
Pu Cunxin: Support her daughter to marry into the countryside, and send a fire extinguisher to 500,000 yuan, so as not to make her son-in-law feel wronged

author:Unheard of the Workshop
Pu Cunxin: Support her daughter to marry into the countryside, and send a fire extinguisher to 500,000 yuan, so as not to make her son-in-law feel wronged
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Pu Cunxin: Support her daughter to marry into the countryside, and send a fire extinguisher to 500,000 yuan, so as not to make her son-in-law feel wronged

In the summer of 2012, there was a surprising news circulating in the entertainment industry: the well-known actor Pu Cunxin prepared a unique dowry for his daughter Pu Fang, who was about to get married, - a set of fire extinguishers.

This seemingly unusual choice has sparked a lot of speculation and discussion. What's even more puzzling is that Pu Cunxin not only did not receive the bride price, but quietly gave his son-in-law Han Jinkai 500,000 yuan as a gift.

What is the meaning behind this series of unexpected decisions? Why did Pu Cunxin choose such a special way to bless her daughter's marriage? This decision of love and wisdom unveils a story of marriage that transcends classes and is deeply moving.

Let's step into Pu Cunxin's inner world and explore the profound meaning behind this unusual dowry.

Pu Cunxin: Support her daughter to marry into the countryside, and send a fire extinguisher to 500,000 yuan, so as not to make her son-in-law feel wronged

In December 2007, Heilongjiang Yabuli Ski Center ushered in the annual China International Ski Festival. Among the bustling tourists, 22-year-old Pu Fang and several high school classmates stood out.

They came from the United States not only to watch the games, but also to experience the excitement of skiing.

Pu Fang is brave by nature and decides to take on the challenge of difficult skiing. She clutched her poles and swooped down the slope more than 10 meters high, imitating the posture of a professional athlete.

However, fate always likes to play jokes with people. Just when Pu Fang thought she had mastered the trick, she suddenly lost her balance and fell heavily on the snow.

Pu Cunxin: Support her daughter to marry into the countryside, and send a fire extinguisher to 500,000 yuan, so as not to make her son-in-law feel wronged

The skiers around him were still descending at high speed, and Pu Fang was in an extremely dangerous situation. At this moment, a tall figure rushed over like lightning and hugged Pu Fang tightly.

The two rolled several meters out of the snow and narrowly avoided the other skiers.

The hero who came to the rescue in time is named Han Jinkai, a former athlete of the Heilongjiang Provincial Ski Team, and is now the deputy general manager of a company in Beijing. After confirming Pu Fang's safety, Han Jinkai showed a sincere smile and made Pu Fang laugh with a unique sense of humor in the Northeast.

This is how the fate of the two began. They met to enjoy the sunset at the top of the mountain and exchanged contact information. Although Pu Fang will soon return to the United States to continue her studies, this encounter left a deep impression on her heart.

Pu Cunxin: Support her daughter to marry into the countryside, and send a fire extinguisher to 500,000 yuan, so as not to make her son-in-law feel wronged

After returning to the United States, Pu Fang maintained frequent contact with Han Jinkai. Although they are thousands of miles apart, modern communication technology has brought them closer. The two-year long-distance relationship made each other cherish this hard-won relationship even more.

In August 2009, Pu Fang, who received an MBA degree, made a decision that surprised her parents - she wanted to return to China for development. When Pu Cunxin asked the reason, Pu Fang's face flushed slightly, and he said calmly: "Dad, Jin Kai works in Beijing, and I don't want to be too far away from him."

This decision surprised and relieved Pu Cunxin and his wife. They saw the firmness in their daughter's eyes and understood the power of love. Despite some concerns about their daughter's future, they chose to respect and support their decision.

In this way, an unexpected encounter achieved the love of two young people, and also brought unexpected changes to the Pu Cunxin family. The gears of fate began to turn, and a love story that crossed regions and identities officially began.

Pu Cunxin: Support her daughter to marry into the countryside, and send a fire extinguisher to 500,000 yuan, so as not to make her son-in-law feel wronged

When Han Jinkai visited the Pu family for the first time, he was nervous. As an ordinary young man from the countryside, he is well aware of the gap between his family background and that of Pu Fang. However, Pu Cunxin's words dispelled his concerns: "As long as you truly love Fang Fang, whether you are the child of a laid-off worker or an ordinary worker, I will welcome you with open arms."

This sentence not only warmed Han Jinkai's heart, but also paved the way for the love of two young people.

In the spring of 2010, Pu Cunxin invested in the establishment of Yuening Cultural Communication Company and strongly recommended Pu Fang as president. In the early days of the business, there were many difficulties, Pu Fang worked twelve or thirteen hours a day, and it was difficult to guarantee even the time to eat.

Han Jinkai saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart. He took the initiative to ask Pu Cunxin for help, hoping to join the company to help Pu Fang. Although Pu Cunxin was initially apprehensive about the waste of resources caused by Han Jinkai's abandonment of his existing superior working conditions, Han Jinkai's sincerity and determination eventually moved him.

Pu Cunxin: Support her daughter to marry into the countryside, and send a fire extinguisher to 500,000 yuan, so as not to make her son-in-law feel wronged

In the same year, an earthquake struck Yushu, Qinghai, and Han Jinkai accompanied Pu Fang's family to deliver supplies to the disaster area. This experience became an important moment to test the relationship between the two. On the way, there was a mudslide, and the entire convoy was in trouble.

Faced with danger, Han Jinkai jumped out of the car without hesitation, stood barefoot in the knee-deep mud, and pushed the cart with other young people. His bravery and responsibility not only ensured the smooth delivery of relief materials, but also allowed Pu Cunxin to see the true nature of this young man.

Seeing this scene, Pu Cunxin's eyes flashed with tears of relief. He realized that his daughter had found someone worthy of entrusting her life, and the last trace of doubt in his heart dissipated.

This experience made Pu Cunxin more convinced that Han Jinkai not only has the ability to protect his daughter, but also has the courage and responsibility to face various challenges in life.

Pu Cunxin: Support her daughter to marry into the countryside, and send a fire extinguisher to 500,000 yuan, so as not to make her son-in-law feel wronged

At the beginning of 2011, after receiving the support of Pu Cunxin, Han Jinkai resolutely resigned from his original job and devoted himself to Yuening Company. The two worked hand in hand, working day and night.

Together, they look for quality projects, actively seek sponsorships, and discuss advertising ideas together in the late night light. After unremitting efforts, the company finally gained a firm foothold in the industry and gradually emerged.

In these days of common struggle, the relationship between Pu Fang and Han Jinkai has become deeper and deeper. They support each other, grow together, and interpret what a true partner is with practical actions.

Their efforts not only made their careers better, but also made each other cherish this hard-won relationship even more.

Pu Cunxin: Support her daughter to marry into the countryside, and send a fire extinguisher to 500,000 yuan, so as not to make her son-in-law feel wronged

Finally, in August 2012, the two decided to enter the palace of marriage hand in hand. When the news reached the ears of Pu Cunxin and his wife, they were ecstatic. Pu Cunxin knew that Han Jinkai's family conditions were not wealthy, so he offered not to accept the bride price, and quietly gave Pu Fang 500,000 yuan to Han Jinkai as a bride price.

This decision caused a lot of shock in the circle, but Pu Cunxin responded calmly: "Jin Kai is my biological son, we are a family, why bother with this?" Only when the son-in-law is happy, the daughter can be truly happy.

These words not only reflect Pu Cunxin's generosity and wisdom, but also show his understanding of true family happiness.

In October 2012, the wedding of Pu Fang and Han Jinkai was held as scheduled. The wedding scene was low-key and warm, without extravagance and waste, and even without hanging any banners, reflecting the simple style of the two families.

Pu Cunxin: Support her daughter to marry into the countryside, and send a fire extinguisher to 500,000 yuan, so as not to make her son-in-law feel wronged

When Pu Cunxin handed his daughter's hand to Han Jinkai, everyone present was moved by this warm scene.

However, what really surprised the guests was the dowry that Pu Cunxin prepared - a set of fire extinguishers. Facing everyone's doubtful eyes, Pu Cunxin explained with a smile: "There will inevitably be friction and disputes in married life, I hope that when you encounter conflicts, you can remember this fire extinguisher, calm your anger in time, and deal with problems calmly."

This unique and allegorical gift aroused the deep thinking of the guests present, and also reflected Pu Cunxin's deep understanding of marriage.

Unexpectedly, this set of fire extinguishers quickly came in handy. Soon after the marriage, Han Jinkai sent 2,000 yuan to his father-in-law without Pu Fang's consent. After Pu Fang learned about it, he felt neglected and disrespected, and he felt guilty for a while, and even had the idea of divorce.

Pu Cunxin: Support her daughter to marry into the countryside, and send a fire extinguisher to 500,000 yuan, so as not to make her son-in-law feel wronged

In the face of this first crisis in their marriage, Pu Cunxin and his wife did not favor their daughter, but pointed out the problems of both parties fairly.

Pu Cunxin said to his daughter earnestly: "Marriage is the union of two families, not only the two of you. You all have to learn to be considerate of each other and take care of each other's feelings.

He also reminded Pu Fang that Han Jinkai had silently taken care of his grandmother, who was suffering from Alzheimer's, and guarded day and night, never complaining. Pu Fang was ashamed of these words, and she realized that she had paid too much attention to detail and neglected her husband's good intentions.

After this heart-to-heart talk, Pu Fang calmed down, sincerely apologized to her husband, and took the initiative to communicate with her in-laws to eliminate the misunderstanding. The crisis was eventually resolved, allowing the young couple to appreciate each other more and learn to deal with marital conflicts in a more mature way.

Pu Cunxin: Support her daughter to marry into the countryside, and send a fire extinguisher to 500,000 yuan, so as not to make her son-in-law feel wronged

Pu Cunxin's fire extinguisher not only resolved the crisis, but also became an important symbol in the married life of the two young people, always reminding them to use reason and love to maintain this relationship.

Pu Cunxin's life experience has shaped a unique and profound family outlook for him. Born in a family of performing arts, his father Su Min (formerly known as Pu Sixun) is a veteran actor of the Beijing People's Art Theater, Pu Cunxin has grown up in an artistic atmosphere since he was a child.

However, fate played a cruel joke on him.

During his childhood, Pu Cunxin suffered from polio, which caused nerve damage in his right foot and made it difficult to walk. He was ruthlessly nicknamed "Pu Cripple" by his classmates, and this experience brought great psychological trauma to him at a young age.

Pu Cunxin: Support her daughter to marry into the countryside, and send a fire extinguisher to 500,000 yuan, so as not to make her son-in-law feel wronged

However, these difficult years also honed his will, making him more aware of the preciousness of life and the complexity of human nature.

It is these ups and downs of life experience that make Pu Cunxin deeply realize that true family happiness does not lie in the superiority of material conditions, but in the understanding, tolerance and selfless dedication between family members.

He often said: "A son-in-law is half a son", which is not only a common saying, but also his life creed. He interpreted the profound meaning of this sentence with practical actions, and regarded Han Jinkai as his own.

Pu Cunxin's family outlook also directly affected his attitude towards his daughter's marriage. In the relationship between his daughter Pu Fang and Han Jinkai, he never uses Han Jinkai's family background as a yardstick.

Pu Cunxin: Support her daughter to marry into the countryside, and send a fire extinguisher to 500,000 yuan, so as not to make her son-in-law feel wronged

On the contrary, what he values is Han Jinkai's character. In Pu Cunxin's eyes, Han Jinkai's kindness, diligence and sense of responsibility are more valuable than his illustrious family background. He firmly believes that only when his son-in-law is happy, can his daughter be truly happy.

This kind of cross-class love is not only reflected in Pu Cunxin's acceptance of his son-in-law, but also in the way he educates his daughter. He encouraged Pu Fang to be independent, and at the age of 16, he resolutely decided to send her to study in the United States, hoping that she could grow up in an open environment.

When Pu Fang decided to return to China to start a business, he fully supported and even helped in person.

Pu Cunxin's family concept tells us that true family happiness is not based on money and status, but from mutual understanding, respect and selfless dedication.

Pu Cunxin: Support her daughter to marry into the countryside, and send a fire extinguisher to 500,000 yuan, so as not to make her son-in-law feel wronged

He interprets the true meaning of "home" with his actions, and also provides us with a way to get along with families that is worth learning from.

In today's society, many people overly pursue the matching of material conditions, and ignore the importance of sincerity and character of feelings. Pu Cunxin's story undoubtedly teaches us a vivid life lesson, making us rethink what is the foundation of marriage and family.

His generosity and wisdom not only warmed a family, but also infected countless people, injecting a clear stream into the concept of marriage and love in modern society.

Pu Cunxin's story is not only a story about marriage, but also a vivid example of the inheritance of love. From his own upbringing, to his daughter's marriage, to his acceptance of his son-in-law, we see how a family grows and continues under the nourishment of love.

Pu Cunxin: Support her daughter to marry into the countryside, and send a fire extinguisher to 500,000 yuan, so as not to make her son-in-law feel wronged

Pu Cunxin tells us with practical actions that love should not have boundaries and should not be bound by identity, status or wealth. True love is tolerance, understanding, and selfless dedication.

He supported his daughter to marry into the countryside, and did not hesitate to post a bride price of 500,000 yuan, just to prevent his son-in-law from being wronged. This kind of great love not only warms a family, but also infects countless people.

In this materialistic society, Pu Cunxin's story is undoubtedly a clear stream. It tells us that the true meaning of happiness lies not in the outer brilliance, but in the inner fulfillment and contentment.

Only those who know how to give and cherish can truly taste the taste of happiness.

Pu Cunxin: Support her daughter to marry into the countryside, and send a fire extinguisher to 500,000 yuan, so as not to make her son-in-law feel wronged

Pu Cunxin used a seemingly ordinary fire extinguisher, which not only resolved the crisis of her daughter's marriage, but also taught us a vivid life lesson. This gift of wisdom, which carries too many expectations and blessings, will continue to play a role in Pu Fang and Han Jinkai's married life as a witness and guardian of love.

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