
"Fatal" own goal: Just because he scored the wrong goal in the World Cup, he died unexpectedly just after returning home

author:Hawthorn is a joy to read
"Fatal" own goal: Just because he scored the wrong goal in the World Cup, he died unexpectedly just after returning home
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"Fatal" own goal: Just because he scored the wrong goal in the World Cup, he died unexpectedly just after returning home

Rose Bowl Stadium in Pasadena, California, USA, June 1994. Colombia's match against the United States in the group stage of the World Cup is in full swing.

In the 35th minute of the second half, a seemingly ordinary clearance changed everything in an instant. Colombian defender Andres Escobar accidentally kicked the ball into his own door while blocking the U.S. attack.

On the pitch, Escobar fell to his knees in disbelief, his hands covering his face, unable to accept the harsh reality.

This own goal not only led to a 1-2 defeat for Colombia and missed out on qualifying from the group, but also became the last goal of Escobar's life. Ten days later, he was shot at his doorstep, ending his life at the age of 27.

"Fatal" own goal: Just because he scored the wrong goal in the World Cup, he died unexpectedly just after returning home

How can a small mistake destroy the life of a football star? And how did this tragedy affect the fate of football in a country? Let's step into this heartbreaking story and uncover the truth behind it.

Andres Escobar was born into an ordinary middle-class Colombian family. Unlike many children, young Escobar had little interest in academics, but that all changed when football entered his life.

His parents had tried to nurture his various interests, but they all failed. However, when Escobar asked to join a football session, his enthusiasm and dedication surprised everyone.

Although his father was initially unsupportive, Escobar signed up for the school soccer team on his own. Every day after school, he would practice his skills in his backyard and even transform it into a modest training ground.

"Fatal" own goal: Just because he scored the wrong goal in the World Cup, he died unexpectedly just after returning home

His hard work quickly paid off, and Escobar excelled in the varsity team competition, winning numerous honours.

Escobar's talent and diligence caught the attention of the local municipal football team. Faced with this opportunity, the young Escobar did not hesitate to embark on the path of a professional footballer.

He underwent more rigorous training, often late into the night, showing a great love and determination for football.

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. At the age of 19, the Colombian national team was facing a talent shortage. After learning the news, Escobar took the initiative to sign a contract with the famous national sports football club in the country, hoping to stand out in this place that is considered to be the talent pool of the national team.

"Fatal" own goal: Just because he scored the wrong goal in the World Cup, he died unexpectedly just after returning home

Soon after, Escobar got his wish and was selected for the Colombian men's national football team. Although initially deployed in the backline, a position he most desired, Escobar was undeterred.

He dedicates himself to every training session and competition and proves his worth with his strength.

After months of rigorous scrutiny, the coaching staff was impressed by Escobar's fighting spirit and outstanding performance and decided to put him on the game. Since then, Escobar has won numerous accolades for Colombia, not only with a large number of loyal fans at home, but also with the attention of international football, including Italian giants AC Milan.

With his excellent defensive ability and calm on-pitch performance, Escobar quickly developed into one of the best defenders in South America, becoming a mainstay in the Colombian national team's backline.

"Fatal" own goal: Just because he scored the wrong goal in the World Cup, he died unexpectedly just after returning home

His rise has not only thrilled Colombian fans, but also the entire South American football scene.

However, fate tricked people. Just as Escobar's career was booming, the 1994 World Cup pushed the rising star to a turning point in his fortunes that he never expected.

The 1994 World Cup came at a time when Colombian football was at its best in history. In the qualifiers, they have beaten football powerhouse Argentina twice, showing amazing quality.

The team, known as the "Golden Generation", is favored by many experts and is widely regarded as one of the favorites to win the championship. Andres Escobar, as the team's central defender, has the high expectations of fans across the country.

"Fatal" own goal: Just because he scored the wrong goal in the World Cup, he died unexpectedly just after returning home

The result of the draw for the group stage made Colombia even more happy. They are in the same group as the weaker Romania, the United States and Switzerland, and are in a good position to qualify.

However, the football field is changing rapidly, and no one can predict what will happen next.

In the first game against Romania, the Colombian team was out of sorts, looking incapable at both ends of the pitch. On the other hand, the opponent played well and finally defeated Colombia with a score of 3:1.

This unexpected defeat poured cold water on the heads of the players and fans, and the originally high morale instantly fell to the bottom.

"Fatal" own goal: Just because he scored the wrong goal in the World Cup, he died unexpectedly just after returning home

After the game, Escobar stood in front of the mirror in the dressing room, staring at his tired face. His eyes were full of self-reproach and uneasiness, and he was saddened by the team's loss.

However, he knows he has to adjust his form as soon as possible, as the next game against the United States will be a do-or-die affair.

At the time, American soccer was far inferior to Colombia, and in theory it should have been an easy victory. However, the shadow of the first defeat still hangs over the team, and the psychological pressure of the players can be imagined.

After the start of the game, the Colombian team looked extremely nervous and made frequent mistakes.

"Fatal" own goal: Just because he scored the wrong goal in the World Cup, he died unexpectedly just after returning home

In the 35th minute of the second half, disaster struck. The U.S. launched a quick counter-attack, with Escobar making a fatal mistake in clearing the ball and inadvertently kicking the ball into his own goal.

The moment the ball rolled into the net, the whole stadium fell into an eerie silence. Escobar froze where he was, unable to believe what was happening. His teammates also looked desperate, as if they saw their hopes of qualifying dashed before their eyes.

In the end, the Colombian team lost 1:2 and completely lost the hope of qualifying. This own goal not only ruined the team's World Cup dream, but also pushed Escobar to the forefront.

At the post-match press conference, Escobar lowered his head and said in a trembling voice: "I have failed the expectations of the people of the whole country, and I am deeply sorry for my mistake."

"Fatal" own goal: Just because he scored the wrong goal in the World Cup, he died unexpectedly just after returning home

His eyes welled up with tears, his shoulders trembled slightly, and he was under unimaginable pressure.

With the Colombian team out, Escobar went from being a former hero to a target in an instant. The flood of invective and accusations poured in, drowning the former soccer star.

No one knew that this seemingly ordinary own goal would not only ruin a team's World Cup dreams, but would also completely change the trajectory of Escobar's life and push him to an irreparable tragic end.

After the World Cup, Andres Escobar returned to Colombia with a heavy heart. The former football hero has now become a thorn in the side of the people of the whole country.

"Fatal" own goal: Just because he scored the wrong goal in the World Cup, he died unexpectedly just after returning home

For the next three days, he locked himself in his home, afraid to face accusations and ridicule from the outside world. Every time he closed his eyes, the deadly oolong ball would recur in his mind, like a lingering nightmare, tormenting his nerves.

However, in the early morning of the fourth day, Escobar made up his mind to get out of the house. He wanted to go to a nearby café and try to reintegrate into normal life. Perhaps he thinks that time will dilute everything, and people will eventually forgive him for his mistakes.

But fate played a cruel joke on him at this moment.

The moment Escobar pushed open the door, three men and a woman suddenly appeared in front of him. Their eyes were filled with anger and hatred. Before Escobar could react, one of the men had already pulled out his pistol.

"Fatal" own goal: Just because he scored the wrong goal in the World Cup, he died unexpectedly just after returning home

The gunfire was particularly piercing in the silence of the morning, and the bullets pierced Escobar's body mercilessly.

The football star who once galloped on the field is now in a pool of blood on his doorstep. Twelve bullets claimed the life of the young player, who was only 27 years old.

There seemed to be hope for the future and a love for football in his eyes, but it all passed with his life.

The police quickly arrived at the scene and apprehended the murderer. After investigation, the truth was shocking: these people had lost all their savings by betting on Colombia in the World Cup, and they had taken their anger out on Escobar.

"Fatal" own goal: Just because he scored the wrong goal in the World Cup, he died unexpectedly just after returning home

An own goal not only ruined a player's career, but also took his young life.

When the news broke, the whole of Colombia was plunged into grief. It was then that people realized how cruel they were to rebuke and abuse Escobar. At his funeral, more than 120,000 people came to bid farewell to the former football hero.

Many shed tears of remorse, ashamed of their former extremism.

Escobar's teammates were filled with grief. Stars such as Balderrama and Aspina have announced their retirement from the national team in protest against the tragedy. This incident not only took away a talented player, but also dealt a heavy blow to the Colombian football world.

"Fatal" own goal: Just because he scored the wrong goal in the World Cup, he died unexpectedly just after returning home

Escobar's tragedy reveals the brutal side of the football world. It reminds us that it's not just athletes who run on the field, it's ordinary people with flesh and blood.

They can both work miracles and make mistakes. And we, as fans and spectators, should look at mistakes in the game with a more rational and tolerant attitude, rather than elevating them to the height of life and death.

The tragedy of Andres Escobar may be the worst own goal in World Cup history, but it is not alone. Throughout the long history of the World Cup, own goals have always been with us, adding drama to the tournament and sometimes changing the course of the game and the fate of the team.

Back in the 1938 World Cup in France, we witnessed the birth of the first World Cup own goal. In the match between Switzerland and Germany, Swiss player Rauscher accidentally kicked the ball into his own goal in the 22nd minute.

"Fatal" own goal: Just because he scored the wrong goal in the World Cup, he died unexpectedly just after returning home

This unexpected goal opened the precedent of an own goal in the World Cup, and also laid the groundwork for the subsequent games.

In the following ten World Cups, own goals appeared frequently, and only four competitions were spared. Behind every own goal is a story that makes people sigh and there is a player who is under a lot of pressure.

In the group stage of the 2006 World Cup, England legend David Beckham set a unique record. Against Paraguay, his free-kick in the fourth minute was headed into his own goal by opposition player Gamarra, making it one of the fastest own goals in World Cup history.

Although this own goal brought a big blow to the Paraguayan team, fortunately, it did not cause a tragedy.

"Fatal" own goal: Just because he scored the wrong goal in the World Cup, he died unexpectedly just after returning home

In the group stage of the 2018 World Cup, Morocco's Al-Duhabz scored an own goal in stoppage time against Iran, burying the team's hopes of qualifying.

Although this own goal was a huge blow to the Moroccan team, it was limited to a loss on the field.

These own goal incidents, although they brought temporary distress and embarrassment to the players, did not pay the price with his life like Escobar. Escobar's tragedy reminds us that although football is a passionate sport, we should not forget that the players running on the field are also ordinary people of flesh and blood.

They can both work miracles and make mistakes. We should look at mistakes in the game with a more rational and tolerant attitude, rather than elevating them to the height of life and death.

"Fatal" own goal: Just because he scored the wrong goal in the World Cup, he died unexpectedly just after returning home

The tragedy of Andres Escobar was like a bolt of lightning that split the skies of Colombian football. For the next two decades, a shocking event hung over Colombian football.

Many good players, out of fear of a similar fate, have chosen to withdraw from the national team. This has led to a significant decline in the level of Colombian football, and the former "golden generation" has been eclipsed.

However, time will eventually heal the pain. The new generation of players is gradually picking themselves up with a love for football and a memory of Escobar. With their sweat and hard work, they led Colombian football step by step out of the trough and back on the world stage.

The 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil was an important milestone for Colombian football. After 16 years, the Colombian team once again qualified for the World Cup and made it all the way to the quarterfinals.

"Fatal" own goal: Just because he scored the wrong goal in the World Cup, he died unexpectedly just after returning home

During the match, the players held aloft the number of Escobar's jersey in a gesture to pay tribute to the unfortunate senior. This action is not only a tribute to Escobar, but also a symbol of the rebirth of Colombian football.

Escobar's story reminds us that football is more than just a sport, it carries the emotions of players, fans, and entire countries. An own goal may change a person's fate, but it should not ruin a country's football dreams.

The rebirth of Colombian football proves that any setback can be overcome with a love for football and hope for the future. The spirit of football in this country, after all, transcends tragedy and continues to write a new chapter on the green field.

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