
The man went to greet his relatives at night, and on the way, there was a green snake dream: the person who got on the sedan chair is not your bride

author:Pingtan Island Islanders

But the good times didn't last long, when he was twenty years old, something big happened in the family, my father couldn't afford to get sick, my mother also fell ill, and the family's business plummeted. Li Tiancheng, a young man, worked day and night in order to revive his family business, and he couldn't even take care of his marriage. It wasn't until the old lady got well that he urged him to find a daughter-in-law so that he could continue the family's incense.

After being introduced, Li Tiancheng and Lin Wan'er, a show girl from a neighboring village, made a marriage and chose a good day, the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, the Qixi Festival, the day when the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl met, how auspicious. Early that morning, Li Tiancheng took the team to pick up the bride from the neighboring village. The bride's palanquin is decorated with a luxurious one, and there is a lion dance team and a band in front of it, which is called a lively one.

But just as we were about to get to the bride's house, the sky suddenly changed, dark clouds were thick, thunder was rolling, and then a heavy rain followed. The welcoming team had to hide in a ruined temple on the side of the road to avoid the rain. There was a dilapidated statue of the god in the temple, and although Li Tiancheng didn't believe this, he still stepped forward to worship out of politeness.

The man went to greet his relatives at night, and on the way, there was a green snake dream: the person who got on the sedan chair is not your bride

At that moment, he felt a cold wind blowing, as if something was staring at him. When he looked back, there was nothing, so he shook his head, thinking that maybe he was too careful. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and there was no point in stopping. Li Tiancheng waited anxiously, and he was still a little uneasy.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a wave of sleepiness hit him, his eyelids became heavier and heavier, and he fell asleep before he knew it. In the dream, he came to a mysterious place, and saw a green snake coiled there, with a light in its eyes, staring at him coldly. Li Tiancheng was shocked, and wanted to run but found that he couldn't move. The green snake opened his mouth and said, "Li Tiancheng, do you know that you are not marrying a bride?" When Li Tiancheng heard this, he was frightened, and hurriedly asked, "Who are you?" Why? The green snake sneered and said, "I am the god in this temple, and someone asked me to bring you a message." The person you married today is a ghost, if you really marry her home, your family will be over! ”

Li Tiancheng was frightened when he heard this, and hurriedly asked, "Then what should I do?" The green snake thought for a moment and said, "If you do what I say, you will be able to save the day." You first sprinkle some talisman powder mixed with glutinous rice and cinnabar powder in front of the sedan chair, and then recite the "Pure Heart Mantra" three times. In this way, the ghost will take on its original form. Although Li Tiancheng still had some doubts in his heart, he had no choice but to do it.

The man went to greet his relatives at night, and on the way, there was a green snake dream: the person who got on the sedan chair is not your bride

When he woke up, he found that he was still in the ruined temple, and the procession of greeting relatives had already begun to prepare to move on. He quietly took out glutinous rice and cinnabar powder from his baggage, sprinkled them in front of the sedan chair according to the green snake's statement, and muttered "Pure Heart Mantra" in his mouth. As soon as the welcoming procession set off, the sky cleared, and the sun peeked out of the clouds, shining golden. But as he walked, the sedan chair suddenly shook violently, and the bride screamed in fright. Li Tiancheng's heart tightened, knowing that what the green snake said was not nonsense, so he shouted loudly: "Which ghost dares to make trouble here!" As soon as the words fell, the sedan curtain was lifted, and a puff of black smoke came out, turning into a hideous-looking female ghost. Her hair was unkempt, her fangs and claws, and she looked horrible. When everyone saw this posture, they were so frightened that they scattered and fled, only Li Tiancheng stood there, as steady as Mount Tai. Seeing that Li Tiancheng was not afraid of her, the female ghost roared angrily and rushed at him. Li Tiancheng pulled out his long sword and the female ghost. After a struggle, the female ghost was no match and turned into black smoke and dispersed. When everyone saw that the female ghost was cleaned up, they all gathered around and praised Li Tiancheng to the sky. But Li Tiancheng knew in his heart that this matter had just begun, and the real trouble was still to come.

Li Tiancheng watched the female ghost disappear, but his heart was not relaxed. He turned his head to look at the empty sedan chair, and his heart was mixed. This water town in the south of the Yangtze River should be as gentle as water, and this strange thing happened on the way to welcome relatives. He took a deep breath, stabilized his nerves, and said to the villagers: "This matter today is indeed evil. But don't worry, everyone, I, Li Tiancheng, will definitely find out and give you an explanation. The villagers nodded their heads to show that they could trust him. He said to the matchmaker again: "You go back and tell Miss Wan'er that things have changed today, and I will come to the door to compensate in person another day." The matchmaker said yes and hurried away. Li Tiancheng looked at the matchmaker's back, but his heart was up and down. He knew that this matter must not be accidental, and there must be a secret behind it. He decided to uncover the mystery himself.

He went home and told his wife about today's events. The old lady was also frightened when she heard this, but she knew that Li Tiancheng was a child with ideas, so she told him to be careful. Li Tiancheng thanked his mother and went to the broken temple alone. Standing in front of the temple, looking at the dilapidated statue, I couldn't help but feel respect in my heart. He knew that it was the god who gave him guidance at the critical moment. At this moment, he heard some movement, and followed the sound to see that a green snake was slowly crawling out from behind the idol. He was startled, but soon calmed down again. He knew that this green snake was the god who gave him a dream last night. The green snake's eyes were like torches, and there was a faint light in its eyes, and it slowly spoke, and its voice was low and powerful: "Li Tiancheng, you are indeed a person of courage and insight. I see that your heart is full of doubts, and I have come to guide you through the maze. Li Tiancheng hurriedly saluted and said respectfully, "Thank you for the guidance of the gods." Dare to ask what is the origin of this female ghost? Why did she pretend to be Miss Wan'er? The green snake pondered for a while, and then slowly replied: "This female ghost is called Phantom, and she used to be a bewitching woman in the Jiangnan region. Because of the cultivation of evil arts, he went mad and eventually became a vicious ghost. The reason why she is pretending to be Miss Wan'er is to absorb your yang energy to help her further cultivation. Hearing this, Li Tiancheng was furious: "This female ghost is so vicious, I will completely eradicate her!" The green snake shook his head and reminded, "Although you are strong in martial arts, it is not easy to deal with this female ghost. She's proficient in illusion and ecstasy, so you'll have to be careful. Li Tiancheng nodded seriously, and then asked, "Then how can I find this female ghost and eradicate it?" The green snake told him, "You need to go to the Maoshan faction in Jiangnan for help." The Maoshan faction is a famous and upright Taoist sect that specializes in the art of subduing demons and eliminating demons. They will be able to help you. Li Tiancheng's heart was full of joy after hearing this, and he hurriedly expressed his gratitude: "Thanks to the guidance of the gods, I immediately went to the Maoshan faction for help!" After saying that, he said goodbye to the green snake and embarked on a journey to the Maoshan faction.

The man went to greet his relatives at night, and on the way, there was a green snake dream: the person who got on the sedan chair is not your bride

After a few days of running, Li Tiancheng finally arrived at the mountain gate of the Maoshan faction. He stepped forward to explain his intentions, and was immediately introduced to the mountain gate by a Taoist priest. The head of the Maoshan faction was an old but energetic old Taoist priest, who knew that Li Tiancheng was extraordinary when he saw him, and after some detailed inquiries, decided to help him personally. The old Taoist priest led several disciples to go to the Jiangnan Water Town with Li Tiancheng. After careful investigation, they finally discovered the Phantom's hiding place. In an abandoned manor, the Phantom sits in a secret room practicing sorcery. When she found out that Li Tiancheng and the others had broken in, she panicked, but soon sneered and said provocatively: "You Taoist priests and mortals dare to come and sabotage my big thing!" Let me show you my true strength today! Then she waved her long sleeves and cast illusions and ecstasy to attack the crowd. But she didn't expect that Li Tiancheng had already received guidance from the head of the Maoshan faction and learned some Taoist spells. Armed with a sword, he engages in a fierce battle with the Phantom. After a fierce battle, Li Tiancheng relied on his courage and wisdom to finally defeat the Phantom and seal it in a magic weapon.

The villagers saw that Li Tiancheng had successfully eradicated the phantom and came to congratulate him. Li Tiancheng also felt very pleased, because he not only cleared up the grievances of Miss Wan'er, but also removed a huge scourge for the villagers. Later, on the recommendation of the head of the Maoshan faction, Li Tiancheng joined the Maoshan faction and became a Taoist priest. Our buddy, that is really an authentic Northeast man, diligent and studious, practicing hard, and becoming a Taoist master. His ability is not only strong in martial arts, but also unfathomable. returned to our Jiangnan Water Town, and used his Taoism and wisdom to guard this land, so that the villagers could live a stable life. Mention him, who doesn't give a thumbs up and say he's a real hero!

But Li Tiancheng always had a pimple in his heart, that is, the Wan'er girl he had been thinking about. I remember the tenderness of the girl, the agreement between them, and the innocent love. So, he decided to embark on a journey to find Wan'er, hoping to give her an explanation.

The man went to greet his relatives at night, and on the way, there was a green snake dream: the person who got on the sedan chair is not your bride

Li Tiancheng carried his bags and embarked on a long road. He traveled all over the mountains and rivers, crossed the forests and grasslands, and experienced countless winds and rains and hardships. Along the way, he encountered a lot of strange things and heard various stories, which made him more mature and made him more determined to find Wan'er.

Finally, one day, he came to a small mountain village in the middle of nowhere. I heard that there is a woman named Wan'er here, whose age and appearance match the Wan'er girl he is looking for. He was so excited in his heart that he hurried to inquire. I found Miss Wan'er's house in the village, knocked on the door, and a handsome woman walked out. When she saw Li Tiancheng, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, but she quickly calmed down.

Li Tiancheng looked at her, and a sense of intimacy surged in his heart, he knew that this was the Wan'er girl he had been looking for. The two sat down, and Li Tiancheng told Wan'er about his experience and experience. After Wan'er heard this, tears glistened in her eyes, saying that she had actually known about Li Tiancheng's existence all along, and had been waiting for him to come back. But because of an accident at home, she had to leave her hometown and live in this small mountain village.

The man went to greet his relatives at night, and on the way, there was a green snake dream: the person who got on the sedan chair is not your bride

After Li Tiancheng heard this, his heart felt sour. He held Wan'er's hand tightly and said affectionately, "Wan'er, you have suffered. From now on, I will always be there for you and will not let you be hurt again. After hearing this, Wan'er's eyes flashed with happiness, and she nodded lightly. The two looked at each other and smiled, as if all the suffering had vanished.

Since then, Li Tiancheng and Miss Wan'er have lived a happy and peaceful life. They plough the fields together, work together, and enjoy the beauty of life together. Their stories and love have also spread throughout the township, allowing more people to understand their persistence and love.

But this happy day did not last long...... Hey, life is always full of accidents. Gee, that's a pretty upsetting thing. Li Tiancheng was busy that day, and suddenly, with a bang, a letter from the Maoshan faction smashed into his hand. What does the letter say? It is said that a stream of bad water has emerged from the south of the Yangtze River, harming people everywhere and frightening the common people. The Maoshan faction and the buddies were counting on him to go back quickly and clean up these villains with them.

The man went to greet his relatives at night, and on the way, there was a green snake dream: the person who got on the sedan chair is not your bride

After Li Tiancheng read the letter, his heart sank, like a stone. He thought that he had to take care of this matter, and he couldn't let the Maoshan faction down, let alone let the villagers suffer again. So, he waved to Miss Wan'er and set out on the road back to Jiangnan.

When he arrived in Jiangnan, Li Tiancheng and the brothers of the Maoshan faction got involved with those villains. They used their housekeeping skills, coupled with a spirit of not admitting defeat, and finally beat the gang of villains down. The common people were as happy as the New Year, and they all came to thank Li Tiancheng and the brothers of the Maoshan faction.

But Li Tiancheng is not satisfied, and he understands in his heart that there are still many people in this world waiting for him to help. Therefore, he said goodbye to the brothers and villagers of the Maoshan faction and embarked on a new journey. He wants to use his skills to help more people and protect the peace of this world.

The man went to greet his relatives at night, and on the way, there was a green snake dream: the person who got on the sedan chair is not your bride

As for Miss Wan'er, she stayed in her hometown, silently looking forward to Li Tiancheng's return. She believes that no matter how far Li Tiancheng goes, he will remember the agreement between them and the deep affection. She also believes that one day, they can meet again and enjoy the beauty of life together.

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