
How handsome is Chen Shancong when he is young, how scumbag? Dump his wife and cling to the gambling king's daughter, and get lost and return to the emperor

author:Huang Ping commented

In recent years, whether it is a big screen or a small screen, the audience's requirements for film and television dramas have become higher and higher, and high-quality dramas have emerged in an endless stream. In these countless works, the theme of police and bandits has always been loved by the audience, and it also has a good reputation and ratings. And the recent hit "Anti-Black Hero" is undoubtedly one of the best.

How handsome is Chen Shancong when he is young, how scumbag? Dump his wife and cling to the gambling king's daughter, and get lost and return to the emperor

In this drama, from the plot to the actors' performances, it can be said that everything is available, especially the actor Chen Shancong, who is even more acting online, interpreting his role to the fullest, and has been loved by countless audiences.

Behind the audience's love, in fact, Chen Shancong is not smooth sailing, especially on his emotional road, he has encountered a lot of twists and turns.

How handsome is Chen Shancong when he is young, how scumbag? Dump his wife and cling to the gambling king's daughter, and get lost and return to the emperor

1. "Anti-Black Hero" was on the air, and Chen Shancong's popularity soared

Speaking of TVB's recent hit dramas, "Anti-Black Heroes" is undoubtedly one of the dark horses, not only with a gripping plot, but also with a good cast.

The whole drama tells the story of a police officer who faced a crisis due to an accident in the course of his mission, and finally decided to leave the police force and become an undercover agent to have a thrilling duel with criminals.

How handsome is Chen Shancong when he is young, how scumbag? Dump his wife and cling to the gambling king's daughter, and get lost and return to the emperor

In this play, the audience has very high requirements for the actors' performances, because only the real acting school can interpret the characters in the play very three-dimensional and flesh-and-blood.

With his excellent acting skills and handsome appearance, Chen Shancong successfully shaped the male protagonist in the play, and interpreted the character's personality characteristics very well, which fascinated countless audiences, and because of this, his popularity has been greatly improved.

How handsome is Chen Shancong when he is young, how scumbag? Dump his wife and cling to the gambling king's daughter, and get lost and return to the emperor

In fact, the audience can see Chen Shancong's acting skills, because in his previous works, he has won a lot of praise and accumulated a certain fan base with a series of excellent performances.

And this time "Anti-Black Hero" has brought his acting career to a new level, and I believe that in the days to come, there will be more excellent scripts and roles to find him.

How handsome is Chen Shancong when he is young, how scumbag? Dump his wife and cling to the gambling king's daughter, and get lost and return to the emperor

Second, Chen Shancong's handsome photos when he was young were exposed

Speaking of Chen Shancong, I believe everyone's impression of him should still stay in his image after becoming famous, and feel that he is not only online in acting, but also has a unique appearance and temperament, and is a charming actor.

But in fact, when he was young, he was already a handsome guy with explosive appearance, and it can be said that he is very handsome and sunny.

How handsome is Chen Shancong when he is young, how scumbag? Dump his wife and cling to the gambling king's daughter, and get lost and return to the emperor

Recently, some netizens exposed a set of photos of Chen Shancong when he was young on social platforms, and his appearance in the photos is simply a girl's heart.

In this group of photos, Chen Shancong is still a very tender teenager, with a bright smile on his face, which is simply a representative of the sunshine boy.

How handsome is Chen Shancong when he is young, how scumbag? Dump his wife and cling to the gambling king's daughter, and get lost and return to the emperor

And it can be seen that his facial features are very three-dimensional, especially the pair of electric eyes, which seem to be able to penetrate into the hearts of the people, and people can't help but take a few more looks.

And with the blessing of such a temperament, it will not be reminiscent of his past relationship experience at all, and he feels that he is simply a sunny and handsome big boy.

Of course, being able to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry is not only because of his appearance that attracts everyone, but more importantly, because he has excellent acting skills and tenacious character, he will have today's achievements.

How handsome is Chen Shancong when he is young, how scumbag? Dump his wife and cling to the gambling king's daughter, and get lost and return to the emperor

3. A relationship makes him suffer from negative energy

I believe that many people are familiar with Chen Shancong's emotional experience, especially his former relationship, which is simply an urban love drama, which has made him suffer countless negative energy and criticism.

How handsome is Chen Shancong when he is young, how scumbag? Dump his wife and cling to the gambling king's daughter, and get lost and return to the emperor

And the protagonist of this relationship is the "big beauty" He Chaoyun at that time, it can be said that it is because of this relationship that his career and reputation have been greatly affected.

At that time, Chen Shancong had been married for many years and had a ten-year relationship, but after getting to know He Chaoyun, he became very interested in her, and finally chose to betray his marriage and start an underground relationship with her.

How handsome is Chen Shancong when he is young, how scumbag? Dump his wife and cling to the gambling king's daughter, and get lost and return to the emperor

In the social opinion at that time, such behavior was naturally blamed and attacked by countless people, who felt that he was simply a complete "scumbag", and some people even maliciously speculated, thinking that he would do this just to cling to the wealthy.

In this relationship, Chen Shancong has also paid a lot, not only his reputation has been affected, but even his career has been negatively affected, which can be said to have hurt countless people.

How handsome is Chen Shancong when he is young, how scumbag? Dump his wife and cling to the gambling king's daughter, and get lost and return to the emperor

And when the outside world was full of negative energy and criticism of him, he also chose to leave the entertainment industry, temporarily stay away from the public eye, re-examine himself, and find his lost self.

Perhaps, for a public figure, such public opinion pressure and criticism is indeed very large, but it is not easy for him to be able to learn from his mistakes and dare to face his mistakes.

How handsome is Chen Shancong when he is young, how scumbag? Dump his wife and cling to the gambling king's daughter, and get lost and return to the emperor

Fourth, get lost and get a happy life

No matter at any time, it should not become a stumbling block to the happiness of others, this sentence may have been well interpreted by Chen Shancong at that time.

Although he suffered a huge blow in his relationship and career, and was also burdened with countless negative energy, he was not knocked down by all this, but chose to get lost and get back together.

How handsome is Chen Shancong when he is young, how scumbag? Dump his wife and cling to the gambling king's daughter, and get lost and return to the emperor

When he was most confused, there was also a nobleman, Zeng Zhiwei, and it was with his encouragement and help that he had the courage to start again and return to the film and television career he loved.

And this return also gave him a full sense of accomplishment and happiness, and he also made a very big breakthrough in his career, and finally won the recognition and love of countless audiences with his excellent works.

How handsome is Chen Shancong when he is young, how scumbag? Dump his wife and cling to the gambling king's daughter, and get lost and return to the emperor

Of course, in his life, in addition to career success, there is also the same happiness, that is, love.

After realizing his way back, he met his current wife, and it was with her company and support that he had the achievements and happiness he has today.

How handsome is Chen Shancong when he is young, how scumbag? Dump his wife and cling to the gambling king's daughter, and get lost and return to the emperor

And when he became a father again, a happy smile was already on his face, and because of this, his life had such a beautiful thing.

Perhaps, everyone's life will have ups and downs, and will also encounter various setbacks and tests, but only by knowing that they have lost their way and facing everything bravely can they find true happiness and success.

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