
Kamei defends Drake, and the result is tragic

author:Tubing and eating melons at the mass tea party

Camila Cabello has released a new album with two songs featuring Drake. She stood up for Drake in the interview, and secretly connotated Kendrick Lamar. As a result, he was ridiculed by the group.

Kamei defends Drake, and the result is tragic

Camila Cabello had already predicted her collaboration with Drake, and she and Drake also went on vacation together, which once attracted speculation that the two were dating and had a leg. But she explained that it was the two of them who collaborated on a song.

Wait until she previews the new album and reveals that she and Drake have two songs. She even posted ins, saying that she collaborated with the singer she wanted to work with the most, and the first one was a photo of her and Drake.

Kamei defends Drake, and the result is tragic

The comment area is all there, why is Drake your dream artist? "Please Hide Your Sister" (lyrics by Kendruick Lamar)

基本上就是大家公认Drake和Kendrick Lamar撕逼,以Kendrick Lamar大获全胜告终。

It's been more than a month since Drake and Kendrick tore it apart, and Drake hasn't moved, and everyone has tacitly tacitly failed him. Although Drake's side previews from time to time, hinting that he is going to send a song to fight back, there is still no news.

It wasn't until Camila released a new album that two of the songs had Drake joined. Many people think that Drake secretly disss Kendrick in the song.

Camila even publicly stood up with Drake in an interview, saying: "It makes me very angry to see people say you know someone and say that person in a negative tone and tone. You're like, "Oh my God, if you've had contact with that person, if you've had dinner, you'll know how nice that person is."

Kamei defends Drake, and the result is tragic

Many netizens said hehe, saying Camila, what qualifications do you have as a racist to stand up for Drake, you forgot that you bullied Normani back then, and had to publicly admit racial discrimination, apologize for bullying Normani, and go to a racism-related course