
The Yin soldier borrowed the way, the old man helped guide the way, and the general told him not to light the lamp in the middle of the night

author:It's hard in the world

That day, when the sky was just dark, Li Tiegui walked back from the mountains, carrying a fat rabbit on his shoulder, and he was so beautiful in his heart, thinking that he could drink two sips of wine tonight, and he was happy. As soon as I entered the entrance of the village, I saw an old man, dressed in an old military uniform, with a waist as tall as a pine tree, and an indescribable majesty in his eyes. "Ouch, isn't this the old general in our town, why are you standing here?" Li Tiegui muttered in his heart, and hurriedly stepped forward to say hello.

The old general's surname is Zhao, he was a big hero who fought in the early years, and returned to Yunyin Town after retirement. "Iron crutch, I'm waiting for you." The old general spoke, his voice low and powerful, "I have something to ask you for." "What's the matter?" You said, you saved my life back then, go up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire, I don't frown a little! Li Tiegui patted his chest, arrogant.

The old general smiled slightly and said, "Tonight, I want to take a mountain road to meet an old friend, but I haven't walked this road for many years, I'm afraid I don't remember." I've heard that in this mountain, sometimes there are 'Yin soldiers borrowing the way', and I'm afraid that I'll get lost, so I want to ask you to show me the way." "Yin soldier borrowing the way?" Li Tiegui chuckled in his heart, he had also heard of this, saying that it was the ghost army in the mountains, who came out to patrol in the middle of the night, and the people they encountered were frightened at least and lost their souls. But he still agreed: "Okay, general, I'll show you the way, but we have to come back early, there are many evil things in the mountains at night." ”

The Yin soldier borrowed the way, the old man helped guide the way, and the general told him not to light the lamp in the middle of the night

The old general nodded, took out a yellowed strip of cloth from his arms, and handed it to Li Tiegui: "This is a token from my old friend, you can take it, maybe it will be useful." As night fell, the two of them set out on the mountain road, one after the other. The moon hid behind the clouds, and it was pitch black all around, except for the torch in his hand, illuminating a few feet ahead. Li Tiegui muttered in his heart, he had walked this road countless times, but tonight, he just felt that something was wrong, the wind sounded like a cry, and the leaves rustled, as if he was whispering.

"General, let's hurry up, my heart is straight ahead." Li Tiegui whispered. The old general snorted, but instead of quickening his pace, he walked more and more slowly, as if listening to something. Suddenly, he stopped and pointed ahead: "Tie Gui, what do you think it is?" Li Tiegui looked in the direction of his finger, and saw a team of "people" dressed in ancient costumes and holding weapons in front of him, marching quietly. Oh my god, this thing is really evil! Li Tie turned that kid, he was almost so frightened that he peed his pants, and as soon as he turned around, he wanted to run away, but he was dragged by the old general. "Don't panic, I'm here." The old general's voice is as steady as something, and listening to it makes people feel at ease. He took out the piece of cloth, held it high above his head, and yelled at the group of Yin soldiers: "Old friends come to visit the door, borrow it!" Strange to say, the Yin soldiers seemed to understand, and slowly made a way for them to go. Li Tie's scalp was numb, and he followed the old general closely, not even daring to take a breath. Finally passed through the Yin soldiers, Li Tie's legs were weak, and he sat on the ground: "General, what the hell is going on?" The old general smiled and said, "These Yin soldiers are actually the heroic souls of our soldiers who died on the battlefield back then, and they guarded this place to prevent outsiders from messing around." My old friend was their leader, and I was one of them. I haven't seen each other in years, and they still remember me. Li Tiegui's eyes straightened when he heard this, it turned out that the old general still had such a past. The two continued on their way, finally stopping in front of a ruined ancient temple. The old general pushed the door in, and there was still a candle lit inside, and an old man in an old military uniform was sitting there with his eyes closed. "Lao Zhao, you're here." The old man opened his eyes, and there was a sparkle in his eyes. "Lao Zhang, I haven't seen you for many years, you are still the same old look." The old general was full of emotion. The two chatted about the past, and Li Tiegui listened to it beside him, with mixed feelings in his heart. It turned out that this ancient temple was the temporary command post of their troops back then, and the battle was so tragic that many soldiers died here, including this old General Zhang. Their heroic souls have not dispersed, and they have become Yin soldiers guarding the mountains and forests. It was late at night, the old general was leaving, and the old general Zhang sent him to the gate of the temple, and suddenly said to Li Tiegui: "Young man, remember, don't light the lamp in the middle of the night, especially in this mountain, there are some things you can't afford to provoke." Li Tie was stunned, what do you mean? Before he could ask, the old general had already turned around and disappeared into the night in great strides. He hurried to catch up, and his heart was full of thoughts. Back in town, Li Tiegui told a few old guys about it, and everyone sighed, saying that he was lucky and met a real hero. But in Li Tie's heart, he always felt that this matter was not so simple. Since then, Li Tiegui has never lit a lamp in the middle of the night, especially in the mountains. And the story about the Yin soldiers, the old general and the old general Zhang also spread in Yunyin Town and became a legend. In the blink of an eye, it was late autumn again, and the wind in the mountains was cold and blowing, making people shiver. On this day, there was a hunter in the town, Xiao Zhang, who was young and vigorous, did not believe in evil, and had to go hunting in the mountains at night, saying that he wanted to prove to everyone that there were no ghosts and gods in this world. When Li Tiegui heard this, he was anxious, and hurriedly persuaded: "Xiao Zhang, don't mess around, the strange things in this mountain are very evil!" But how could Xiao Zhang listen to it, and grinned: "Uncle Li, your set is outdated, what age is it now, and you still believe in that?" Li Tiegui was helpless, so he could only shake his head, silently thinking in his heart, hoping that Xiao Zhang would not do anything wrong.

In the dead of night, Xiao Zhang carried a torch and broke into the mountains single-handedly. Li Tiegui was waiting anxiously at home, watching the sky getting darker and darker, and regretting in his heart, regretting not going with him. I was about to go into the mountain to find Xiao Zhang, when I suddenly heard a quick knock on the door outside. As soon as he opened the door, Xiao Zhang's face was pale and sweating profusely, as if he had escaped from the ghost gate. "Uncle Li, I... Holy! As soon as Xiao Zhang opened his mouth, his voice was full of crying.

The Yin soldier borrowed the way, the old man helped guide the way, and the general told him not to light the lamp in the middle of the night

It turned out that after Xiao Zhang entered the mountain, in order to strengthen his courage, he lit torches all the way. Walking into the depths of the dense forest, I suddenly heard strange sounds around me, like people whispering, and like wild beasts roaring. His heart tightened, and he quickened his pace to leave. At this time, a strange fog appeared in front of him, and a group of figures in ancient costumes in the fog, holding weapons, quietly approached him. That appearance is the same as the Yin soldier that Li Tiegui said. Xiao Zhang was so frightened that he turned around and wanted to run, but those "people" chased after him. He stumbled, and finally fell on the hillside, rolling down the hill. Fortunately, when he rolled to the creek, the sound of the water drowned out his movements, and those "people" did not chase after him.

After listening to what happened to Xiao Zhang, Li Tiegui had mixed feelings in his heart. He sighed: "Xiao Zhang, that's why I don't let the lights be lit in the middle of the night." The Yin soldier borrowed the way, not for fun. You were able to escape this time, it is really blessed by your ancestors. Xiao Zhang was so frightened that he trembled, and nodded again and again: "Uncle Li, I don't dare anymore." ”

After this incident, Li Tiegui was even more determined in his heart, there are really unknown secrets in this mountain. General Zhang's phrase "don't light the lamp in the middle of the night" may be a warning to these secrets. As the years passed, Li Tiegui gradually grew old, but the mystery in his heart remained unsolved. Until one day, an old Taoist priest from other places came to the town, who is said to be able to pass through yin and yang, and know the past and the present. When Li Tiegui heard this, he was so excited in his heart that he immediately went to the old Taoist priest to ask what was going on. After listening to Li Tiegui's narration, the old Taoist priest smiled slightly: "This matter is a long story." "Oh, that's a lot of fun! In our northeast, there is a legend about the Yin soldiers, which sounds very scary, but in fact, it is the heroes who died heroically on the battlefield back then, and their souls guard our land and prevent outsiders from making trouble. The two old generals you met, General Zhang, they are the leaders of those heroic souls. They told you not to light the lamp in the middle of the night, because they were afraid that the light would frighten the souls of the heroes and make them think that the enemy was coming, and that would be a mess.

The Yin soldier borrowed the way, the old man helped guide the way, and the general told him not to light the lamp in the middle of the night

Li Tiegui this buddy, after hearing this, the stone in his heart finally landed. It turns out that this Yin soldier borrowed the way, not some nonsense, there is such a deep history and significance behind it. The knot in his heart was unraveled. Since then, Li Tiegui has great respect for these heroic souls, and in the dead of night, he goes up the mountain alone, lights three incense sticks, and worships these guardian saints in the mountains and forests. His story about the Yin Soldier's borrowing of the Tao has also spread more and more widely in our Yunyin Town, and has become a legend.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Li Tiegui is also gone. But his story is still circulating in our town. In the dead of night, the old people sit around and tell the legendary stories about the Yin soldiers, the old generals and the old generals. The children's eyes widened and they listened with relish, as if the stories were happening all around them. These stories have been passed down from generation to generation and have become the cultural treasures of our town. Those heroic souls have always guarded our land and our people. No matter how the times change, their stories will continue to be passed on, inspiring us from generation to generation to move forward bravely and not afraid of difficulties.

Time flies, and the stories in Yunyin Town are like the wind in the mountains, blowing through generation after generation. Although Li Tiegui is gone, his story is like a seed blown by a mountain wind, taking root in everyone's heart. In particular, the story about the Yin soldiers borrowing the Tao became more and more popular, and it became a "horror story" that the children in the town must listen to before going to bed. But it's no wonder, since Li Tie kidnapped him, no one in the town has ever encountered the matter of Yin soldiers borrowing the way. Everyone said that it was Li Tiegui's sincerity that moved the souls of the heroes, allowing them to protect the mountains and forests with peace of mind and no longer come out to be scary. After a long time, this matter gradually faded away, and became a topic of conversation among the old people after dinner.

The Yin soldier borrowed the way, the old man helped guide the way, and the general told him not to light the lamp in the middle of the night

Until one day, a young man named Xiao Yang came to the town, who was an outdoor adventure enthusiast. When he heard about the Yin Soldier's borrowing of the Tao, his eyes lit up, and he said that he wanted to unravel this mystery and prove the power of science. When the old people in the town heard this, they all shook their heads and smiled bitterly, thinking that this child was really a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers. But Xiao Yang didn't care about it, he had to go to the mountains to explore at night, saying that he wanted to see with his own eyes what that Yin soldier was doing. Everyone couldn't resist him, so they had to let him go. But they all prayed silently in their hearts, hoping that nothing would happen to this kid. As night fell, Xiao Yang went into the mountain alone with a flashlight and a camera. The wind in the mountains was blowing like something, and the leaves of the trees were rustling. Although Xiao Yang was a little stunned in his heart, he gritted his teeth and mustered up the courage to move forward. As he walked, he suddenly heard a strange sound in front of him, like someone muttering, and like the low roar of a wild beast. His heart tightened, and he quickly quickened his pace.

At this moment, he saw a strange fog coming out of front of him, and in the mist, a group of "people" wearing ancient costumes and holding weapons approached him silently. Xiao Yang was so frightened that he almost didn't pee his pants, and he turned around and wanted to run. But those "people" seemed to be eyeing him and chasing after him. He ran and ran and stumbled, and finally fell on a hillside and rolled down. Fortunately, he rolled to the creek and masked his movements by the sound of the water, so that the "people" did not catch up.

Xiao Yang was so frightened that he crawled back to the town. When the people in the town heard what happened to Xiao Yang, they were all frightened. I thought that this young man was really bold, and he dared to provoke the Yin soldier to take advantage of it. Xiao Yang said with a firm face: "I must uncover this mystery and prove the power of science!" When the old people in the town heard this, they all shook their heads and smiled bitterly, thinking that this young man was really hopeless, why did he not believe in evil so much?

The Yin soldier borrowed the way, the old man helped guide the way, and the general told him not to light the lamp in the middle of the night

It's strange to say that since Xiao Yang encountered that incident, no one in the town has ever encountered the matter of Yin soldiers borrowing the way. Everyone said that it was Xiao Yang's courage that scared away those heroic souls and made them dare not come out again. Xiao Yang listened, but he was not convinced. He said: "I must find a scientific explanation to prove that the Yin soldier borrowed the Tao is not some kind of ghost or god. So, he began to inquire around, looking up information, hoping to find a scientific explanation for the Yin Soldier's borrowing of the Tao.

After some hard work, he finally found a scholar who studied history, and the scholar told him: "The Yin soldiers borrowed the way, but they were actually the heroic souls who died on the battlefield back then, and they guarded this land from foreign enemies. And those fogs are probably the special climatic phenomena in the mountains, plus people's imagination and legends, to form such a story. When Xiao Yang heard this, he suddenly realized. It turns out that this Yin soldier borrowing the Tao is not a ghost or god theory, but has a profound historical background and scientific truth.

The mystery in his heart has finally been solved. Since then, Xiao Yang has respected those heroic souls even more. He often went to the mountains alone in the dead of night, lit three sticks of incense, and worshiped these heroes who guarded the mountains and forests. And his story about the Yin Soldier borrowing the Tao has also spread more widely in Yunyin Town, becoming a new legend.

The Yin soldier borrowed the way, the old man helped guide the way, and the general told him not to light the lamp in the middle of the night

As the years passed, Xiao Yang slowly grew old. But the story about him has been circulating in Yunyin Town. In the dead of night, the old people would always sit around and tell the legendary stories about the Yin Soldiers, Xiao Yang and the Heroic Souls. The children's eyes widened and they listened with relish, as if the stories were playing out before their eyes. In this way, a string of legendary stories has been passed down from generation to generation in Yunyin Town, and has become the unique secret book of this town. Those heroic souls have also been guarding this land and the villagers here. No matter how the times change, their stories are spread like fire, inspiring people one after another, to move forward bravely, and they are not afraid of any difficulties. Yunyin Town, because of these stories, it is becoming more and more mysterious and flavorful.