
In 2015, the old man saved 210,000 yuan, but his son was not filial, and he hid all of them in shrouds for cremation before he died

author:Phineas Quest Hall
In 2015, the old man saved 210,000 yuan, but his son was not filial, and he hid all of them in shrouds for cremation before he died
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In 2015, the old man saved 210,000 yuan, but his son was not filial, and he hid all of them in shrouds for cremation before he died

In 2015, a shocking discovery was being made in an ordinary crematorium in Jiangsu Province. When the cremator Master Yang was routinely handling the body of an elderly man in his 80s, a large amount of paper scraps suddenly flew out of the incinerator.

Master Yang's hands trembled slightly, and cold sweat oozed from his forehead. He realized that this was not only a startling discovery, but more likely to involve illegal acts. With mixed feelings, he quickly reported the anomaly to his superiors.

As the news spread, people began to ask: Who is this old man? Why bring such a huge amount of cash into another world? This serendipitous discovery unravels a heartbreaking family tragedy and provokes deep reflections on family, morality, and social responsibility.

Tao Laohan's life is a portrayal of hardship and tenacity. Born in the 40s of the 20th century, he tasted the bitterness of life since he was a child. As the eldest son in the family, he had to drop out of school early to take care of his younger siblings.

In 2015, the old man saved 210,000 yuan, but his son was not filial, and he hid all of them in shrouds for cremation before he died

Tao Laohan's hands are rough and powerful due to years of labor, which is a silent testimony left by the years.

With a yearning for a better life, the young Tao Laohan came to the county to work. Despite the hardships of life, there was still a sparkle of hope in his eyes. On the construction site, he worked hard to carry building materials, sweat soaking through his thin clothes.

When he received a meager salary every month, he would carefully calculate and send most of the money back home to support his family.

Fate seemed to smile at Tao Laohan, and he met his wife. The two got along with each other and built a warm little home together. However, happiness is always short-lived.

In 2015, the old man saved 210,000 yuan, but his son was not filial, and he hid all of them in shrouds for cremation before he died

The death of his wife brought a heavy blow to Tao Laohan, and his eyes were full of sadness and confusion. But for the sake of his two young sons, he had to endure his grief and move on.

However, fate once again played a cruel joke on Tao Laohan. Having lost his home, he had to rent a modest house on the outskirts of the city. Since then, his life has been turned upside down.

What was once a hard work is now a waste scrap in the streets.

Every morning, when the city was still asleep, Tao Laohan had already bent over and pushed a dilapidated tricycle to start the day's scavenging work. His eyes are always on the alert, looking for recyclable items in the garbage heap.

In 2015, the old man saved 210,000 yuan, but his son was not filial, and he hid all of them in shrouds for cremation before he died

The bitter cold wind in winter and the scorching sun in summer can't stop him from making a living.

After 30 years of scavenging career, Tao Laohan relied on amazing perseverance and frugality to accumulate a deposit of 210,000 yuan. This money is a life's work for him, and it also holds his hope for the future.

However, as he grew older, the aging of his body made him feel powerless.

Despite the difficulties of life, Tao Laohan's back is still upright, as if silently telling the resilience of life. His story is the epitome of the strength and indomitability of thousands of ordinary Chinese, and it is also a witness to the changes of the times.

In 2015, the old man saved 210,000 yuan, but his son was not filial, and he hid all of them in shrouds for cremation before he died

As the years passed, Tao Laohan's body became weaker and weaker, and the work of scavenging became more and more difficult. He began to miss his sons and hoped for some care and warmth in the last stages of his life.

With trepidation, he decided to visit his eldest son, whom he hadn't seen for many years.

On that day, Tao Laohan deliberately tidied up his shabby clothes and tried to make himself look decent. He stood in front of his eldest son's house, took a deep breath, and pressed the doorbell with trembling fingers.

However, he was greeted by the disgusted eyes of his eldest son and a cold rejection. The eldest son was reluctant to let his father even step into the house, as if he were an uninvited guest.

In 2015, the old man saved 210,000 yuan, but his son was not filial, and he hid all of them in shrouds for cremation before he died

Tao Laohan's heart seemed to be stabbed, but he held back his tears and turned away silently.

Tao Laohan, who was unwilling to give up hope, came to his second son's house again. However, the situation is not getting better. Before he could explain his intentions, he saw his daughter-in-law leave angrily.

The gloomy face of the second son made him understand that he was also unwelcome in this family. With deep disappointment and heartache, Tao Laohan dragged his tired body and silently returned to his rental house.

Since then, Tao Laohan has never taken the initiative to contact his sons. His eyes were full of loneliness and helplessness, but he still maintained his love for life. Every day, he would quietly come to his son's house and look at his grandson from afar.

In 2015, the old man saved 210,000 yuan, but his son was not filial, and he hid all of them in shrouds for cremation before he died

Sometimes, he would stand in the corner all day just to see his grandson more. These small joys became the motivation to continue his life.

However, even such simple wishes are often frustrated. Sometimes Tao Laohan waited all day and couldn't see his grandson, so he could only turn around and leave in frustration.

His back looked particularly lonely in the setting sun, as if the whole world had nothing to do with him.

Despite such a difficult life, Tao Laohan still maintained his kindness and strength. He never complained about the injustice of fate, nor did he blame his children for their ruthlessness. He just silently continues his life as a scavenger, as if this is his only way to survive.

In 2015, the old man saved 210,000 yuan, but his son was not filial, and he hid all of them in shrouds for cremation before he died

However, fate eventually mercilessly knocked down the strong old man. On an ordinary day, Tao Laohan died alone in a rental house. His body was found by a landlord who had come to collect rent.

Even in the last moments of his life, he could not wait for his sons to visit.

This discovery left the surrounding neighbors feeling extremely sad and angry. They accused Tao Laohan's two sons of being unfilial, and deeply sympathized with the old man's plight.

Some people recall the bits and pieces of Tao Laohan's life, his diligence, kindness and strength, which further highlights the injustice he suffered in his later years.

In 2015, the old man saved 210,000 yuan, but his son was not filial, and he hid all of them in shrouds for cremation before he died

The story of Tao Laohan is not only a tragedy of an individual, but also a reflection of the widespread problem of old-age care in contemporary society.

When Tao Laohan's two sons received the news of their father's death, their reaction was unusually cold. They hurried to the county seat, their hearts full of boredom with this "trouble".

However, when they saw their father's body, a trace of unease welled up in their hearts.

His father's body was already fully dressed, apparently he had prepared a shroud before his death. This discovery made the two sons feel a little guilty, but it was quickly replaced by curiosity about possessions.

In 2015, the old man saved 210,000 yuan, but his son was not filial, and he hid all of them in shrouds for cremation before he died

They searched their father's rental house carefully, but found nothing but a mess and cheap groceries.

Just as they were about to rush into the matter, the discovery of a bank card caught their attention. With a glimmer of hope, they went to the bank to check the transaction history. When they saw the 210,000 yuan savings that their father had accumulated over the past 30 years, the faces of the two sons showed a greedy look.

However, they soon found out that the money had already been withdrawn in its entirety before their father's death.

This discovery left the two sons in deep remorse. They finally realized that the last time their father visited, the bag was not a scrap, but his life savings.

In 2015, the old man saved 210,000 yuan, but his son was not filial, and he hid all of them in shrouds for cremation before he died

However, it was too late. The father had chosen to take the money into another world and hide it in his shroud.

When this story was exposed by the media, it attracted widespread attention and discussion in society. People condemned the two unfilial sons, and at the same time expressed understanding and sympathy for Tao Laohan's choice.

Some people believe that this is Tao Laohan's last test for his sons, and it is also a silent accusation against them. Some people also think from Tao Laohan's point of view, thinking that he doesn't want money to become an obstacle to family affection, so he chooses to destroy it with his own hands.

This money has become Tao Laohan's last message to the world, and it has also become a mirror, reflecting the reality of indifference in modern society.

In 2015, the old man saved 210,000 yuan, but his son was not filial, and he hid all of them in shrouds for cremation before he died

Tao Laohan's choice, although it seems extreme, profoundly reveals the helplessness and despair of an elderly person in the face of indifferent family affection. In this way, he told the world that sincere family affection and love are more precious than any money.

This story is not only an indictment of unfilial children, but also a wake-up call for the whole society, calling on people to re-examine family relationships, cherish family affection, respect and care for the elderly.

Tao Laohan's story has caused huge repercussions in the society and has become the focus of heated discussions. Many expressed intense anger and condemnation of the actions of the two sons, believing that they had lost the most basic humanity and filial piety.

At the same time, this incident also made people start to think deeply about the common pension problems in modern society.

In 2015, the old man saved 210,000 yuan, but his son was not filial, and he hid all of them in shrouds for cremation before he died

Some people believe that Tao Laohan's hiding of his savings in shrouds is the last test for his sons, and it is also a silent indictment against them. This extreme behavior reflects the desperation of the old man's heart and the desire for family affection.

On the other hand, some people think that from Tao Laohan's point of view, he doesn't want money to become an obstacle to family affection, so he chooses to destroy it with his own hands. This interpretation reflects a deep understanding of the psychology of the elderly.

The incident has also sparked discussions about legal liability. Some legal experts have pointed out that according to mainland law, children have a duty to support their parents, and refusal to perform may face serious legal consequences.

However, most people recognize that relying solely on the binding force of the law does not seem to be able to really solve the problem of lack of affection.

In 2015, the old man saved 210,000 yuan, but his son was not filial, and he hid all of them in shrouds for cremation before he died

Tao Laohan's story is not only a family tragedy, but also a problem that the whole society needs to face. It prompts people to re-examine family relationships, how to balance work and family in the fast-paced modern life, and how to better respect and care for the elderly.

This incident has become a mirror of the importance and urgency of the moral construction of society.

The story of Tao Laohan has left a profound inspiration for us, it is not only a family tragedy, but also a problem that the whole society needs to face. This incident reminds us to re-examine family relationships, cherish family affection, respect and care for the elderly.

Each of us should reflect: in the pursuit of material life, have we neglected the most precious family affection? How do you balance work and family in a fast-paced modern life? It is also a call for social responsibility.

In 2015, the old man saved 210,000 yuan, but his son was not filial, and he hid all of them in shrouds for cremation before he died

We need to work together to contribute to building a social environment that respects and loves the elderly.

Only by attaching importance to moral construction and cultivating a sense of gratitude can we avoid more tragedies of the "Tao Laohan" style. Let us work together to create a society full of love and warmth, so that every elderly person can enjoy their old age in peace, feel the warmth of family and the care of society.

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