
The woman became vegetative due to pregnancy, and after giving birth to her son, she was miraculously revived, and the doctor: maternal love awakened her

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The woman became vegetative due to pregnancy, and after giving birth to her son, she was miraculously revived, and the doctor: maternal love awakened her
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The woman became vegetative due to pregnancy, and after giving birth to her son, she was miraculously revived, and the doctor: maternal love awakened her

In a hospital in Nanning, Guangxi, an amazing medical miracle is unfolding. Tang Yulu, a young expectant mother, unfortunately became a vegetative state due to cerebrovascular malformation during pregnancy.

However, at the moment of her delivery, the unthinkable happened - she opened her eyes, and tears quietly slipped from the corners of her eyes. The vegetative mother miraculously woke up after giving birth to her child! Doctors were amazed and speculated that this might be the power of maternal love at work.

What kind of touching story is hidden behind this seemingly impossible miracle? Let's unveil this hidden veil together.

Lu Bing and Tang Yulu are a loving couple from Nanning, Guangxi. They have walked through six or seven spring and autumn together, each has a stable job, and although they are not rich, they are full of satisfaction with their small family.

The woman became vegetative due to pregnancy, and after giving birth to her son, she was miraculously revived, and the doctor: maternal love awakened her

However, Tang Yulu always had an unfulfilled wish in his heart - to become a mother. Whenever she sees other parents taking their children out to play, her eyes always shine with envy.

In order to realize this dream, the couple searched for doctors and medicines everywhere and put in a lot of efforts. Finally, in the eighth year of their marriage, the long-awaited good news came - Tang Yulu is pregnant! This good news has injected infinite vitality and hope into this small family.

Tang Yulu cherishes this hard-won happiness even more, counting the days every day, looking forward to the moment when he meets the baby in his womb.

However, fate always seems to like to play tricks on people. In the third month of Tang Yulu's pregnancy, a sudden disaster struck. Early that morning, Tang Yulu woke up from his sleep and suddenly felt a burst of severe nausea and dizziness.

The woman became vegetative due to pregnancy, and after giving birth to her son, she was miraculously revived, and the doctor: maternal love awakened her

At first, the couple thought it was just an ordinary morning sickness reaction and didn't pay much attention to it. But soon, Tang Yulu felt a sharp pain in his head, as if he had been hit hard with a hammer.

Lu Bing was shocked when he saw this, and immediately called the emergency number. In the hospital, after a series of examinations, the doctor gave a shocking diagnosis - Tang Yulu had a congenital cerebrovascular malformation, and the condition was very serious.

This cerebellar hemorrhage was triggered by this hidden "time bomb".

The doctor strongly recommended that the surgery be performed immediately, otherwise Tang Yulu and the fetus in her womb will be in danger of life. At this critical moment, Lu Bing had to make a difficult decision.

The woman became vegetative due to pregnancy, and after giving birth to her son, she was miraculously revived, and the doctor: maternal love awakened her

With trembling hands, he signed his name on the critical illness notice, hoping to save his wife's life.

However, fate once again played a cruel joke on the couple. Although the operation successfully saved Tang Yulu's life, she fell into a deep coma and became a vegetative state.

Lu Bing stood in front of the hospital bed, looking at his unresponsive wife, his heart was full of despair and helplessness. What's even more heartbreaking is that the doctor recommended terminating the pregnancy to reduce Tang Yulu's physical burden.

In this way, the originally hopeful future completely collapsed in just a few days. Lu Bing was faced with an almost impossible choice: should he follow the doctor's advice and give up this hard-won child, or take the risk and persevere? This decision will completely change the trajectory of their lives.

The woman became vegetative due to pregnancy, and after giving birth to her son, she was miraculously revived, and the doctor: maternal love awakened her

Lu Bing stood in the corridor of the hospital, his heart full of contradictions and pain. The doctor's words kept echoing in his mind: "Given Tang Yulu's current condition, for a vegetative person, it is an extremely difficult and unbearable challenge to conceive a baby in October, let alone give birth smoothly.

We recommend that you carefully consider whether you want to keep the child.

The weight of this decision almost crushed the land ice. He recalled Tang Yulu's ecstatic appearance when she learned of her pregnancy, and the happy smile on her face when she touched her belly every day.

This child has been their dream for many years and the most precious gift in Tang Yulu's life.

The woman became vegetative due to pregnancy, and after giving birth to her son, she was miraculously revived, and the doctor: maternal love awakened her

With a full stomach, Lu Bing returned to the ward and sat quietly beside Tang Yulu's bed. He took his wife's hand and whispered about his troubles, as if she could understand.

"Yulu, what should I do? I don't know if I should keep this kid or not.

At this moment, Lu Bing suddenly felt a slight movement in his hand. He held his breath and carefully observed Tang Yulu's face. Summoning up his courage, he asked softly, "If you are not willing to give up on this child, please wink."

To his surprise, Tang Yulu's eyelids really twitched slightly! Lu Bing couldn't believe his eyes, and after confirming again, he realized that this was not a coincidence.

The woman became vegetative due to pregnancy, and after giving birth to her son, she was miraculously revived, and the doctor: maternal love awakened her

Although Tang Yulu couldn't speak, she expressed her will in this weak way.

This small action gave Lu Bing great courage and determination. He understood that even if Tang Yulu couldn't speak now, her heart was still fighting for this child.

Lu Bing took a deep breath and made the final decision - he wanted to respect his wife's wishes and take the risk to save this hard-won life.

The next day, when the doctor asked him again about his decision, Lu Bing said firmly: "We decided to keep this child." I know this decision is fraught with risk, but this child is my wife's hope and our shared dream.

The woman became vegetative due to pregnancy, and after giving birth to her son, she was miraculously revived, and the doctor: maternal love awakened her

No matter what difficulties we face, we will overcome them together.

In this way, Lu Bing embarked on a path full of unknowns. He didn't know what challenges awaited him, but he knew that he was willing to give everything for his wife and for that unborn life.

This decision is not only a respect for life, but also the best interpretation of love.

With the decision to keep the fetus, Lu Bing embarked on an unprecedented journey of caregiving. As a vegetative person, Tang Yulu was unable to eat on her own, so the doctor had to make a small hole in her esophagus and connect it to a hose to supply nutrients.

The woman became vegetative due to pregnancy, and after giving birth to her son, she was miraculously revived, and the doctor: maternal love awakened her

This special feeding method is a completely new challenge for Lu Bing.

Every morning, Lu Bing wakes up early to carefully select the freshest vegetables and meats. He learned how to cook the ingredients into a paste that was best suited for Tang Yulu to absorb, and then carefully fed them to his wife through a hose.

In the process of feeding, Lu Bing always spoke to Tang Yulu softly, telling her what the weather was like today and the child's development, as if she could understand.

In addition to feeding, Lu Bing also needs to turn Tang Yulu over every two hours to prevent the formation of bedsores. He learned how to wipe the body of a vegetative person and how to massage his muscles to prevent atrophy.

The woman became vegetative due to pregnancy, and after giving birth to her son, she was miraculously revived, and the doctor: maternal love awakened her

These tasks are laborious and meticulous, and Lu Bing will sweat profusely every time he finishes them. But looking at his wife's peaceful sleeping face, he can always find the motivation to continue to persevere.

However, difficulties followed. Due to Tang Yulu's special condition, her lungs began to become infected. To prevent the phlegm from clogging and causing choking, the doctor had to cut her throat.

Although this operation was necessary, it brought great pain to Tang Yulu. Lu Bing looked at his wife's brows slightly furrowed from pain, and his heart was like a knife.

Despite the difficulties, Lu Bing never thought of giving up. Every night, he would put his ear to his wife's stomach and listen to the child's heartbeat. The faint but powerful "dong dong" sound was the biggest motivation for him to continue to persevere.

The woman became vegetative due to pregnancy, and after giving birth to her son, she was miraculously revived, and the doctor: maternal love awakened her

During these difficult days, Lu Bing devoted almost all of his time and energy to taking care of his wife and unborn child. There was always tiredness on his face, but there was a determined glint in his eyes.

He believes that as long as he doesn't give up, miracles will happen.

As time passed, Tang Yulu's abdomen was bulging day by day, and Lu Bing's heart was also full of anticipation. Although the road ahead is still full of unknowns and challenges, he is ready to welcome a new life.

He firmly believes that no matter what difficulties they face, they can get through it together as a family of three.

The woman became vegetative due to pregnancy, and after giving birth to her son, she was miraculously revived, and the doctor: maternal love awakened her

This special pregnancy care is not only a test of Lu Bing's patience and perseverance, but also a vivid interpretation of love and hope. In this process, Lu Bing proved with his actions that the power of love can overcome all difficulties, and also let us see the tenacity and preciousness of life.

In the early morning of Tang Yulu's 36 weeks and 4 days of pregnancy, the gears of fate began to turn again. Lu Bing leaned over to listen to the fetal heartbeat as usual, but suddenly noticed some unusual sounds.

He immediately called the doctor to come for an examination, and the results showed that Tang Yulu had entered the contraction stage before childbirth.

Considering Tang Yulu's special situation, the doctor decided to take a caesarean section. This news made Lu Bing both excited and apprehensive. He paced back and forth outside the operating room, worried about the safety of his wife and children.

The woman became vegetative due to pregnancy, and after giving birth to her son, she was miraculously revived, and the doctor: maternal love awakened her

Those few hours seemed like years to him.

Finally, the baby's cry broke the silence. A baby boy was born safely! Although he was slightly underweight, all physiological indicators were normal. Lu Bing was so excited that he burst into tears, and he couldn't wait to tell his wife the good news.

However, the real miracle is yet to come. When Lu Bing returned to the ward, held Tang Yulu's hand and excitedly announced, "We have a son", Tang Yulu, who had closed his eyes tightly, slowly opened his eyes.

Tears slipped quietly from the corners of her eyes, as if silently telling the joy in her heart.

The woman became vegetative due to pregnancy, and after giving birth to her son, she was miraculously revived, and the doctor: maternal love awakened her

The doctors rushed to hear the news and were surprised to find that Tang Yulu had indeed regained consciousness. The mother, who had been in a vegetative state before giving birth, miraculously woke up after giving birth.

The doctors were amazed and could not give a scientific explanation, only to speculate that it may have been a strong maternal love that woke her up.

Looking at the sleeping son in his wife's arms, Lu Bing was full of emotion. Their family of three has experienced the test of life and death, but because of their love and perseverance, they have created miracles. This hard-won new life is not only their flesh and blood, but also the key to awakening Tang Yulu.

This touching story is not only a celebration of the greatness of mother's love, but also a tribute to the tenacity of life. It shows the world the power of love to overcome all difficulties, and it also makes us rediscover the preciousness and wonder of life.

The woman became vegetative due to pregnancy, and after giving birth to her son, she was miraculously revived, and the doctor: maternal love awakened her

Tang Yulu's awakening is only the beginning of a long road to recovery. In the days that followed, she had to face a grueling rehab. Every simple movement was a huge challenge for her, as if she had to relearn how to control her body.

At first, Tang Yulu struggled to even lift his fingers. But with the encouragement of the doctor and Lu Bing, she slowly began to try more complex movements. Whenever she felt tired and wanted to give up, Lu Bing would gently remind her that her son was waiting at home, which always gave her endless motivation.

Lu Bing has always been by his wife's side and has become her strongest backing. He learned how to assist Tang Yulu with various rehabilitation exercises, from simple physical movements to language exercises, taking care of his wife's every need.

As time passed, Tang Yulu's condition gradually improved. She began to be able to carry out basic daily activities and even pick up her own child briefly. Every small step forward fills the family with joy.

The woman became vegetative due to pregnancy, and after giving birth to her son, she was miraculously revived, and the doctor: maternal love awakened her

Although the road ahead is still full of challenges, they believe that as long as there is love, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome. The story of Tang Yulu and Lu Bing is not only a legend about miracles, but also a moving chapter about love, hope and perseverance, inspiring everyone who is facing difficulties.

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