed neatly.

[Shuaishuai, don't be angry. I'll talk about Jiahui in a moment. Today you sleep in your aunt's room and your aunt sleeps on the sofa. My mother took Wang Shuai's hand.

[Alright then, Auntie.] For your sake, I won't bother with her. I'll go to sleep first. ]

Wang Shuai sat on the sofa and grabbed his head that could drip two catties of oil and did not refuse.

[Dead boy, cook something on the big night.] It stinks in the house. My mother came out with the bed and futon, and she had already made room for Wang Shuai.

[Boiled, do you want to eat it?] I came out with the snail noodles and went straight back to my bedroom.

My mom choked and didn't speak.

After eating the noodles, when I went out with the bowl, my mother was already asleep on the sofa.

The snail noodles still have soup left, and the taste is enough to rush. I put the bowl on the coffee table and smoked it.


[Did they become?] This is the voice of my second aunt again, who came early in the morning to take advantage of the rice.

[Nope.] But this handsome man looks quite young. My mom was in the kitchen choosing vegetables.

[28。 It's really more than enough to match your Jiahui. My second aunt didn't change her shoes, and the mud on her shoes stepped on the floor.

[Wang Mei, I'll tell you.] Handsome, I'm very impressed when I see it. It's shameless.

[Second aunt, can you change your slippers and come in.] This weekend, I don't have to go to work.

[I came to my brother's house, what shoes do I change?] The second aunt was spinning around on the ground.

[Wang Mei, look at the good girl you taught.] No tutoring. ]

Her unwashed hands took a piece of beef directly from the dish, and the celery next to it was pulled by her hand.

A pair of hands stir and stir in the dish.

[Sister, don't be angry.] I'll talk about her later. ]

The meal is ready.

[Jiahui, go and call Shuai Shuai to get up for dinner.] ]

He turned to my aunt and said, "Boy, sleeping more will be good for your health.] ]

I ignored it and went downstairs to pick up takeout.

When he came back, Wang Shuai sat on the main seat, did not wash his face, did not brush his teeth, and held the oily chicken nest head.

[Jiahui.] Wang Shuai strained the chopsticks, and called me before he swallowed the rice in his mouth.

I glanced at my second aunt with chopsticks full of meat on the plate, and the table was dripping with vegetables and sauce.

I want to throw up when I see it.

The house was also sold.

My dad ran away with someone in the early years, saying that he was a rich woman, and he had been driving a taxi, and there were a lot of peach-colored scandals.

But I still have a conscience and transfer the head of this house to me.

[Jiahui, you're doing a good job.] Your sister is graduating this year, and you can get a position in the company. I came out and poured water.

[You think the company is a shelter, and you can recruit anyone.] There was no water in the kettle, so I went to the fridge to get a bottle of Coke.

Hearing this, my aunt didn't refute, [Jiaqi is much better than you, Jiaqi will buy me a carton of milk every month to replenish my body.] ]

[Then you ask your cow's daughter to buy you milk every day.] ]

Liu Jiaqi had an abortion when she was in junior high school, and she hasn't studied well in the past few years. It's quicker to go to the abortion hospital than to go home.

The Coke in the fridge was all drunk, leaving the empty bottle in the fridge, and the cake I bought yesterday was also finished.

[Who got this?] I opened the refrigerator door wide.

[Jiahui, I ate it last night.] Wang Shuai looked up in a muffled voice.

[Aren't you disgusting and don't throw in the trash after eating?] Are you putting incense on your father? I picked up the Coke bottle and threw it in Wang Shuai's face.

His weak and incompetent appearance, and the appearance that a stick can't make a sound, I feel insulted when I am in the same space with him.

[I'm sorry, Jiahui.] But yesterday was too late, and I'm afraid I'll disturb you. Wang Shuai looked embarrassed.

Male green tea.

I don't want to talk nonsense with him.

I pulled the stool and he sat down on the floor.

[Jiahui, what are you doing.] Why don't you have a tutor at all, your mother ......] It's the same words again.

[Second sister, don't be angry, don't be angry. ]

My mother's online dating partner, I haven't seen it.

But my second aunt knew that they had been avoiding me and wouldn't tell me.


[What's there to hide, isn't it that your online dating partner is known by the second aunt, who is he?] I'll pick it out directly.

My mother didn't say anything, she still tugged at my second aunt's sleeve and looked at her with begging eyes.

I found out that Wang Shuai didn't know when he was sitting on the chair again.

If you quarrel like this, you can still eat, and while no one will grab meat from him, he stuffs the beef with chopsticks and chopsticks.

I didn't drop his bowl or throw chopsticks.

[I said you are an animal, deaf.] Can't understand people? I'll let you go. ]

[Let's go, Wang Shuai will go to Aunt Liu's house, and Aunt Liu will cook for you.] ]

My second aunt left with Wang Shuai, who couldn't get on the stage, and my mother went back to the bedroom, and made a special line to video her online dating partner at 11 o'clock every day.

Rare purity.

"Jiahui, long time no see. I'd like to invite you to dinner."

The phone rang, and it was a message from my ex-boyfriend, whom I hadn't seen in three years.

I hadn't seen him for three years, and I thought he was dead.

Really, it's too unlucky to see a corpse in the morning.

I directly blocked the report.

Reason for reporting: feudal superstition.

[Hello, Ms. Liu.] You've seen that house, and now it's a conservative estimate of 200 million. Intermediary Xiao Wang spoke.

I contacted a housing company on the Internet, put the house on the line, sold it early, and left it clean.

[I don't have any requirements, I'll sell them as soon as possible.] I replied.

After saying goodbye to the agent, I wandered the streets.

Suddenly, in the morning, the person who scammed the corpse ran out of the coffin and stood in the mall not far from me.


He saw me, and he came towards me.

[Jiahui.] ]

I just looked at the air in front of me and kept walking.

[Jiahui, so many years.] Why are you still so fascinated by my charm that you can't speak. ]

There are few hairs combed for three or seven minutes, a pair of black leather shoes, and the heels are almost worn out.

Puxin male one.

[, don't get sick with everyone.] The passing year is unfavorable, and the encounter with people is unladylike.

[Jiahui, you're still like this.] Women still have to be fat and plump to look good. In this way, men will like it more, you were too thin in the first place, so I broke up with you. Puxin man carried a document bag.

[I think men should abide by the rules, cook and mop the floor at home, can't have children and can't earn money, open their mouths are the smell of dung, and women with oily stomachs are disgusted when they see it.] ]

I did as he told me to go back.

[Jiahui, you're really too rude to speak.] Men won't like you like that. He took his phone from his bag and sent a message back.

[If you talk about civilization, then let men like you.] That head, I look a little familiar.


Puxin Nan didn't entangle, and before leaving, he was still muttering that he wanted to find her Britney.

When I got home, there was a pair of men's shoes in the hallway.

It couldn't be my dad.

I put my bag down and went to knock on my mom's bedroom door.

There was a lot of chatter inside.

[Jiahui, why are you back?] My mom pushed the door open, looking nervous.

I saw a pair of black socks on the bed and a man on the bed.

[I can't come back to my house yet.] I walked into my mother's bedroom.

[Come out.] I was standing in the room.

It's Hu Jinqun, my ex-boyfriend.

[Why are you here?] I asked him.

[You know each other?] My mom is still pretending.

It turns out that the reason why I have been hiding it is because my online dating partner is my ex-boyfriend.

[Those who have been dead for a few years are going to be buried this year.] I said in a weird way.

[What do you say, so unlucky.] My mother replied to my words, and then shook Hu Jinqun's hand.

[Jiahui, this is Mom's boyfriend.] You take out that title deed, and we're going to get married soon. The title deed is given to the head of the family. ]

[Jiahui, you have to call me Daddy.] Hu Jinqun was still in bed, disheveled.

My worldview is all shattered, it's all and what.

My mom was going to marry my ex-boyfriend, and the ex-boyfriend asked me to call him dad.

[Your marriage, I don't interfere.] But the title deed was left to me by my dad. Besides, I've already hung up this house, so you guys can pack up and move out. ]

When I saw this man in my mother's bed, I suffocated.

[Jiahui, don't you care about your mother?] Which is right and which is wrong, Wang Mei is still clearly distinguished.

[I will leave you 500,000 and give you 5,000 pension every month.] This is already my duty.

Wang Mei is cold-blooded and cold-blooded, and she only likes her younger brother than herself.

I've been tossing for a few years, and I haven't seen her run with any online dating partner.

It seems that this Hu Jinqun fooled her in place, and he can give him the real estate certificate.


[Hurry up.] Today is a happy event for your second aunt. My mother was wearing the plain ring that Hu Jinqun bought for her.

[I'll tell you, speak well today.] Don't make your second aunt angry. Sitting in the car, my mom was still there.

[I'm not a fighting chicken, so I like to make people unhappy.] It's not that she has nothing to do with me every day. I drove into the countryside.

I arrived at my second aunt's house.

From the entrance to the village, there is a red carpet with wedding photos of the bride and groom.

The photo shows my second aunt and the oil-headed man Wang Shuai.

My second aunt was half a head taller than him, and she had to squat down when she took a group photo.

I almost laughed when I saw this photo, so I quickly took a picture and sent it to my girlfriend.

"Look at my second aunt."

It's also a second back over there.

"Your second aunt has a New Year, admire and admire!"

[Why is my second aunt with this Wang Shuai?] ]

I asked my mom, after all, they had only been away from my house for three days.

My mom saw the picture and couldn't help laughing. I actually took out my mobile phone and took a photo.

[Who knows how.] The person you introduced to turned around and became her husband. ]

When I entered the wedding room, my second aunt was wearing a xia veil. My cousin Jiaqi supported the live broadcast shelf in front of her mother.

[Family, today is my mother's wedding joy.] Today, I Jiaqi privately opened a number for everyone to spend candles in the cave room. ]

The words spoken at a young age are so ugly in the ears that if you don't enter the stream, you will open your mouth.

My second aunt also saw someone watching her live broadcast.

[Kiss who brushed the gift, today I will show you the candles in the cave room.] Learn from her daughter to speak.

I didn't see or hear.

There were a few tables of banquets outside, and there were quite a few people coming. That Wang Shuai was surrounded in the middle, staggered.

Wang Shuai saw me.


[Jiahui, I really like you.] But Juanjuan was very good to me, and she kept all the beef for me to eat. ]

Wang Shuai looked drunk, and hiccups as he spoke.

I was literally throwing up.

It's all a mess of ghosts, snakes, and gods.

[Newcomers are welcome.] The wedding was presided over by the village chief Zhang Gui.

Wang Shuai tried several times to pick up my second aunt, but both of them fell to the ground.

The people next to him had to hold back their laughter.

In the end, it was my second aunt who picked up Wang Shuai and walked to the ceremonial platform.

[Yes, yes.] It is more auspicious for the bride to hug the groom. ]

[yes, yes.] What a blessing. ]


The people around him are holding it and saying auspicious words.

Later, I found out that these people were stuffed by my second aunt.

It turns out that face can make my second aunt, who is not a dime out, bleed.

[Sister, you're here.] How is everything? Have no boyfriend. ]

My cousin Jiaqi held up her phone and the camera was pointed at me.

I moved my phone away, [don't shoot at me.] ]

My cousin, as if she didn't understand, reversed the phone camera, and she and I appeared in the live broadcast room.

[This is my cousin, a great beauty.] ]

[No boyfriend, no boyfriend.] ]

[It depends on my cousin's gift.] ]

Jin Jiaqi watched the barrage and sang and harmonized. I know it's useless to talk.

Straight away.

I also met a few uncles and uncles around.

[Jiahui, where have you been lately?] This is my uncle.

[Still in the previous company.] I coped with it casually.

[Listening to my uncle's words, it's better for girls to get married early, and if they show up all day long, they will be gossiped about.] ]

This will be served.

The newlyweds were exchanging rings with each other on the stage, and the people below were shouting for a kiss.

When I heard that, I was excited. I haven't officially launched it today.

[Uncle, why are you still short-haired.] ]

[What do you mean by that?] ]

[Uncle, you should continue to stay in the Qing Dynasty with long braids, can you adapt to this modern life?] ]

What age is there still this patriarchal mentality.

[Look at the good daughters born in the Lao Liu family, and now they are all ashamed to speak to her uncle.] ]

[Of course, my dad wasn't a good thing.] Otherwise, I can leave my mother and my own daughter and rich woman and run away. ]

If you want to say this, you don't want to lose the face of your old Liu family, then I don't care.

What your own brother did, you don't know too well.


As soon as I went out, my mom took my hand.

[Girl, will you go to the village entrance to pick up the group?] ]

[Who?] Who is the group and where is the group.

[It's your future stepfather, Hu Jinqun.] This man really is, talking is always at my lightning point.

[Mom, you're not ashamed.] I don't care, though. But you pick it up yourself. I'm not going. ]

When I saw Hu Jinqun and saw him open his mouth and exhale, I was suffocated.

My mom suddenly sat down on the floor and started splashing and rolling.

[Lao Liu is gone, don't want me anymore.] Now the girl doesn't listen to me either. Is this how your old Liu family bullies? ]

Congratulations to the newcomers inside, but not many people outside.

My mom pulled out the sound engineer's microphone and sat on the ground and began to pour bitter water.

[I really can't live this day.] She spoke into the microphone and slapped the floor as she spoke.

My aunt was not happy to hear this, and saw that the limelight of her wedding was stolen.

Hurry out of the tent.

[Wang Mei, what are you doing here?] ]

My aunt wore bright red lipstick and opened her mouth as if she had eaten a dead child.

My mother doesn't know if it's Liang Jingru's courage, anyway, I already know about her online dating partner.

Still sitting on the ground and crying and shouting.

[Liu Daquan, you black-hearted person.] Your whole family bullied me. ]

The microphone sound is the boss.

Liu Daquan is my father, I don't know how many years he has been gone.

Every year when my dad and the rich woman leave, no matter what happens at home, it will be involved.

This time, the people who came to attend my second aunt's marriage were all my mother's family, that is, my father's brothers and sisters, aunts, etc.

My mom can make such a big fight, I guess what she wants to do.

She's never going to lose.


My uncle heard the sound and ran out as well.

[Sister-in-law, what are you doing here?] My uncle wants to pull my mom up.

As a result, I sat on the ground with one arm waved.

He felt a little shameless.

[Wang Mei, today is my sister's big day. Don't mess around here. My uncle cleared his throat.

[I can't live, and my brother-in-law can be bullied to the end.] ]

My mom's voice was high-pitched, and the sound coming out of the stereo was torture to the eardrums.

The surrounding neighbors and villagers all pointed at it.

The effect that my mom wanted was achieved.

[Wang Mei, what do you want to do?] ]

My second aunt and my mother have worked together for so many years, what kind of character my mother is.

She also knows that she is not far from ten.

That's what my mom wanted.

After hearing this, he put away the microphone. There were still some villagers next to her who couldn't see it and wanted to help her up.

She stood up in front of the donkey going downhill.

[I'm looking at Qingxia's sister-in-law's face.] ]

My mom stood up and muttered, trying to get rid of my second aunt.

My mom walked into the tent, and there were a few kids and neighbors eating there.

Wang Shuai saw that there was no one, so he ate and drank at the main table.

He brought the dish in front of him, with a stick bone in his mouth.

[Come, old irons.] Now our bridegroom is eating, which is my stepfather. Jiaqi is still live broadcasting.

A mouthful of dad is very affectionate.

When my aunt saw this scene, her old face was a little untense.

The bride is tormented outside, but the groom sits here and eats and drinks.

She dragged Wang Shuai, [I'll eat later.] ]

[I'm going to eat it now.] Wang Shuai retorted.

As a result, my second aunt slapped Wang Shuai directly in the face.

The frames of the glasses are all flying.

[The old lady told you that you would eat it later, don't you understand?] Something without face and skin. ]

Wang Shuai was stunned and hiccuped.


My second aunt saw that today's banquet couldn't be held anymore, and she dispersed.

The dishes on the table were not taken away by the villagers, but the gift money had to be given.

Because they all came to watch the ceremony, after all, some people also took her money to say auspicious words.

[Say it, Wang Mei.] What the hell are you trying to do with this fuss? ]

My second aunt, uncle, and uncles from a few other families sat at a table.

[I want to remarry.] My mom made it clear.

[Disagree.] ]

[I don't agree with that either.] ]


When my dad left, the Liu family discussed giving my mom some money every month to let her stay at home.

Waiting for my dad to come back.

Although my dad ran away with someone, they thought that my dad would come back when he ran out of money.

The home cannot be separated.

When my mother heard the money, her eyes lit up, so she didn't refuse.

When others asked my mom why she didn't look for one at such a young age, my mom said it all to the outside world

[Jiahui is still young, she wants to accompany Jiahui.] I am afraid that the new family will have a bad impact on Jiahui. ]

Others are also touting.

[Jiahui, your mother really paid too much for you. When you grow up, you must honor your mother well. ]

All sorts of reasons, what do they know.

She loves RMB more than me, and now she loves Hu Jinqun.

[Are you restricting my right to marry, does it matter if I don't marry again?] ]

My mother is determined to remarry.

This Hu Jinqun really has some skills.

[Wang Mei, if you want to remarry, it's okay.] The money you have been given over the years is 100,000 yuan, to say the least. You give the money, and you can marry whoever you want. ]

My second aunt is not a soft persimmon.

[Why did I give you money, which you promised me?] Besides, in recent years, Jiahui has gone to school, and she doesn't have to spend money on food, clothing, housing and transportation. Have you ever given a penny? It's not all me raising her. ]

This is because she doesn't want to pay back the money and wants to get rid of the relationship with the Liu family, but my mother forgot that she and my father haven't got a divorce certificate yet.

Back then, my dad packed his bags and ran away, so to speak.

He is also unjustifiable, and he became a male junior outside.

[Don't mention Jiahui as soon as you say anything, what do you look like to Jiahui.] You and I know that. ]

At this time, my second aunt suddenly said a fair word, and it was rare for me to hear this and want to applaud her.

[Jiahui is my daughter, but she is also a member of your Lao Liu family.] ]

The two sides are pulling at each other.

I went out and let them kick me around like a watermelon.

[Look, this is Liu Daquan's daughter.] His father ran away with someone, and his mother is going to remarry. ]

[yes, it's not married at such an old age.] There must be something wrong. ]


It's really a good thing not to go out, but a bad thing to spread thousands of miles.

These aunts usually don't have any brains, and when it comes to other people's parents, it's a good idea.

I took out a handful of melon seeds from my coat pocket and pulled a plastic stool to sit on.

[Grandma Yang, your daughter's child, who is her father, do you know now?] ]

This Grandma Yang only gave birth to one daughter. Because he couldn't give birth to a son, he was ridiculed by the village.

She was also treated coldly by her in-laws at home every day, and her husband was also not good to her, and he served her every day.

Her daughter ran away with people in the factory for a few years, and she came back with a big belly.

I didn't say who the man was, but Grandpa Yang, who was directly angry, suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and was hospitalized.

Seeing that Grandma Yang's face was like eating a dead fly, I smiled and gave her a handful of melon seeds.

[Why don't you speak?] Grandma Yang. ]

[Jiahui, you're too untutored, aren't you?] It's all your aunt. Your dad has to respect us when he comes. But, your dad, ran away with someone. ]

This hot little curl and wearing red shoes seemed to feel that what he said had grasped me.

[Yo, this isn't Aunt Han.] Have you been beaten by your daughter-in-law recently? ]

Hearing this, the delicate little curly aunt subconsciously pulled her hair and blocked the right side of her face.

Covering up something, isn't it just being slapped by your daughter-in-law.

This Aunt Han has a high spirit, and she wanted to marry a good one when she was young. But whoever has money in the family can look down on her, so she makes her a mistress.

secretly raised a son, and after being found out by other people's wives, he stripped naked and beat him on the street.

Later, it was the village who came forward and introduced him to a widower, who was also lame.

The people in the village called him Han Cripple.

She came to this house and didn't give birth to a boy and a girl to the Han family.

Later, her son made an inverted door in the city, and she was still complacent for a day. said that his son hugged his thighs and was thorned by his daughter-in-law every day behind his back.

was beaten by his daughter-in-law if he didn't like it at all.


I felt funny when I looked at their faces like pig liver, and I couldn't figure out the lawsuit in my own family.

I have to say a few words to others, as if this can show how well I am doing.

[Jiahui, let's go.] When they finished talking, my mom came out of the tent and spoke to me.

[How?] I asked.

[Wait for Hu Jinqun to marry me.] It seems to have been negotiated.

When I drove out of the village, I saw Hu Jinqun sitting on a wooden stake, facing the loess with his back to the sky, and a piece of grass in his mouth.

[Jiahui, stop quickly.] Tell you Uncle Hu to get in the car. Uncle Hu? A year older than me, my mom is really good in her life.

Hu Jinqun's face froze when he saw me and my mother.

He quickly spit out the grass and stood up. After straightening his clothes, his hairstyle is still the same oily and shiny.

Hu Jinqun got into the car and sat in the back seat.

My mother snuggled in his arms, [Jiahui, listen to Uncle Hu, you are his ex-girlfriend.] ]

I really don't want to mention this, Hu Jinqun was really not like this when he was in college, and now it seems to have been taken away.

[But it's okay, don't be too sad.] We're going to be a family soon, and you'll be closer to him by then. You've got to call him Daddy. ]

Is a woman in love have a negative IQ?

When I heard this, I threw the plugged in steering wheel without holding it firmly.

Hu Jinqun heard this, [I haven't changed my words in a hurry, I still have to give the child a red envelope]

Wow, say you're fat, you're panting, you're really putting up a stepdad shelf for me.

[Beware of flashing your 26-year-old waist] I replied.

My mother and Hu Jinqun were in the back seat, and there was no one around.


[Miss Liu, this is the final payment.] A total of two million. The buyer handed me a bank card.

[I will move out as soon as possible.] ]

The house has been sold, and I have already completed the change of head of household under the title deed.

Since that day, Hu Jinqun has lived in my house.

Now the two of them are at home, writing wedding cards and preparing for wine.

I didn't have the face to witness their love and sold the house.

Leaving money to Wang Mei and paying every month is already my benevolence and duty.

Back then, she contacted the traffickers to sell me for money.

In the end, my dad found out that I was gone and rescued me.

Although my dad is a bastard, he also left me one of the few true loves in the family.

Returned home.

Hu Jinqun was sitting on the sofa, and my mother was washing his feet with water.

[Hu Jinqun, you're too much.] I dragged my mom away.

My mom washed my ex-boyfriend's feet, and it was all a strange incident.

As a result, before Hu Jinqun could speak, my mother scolded me first.

[How can you talk to your dad like that?] I don't care about you. But in the future, show a little respect to your father, don't hear me. ]

After speaking, she squatted in front of Hu Jinqun and washed her feet.

[Don't worry about your child, be careful of hurting your body.] Hu Jinqun said and put his foot in.

Hu Jinqun was really taken away, and I affirmed my thoughts at this moment.

For the first time, I had the helplessness of not knowing what to say.

I was going to tell them to pack up and move out.

As a result, I forgot about this interruption.

In the middle of the night, my mom knocked on my door.


[Jiahui, do you still like groups.] There was a worried look on my mother's face.

I laughed on the spot, [I left the country in a week.] ]

So my good mother, just put your heart in your belly.

[I know that the group is very good, but you broke up at that time, which means that you still have no fate. ]

My mom still seems to be afraid that I have thoughts about Hu Jinqun.

I don't want to discuss Hu Jinqun with her here, just pick it out.

[Mom, I've sold the house.] You have three days to move your things out. The new owners of the house will move in three days later. ]

With that, I closed the door.

Every time I wanted to have a little bit of care and love for my mom, she would prove how ridiculous I was with what she did.

The next day, I saw my mom packing her suitcase, and this time she was very obedient and didn't make trouble.

It struck me as strange that she was definitely not like that in normal times.


I sat on the sofa and drank water, and I was preparing for going abroad for the past few days, and the company gave me a holiday.

Let me prepare the relevant materials for going abroad.

[Jiahui, I discussed it with your Uncle Hu yesterday.] We can move out, but you'll have to find us a new house. My mom looked at me.

[Since you are going to marry Hu Jinqun, you discuss the matter of the house with Hu Jinqun. ] What are you looking for me for. I was really disappointed in her.

I said that I was going abroad, and I didn't care about me, and she always loved herself the most.

[Your Uncle Hu is still young, and his money has to be used to attract contacts outside, so Mom doesn't want to share a little bit of her.] ]

You finally know that Hu Jinqun is very young.

[I won't take care of the house, except for sending you money every month.] We won't be in touch in the future. ]

I got up and went back to my room, ready to clean up my bedroom.

My mother is in my decline, scolding and leaving, and still scolding me for having no conscience.

How did Hu Jinqun brainwash her?


My mom still married Hu Jinqun, and they moved out.

Before leaving, I still looked at her.

Hu Jinqun also promised to give her a drink, at the banquet. I saw the man who used to chase me again, and now I hear that he has a successful career.

My mother and Hu Jinqun moved into a rental house, and Hu Jinqun was quite able to talk to her.

Sometimes, I want to pinch Hu Jinqun's neck and ask him, is it really because of love that he married my mother?

After all, my mother is already old and has only 500,000 in her hand.

And I'm not going to care about my mom anymore.

[Sister.] I watched in the dark as my mother washed Hu Jinqun's clothes, and I used to wash my own clothes.

Now I actually wash clothes in cold water for others in a rental house, which is really 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi.

It's Jiaqi's phone.

[What's wrong?] ]

I left the rental house where my mom was staying.

[Sister, that Wang Shuai, he wants to rape me.] Help me. After saying that, the phone hung up over there.

It's all about it.

I drove to my second aunt's house, and when I arrived, Jiaqi was disheveled.

Wang Shuai sat on the kang on the side, and my second aunt also came back on the back foot.

You can tell what happened just now.

[What are you that dare to think of my daughter.] ]

My second aunt gave Wang Shuai two slaps when she entered the door, and Wang Shuai drank wine, so she would dare to resist.

The two men scuffled on the ground.

I walked up to Jiaqi, [how's that?] You okay. ]

I fetched her clothes and got her dressed.

[Sister, it's okay.] He didn't succeed. Jiaqi cried for this face.

It is estimated that Wang Shuai has a thief's heart but not a thief's courage.

All of this is the fault of my second aunt.

Later, I called the police.

Wang Shuai went to jail. And he, in turn, sued my second aunt, saying that she was abusive.

often punches and kicks him at home.

Israel served people, and there were a few days long.


I ended up going abroad, leaving behind all these disturbances and strange events.

After three years, I was sent back to China because of my work in the company.

As soon as I landed, I received a call from my mother.

It was her first call to me in three years.

[喂.] ]

[Jiahui, where are you now?] Speak cautiously over there.

[Say something you want.] These streets are still just as familiar.

[Your dad he's back.] It's Liu Daquan, he's back. ]

She was probably afraid that I would be confused, thinking that she was talking about Hu Jinqun.

[And then?] It's been less than three years.

[Your dad wants to remarry me, but I'm already pregnant with your Uncle Hu's child.] I'm about to give birth. ]

I really didn't expect my mother to play with Hu Jinqun, my father and my mother didn't divorce back then.

Now it's an extramarital affair.


I asked the two of them together, and this farce still has to be resolved.

[Dad, you divorce her.] I don't have the heart to mess with the two of them here.

[Jiahui, dad came back and remarried mom, isn't it good for us to live together?] ]

This hypocritical appearance directly erases the former father's love.

My mother is an elderly mother, and when she first came, I heard her say that this baby is twins.

As I was talking, my mother's amniotic water broke.

When I arrived at the hospital, I saw Hu Jinqun coming over in a hurry.

[Wife, wife.] He banged on the door of the operating room.

After he saw my dad, [You are Liu Daquan, you and Meimei should divorce.] ]

[I disagree.] My dad sat in a chair.

[I really love Meimei, I'll give you 200,000.] You just divorce her. Hu Jinqun should have done a little business in the past few years.

[Okay, I agree.] I asked for a divorce tomorrow. ]

Hearing this, Liu Daquan is still the same Liu Daquan.

From the beginning, he came running for money.


Liu Daquan and Wang Mei finally ended this deformed love.

Wang Mei gave birth to a son to Hu Jinqun.

I see sorrow in children.

[This content is a fictional story, please read it rationally, do not sit in the right seat]

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