
The man was born with a broken palm, and the big snake knelt down when he saw him, and it said don't let Grandma look at your palm

author:Pingtan Island Islanders

In our northeast, there is such a place, called Qingyun Town, the town is not big, but there are many stories like stars in the sky. In the east of the town, there lives a buddy named Li Tie, who was born with a piece of his left palm, I heard that it was a matter of the previous life, and this life is destined to be unusual. Li Tie, this buddy, is tall and mighty, with a face like a sculpture, but his personality is as stuffy as a gourd, and he doesn't like to talk. He learned to hunt from the old hunters in the town since he was a child, and although his left hand was incomplete, he was accurate in archery, and he did not go home to get rare things in the mountains.

But this broken palm also added a lot of blockages to him. When others looked at his hand, their eyes were wrong, and some people said behind their backs that he was the reincarnation of a monster and had to bring disaster. One day, Li Tie went into the mountains to hunt and met a big snake coiled on the road, his eyes were as bright as light bulbs, looking at him. Li Tie sighed in his heart, but he knew that the animals in the mountains were spiritual, so he bowed respectfully to the snake and planned to take a detour. But the snake suddenly lowered its head and kowtowed to Li Tie, as if it was worshipping some kind of artifact. Li Tie was dumbfounded, stabilized his mind, and took a closer look, the snake's scales were shining golden, and there was an indescribable awe in his eyes. The snake slowly raised its head and said in human words: "Engong, you are here." Be careful not to let Grandma see your palm. With that, the snake slipped into the woods.

As the days passed, Li Tie's life seemed to be peaceful, but his heart was as turbulent as the waves. In the dead of night, he always likes to stand in front of the window, looking at the mountains and forests in the distance, and his heart is full of doubts and longings. One day, a mysterious wandering Taoist priest came to the town, holding a dust whisk in his hand, wearing a Taoist robe, and a fairy wind and bones. The Taoist priest walked around the town and rushed straight to the door of Li Tie's house. "This little brother, Poor Dao looks at your extraordinary face, and you seem to have a special talent, I wonder if you can let Poor Dao see what it is?" The Taoist priest said to Li Tie with a smile. Li Tie's heart moved, remembering the warning of the giant snake, but looking at the kind face of the Taoist priest, he felt that he might be able to get some clues from the Taoist priest. So, he nodded, hid his left hand behind his back, and said, "Dao Chief, please sit down and have a cup of tea first." The Taoist priest was not polite, sat down and took a sip of tea, and then said: "Little brother, Poor Dao sees that there is a heroic spirit between your eyebrows, but your left hand seems to be a little inconvenient, can you let Poor Dao take a look?" Li Tie hesitated for a moment, and finally stretched out his left hand. When the Taoist priest saw the severed palm, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he quickly regained his composure. He pondered for a while, and then said slowly: "Little brother, your broken palm is not simple, it is a natural gift, and it hides a powerful force. But if this power is not used well, it will invite great disaster. Li Tie was shocked, and hurriedly asked, "Dao Chief, then what should I do?" The Taoist priest smiled slightly, took out an ancient book from his arms, and handed it to Li Tie: "This is the "Xuanyuan Secret Record", which is a secret that my Taoist family does not pass on." "If you can understand the meaning, you will be able to use your gifts skillfully to maintain peace on one side." Li Tie took the old book, and his heart was full of gratitude. After he said goodbye to the Taoist, he eagerly turned the pages of the book. The book recorded in detail many secrets and cultivation techniques about special abilities, which opened Li Tie's eyes. Surprised and excited in his heart, he was determined to follow the book and find the blood of the great snake in order to seal the dragon vein mark in his body. Only in this way can he ensure the safety of himself and his family, and prevent the world from falling into the tragedy of chaos. So, Li Tie once again embarked on a journey deep into the mountains and forests to pursue the legendary giant snake. After several days of searching, he finally found the trace of the giant snake in a hidden cave. "Benefactor, you're finally here." After the giant snake saw Li Tie, he said in a respectful tone. Li Tie nodded lightly and relayed the teachings in the book to the giant snake. After hearing this, a trace of sadness flashed in the serpent's eyes, but he quickly regained his determination: "Benefactor, for the sake of the people of the world, I am willing to sacrifice my blood." With that, the serpent bit its tongue and spat out a mouthful of blood. Seeing this, Li Tie quickly caught this precious blood with a jade bowl. Then, following the instructions in the book, he aimed the palm of his left hand at the jade bowl and let the blood slowly penetrate into the palm. With the penetration of blood, Li Tie felt a powerful force surging in his palm, like a giant dragon awakening in his body. But he suppressed the excitement in his heart and continued to follow the steps in the book to seal this power in the palm of his hand. When the last drop of blood completely penetrated into his palm, Li Tie felt a cool feeling spread throughout his body. When he opened his eyes, he found that the palm of his left hand had returned to normal, and the strange lines were gone. "Thank you very much, Brother Serpent." Li Tie said gratefully. The giant snake shook his head slightly: "Benefactor does not need to be polite, this is my responsibility." Now that your dragon vein sigil has been sealed, the people of the world can enjoy peace. Li Tie nodded in thanks, said goodbye to the giant snake, and returned home. Since then, he has lived a peaceful life, and no one knows that he once had such great power. And the giant serpent also returned to the depths of the mountain forest and continued to guard the land. The residents of Qingyun Town only know that their hero, Li Tie, with courage and wisdom, protected the peace of this land. And the mysterious legend about the severed palm has gradually been forgotten by the world with the passage of time. As the years passed, Li Tie's life was calm and quiet. He still goes up to the mountains every day to hunt, but he adds a sense of composure and confidence to his heart. Ever since he sealed his dragon vein sigil that time, he felt as if he had been given a new lease of life, no longer the severed palm boy bound by fate. One day, when Li Tie was hunting in the mountains, he met an old man with gray hair. Brother, look at this old man, his face is kind and kind, but there is a bottomless intelligence in his eyes. As soon as he saw Li Tie, the corners of his mouth raised, and he opened his mouth happily: "Young man, look at your posture, your style is extraordinary, your bones are strange, and you are definitely not an ordinary person." Let's get together, learn martial arts, and protect our beautiful land, what do you think? Li Tie's heart was shocked, thinking of his energy back then, although it is now sealed, but the sense of mission to protect his homeland, he remembers it. He respectfully saluted the old man and said, "The younger generation is willing to learn art from the seniors and protect our water and soil." ”

The man was born with a broken palm, and the big snake knelt down when he saw him, and it said don't let Grandma look at your palm

The old man nodded yes and led Li Tie into a quiet valley. In this valley, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the scenery is as beautiful as a painting, which is simply a paradise on earth. The old man told Li Tie that this was the place where he practiced and his home. Since then, Li Tie has been learning martial arts from the old man, day and night, rain or shine, practicing sweaty.

In a few years, Li Tie's martial arts have been perfected, his archery skills have been successful, and he has also learned various martial arts and spells. He knew that the burden on his shoulders was heavy, so he decided to return to Qingyun Town and use his skills to protect his homeland.

Back in Qingyun Town, Li Tie found that the town had changed a lot, and the originally quiet town had become very lively, with many shops and people coming and going. But behind this prosperity, there are also some signs of instability. Some bullies and thieves started to wreak havoc in the town and bully the common people. The fire in Li Tie's heart, he was determined to wipe out these villains and restore peace to the town. So, he stepped up and took on the bullies and thieves. With his superb martial arts and spells, he knocked those villains down one by one, and the town returned to its former peace.

The man was born with a broken palm, and the big snake knelt down when he saw him, and it said don't let Grandma look at your palm

But when Li Tie thought he could breathe a sigh of relief, a bigger crisis came. A group of mysterious forces have set their sights on Qingyun Town, wanting to use the resources here to realize their ambitions. These people are ruthless and make the people of the town miserable. Li Tie was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, knowing that his strength alone was limited, so he had to gather people. So, he gathered the young talents of the town and formed a resistance army, ready to fight to the death against this mysterious force.

On the day of the decisive battle, the sky was cloudy and thunder rumbled. Li Tie led the resistance army into a thrilling battle against the mysterious forces. The two sides come and go, and the fight is inseparable. But after a long time, the true skills of the mysterious forces were revealed, and the resistance began to be tight. At this critical juncture, a huge figure rushed out of the mountain forest, it was the big snake that had helped Li Tie. It opened its mouth and spewed fire, unleashing a fierce attack on the mysterious forces. The mysterious forces were caught off guard by this sudden offensive and retreated. As soon as this Li Tie and the big snake joined hands, those mysterious forces were obedient. Our Qingyun Town is back to its old ways, quiet and lively. Everyone in the town was happy, and praised Li Tie and the big snake as great heroes in the sky and on the earth, saying that they were their talismans. But Li Tie knew in his heart that this matter was not over yet. He said to the serpent, "Dude, thanks to you this time. We've just begun our work. I have to continue to guard our land so that everyone can live a stable life. When the big snake heard this, he nodded and agreed: "Big brother, don't worry, I'll guard you in the forest." Whenever, wherever, as long as you say hello, I will be there immediately. "That's it, Li Tie and the big snake have become the legends of our Qingyun Town. They use their strength and wisdom to protect the safety of our land and the people. Their story has also been passed down to future generations, and it has become a good story that has been passed down through the ages.