
Wei Shen took a speedboat and invited him to dinner! Cousin: He loves history, is a warm man, and lives in a dormitory

author:Chris's internal entertainment

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Wei Shen took a speedboat and invited him to dinner! Cousin: He loves history, is a warm man, and lives in a dormitory

Wei Shen, who is a well-known genius in the field of mathematics, recently went to Beijing with his cousin's family to play, but it set off a storm on the Internet.

Wei Shen took a speedboat and invited him to dinner! Cousin: He loves history, is a warm man, and lives in a dormitory

Let's start with the Great Wall where they went.

The Great Wall is like a giant dragon winding between the mountains and mountains, majestic and magnificent.

Wei Shen and his cousin's family stood on top of the Great Wall, the breeze blowing across their faces.

Wei Shen looked far away, and his eyes were full of deep respect for the wisdom of the ancient working people.

He may be thinking about how many ancestors' sweat and hard work have been condensed in these bricks and stones; This endless city wall has witnessed the vicissitudes of many years.

Wei Shen took a speedboat and invited him to dinner! Cousin: He loves history, is a warm man, and lives in a dormitory

The sun shone on him, outlining his contemplative contours, as if he were in a deep dialogue with history.

Then there is the Forbidden City, the palace complex with red walls and yellow tiles and golden brilliance, exuding a strong historical atmosphere.

The moment Wei Shen stepped into the Forbidden City, it was as if he had traveled back to ancient times.

He strolled from palace to palace, scrutinizing each precious artifact, his eyes glittering with curiosity and exploration.

Wei Shen took a speedboat and invited him to dinner! Cousin: He loves history, is a warm man, and lives in a dormitory

Those exquisite porcelain, gorgeous costumes, and ancient calligraphy and paintings seem to tell him the story of the past.

He lingered in the treasure hall, and each treasure allowed him to stop for a long time and feel the cultural heritage and artistic charm contained in it.

The zoo is a different story.

Wei Shen was wearing that bright yellow T-shirt, which looked particularly dazzling in the sunlight.

Wei Shen took a speedboat and invited him to dinner! Cousin: He loves history, is a warm man, and lives in a dormitory

The laughter of the children filled the entire park, and Wei Shen was also infected by this innocent happiness.

When they saw the giant pandas, their cute appearance made people's hearts melt.

The giant pandas are leisurely eating bamboo, or lazily lying on the ground basking in the sun, and their cute appearance makes everyone laugh.

Wei Shen's eyes were full of tenderness and affection, as if he had seen the most beautiful thing in the world.

Wei Shen took a speedboat and invited him to dinner! Cousin: He loves history, is a warm man, and lives in a dormitory

He also got on the speedboat with the children, feeling the wind whistling in his ears, and his face was full of excitement and excitement.

At that moment, he forgot all his worries and stresses and enjoyed this rare happy time to the fullest.

The Summer Palace is even more beautiful.

The water is crystal clear, and the breeze blows through it, creating layers of ripples.

Wei Shen took a speedboat and invited him to dinner! Cousin: He loves history, is a warm man, and lives in a dormitory

The weeping willows by the lake are like the green ribbons that nature has dressed up for the Summer Palace.

Wei Shen and his cousin's family strolled along the trail, admiring the beauty of their surroundings.

Sometimes they stop to admire the blooming flowers, and sometimes they listen to the crisp song of the birds.

The clothes and gifts prepared for him by his cousin made him look more energetic and glow with a different style.

At this moment, Wei Shen is no longer just a genius who focuses on mathematics, but an ordinary person who enjoys life and feels beautiful.

Wei Shen took a speedboat and invited him to dinner! Cousin: He loves history, is a warm man, and lives in a dormitory

Wei Shen's family background is not simple.

He grew up in an atmosphere of mathematics from an early age, and his father played a crucial role in his enlightenment and teaching of mathematics.

Wei Shen took a speedboat and invited him to dinner! Cousin: He loves history, is a warm man, and lives in a dormitory

Under the influence of his family, he developed a strong interest in mathematics and showed extraordinary talent.

However, compared to his excellence in mathematics, he has a unique performance in language.

It's not that he's not good at it, it's that he has his own unique understanding and style.

This unique trait makes him unique in his studies and the center of attention.

Wei Shen took a speedboat and invited him to dinner! Cousin: He loves history, is a warm man, and lives in a dormitory

This trip to Beijing let us see Wei Shen's warm family feelings.

His companionship and care for his cousin's family showed his enthusiasm and sincerity.

He did not appear to be high because of his aura of genius, but spent quality time with his family with a normal heart.

Wei Shen took a speedboat and invited him to dinner! Cousin: He loves history, is a warm man, and lives in a dormitory

Netizens praised his generosity and gentleness.

Everyone expects him to not only achieve higher academic achievements in the future, but also find the other half of his life in life, and write a beautiful chapter of their own together.

For Wei Shen, the trip is much more than just fun and relaxation.

Wei Shen took a speedboat and invited him to dinner! Cousin: He loves history, is a warm man, and lives in a dormitory

It is a spiritual nourishment, a deep care for family affection, and an opportunity to show one's colorful inner world.

In the world of mathematics, he is a rigorous and dedicated explorer; In life, he is a family friend full of warmth and affinity.

This trip allowed us to see a more three-dimensional and real Wei Shen, and also made us believe that no matter what field he is in, he can shine in his own unique way.

Wei Shen took a speedboat and invited him to dinner! Cousin: He loves history, is a warm man, and lives in a dormitory

Imagine that when they walked into the corner tower of the Forbidden City, the exquisite architectural structure made Wei Shen couldn't help but sigh at the ingenuity of the ancients.

Sunlight shines through the carved windows on the floor, creating dappled patches of light and shadow.

Wei Shen squatted down and carefully observed the lines on the floor tiles, as if he could decipher the code of the years.

Wei Shen took a speedboat and invited him to dinner! Cousin: He loves history, is a warm man, and lives in a dormitory

At the zoo's Monkey Mountain, lively monkeys jump up and down, drawing laughter from everyone.

Wei Shen was also amused by the monkeys' playful appearance, and his laughter was particularly hearty in the crowd.

Wei Shen took a speedboat and invited him to dinner! Cousin: He loves history, is a warm man, and lives in a dormitory

In the corridor of the Summer Palace, the exquisite murals made Wei Shen stop for a long time.

He is immersed in the atmosphere of art, and feels the emotions conveyed by every stroke with his heart.

Wei Shen and his cousin's family took care of each other and shared happiness with each other in the process of playing.

The cousin carefully prepared food and water for Wei Shen, while Wei Shen patiently explained some interesting knowledge to the children.

Their figures shuttle through various scenic spots, becoming a beautiful landscape.

This trip to Beijing also made Wei Shen think more.

He draws wisdom from history and finds inspiration in the lap of nature.

Wei Shen took a speedboat and invited him to dinner! Cousin: He loves history, is a warm man, and lives in a dormitory

When he returns to work, he may continue to move forward in the field of mathematics and create more brilliance with this good memory and new insight.

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