
The female beggar went to the single's house to beg for food, and the bachelor saw that she had no bottom of her job, so she immediately knelt down

author:It's hard in the world

In other words, in the south, there is a small place called Qingyun Town, don't look at it small, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the scenery is very beautiful. There is a bachelor named Li Ergou in the town, although this guy doesn't have much money, but his body is very good, and he usually lives by hunting, and he is self-sufficient.

Li Ergou has a problem, that is, he can't see others suffering, especially those lonely beggars. One day, when the sun was about to set, he was walking home with a bow and arrow, a hare in his hand, and humming a little tune. When I came to the entrance of the village, I saw a girl, dressed in tattered clothes, with a yellow face, as thin as something, leaning against the base of the wall, and weakly stretching out her hand to passers-by.

This girl is the heroine of our story, everyone calls her Miss Liu, no one knows what her full name is, and they don't know where she came from. As soon as Miss Liu saw Li Ergou, a glimmer of light flashed in her eyes, she struggled to stand up, walked towards him tremblingly, and whispered, "Big brother, it's okay, give me something to stutter." When Li Ergou saw this situation, he was in a hurry, and quickly put the hare on the ground, took out a wine gourd from his waist, handed it to Miss Liu, and said, "Sister, you drink this wine first, and I'll go home and get you something to eat." ”

The female beggar went to the single's house to beg for food, and the bachelor saw that she had no bottom of her job, so she immediately knelt down

Miss Liu took the wine gourd, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, but soon became gentle again, she nodded slightly, said thank you, and sat next to her and drank slowly. Li Ergou, this buddy, took three steps and made two steps, ran home, lit a fire and cooked. After a while, a steaming bowl of rabbit meat and mushroom stew was served. He carefully took the bowl, walked up to Miss Liu, handed it to her, and said, "Sister, eat it while it's hot." ”

Miss Liu took the bowl, a flash of gratitude flashed in her eyes, lowered her head, and began to savor it. But the more Li Ergou looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong, the rabbit meat and mushrooms in that bowl seemed to be unfinished, and they were always full. Li Ergou was shocked, thinking: "This girl can't be ......" He hurriedly looked at Miss Liu carefully, although her clothes were tattered, she was delicate and had a good temperament, especially those eyes, which were bottomless and seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

The more Li Ergou thought about it, the more he felt that it was not simple, he suddenly stood up, snatched the bowl in Miss Liu's hand, and took a closer look, although this bowl looked ordinary, but the bottom of the bowl was like a black hole, bottomless. Li Ergou was so frightened that he quickly knelt down, his head knocked like pounding garlic, and said: "I don't know if the immortal has arrived, the little one has eyes and no beads, and please forgive the immortal!" Miss Liu smiled slightly and said, "You are kind-hearted, I am not an immortal, but a wandering cultivator." She paused and said, "I see that you have potential, and if you are willing to practice with me, you will definitely be able to do great things in the future." ”

The female beggar went to the single's house to beg for food, and the bachelor saw that she had no bottom of her job, so she immediately knelt down

But the good times didn't last long, a group of bullies came to Qingyun Town, and when they saw that Miss Liu was beautiful, they wanted to rob her back to be Mrs. Zhai. Li Ergou, this kid, when he saw this situation, he was furious, and rushed up to fight the bullies. Although he has not been practicing for a long time, his courage and fierceness are admired by everyone. But after all, it was still a little tender, and in the end it was beaten down by the bullies.

When Miss Liu saw it, she was anxious, so she quickly took out the talisman and recited the words, and the talisman flashed, and it turned into golden light, fixing the bullies there. Another talisman was pasted on Li Ergou's body, and as soon as the kid was injured, he immediately stood up. Miss Liu said to him: "You kid, although you are brave, your cultivation is still a little shallow, and you need to practice." These bullies, I'm frozen for the time being, you have to hurry home, bring pen, ink, paper and inkstone, I have my own way to deal with them. ”

The female beggar went to the single's house to beg for food, and the bachelor saw that she had no bottom of her job, so she immediately knelt down

As soon as Li Ergou heard this, he ran home and brought pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Miss Liu took it and began to draw talismans on the ground, the technique was skillful, the speed was very fast, and in a short time she drew a large piece. She recited a few incantations and lit the talisman, and in a flash of fire, the talisman turned into a beam of light, reaching into the sky, illuminating the sky as if it were day.

The townspeople poked their heads out in curiosity to see the spectacle. The bullies, frightened by the beam, knelt on the ground and kowtowed and begged for mercy. Miss Liu snorted coldly and said, "You bullies, bullying the common people, let you taste the taste of God's punishment today!" As soon as the words fell, those beams of light converged into a huge beam of light, which directly hit the bullies, and with a loud bang, the bullies were blown to ashes.

When the residents of the town saw this, they were so happy that they all ran out to thank Miss Liu and Li Ergou, and surrounded them, thanking them for removing the great harm for the town. Miss Liu smiled and waved her hand, saying, "You're welcome, I just can't get used to bullying people." But at this moment, a majestic voice came from the sky: "You mortals, what crime should you be guilty of if you dare to use immortal methods to disturb the order of the world!" When everyone heard this, they all looked up at the sky, and saw an auspicious cloud floating over, and on it stood a god wearing golden armor and holding a long sword. Oh, this Liu girl is really warm-hearted, look at her hurried appearance, as soon as she saw Lord Tianshen, she hurriedly stepped forward, arched her hands, and greeted Lord Tianshen: "I am Liu Qing, Lord Tianshen is good!" I can't help this now, those bullies have bullied people and done all the bad things, if we don't clean them up, our place will suffer. I helped out, and I asked the Celestial God to raise your noble hand. When the god heard this, he nodded slightly, and said, "You girl, although it is to eliminate harm, but you use the immortal method privately, which is not authentic." But seeing that you are the first time, and out of kindness, I will spare you. But next time, if you dare to mess around again, you're welcome! When Miss Liu heard this, she hurriedly bowed her head and agreed faster than anyone else: "Yes, yes, I will definitely listen to you." ”

The female beggar went to the single's house to beg for food, and the bachelor saw that she had no bottom of her job, so she immediately knelt down

When the god saw her so obedient, he turned into a golden light and disappeared with a whizz. Miss Liu returned to everyone and said to Li Ergou: "The bully has been cleaned up by me, and I should also go." When Li Ergou heard this, he was in a hurry, and hurriedly said, "Fairy, don't be in a hurry to leave!" You saved me and the people of the town, and we don't know how to repay you. Could you please stay a few more days and teach us how to practice? Miss Liu looked at Li Ergou, and then at the onlookers, her heart softened, and she said, "Okay, I'll stay for a few more days and teach you the basic cultivation method." But you have to remember that when it comes to cultivation, you have to take your time and not be in a hurry. ”

When everyone heard this, they all nodded like garlic. So Miss Liu settled down in Qingyun Town and began to teach everyone to practice. She not only taught everyone the basic things such as the method of vomiting and the art of talismans, but also told a lot of legends and stories about cultivators. These stories make everyone yearn for spiritual practice.

Under the diligent study of Li Ergou and other people with lofty ideals, the wind of cultivation in Qingyun Town slowly became popular. The townspeople also began to practice the art of tuna and the art of talismans, hoping to become true practitioners one day. But the path of cultivation is not so easy to follow. In the process of cultivation, everyone encountered many difficulties and challenges. Some people were injured because they didn't cultivate enough; Some people go crazy because they are restless; There are also people who give up halfway because their will is not strong. But no matter how difficult it was, they persevered, because they knew that only by persevering could they have the opportunity to become true practitioners and protect themselves and their families.

The female beggar went to the single's house to beg for food, and the bachelor saw that she had no bottom of her job, so she immediately knelt down

They are as hard as iron, as confident as chicken blood, full of energy, and not afraid of any difficulties and challenges. But as the saying goes, there is no banquet in the world that will not be dispersed, and Miss Liu has to leave after all. Before leaving, she gave everyone a talisman, and told them that if they have love, faith, and courage in their hearts, they can overcome any hurdle and become a real cultivator. On the day Miss Liu left, the people in Qingyun Town were so sad that they felt like they had lost their souls, but everyone understood that she was pursuing a higher realm and a broader world, so they all saw her off and wished her a smooth journey and a bright future.

After Miss Liu left, the cultivation atmosphere in our Qingyun Town was still so prosperous, and everyone was still so diligent in cultivating and learning talismans, hoping to become real cultivators and protect themselves and their families from harm. That talisman has become a treasure in everyone's hearts, and it can give us strength and courage at any time.

After Miss Liu left, the residents of our town practiced more energetically. They know that although Miss Liu is gone, the cultivation methods and talismans she left behind are the magic weapons for us to face the challenges of the future. Li Ergou, Miss Liu's personal disciple, practiced hard day and night, and did not dare to be lazy at all. He often went alone to the mountains and forests outside the town to fight with wild beasts and exercise his body and will. Every time he was tired like a dead dog, he remembered Miss Liu's firm eyes and encouraging words, and then he lifted his spirits and continued to cultivate.

The female beggar went to the single's house to beg for food, and the bachelor saw that she had no bottom of her job, so she immediately knelt down

Time flies, and a few years have passed in the blink of an eye. Under the guidance of Miss Liu, the residents of Qingyun Town have improved their cultivation a lot, learned more advanced methods, and realized a lot of great principles of cultivation and life. They became more united, braver, more loving, and became true practitioners.

Li Ergou, this kid, the dry food and guys that everyone prepared for him were enough, and they gave him a lot of blessings. Li Ergou took the hopes and good words of a group of people and set out on the road to the mountains and forests. Along the way, he suffered a lot, but he finally arrived at the place.

The female beggar went to the single's house to beg for food, and the bachelor saw that she had no bottom of her job, so she immediately knelt down

When he arrived in the mountains and forests, Li Ergou looked around, trying to find out the traces of the demon beast, but he didn't find it. Just when he felt a little discouraged, suddenly, a dark shadow burst out of the forest and rushed straight at him. Li Ergou took a look, good guy, the demon beast is really not small, with fangs bared, eyes as red as fire, and it is not a good stubble at first glance.

Although Li Ergou was a little drumming in his heart, he quickly stabilized his mind. He took a deep breath, clenched the amulet tightly, and stepped on. This battle, that's called a fierce one. Li Ergou relied on his years of kung fu and the skills taught by Miss Liu, and fought to the death with the demon beast. He swung his fist one moment, dodged one moment later, and used the talisman for the other, and every time he struck, the demon beast screamed in pain.

After fighting for several hours, Li Ergou finally saw the opportunity and punched the demon beast in the head. Hearing a "boom", the demon beast fell to the ground and never got up again. Li Ergou was so tired that he was out of breath and sat on the ground to rest for a while. Although he was tired, he was so beautiful in his heart that he knew that he had solved the demon beast and caused a great harm to the villagers in Qingyun Town.

The female beggar went to the single's house to beg for food, and the bachelor saw that she had no bottom of her job, so she immediately knelt down

Li Ergou returned to the town, and the scene was lively. The villagers came to greet him, applauding and hugging, and they were very grateful. Li Ergou has become the hero of the town this time, the pride of everyone. In the cheers of everyone, he thought of Miss Liu, silently thanked her in his heart, and vowed to continue cultivating and become stronger.

Since then, Li Ergou has become a legend in Qingyun Town, and his story has been passed down from generation to generation, inspiring many young people to embark on the path of cultivation. With such a hero, Qingyun Town is also more prosperous.