
12 years ago, the mother who lost her only mother took the risk of giving birth to twins at the age of 60, and now that her husband has died, does she regret it?

author:Book Society
12 years ago, the mother who lost her only mother took the risk of giving birth to twins at the age of 60, and now that her husband has died, does she regret it?
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12 years ago, the mother who lost her only mother took the risk of giving birth to twins at the age of 60, and now that her husband has died, does she regret it?

In 2010, a news in Hefei, Anhui Province, like a bombshell, caused an uproar across the country: 60-year-old Sheng Hailin successfully gave birth to twin daughters.

Time flies, and it has been 12 spring and autumn in a blink of an eye. Now that Sheng Hailin's husband has passed away, does she regret her original choice? With these questions in mind, let's step into Sheng Hailin's world, uncover the truth behind this seemingly happy family, and explore a mother's dedication and desire for life, as well as her extraordinary courage in the face of the merciless blows of fate.

Sheng Hailin's life trajectory is legendary, like an inspirational biography. Born in Hefei, Anhui Province, she has had a sincere heart to serve the motherland since she was a child. While in college, she chose to major in medicine, which laid a solid foundation for her later career.

After graduating, Sheng Hailin resolutely chose an unusual path - to become a military doctor. In the special environment of the army, she not only tempered her perseverance, but also raised her medical skills to a new level.

12 years ago, the mother who lost her only mother took the risk of giving birth to twins at the age of 60, and now that her husband has died, does she regret it?

Her military career has endowed her with unique life experience and handling ability, which has laid the groundwork for her future career development.

After retiring, Sheng Hailin quickly made a name for herself in a well-known hospital with her outstanding professionalism and management skills. She worked diligently and kept forging ahead, and finally climbed to the high position of dean step by step with her own strength.

This hard-won achievement is a testimony to her years of hard work and the pinnacle of her career.

It was in this hospital that Sheng Hailin met Wu Jingzhou, who also had a military background. The two were like-minded, and gradually fell in love in the process of acquaintance and acquaintance, and finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

12 years ago, the mother who lost her only mother took the risk of giving birth to twins at the age of 60, and now that her husband has died, does she regret it?

Their combination, as if it was the arrangement of fate, added a new color to Sheng Hailin's life.

However, due to their busy schedules, Sheng Hailin and Wu Jingzhou have not considered fertility. It wasn't until the New Year that they welcomed their first child, Tingting.

Although she is an "older mother", with her rich medical knowledge and careful care, Sheng Hailin still gave birth to a healthy and lovely daughter.

Watching Tingting grow up day by day, Sheng Hailin and Wu Jingzhou's lives are full of laughter. They put all their heart and soul into carefully cultivating this hard-won child.

12 years ago, the mother who lost her only mother took the risk of giving birth to twins at the age of 60, and now that her husband has died, does she regret it?

Tingting also did not live up to her parents' expectations, and showed extraordinary intelligence since she was a child.

At this stage, Sheng Hailin's life seems to have reached perfection: a successful career and a happy family. She has an enviable professional status, a happy marriage, and a lovely daughter.

However, fate is brewing in secret, ready to bring a cruel test to this seemingly perfect life.

In 2009, a sudden bad news was like a thunderbolt from the sky, completely shattering Sheng Hailin's peaceful and happy life. Tingting, the only daughter who has become an adult, died in an accident, and this blow is tantamount to heartbreaking for Sheng Hailin.

12 years ago, the mother who lost her only mother took the risk of giving birth to twins at the age of 60, and now that her husband has died, does she regret it?

The family, which was once full of laughter, was instantly plunged into endless grief.

Sadness flooded Sheng Hailin like a tide, and she almost lost the courage to live. Once strong, she washed her face with tears all day long, and even had the idea of suicide many times.

She couldn't accept this cruel reality, and couldn't believe that her carefully cultivated heart and soul baby had left her forever.

Faced with the collapse of his wife, Wu Jingzhou endured his grief and tried to help Sheng Hailin get out of the haze. He took his wife for a walk, hoping to soothe her wounded heart with the help of beautiful scenery and fresh air.

12 years ago, the mother who lost her only mother took the risk of giving birth to twins at the age of 60, and now that her husband has died, does she regret it?

However, whenever she passed by the place where she used to play with her daughter, Sheng Hailin would burst into tears and couldn't help herself.

At the suggestion of their friends, Sheng Hailin and Wu Jingzhou tried to adopt their children in a welfare home, hoping to fill the emptiness in their hearts. However, reality once again dealt them a heavy blow.

Because they were past their age, their adoption applications were rejected again and again. Each failure plunged Sheng Hailin into deeper despair.

At this moment, a bold and amazing idea came to Sheng Hailin's mind: to have another child. As soon as this idea was proposed, it was strongly opposed by her husband Wu Jingzhou.

12 years ago, the mother who lost her only mother took the risk of giving birth to twins at the age of 60, and now that her husband has died, does she regret it?

As an experienced doctor, Sheng Hailin is well aware of the huge risks faced by advanced maternal age, but she still stands by her opinion.

"I've lost a child and can't afford to lose a second chance." Sheng Hailin said to her husband with tears in her eyes, "If I can't have another child, I really don't know how to spend the rest of my life."

This home needs new life to fill the void and give us hope.

Looking at his wife's determined eyes and feeling the strong desire in her heart, Wu Jingzhou finally relented and agreed to this seemingly crazy decision. In this way, they began the long and arduous road of seeking children.

12 years ago, the mother who lost her only mother took the risk of giving birth to twins at the age of 60, and now that her husband has died, does she regret it?

However, the reality once again dealt them a heavy blow: due to her age, many hospitals refused to perform IVF surgery for Sheng Hailin. Every time she was rejected, Sheng Hailin felt a deep sense of despair.

But she did not give up, but with the last shred of hope, she came to a military hospital.

Maybe it was the favor of fate, or maybe the hospital valued Sheng Hailin's special background, and the doctors here finally agreed to accept her request for surgery. When she learned that she had the opportunity to become a mother again, Sheng Hailin was so excited that she burst into tears.

She knew that this might be her last chance and the most dangerous attempt. But in order to fill the hole in her heart and rediscover the meaning of life, she is willing to take all risks.

12 years ago, the mother who lost her only mother took the risk of giving birth to twins at the age of 60, and now that her husband has died, does she regret it?

In this way, at the age of 60, Sheng Hailin resolutely embarked on this road of regeneration full of unknowns and challenges.

In 2010, 60-year-old Sheng Hailin was lying on the operating table, full of expectation and apprehension. As an experienced doctor, she knows how risky this surgery can be.

But at this moment, she chooses to leave everything to fate, and in order to regain hope in life, she is willing to bear all possible consequences.

The surgery went exceptionally well, but the real test was just beginning. During pregnancy, Sheng Hailin had to be closely monitored by medical care. Every day is torment, and she is always worried about whether there will be problems with her body and whether she will hurt the fetus in her womb.

12 years ago, the mother who lost her only mother took the risk of giving birth to twins at the age of 60, and now that her husband has died, does she regret it?

As a doctor, she knows better than anyone the complications that advanced maternal age can face.

However, Sheng Hailin's strength exceeded all expectations. She strictly follows the doctor's instructions, maintains an optimistic attitude, and pays more attention to her diet than young pregnant women.

Her perseverance and determination touched everyone around her, and the medical staff cheered her on. Sheng Hailin proves with practical actions that age is not an obstacle that hinders the miracle of life.

Finally, in anticipation, Sheng Hailin successfully gave birth to a pair of healthy twin daughters. When the nurse put the two little lives in her arms, Sheng Hailin cried with joy.

12 years ago, the mother who lost her only mother took the risk of giving birth to twins at the age of 60, and now that her husband has died, does she regret it?

She looked at the two little angels, as if she saw the lost Tingting again. At this moment, all the hardships and pains turned into tears of happiness.

However, behind the joy, Sheng Hailin also faced great pressure and doubts. Some admired her courage and praised her as a warrior of life; There are also people who question the rationality of her decision, fearing that she will not be able to take on the burden of raising her children.

In the face of disturbing discussions, Sheng Hailin chose to deal with it with a calm mind.

Watching her two daughters grow up day by day, Sheng Hailin felt extremely gratified. Although her physical strength is not as good as before, she still does her best to take care of her two little lives. She cherishes every moment with her daughters and strives to pass on her life experience and values to them.

12 years ago, the mother who lost her only mother took the risk of giving birth to twins at the age of 60, and now that her husband has died, does she regret it?

Sheng Hailin knows that although her choice is risky, it brings new hope and motivation to life. The twin daughters not only filled the hole in her heart after losing Tingting, but also gave her the courage and strength to continue living.

She firmly believes that with love, all difficulties can be overcome.

However, fate always seems unwilling to give this strong woman a peaceful old age. Just as Sheng Hailin is busy with her new life, an even bigger challenge is quietly coming, ready to test this indomitable mother again.

In 2002, fate once again ruthlessly struck Sheng Hailin's family. Her husband, Wu Jingzhou, who has always supported and accompanied her, passed away due to illness, leaving her alone with her two young daughters.

12 years ago, the mother who lost her only mother took the risk of giving birth to twins at the age of 60, and now that her husband has died, does she regret it?

This bad news came so suddenly, it was difficult for Sheng Hailin to accept it for a while.

At her husband's funeral, Sheng Hailin endured her grief and watched her beloved partner sleep in the ground. Her eyes were red, but not a single tear was shed. Under the gaze of everyone, she stood there strongly, and made a solemn promise to her deceased husband: she would definitely live strong and raise her two daughters to adulthood.

The blow of losing a husband is huge. Wu Jingzhou is not only the love of her life, but also her most solid support in the face of difficulties. However, Sheng Hailin did not have time to bask in grief.

She knows that she is not only the pillar of this family, but also the only support for her two young lives. She had to pull herself together and hold up a piece of the sky for her daughters.

12 years ago, the mother who lost her only mother took the risk of giving birth to twins at the age of 60, and now that her husband has died, does she regret it?

However, life's trials don't end there. As she grew older, Sheng Hailin's physical condition deteriorated. She began to worry about whether she would be able to make it until the day when she watched her daughters grow up.

This worry followed her like a shadow and became a lingering haze in her heart.

Despite the difficulties, Sheng Hailin still faces life with a positive and optimistic attitude. She cherishes every moment she spends with her daughters and strives to pass on her life experiences and values to them.

"The meaning of life is not about the length of time, but about how you spend it." Sheng Hailin often teaches her daughters like this, "No matter what difficulties you encounter, you must face them bravely, cherish the moment, and live a wonderful life."

12 years ago, the mother who lost her only mother took the risk of giving birth to twins at the age of 60, and now that her husband has died, does she regret it?

She uses her own experience to interpret this philosophy of life.

12 years have passed, and the original "advanced maternal age" is now in its infancy. Looking back, Sheng Hailin admits that she has never regretted her original decision. "These two children have given me the courage and hope to live," she said, smiling, "and they are the best gift God has given me."

Sheng Hailin's story has become a moving hymn to life.

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