
"Zhang Shihao", Zhao Yanguozhang's fade out of the screen, is a loss for the entire entertainment industry

author:Chattering reading circles
"Zhang Shihao", Zhao Yanguozhang's fade out of the screen, is a loss for the entire entertainment industry
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"Zhang Shihao", Zhao Yanguozhang's fade out of the screen, is a loss for the entire entertainment industry

"Money is the last word, everything else is floating clouds." This unforgettable line comes from Zhang Shihao's mouth in the TV series "Can't Escape". Zhao Yan Guozhang, who played this role, became famous in one fell swoop with his three-point acting skills.

However, after the broadcast of this drama, he faded out of public view like evaporating from the world. Why did the actor who vividly interpreted the villain role suddenly disappear? Is this a regret in the entertainment industry, or is it an actor's self-choice? Let's unveil the mystery of Zhao Yan Guozhang, explore his legendary life from glory to retirement, and the current situation of the entertainment industry reflected behind this.

In this industry full of opportunities and challenges, the story of Zhao Yan Guozhang may bring us profound enlightenment.

In a remote village in Xingtai, Hebei Province, young Zhao Yanguo (Zhao Yanguozhang's original name) began his life journey with a love for art. Despite his poor family, his father insisted on educating his children to be diligent and studious.

"Zhang Shihao", Zhao Yanguozhang's fade out of the screen, is a loss for the entire entertainment industry

While other children were still playing, 13-year-old Zhao Yanguo had already completed junior high school. However, the family's financial hardship prevented him from continuing his higher education.

In order to allow his younger siblings to continue their studies, Zhao Yanguo resolutely joined a troupe that was recruiting students and began his artistic career. Although he was only 13 years old, he was small and brave, showing amazing talent on stage.

In the troupe, Zhao Yanguo met his enlightenment mentor Zhang Guixia. Zhang Guixia treated him as if he were her own, not only wrapping him in her coat in the cold winter, but also sharing her share with him when distributing benefits.

Under her careful guidance, Zhao Yanguo mastered a variety of art forms such as Peking Opera and Hebei Bangzi. Zhang Guixia's selfless dedication deeply influenced Zhao Yanguo, and in honor of this teacher, he later changed his name to Zhao Yanguozhang.

"Zhang Shihao", Zhao Yanguozhang's fade out of the screen, is a loss for the entire entertainment industry

The teenager Zhao Yan Guozhang showed amazing artistic talent. No matter what skill he learned, he always got the hang of it quickly and excelled in various competitions. His talent was recognized by the teachers, who encouraged this young man with great potential to pursue a bigger stage.

Under the guidance of his mother, Zhao Yanguozhang was successfully admitted to an art academy in Hebei Province, specializing in dance drama and drama directing. Here, he is like a fish in water, showing outstanding creative talent.

The singing and dancing programs he starred in have won many major awards in Hebei Province, laying a solid foundation for his future artistic career.

After graduation, Zhao Yan Guozhang was assigned to work in the Baoding Art Troupe. When he first entered the workplace, he was full of desire for reform in the face of the traditional operation mode of the art troupe.

"Zhang Shihao", Zhao Yanguozhang's fade out of the screen, is a loss for the entire entertainment industry

He led the team out of Baoding, traveled all over the country, and created a touring model. Everywhere he went, he would carefully design stage plays with the theme of "love" according to the local customs.

This novel way of performing quickly won the love of the audience, and the annual income of the art troupe soared to a staggering 200,000 yuan in just one year.

Zhao Yan Guozhang's growth road is full of hardships and miracles. From a poor rural teenager to a versatile artistic genius to a successful reformer of the art troupe, his story is the epitome of countless young people with dreams, and the best proof of the charm of art and the power of education.

His experience not only exercised his artistic talent, but also shaped his tenacious character, laying a solid foundation for his future development in the entertainment industry.

"Zhang Shihao", Zhao Yanguozhang's fade out of the screen, is a loss for the entire entertainment industry

During his work in the Baoding Art Troupe, Zhao Yanguozhang showed extraordinary innovative spirit and leadership skills. He is keenly aware that local performances alone cannot meet the growing cultural needs of audiences, nor can they improve the financial situation of the troupe.

With enthusiasm for reform, Zhao Yanguozhang boldly put forward the innovative concept of touring performances.

He led the team out of Baoding and traveled all over the country. With his rich stage experience and in-depth understanding of each actor, Zhao Yanguozhang carefully planned and choreographed a series of stage plays with the theme of "love".

In addition, every time he arrives at a new performance location, he will tailor a different theme to the unique local folk customs. This innovative touring format was unprecedented at the time, and his content was even more unique.

"Zhang Shihao", Zhao Yanguozhang's fade out of the screen, is a loss for the entire entertainment industry

Zhao's efforts quickly paid off. Under his leadership, the touring performances of the art troupe have won enthusiastic responses from the audience. In just one year, the income of the art troupe soared to a staggering 200,000 yuan! This achievement not only greatly improved the living conditions of the troupe, but also injected new vitality into the future development of the art troupe.

However, Zhao Yanguozhang was not satisfied. While organizing the tour, he has been thinking about the deeper reform of the art troupe. He drafted a detailed plan for the reform of the grassroots art troupe, which attracted great attention from the leadership.

Seeing the talent and potential of this young man, the leaders of the art troupe made an exception and decided to promote him to the head of the troupe.

Just when Zhao Yan Guozhang was about to accept this coveted position, fate played a joke on him. His mentor Li Ling saw his talent in the field of acting and suggested that he go to a higher level of art for further study.

"Zhang Shihao", Zhao Yanguozhang's fade out of the screen, is a loss for the entire entertainment industry

This suggestion left Zhao Yanguozhang in a painful choice.

Faced with the dilemma of the position of head of the regiment and continuing his studies, Zhao Yanguozhang struggled inwardly. When his mother heard the news, she rushed overnight to give advice.

Mother's words were like a beacon, pointing out the direction for Zhao Yanguozhang. After much deliberation, he made a surprising decision: to give up the post of regimental commander and return to school.

This decision shows his dedication to art and opens a new chapter in his life.

"Zhang Shihao", Zhao Yanguozhang's fade out of the screen, is a loss for the entire entertainment industry

Zhao Yanguozhang's experience in the art troupe not only reflects his innovative spirit and leadership skills, but also reflects his courage to break the routine and pursue his dreams. This experience laid a solid foundation for his future development in the entertainment industry and became one of the most valuable assets in his life.

With a love for performing arts, Zhao Yanguozhang was admitted to both the Central Academy of Drama and the Beijing Film Academy with excellent results. Although he ended up at Nortel because of a small file mistake, this did not affect his enthusiasm for learning in the slightest.

During Nortel's academic career, Zhao Yanguozhang quickly became a role model for younger students with his rich stage experience and outstanding acting talent. Li Jingjing, the actor of Zhuang's sister-in-law in "Golden Wedding", once admitted frankly on the show that she was full of admiration for Zhao Yanguozhang.

However, after graduation, Zhao Yan Guozhang did not rise to prominence as quickly as many of his classmates. He has never come across a good script that can fully display his talent.

"Zhang Shihao", Zhao Yanguozhang's fade out of the screen, is a loss for the entire entertainment industry

Watching his classmates become famous one by one, Zhao Yanguozhang's heart was full of anxiety and uneasiness. In order to break through the predicament, he even tried to direct and act himself, creating the movie "Cha Classmate Boy".

It's a pity that this well-crafted work has not been released for various reasons.

Just when Zhao Yanguozhang's career fell into a trough, the opportunity finally came. He received an invitation to participate in the TV series "Hard to Escape", playing the protagonist Zhang Shihao. In order to create this role well, Zhao Yan Guozhang invested a lot of energy.

He delved into the real Zhang Ziqiang case and repeatedly discussed the details of the role with director Ye Hongwei. He even imitated Zhang Ziqiang's every move, striving to bring this role to life.

"Zhang Shihao", Zhao Yanguozhang's fade out of the screen, is a loss for the entire entertainment industry

His efforts were not in vain. "Can't Escape" sparked heated discussions as soon as it was broadcast, and Zhao Yanguozhang's performance won unanimous praise from the audience. He perfectly presented Zhang Shihao's ruthlessness, decisiveness and inner complexity on the screen, leaving a deep impression on the audience.

The line "I don't want to talk about love now, I just want to pursue wealth" became a popular phrase in that era.

The success of "Wings Can't Escape" pushed Zhao Yanguozhang to the pinnacle of his career. His name began to be known to more people, and various invitations poured in. However, behind the success lies also a crisis.

As time passed, Zhao Yanguozhang found himself seemingly trapped by the role of Zhang Shihao. No matter what role he plays, the audience will always unconsciously associate him with Zhang Shihao.

"Zhang Shihao", Zhao Yanguozhang's fade out of the screen, is a loss for the entire entertainment industry

This situation deeply troubled Zhao Yanguozhang. He is eager to break through and challenge more different types of roles. However, reality gave him a slap in the face.

After "Wings Can't Escape", he never met a role that could surpass Zhang Shihao. This role, which once made him famous in one fell swoop, has instead become a shackle to the development of his career.

Zhao Yan Guozhang's experience reflects the dilemma faced by actors after becoming famous. How to maintain the character without being stereotyped, how to find a balance between business and art, these are the challenges that actors need to face.

For Zhao Yanguozhang, "Can't Escape" is not only the pinnacle of his career, but also the bottleneck of his subsequent development, and this contradiction highlights the complexity and cruelty of the entertainment industry.

"Zhang Shihao", Zhao Yanguozhang's fade out of the screen, is a loss for the entire entertainment industry

Faced with the bottleneck of career development, Zhao Yanguozhang decided to change his strategy and began to try to diversify. He set his sights on directing, hoping to showcase his multifaceted talents through behind-the-scenes work.

Zhao Yanguozhang put a lot of effort into creating the movie "Cha Classmate Boy", which was his first attempt to direct and act. However, fate always seems to play a joke on him.

It took several years for the meticulous work to be filmed, but its release was postponed due to the SARS epidemic. What's even more infuriating is that some distributors have made the film into a CD and shown it in theaters without permission, and even promoted it as a restricted film, which completely goes against Zhao Yanguozhang's original creative intention.

In the face of this infringement, Zhao Yanguozhang resolutely sued the four distributors in court.

"Zhang Shihao", Zhao Yanguozhang's fade out of the screen, is a loss for the entire entertainment industry

Despite the setbacks, Zhao Yanguozhang did not give up. He continued to work hard in the field of directing, and finally won the Outstanding Director Award at the Hollywood Film Festival for the film "Youth".

This award is undoubtedly the best reward for his years of hard work and a testament to his talent as a director.

However, Zhao Yanguozhang's deep love for acting has never faded. In order to return to the screen, he decided to use the influence of "Wings Can't Escape" to shoot a spin-off movie called "Wings Can't Escape: Changing Face".

It's a pity that this work did not get the expected response, and once again put Zhao Yanguozhang into a trough.

"Zhang Shihao", Zhao Yanguozhang's fade out of the screen, is a loss for the entire entertainment industry

In recent years, with the rise of the live broadcast industry, Zhao Yanguozhang has started a new attempt. Together with his partner Yu Hui in "Wings Can't Escape", he held a unique live broadcast event.

The reunion of the two old friends immediately triggered the nostalgia of the audience, and the live broadcast room was full of calls and expectations for "Brother Hao".

These new attempts show Zhao Yanguozhang's spirit of not being willing to be mediocre and brave in innovation. Although he has not always been successful, he is always looking for new breakthroughs, and this spirit is worthy of our admiration.

Zhao Yanguozhang's experience tells us that in the acting industry, it is crucial to adapt to change and keep innovating.

"Zhang Shihao", Zhao Yanguozhang's fade out of the screen, is a loss for the entire entertainment industry

Zhao Yanguozhang's experience reflects the cruel reality of the entertainment industry. The success of a role can become a double-edged sword for an actor. The role of Zhang Shihao made Zhao Yanguozhang famous in one fell swoop, but it also became a shackle to his career development.

How to maintain character without being stereotyped, how to find a balance between business and art, these are the challenges faced by actors.

Zhao Yanguozhang's "disappearance" is not only a personal choice, but also a loss for the entire industry. It reminds us that the entertainment industry needs more diversified development space and needs to give outstanding actors more opportunities to break through themselves.

Only in this way can we cultivate more all-round artistic talents and promote the healthy development of the entire industry.

"Zhang Shihao", Zhao Yanguozhang's fade out of the screen, is a loss for the entire entertainment industry

The story of Zhao Yanguozhang reminds us that persistence and innovation are equally important in the pursuit of artistic dreams. In the face of difficulties, we need to constantly try new possibilities in order to find our own place in the ever-changing entertainment industry.

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