
The absurdity of the hostess and the yellow dog

author:It's hard in the world

In our northeast Nagada, there is a small village called Guihuatun, there is a hostess in the tun, who is nicknamed Cuihua, who looks smart and has a good heart. But Cuihua has a little fetish, that is, she has a soft spot for dogs, especially yellow dogs. Her yellow dog, named Rhubarb, is not an ordinary dog, it is as smart as a human, it is simply a small padded jacket of Cuihua.

On this day, the sun was high and the green flowers were busy drying corn in the yard. Rhubarb squatted at her feet, wagging his tail from time to time, which was called a well-behaved person. Suddenly, a stranger came to the village, carrying a basket in his hand, saying that he was selling herbs. Cuihua glanced at it, this herb was very fresh, and she thought about buying some to supplement the elderly at home. As soon as the strangers saw that the emerald flowers were interesting, they enthusiastically introduced them, saying that this herb can not only cure diseases, but also make people live a long time. When Cuihua heard this, her heart blossomed, and she hurriedly asked the price. The stranger reported the number, and Cuihua thought it was quite suitable, and was about to pay for it.

But at this moment, Rhubarb suddenly screamed, grinning at the stranger while shouting. When Cuihua saw this situation, she muttered a little in her heart. Rhubarb is usually well-behaved, but what's wrong with today? Cuihua hurriedly grabbed the rhubarb and told it not to scream. But Rhubarb was like eating gunpowder, he just didn't listen, and shouted at the outsiders. When the stranger saw this posture, his face was a little unbearable, and he said, "Why is this dog so ignorant? I'm a good herb, why is it still called? ”

The absurdity of the hostess and the yellow dog

When Cuihua heard this, her heart became even more unsteady. She thought for a moment and said, "Otherwise, I won't buy it yet, and I'll ask the people in the village later." When the stranger heard this, his face became even more ugly, but he didn't say much, and went away with the basket. As soon as the stranger left, Cuihua hurriedly called Rhubarb to her side and asked, "Rhubarb, what's wrong with you today?" Why don't you stop yelling at the stranger? As if he understood, Rhubarb wagged his tail and rubbed his head against Cuihua's legs. Cuihua saw Rhubarb's reaction, and understood in her heart that this Rhubarb must have felt that something was wrong with the stranger.

At this time, Aunt Zhang from the village passed by and saw Cuihua and Rhubarb in the yard, so she came over. Cuihua hurriedly told Aunt Zhang what had just happened. When Aunt Zhang heard this, her face changed, and she said, "Cuihua, you have to be careful, I don't think the foreigner is a good bird." His herbs, maybe it's some mess. When Cuihua heard this, her heart panicked even more. She hurriedly asked Aunt Zhang: "What should I do then?" I'm afraid to go out now. Aunt Zhang thought for a while and said, "That's it, you stay at home tonight and don't go out." As soon as Cuihua heard Aunt Zhang's words, the stone in her heart finally fell to the ground. She hurriedly thanked Aunt Zhang, turned around and busied herself with dinner. But before the dinner was cooked, she heard a knock on the door of "Tuk Tuk", Cuihua's heart tightened, and she hurriedly asked, "Who?" A stiff voice came from outside the door: "I, the herb seller, still want to talk to you." As soon as she heard that it was a foreigner, the uneasiness in Cuihua's heart came up again. She hurriedly called the big yellow dog to guard the door, tiptoed to the window, and looked out, the stranger was still carrying the basket in his hand, Cuihua was in a panic, and quickly hid in the house, thinking that the stranger must not have any good intentions.

Cuihua and the big yellow dog stayed up in the house for a long night, and as soon as there was movement outside, the big yellow dog pricked up his ears, and Cuihua held the rolling pin, and her heart went up and down. It wasn't until the sky was bright that I heard Aunt Zhang's footsteps, Cuihua heard it, knew that it was the savior, and quickly opened the door, Aunt Zhang and a few village men, holding the guy in their hands, Cuihua was tearful, and said everything about last night.

The absurdity of the hostess and the yellow dog

When Aunt Zhang heard this, her face sank, and she said, "This foreigner is too bold and fat, and he dares to come to our village to make trouble." Let's go meet him! After speaking, Aunt Zhang led a few men out. Cuihua also followed, praying silently in her heart, hoping that this matter would pass smoothly. Holding a rolling pin in her hand, Cuihua's heart beat like a drum. The sky was gradually brightening, and the sun was shining on the village road, but Cuihua felt that the sun was a little cold.

The stranger was still standing at the door, motionless, like a stone statue. Cuihua muttered in her heart: "What does this stranger want to do? The pace unconsciously quickened. When the group walked to the door, when the stranger saw them, his face was immediately full of smiles, and he said, "Oh, a few of you are so early, I was afraid of disturbing you, so I didn't knock on the door." Aunt Zhang swept her eyes coldly and said, "You came to our small village early in the morning with herbs, don't you have any bad intentions?" When the foreigner heard this, his face changed, and he hurriedly waved his hand: "How can it, I just see that this herb is good, and I want to sell it for some money." "If you're not rare, I'll slap your ass and leave." The stranger muttered as he turned around, ready to turn around and leave. But just as he was about to take a step, rhubarb rushed out like a gust of wind and bit his trouser leg. The stranger was in pain, and the basket he was carrying fell to the ground with a "click". "Rhubarb,!" Cuihua saw this posture and quickly shouted. Rhubarb heard that it was Cuihua's voice, and immediately relieved, but still bared his teeth at the stranger.

When the stranger saw this, his face was as if he had eaten bitter melon, and he said, "Why are you so unreasonable, this dog?" I didn't mess with it. When Aunt Zhang heard this, she was furious and said, "You, a foreigner, dare to say that my rhubarb? I think you have a ghost in your heart! Let's go, let's go to the village committee and let the village chief give you a good talk! As she spoke, Aunt Zhang stepped forward and grabbed the stranger's arm. The stranger struggled to break free, but he couldn't break free, so he had to follow him to the village committee.

The absurdity of the hostess and the yellow dog

When he arrived at the village committee, the village chief frowned when he heard this. He glanced at the stranger and said, "What is the purpose of coming to our village, you stranger?" Is there something wrong? When the stranger heard this, he panicked, and he couldn't say why. When the village chief saw his reaction, he understood a general idea in his heart, and said, "I see that your herb is not a good product, take it away quickly, don't make trouble in our village!" When the stranger heard this, he quickly reached for the basket, but at that moment the rhubarb rushed up again and bit the handle of the basket. The stranger screamed in pain again, and the basket in his hand was also dragged down by the rhubarb.

"Rhubarb, what are you doing here?" Seeing this, Cuihua hurriedly stepped forward and hugged the rhubarb. Rhubarb was relieved, but he still barked at the stranger. When the village chief saw this, he understood the meaning of rhubarb and said, "There must be something wrong with this herb, we have to investigate it carefully." With that, the village chief asked the herbs to be brought over and examined. After some careful inspection, the village chief found that the herb was indeed adulterated with poison. His face sank, and he said, "This stranger really doesn't have a good heart! Send him to the police station! When the stranger heard this, he was so frightened that his legs went limp. He said with a sad face: "Village chief, I know that I am wrong, and I will never dare to do it again." Just spare me! The village chief looked at him coldly and said, "Spare you?" You almost hurt our whole village! Let's go and make it clear to the police comrades! With that, the village chief asked the stranger to be escorted into the police car. At the moment when the police car started, the stranger was still shouting loudly in the car, but the sound was getting farther and farther away.

The villagers were relieved to see the police car go away. They gathered around to thank Rhubarb and Cuihua, saying, "If you hadn't discovered this stranger's conspiracy in time, we would have suffered!" When Cuihua and Rhubarb heard this, they both lowered their heads in embarrassment, but their hearts bloomed with joy. Rhubarb's tail wagged like a rattle, and it looked like saying, "We're doing everything here." "Since then, Rhubarb has become a big hero in our village. Whoever mentions it will definitely give a thumbs up: "That yellow dog, it's really not covered, saved our whole village!" Cuihua also looked up at everyone before and after because of this. She often led Rhubarb around the village to help those in need. She and Rhubarb have become the most popular couple in our village.

The absurdity of the hostess and the yellow dog

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it's winter. Xuehua'er seemed to be like not wanting money, fluttering and sprinkled, and dressed our village in silver. Cuihua and Rhubarb sat in the courtyard, looking at this beautiful snowy scene, their hearts were warm and full of happiness. They know that in this small village, the two of them have accompanied each other and have gone through spring, summer, autumn and winter one after another. This companionship is more expensive than anything else!

The snowflakes are flying happily, and our small village is covered in silver, quiet and peaceful. Cuihua and Rhubarb sat in front of their house, looking at this rare beauty, but their hearts were turbulent. Since that foreigner's incident, their relationship has become even stronger, and Rhubarb is not only Cuihua's hardcore partner, but also the guardian saint of her heart. As the days passed, Cuihua and Rhubarb lived happily and fully in the village. Enjoying the flowers in the spring, playing by the river in the summer, harvesting the crops in the autumn, and baking the fire in front of the door in the winter, their stories are full of baskets.

The Spring Festival is coming in a blink of an eye, and the atmosphere in the village is so lively that every household is busy buying New Year's goods and preparing for the New Year. Cuihua is not far behind, she is busy cleaning the house, preparing New Year's goods, and preparing a special gift for Rhubarb - a red scarf. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, before dawn, Cuihua got up early in the morning and was busy. The house was spotlessly cleaned and breakfast was properly prepared. When everything was ready, she woke up Rhubarb, who was still asleep. As soon as Rhubarb opened his eyes, he saw the red scarf in Cuihua's hand, and immediately jumped up, wagging his tail and going straight to Cuihua. Cuihua smiled and wrapped the scarf around Rhubarb, saying, "Rhubarb, this is your New Year's gift, look how energetic you are when you wear it!" Rhubarb seemed to like the scarf very much, wagging his tail and circling around the house. Cuihua looked at it with joy, and her heart was also happy.

The absurdity of the hostess and the yellow dog

Just then, there was a knock at the door. As soon as Cuihua opened the door, hey, it was the villagers in our village who came to pay New Year's greetings. One by one, they sent blessings and gifts to Cuihua and Rhubarb, and the room immediately burst into laughter and joy. Cuihua and Rhubarb had a very lively Spring Festival, and the two of them (Northeast dialect, referring to the two of them) ate fragrant and spicy food, Kan Dashan, watched TV, and had a good time with this rare holiday. That red scarf has become the most dazzling decoration on Rhubarb's body, hooking people's eyes. But the good times didn't last long, just after the Spring Festival, Rhubarb fell ill, wilted all day long, didn't eat or drink. Cuihua looked at its uncomfortable appearance, and her heart was broken. She took Rhubarb to the hospital in the town, but the doctor shook his head and said, "This dog is old, his body is not functioning, I'm afraid it ......" As soon as Cuihua heard this, tears flowed loudly, she hugged Rhubarb, dead or alive. She knows that rhubarb has been with her all these years, and it has long been an indispensable treasure in life. How could she accept this cruel reality, and she didn't want to watch Rhubarb leave her like this.

But fate is a thing, it doesn't talk about feelings. Within a few days, Rhubarb quietly closed his eyes and was gone forever. Cuihua cried like a tearful person, she couldn't accept this fact, and she didn't dare to think about how to live without rhubarb. With the help of the villagers, Cuihua held a simple funeral for Rhubarb. She wrapped the red scarf around Rhubarb herself, hoping that it would feel warm and loved over there. After the funeral, Cuihua sat alone in the empty house, looking at the things that Rhubarb had used, and the tears couldn't stop flowing.

Time is the cure for everything. Although Cuihua still can't forget the rhubarb, she knows that she still has to live. She began to try to come out of the shadows and face life again. She still loves this small village, likes to chat with the villagers, likes to dry corn, plant flowers and plants in the yard...... Time flies, and a few years have passed. Cuihua has changed from a little girl to a mature and stable big girl. She still lives alone, but her life is full of sunshine and hope. She knows that rhubarb has always been in her heart, giving her the strength and courage to face all the difficulties and challenges in life. The red scarf was also well treasured by Cuihua and became the most precious memory between her and Rhubarb. Whenever she saw that scarf, she would think of the happy times with Rhubarb, and of Rhubarb's loyalty and protection...... These memories make Cuihua feel very warm and happy, and they also make her cherish every day in front of her even more.