
He played "Japan Osa" for most of his life, settled in Japan with his wife and children, and died in Japan at the age of 67

author:Phineas Quest Hall
He played "Japan Osa" for most of his life, settled in Japan with his wife and children, and died in Japan at the age of 67
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He played "Japan Osa" for most of his life, settled in Japan with his wife and children, and died in Japan at the age of 67

In the autumn of 2023, sad news came from an ordinary family in Japan. Actor Ma Weijun, who once frequently played the role of "Japan Dazuo" on the Chinese screen, passed away quietly at the age of 67.

Why did this Chinese actor, known as the "Great Zuo Professional Household", spend the last days of his life in a foreign country? What ups and downs did he go through in his life? From an ordinary worker in Jiuquan, Gansu Province, to the familiar image of "Japanese Dazuo" to Chinese audiences, to finally settling in Japan, Ma Weijun's life trajectory is full of dramatic turns.

Let's take a look at the actor's story and discover how he built a unique bridge between Chinese and Japanese cultures, as well as his unknown transnational life.

In 1956, in an ordinary working family in Jiuquan, Gansu Province, Ma Weijun fell to the ground. Both parents were factory workers, and in order to nurture their children's talents, they sent the young Ma Weijun to study in the local drama troupe.

He played "Japan Osa" for most of his life, settled in Japan with his wife and children, and died in Japan at the age of 67

This experience inadvertently planted the seeds for his future acting career.

After graduating from high school, Ma Weijun entered a pharmaceutical factory according to his parents' expectations. In those days, being able to have a stable job was a dream for many people.

However, Ma Weijun's heart has always burned with an inextinguishable flame.

The twist of fate came on a tour of the Lanzhou Repertory Theatre. When Ma Weijun saw the superb performances of the actors on stage, he felt as if he was electrocuted, and his childhood memories in the repertory troupe instantly came to mind.

He played "Japan Osa" for most of his life, settled in Japan with his wife and children, and died in Japan at the age of 67

An irrepressible impulse drove him to improvise in front of his co-workers, which won warm applause. From that moment on, he realized that he could no longer suppress his love for acting.

After a fierce ideological struggle, Ma Weijun made a fateful decision: quit his stable job and participate in the selection of the repertory troupe. This decision seemed undoubtedly risky at the time, but Ma Weijun, with his innate acting talent and passion for art, successfully joined the Lanzhou Repertory Theatre and thus began his acting career.

By chance, Ma Weijun got the precious opportunity to go to Japan to study performing arts. In a foreign country, he not only worked hard to learn acting skills, but also worked hard to master the Japanese language.

This experience laid a solid foundation for his future success in portraying the role of "Japan Daisa".

He played "Japan Osa" for most of his life, settled in Japan with his wife and children, and died in Japan at the age of 67

After returning to China, Ma Weijun's acting career ushered in a turning point. By chance, he visited the filming site of the TV series "My Name is Liu Legend". He couldn't help but laugh out loud when he heard the actor who played the Japanese officer read his lines in broken Japanese.

This attracted the attention of the director, and Ma Weijun, with his fluent Japanese and solid acting skills, successfully won the role of "Sakata Kiichi", which opened his road to "Dazuo".

Subsequently, Ma Weijun played a Japanese officer in many works such as "Fierce War" and "My Brother is Shunyu", creating a villain image that impressed the audience.

His acting skills are delicate and nuanced, and he vividly portrays the arrogance, cruelty, and complex contradictions in the heart of Japanese officers. Especially in the hit drama "Snow Leopard", it has established his status as a "professional household".

He played "Japan Osa" for most of his life, settled in Japan with his wife and children, and died in Japan at the age of 67

Ma Weijun's success is not only due to his linguistic strengths, but also to his in-depth understanding and careful interpretation of the characters. He always worked hard to study the psychology and behavior patterns of Japanese officers, and strived to present three-dimensional and realistic characters on the screen.

This professionalism has won the general recognition of industry insiders and audiences, and has made him the obvious choice for many directors to portray the role of a Japanese officer.

From an ordinary worker to a famous actor, Ma Weijun's life has undergone a dramatic transformation. His story tells us that as long as we have the courage to follow the call of our hearts, ordinary life can also shine brightly.

Ma Weijun's life not only experienced a dramatic turn in his career, but also staged a transnational love song in his love life. While studying performing arts in Japan, a Chinese drama seminar became a turning point in his fate.

He played "Japan Osa" for most of his life, settled in Japan with his wife and children, and died in Japan at the age of 67

Here, Ma Weijun met his future wife, and the two quickly fell in love.

However, lovers who taste sweetness for the first time soon face the test of reality. Ma Weijun must return to China to develop his fledgling acting career, while his lover has already settled in Japan.

Both know that the relationship may not last long. Ma Weijun fell into a deep contradiction, on the one hand, a thriving career, on the other hand, a budding love, this choice kept him awake at night.

Just when Ma Weijun was entangled, fate once again gave him a problem. News of an unexpected pregnancy came from his lover. This news not only surprised Ma Weijun, but also made him feel pressured.

He played "Japan Osa" for most of his life, settled in Japan with his wife and children, and died in Japan at the age of 67

After much deliberation, he made a difficult and courageous decision: no matter what, he wanted to maintain the relationship and give the unborn child a complete home.

Since then, Ma Weijun has started a transnational married life. He struggles to find a balance between career and family, and whenever he has free time, he flies to Japan to spend time with his wife.

However, living apart for a long time is not easy. Cultural differences, language barriers, time conflicts and other issues followed, testing the feelings of this multinational couple.

Ma Weijun often felt guilty about not being able to spend time with his wife for a long time. Every time he plays the role of "Japan Daisa" on the set, he thinks of his wife who is far away in Japan, and his heart is full of complex emotions.

He played "Japan Osa" for most of his life, settled in Japan with his wife and children, and died in Japan at the age of 67

This contradiction not only did not affect his performance, but gave him a deeper understanding of the role, and interpreted the inner struggle of the Japanese officer more than three.

Despite the many challenges, Ma Weijun and his wife still stuck with the marriage. Their persistence and dedication not only maintained the integrity of the family, but also added a unique color to Ma Weijun's life.

This transnational marriage experience allowed Ma Weijun to build a personal bridge between Chinese and Japanese cultures, and also laid the foundation for his future life in Japan.

Ma Weijun's transnational marriage story shows how the power of love transcends borders and cultural divides. It tells us that as long as there is love in our hearts, even the greatest difficulties can be overcome.

He played "Japan Osa" for most of his life, settled in Japan with his wife and children, and died in Japan at the age of 67

At the same time, this experience also added a unique life experience to Ma Weijun's acting career, allowing him to integrate more delicate emotions when shaping the role.

With his outstanding performance in many anti-Japanese works, Ma Weijun has gradually become a "professional household" in the minds of the audience. The role of "Dazuo" he played in "Guild Wars" impressed the audience; In "My Brother is Shunyu", his rivalry with Wang Baoqiang is even more exciting.

But what really established his status as a "professional household" was the performance in the hit drama "Snow Leopard".

Ma Weijun's interpretation of the role is much more than superficial. He delved into the psychology and behavior patterns of Japanese officers, and strived to present three-dimensional and realistic characters on the screen.

He played "Japan Osa" for most of his life, settled in Japan with his wife and children, and died in Japan at the age of 67

This dedication and professionalism have won the general recognition of industry insiders and audiences, making him the obvious choice for many directors to portray the role of a Japanese officer.

However, behind the success lies hidden hidden troubles. Ma Weijun was almost "sneak attacked" by angry fans in real life. Once, he was recognized on the street by an elderly spectator, who emotionally pointed at him and shouted, "Jap! Such an experience made Ma Weijun cry and laugh.

But as a dedicated actor, he is relieved by this, believing that it proves that his performance has succeeded and resonated with the audience.

Still, this distress also forced Ma Weijun to think about his career choice. He began to think about how to convey more positive messages while portraying the villain.

He played "Japan Osa" for most of his life, settled in Japan with his wife and children, and died in Japan at the age of 67

In an interview, he said sincerely: "Although I play a Japanese, I always have a fiery Chinese heart. This sentence not only expresses his patriotic feelings, but also expresses his professional ethics as an actor.

Ma Weijun's success is not limited to on-screen performance. His experience also provoked people to think about the profession of an actor. How do you maintain your self-identity while playing the role of a villain? How do you handle the boundaries between characters and real life? These questions are not only a challenge for Ma Weijun, but also a topic that the entire entertainment industry needs to think about.

As a "Dazuo professional household", Ma Weijun has made an important contribution to China's anti-Japanese war film and television dramas with his acting skills. The vivid images of Japanese officers he created not only enrich the connotation of the works, but also provide the audience with a window to understand history.

Although he plays mostly villain roles, Ma Weijun has always maintained his love and respect for performing arts, and interprets the meaning and value of the profession of actor in his own way.

He played "Japan Osa" for most of his life, settled in Japan with his wife and children, and died in Japan at the age of 67

Ma Weijun's experience tells us that true acting is not only about creating characters on the screen, but also about maintaining oneself in real life, while being able to understand and respect the stories and emotions behind each character.

As he grew older, Ma Weijun began to re-examine his life. At the peak of his career, he made a decision that surprised many: to settle in Japan and spend time with his wife and children.

This choice was not made on the spur of the moment, but was the result of careful consideration.

For years, Ma Weijun has traveled between China and Japan. At the end of his busy day, he would fly to Japan for a short time with his family.

He played "Japan Osa" for most of his life, settled in Japan with his wife and children, and died in Japan at the age of 67

However, this separation of lifestyles filled him with guilt. He knew he was missing out on too many precious moments with his family.

As he grew older and his physical condition changed, Ma Weijun began to rethink the focus of his life. He realized that no matter how brilliant his career was, he couldn't make up for the lost family affection.

This realization led him to the decision to settle in Japan.

This choice is not an easy one. Ma Weijun knows that this means giving up his thriving acting career in China, and that he may face language and cultural barriers. However, years of guilt about his family and anticipation of his later life finally made him determined.

He played "Japan Osa" for most of his life, settled in Japan with his wife and children, and died in Japan at the age of 67

At the beginning of his life in Japan, Ma Weijun also experienced a period of adaptation. He strives to integrate into the local community, while also maintaining his connection with the Chinese entertainment industry. He hopes to become a bridge between Chinese and Japanese cultures, and use his own experience to promote people-to-people exchanges and understanding between the two countries.

Ma Weijun's decision shows his cherishing of his family and the repositioning of the value of life. It teaches us that no matter how much we achieve, family is always the most important harbor.

At the same time, his transnational life experience also provides a unique perspective on the cultural exchange between China and Japan, and shows the important role that artists can play in promoting international understanding.

In September 2023, 67-year-old Ma Weijun passed away in Japan. This former "professional household" has completed his life journey across borders in a unique way.

He played "Japan Osa" for most of his life, settled in Japan with his wife and children, and died in Japan at the age of 67

His best friend, actor Yang Qingwen, who is also a "Dazuo professional household", was deeply saddened after learning the news, recalling the bits and pieces when the two starred in "Snow Leopard" together.

Ma Weijun's life is like a wonderful script. From an ordinary worker in Jiuquan, Gansu Province to a famous actor, from a transnational romance to settling in Japan, his experience shows his dedication to his dreams and love for life.

The trajectory of his life is not only a personal legend, but also reflects the changes of an era and the epitome of cultural exchanges between China and Japan.

As an actor, Ma Weijun left a deep impression on the audience with his superb acting skills; As an ordinary person, he runs his family and business with sincere emotions.

He played "Japan Osa" for most of his life, settled in Japan with his wife and children, and died in Japan at the age of 67

His story tells us that the value of life lies not only in the success of the career, but also in finding the balance between different roles and bravely following the choices of the heart.

Ma Weijun's life illustrates the profound relationship between art and life. The characters he created on the screen eventually condensed into his own unique life experience.

This artistic life that transcends borders has left us with valuable inspiration about courage, perseverance and cultural integration.

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