
Xiucai Restaurant sheltered from the rain, and was woken up by a beautiful woman in the middle of the night, beautiful woman: Run here, there is no one alive

author:Pingtan Island Islanders

Hey, everyone, let's give you a freshly baked story today, and we have to start with the lively town in the south of us. Our protagonist, Li Wenxuan, is a bookish young man, full of poetry and songs, thinking about the exam in the capital, looking forward to showing his ambitions.

That day, Li Wenxuan was rushing to the capital on the official road, who would have expected that God suddenly changed his face, dark clouds pressed on the top, the wind rolled up, and the raindrops crackled like beans. This show is just a look, and you have to find a place to hide from the rain. Coincidentally, there is a restaurant not far away, and the guise is floating like something, and the two little two at the door are shouting to attract guests. Li Wenxuan took three steps and made two steps, and plunged into the restaurant.

This restaurant, don't look at the door and face is inconspicuous, it is very spacious, several tables are full of people, some drink and fight, and some bury their heads in cooking. Li Wenxuan found a corner and sat down, ordered a pot of hot wine and a few side dishes, intending to warm up and wait for the rain to stop before leaving. The rain is getting happier and happier, and looking at that posture, it can't be stopped for a while.

Xiucai Restaurant sheltered from the rain, and was woken up by a beautiful woman in the middle of the night, beautiful woman: Run here, there is no one alive

Li Wenxuan drank a few glasses of wine, ate some food, felt a little confused, and squinted on the table for a while. In a daze, he heard that the sound of the rain seemed to be quiet, but he didn't take it too seriously and continued to play chess with Zhou Gong.

I don't know how long it took, a quick knock on the door woke Li Wenxuan up. He rubbed his eyes and looked, good guy, it was dark outside, and there was no one in the restaurant except him. The knock on the door became more and more urgent, Li Wenxuan's heart tightened, and he thought, who is knocking on the door in such a hurry in the middle of the night? He mustered up his courage, walked to the door, and opened it gently, only to see a beautiful woman standing outside the door, soaking wet, her face as white as paper, and her eyes staring straight at him.

Li Wenxuan was taken aback by this sudden scene, and stammered and asked, "You, who are you?" Before he finished speaking, the beautiful woman grabbed his hand and said eagerly, "Run, there is no one alive here!" After speaking, she turned around and ran, Li Wenxuan was stunned for a moment, but quickly came back to his senses and rushed out of the restaurant with the beautiful woman.

Xiucai Restaurant sheltered from the rain, and was woken up by a beautiful woman in the middle of the night, beautiful woman: Run here, there is no one alive

It was pitch black outside, and the rain had stopped, but there was a strange energy in the air that made people's hearts beat drums. Li Wenxuan followed the beautiful woman to run wildly in the night, and his heart was up and down, not knowing what was going on. The beautiful woman ran so fast that Li Wenxuan almost couldn't keep up. After running for a long time, they came to a wood.

The beautiful woman stopped, turned back to Li Wenxuan and said, "You wait for me here, I'll go in and get something and come back." With that, she plunged headlong into the woods. Li Wenxuan stood there, anxious in his heart, looking around, but couldn't see anything. At that moment, he heard a strange sound from the woods, as if someone was muttering, and as if he was chanting some incantation. Li Wenxuan's heart twitched, thinking that this was bad, and he was about to turn around and run, but he felt like he was tripped by something under his feet, and he couldn't move. He struggled desperately to get rid of the bondage, but the voice of the beautiful woman floated out of the woods: "Don't move, the more you toss, the tighter that thing will be entangled!" As soon as Li Wenxuan heard the voice of the beautiful woman, his heart suddenly relaxed. After a while, the beautiful woman came out of the woods, holding a shining branch in her hand. She walked up to Li Wenxuan and waved the branch lightly, and the restraint was gone. Li Wenxuan let out a sigh of relief and asked eagerly, "What happened just now?" What's in the woods? The beautiful woman sighed and said, "There are ghosts in this forest, and I was originally a resident of the town, but I ended up here because something happened to my family. I passed by the restaurant tonight and saw you trapped, so I took the risk to rescue you. When Li Wenxuan heard this, he was very grateful, and asked again: "What happened in the restaurant?" Why do you say there are no living people there? The beautiful woman's face sank and she said, "The restaurant has long been occupied by ghosts, and the guests inside are their puppets." If I hadn't rescued me in time, I am afraid I would not have escaped that fate. When Li Wenxuan heard this, he was shocked and looked at this beautiful woman with admiration. He asked, "So what do we do next?" The beautiful woman thought for a moment and said, "This place is not a place to stay for a long time, so let's get out of here first and find a safe place." So, the two left the town overnight and set out on the road to the capital. As for the secret of the restaurant, and what they will encounter next, then we will have to listen to the next breakdown. Let's go on. The two of them hurried overnight, and left the strange town before dawn. Li Wenxuan's heart went up and down, and he was thinking about the restaurant all the way, and he always felt that something was wrong. Although the beautiful woman seemed quite calm, she would also show a little nervousness from time to time. After walking for most of the day, the two came to the foot of a mountain. The beautiful woman stopped, pointed to a small village in front of her, and said, "Let's go to that village first, rest our feet, eat something, and then go on the road." Li Wenxuan nodded and followed her into the village. When the people of the village saw two strangers, they all gathered around curiously to watch the excitement. The beautiful woman greeted them, saying that she was passing by and wanted to find a place to rest. The villagers were very welcoming, showing them an empty house and bringing them hot tea and dry food. Li Wenxuan ate something and calmed down a little. He looked at the beautiful woman and saw that her face was much better, so he asked, "This eldest sister, what should we do next?" What do you know about the restaurant? The beautiful woman sighed and said, "Actually, I don't know. But I heard from the older generation that the restaurant used to be the house of a large family, and then the family died because of a fire, and the house was empty. "On the site of this old house, someone built a restaurant, and business was very prosperous for a time. However, the good times did not last long, and soon there were rumors that the restaurant was haunted, and some people even disappeared mysteriously. I've heard a lot of these gossips, and I can't help but be suspicious of the restaurant. After Li Wenxuan heard this, the uneasiness in his heart became even stronger. He pondered for a moment and asked, "Shall we leave like this?" What if the ghost in the restaurant catches up? The beautiful woman shook her head lightly and comforted: "No, those ghosts only linger near the restaurant, and they will not stay away." As long as we get out of that range, it's safe. Li Wenxuan breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still a little worried in his heart. He looked up at the sky and said eagerly, "Then let's hurry up and try to find a safe place to rest before dark." The two of them set out on their journey again. During the march, Li Wenxuan looked back from time to time, worried that uninvited guests would follow. When the beautiful woman saw him like this, she comforted him: "Don't worry, we have left that place, and we will be fine." As night fell, they came to a ruined temple. The beautiful woman proposed, "Let's spend the night here tonight, it may be shabby, but at least it will provide shelter from the wind and rain." Li Wenxuan nodded in agreement, and the two walked into the temple. The temple was empty, with only a few broken statues of the gods. They found a clean place to sit down and prepare to rest. Li Wenxuan noticed that the beautiful woman's face was slightly pale, so he asked with concern, "Eldest sister, how do you feel?" Need a bite to eat? The beautiful woman shook her head in refusal, indicating that she was just a little tired. Seeing this, Li Wenxuan didn't say anything more, and closed his eyes to rest. In the middle of the night, Li Wenxuan was awakened by a strange sound. When he opened his eyes, he saw a dark figure standing at the entrance of the temple, slowly approaching them. Li Wenxuan's heart tightened, and he hurriedly woke up the beautiful woman. After the beautiful woman woke up, although she was also startled, she quickly regained her composure and said to Li Wenxuan: "Don't be afraid, we have a way to deal with it." She took out a branch from her arms, which was the one she used to rescue Li Wenxuan in the woods before. She waved the branch, and a golden light flashed, and the black shadow let out a scream, and then disappeared without a trace. Li Wenxuan was dumbfounded, and asked curiously, "Eldest sister, what kind of magical thing is this?" The beautiful woman smiled and replied, "This is not a magic weapon, but a magic technique passed down by my family." The black shadow just now is just the embodiment of a ghost, trying to harm us. But now that it's been driven away by me, we can rest in peace. After Li Wenxuan heard this, his heart was full of gratitude. When he saw that the beautiful woman's face had returned to normal, he closed his eyes with peace of mind. Early the next morning, the two continued their journey. After several days of trekking, they finally arrived in the capital. Li Wenxuan, this kid, won the imperial examination as soon as he passed the imperial examination and became a jinshi, which is called a scenery. He never forgot the grace of the beautiful woman in his heart, and left her in the house to offer her like a mother. In the capital, Li Wenxuan became a big man with a head and a face. But he always thought about the kindness of the beautiful woman in his heart, and always wanted to go back to the town to see the strange restaurant. But every time I was so busy that I couldn't take a break. Finally, one year, he freed up and decided to take a few retinues with him and set foot on that land again.

The group rushed to the town without stopping. But the sight in front of them shocked them all. The town is still as lively as it was back then, with ruined walls on both sides of the streets, and dilapidated houses surrounded by vines, desolate and dilapidated. Li Wenxuan was shocked, and hurriedly asked the villagers: "What's wrong with this town?" Why is this happening? The villager sighed and said, "Hey, you don't know, since the accident in that restaurant, this town has been worse every year." Business is deserted, people are gone, and slowly it becomes like this. When Li Wenxuan heard this, he was even more puzzled.

Xiucai Restaurant sheltered from the rain, and was woken up by a beautiful woman in the middle of the night, beautiful woman: Run here, there is no one alive

He asked his entourage to find an inn in the town to stay, and he took the villager who knew the inside story to the ruins of the restaurant. The restaurant has collapsed, and only ruins remain. Li Wenxuan stood in front of the ruins, and an indescribable emotion surged in his heart. He turned to the villager and asked, "What happened to this restaurant?" Why is it going to make the whole town decay? The villagers sighed and began to tell the story of the restaurant. It turned out that the owner of the restaurant was a ruthless guy who would do anything to make money. He colludes with ghosts and uses evil magic to confuse people's minds, so that his guests are addicted to it and cannot extricate themselves. Those who disappeared were all victims of his use of evil arts. Later, the crime of the owner of the restaurant was revealed, and the government sent someone to investigate. But the owner of the restaurant had already run away, leaving only the restaurant occupied by ghosts. The ghosts lost the control of their owners and caused chaos in the town, causing the town to gradually decay.

After some back and forth, the ghosts were finally cleaned up by Li Wenxuan one by one. He used the magic weapon to seal the spirits of the ghosts to death, and then buried them in the ground, deep and bottomless. As soon as the last ghost disappeared, the town came to life as if it had been beaten with chicken blood. The houses on both sides of the street are brightened, and the townspeople have regained hope in life.

Li Wenxuan returned to the capital, but he kept thinking about the town and the people who were suffering in his heart. From time to time, he would send people to the town, sending rice, flour, oil, salt, and clothes to help those in need. The story of the restaurant has also become a legend in the town, and everyone knows it. People understand that you can't be too ruthless, and you can't do things that hurt nature and reason for a little profit, otherwise you can only end up with nothing.

Xiucai Restaurant sheltered from the rain, and was woken up by a beautiful woman in the middle of the night, beautiful woman: Run here, there is no one alive

Li Wenxuan's buddy, because he killed those ghosts and saved the town, has become a hero through the ages. He used his actions to tell us: justice can always defeat evil, and goodness will always be rewarded. This is the story we are going to tell today, although the story is finished, but the truth in it has to be pondered.