
Several male stars who retired and became ugly became greasy uncles one by one, and their appearance stayed before the age of 40

author:Hawthorn is a joy to read
Several male stars who retired and became ugly became greasy uncles one by one, and their appearance stayed before the age of 40
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Several male stars who retired and became ugly became greasy uncles one by one, and their appearance stayed before the age of 40

On an ordinary afternoon in Canada, a netizen accidentally met Chen Jianfeng, a star who once dominated TVB. However, the slightly bloated middle-aged man in front of him makes it difficult to equate him with the handsome and dashing "most handsome Jiang Ziya" in his memory.

This striking contrast can't help but make people ponder: what have become of those screen male gods who once made us fall in love with them now? What caused them to change so dramatically? With these questions, let's unveil the mystery of the four retired male stars and explore their legendary stories from peak to retirement.

In the brilliant stars of the Chinese entertainment industry, there are four stars that have been so dazzling, illuminating the youthful memories of countless audiences. Chen Jianfeng, Gao Hao, Yang Junyi and Zhuo Fan, their roads to fame have their own characteristics, but they are equally exciting.

Chen Jianfeng, known as "the most handsome Jiang Ziya in history", was one of the five tigers of TVB in the new century. His deep eyes and handsome face have fascinated countless girls.

Several male stars who retired and became ugly became greasy uncles one by one, and their appearance stayed before the age of 40

The transformation from a musician to an actor, Chen Jianfeng has gone very smoothly. With his outstanding appearance and increasingly sophisticated acting skills, he quickly became a rising star in the company.

After emerging in the Hong Kong film and television industry, Chen Jianfeng set his sights on the broader mainland market and started a new acting journey.

Gao Hao's story is quite dramatic. The young man, who was once a national figure skater, had to say goodbye to the ice rink due to an accident. However, the turn of fate did not break him, but allowed him to find a new direction in life.

After being admitted to the Shanghai Theater Academy with excellent results, Gao Hao quickly gained a firm foothold in the entertainment industry with his unique temperament and superb acting skills. The role of "Biqing" played in "Living Buddha Jigong" made him the "most handsome little monk" in the hearts of countless girls, and his popularity rose sharply.

Several male stars who retired and became ugly became greasy uncles one by one, and their appearance stayed before the age of 40

Yang Junyi's road to fame is inseparable from martial arts. This talented martial arts talent who has been practicing martial arts since childhood, was a national martial arts athlete, and won the championship of the spear event in the national martial arts championships.

After retiring, he quickly made a name for himself in the entertainment industry with his excellent appearance and excellent martial arts skills. played the role of "Tong Zhan" in "Water Moon Cave Sky", which not only showed his superb martial arts skills, but also created an unforgettable role, which allowed him to gain a large number of loyal fans.

Zhuo Fan's acting career spanned Hong Kong and the mainland. Although he did not become popular during the development of Hong Kong, after returning to China, the role of "Wang Lianhua" played by him in "The History of Martial Arts" made him successfully emerge.

The success of this role opened the door for him to the mainland market. After that, he left a deep impression on the audience with his vivid villain roles and became the best choice in the minds of many directors.

Several male stars who retired and became ugly became greasy uncles one by one, and their appearance stayed before the age of 40

Each of these four male stars has a unique charm and talent. Chen Jianfeng conquered the audience with his handsome appearance and changeable acting skills; Gao Hao won love with his fresh and refined image; Yang Junyi touched people's hearts with his martial arts strength and affectionate interpretation; Zhuo Fan has created many classic characters with his unique temperament.

Their success seems to be taken for granted, and a radiant future seems within reach.

However, who would have thought that a twist of fate was quietly coming. At the height of their careers, unexpected challenges arose. These challenges not only test their careers, but also profoundly affect the trajectory of their lives.

How will they respond to these unforeseen changes? Where will their star journey go? Let's continue to focus on these four former screen idols and see how they make choices at a turning point in their lives.

Several male stars who retired and became ugly became greasy uncles one by one, and their appearance stayed before the age of 40

Life is like a play, and drama is like life. For Chen Jianfeng, Gao Hao, Yang Junyi and Zhuo Fan, the four once glorious male stars, their acting careers have also ushered in their own turning points, like a drama of ups and downs.

Chen Jianfeng's turn of events came suddenly and brutally. Just when his career was in full swing, a routine physical examination gave him a blow to the head. Diagnosed with a family genetic disease, he had to face a difficult choice: should he continue to work hard in front of the camera, or choose to quit the screen and concentrate on recuperating his body? At that moment, standing at the crossroads of life, Chen Jianfeng's heart must be full of contradictions and struggles.

In the end, for the sake of health, he chose to leave his beloved acting career. This decision not only changed the trajectory of his career, but also completely changed his lifestyle.

Gao Hao's turning point is more like a silent loneliness. From the high-profile roles of the second male and the third male, he was gradually demoted to the unpopular male fourth and male fifth, this huge gap made him feel lost.

Several male stars who retired and became ugly became greasy uncles one by one, and their appearance stayed before the age of 40

Standing on the set, looking at the radiant appearance of those new generation actors, Gao Hao wavered about his future for the first time. The harsh reality of showbiz made him realize that maybe it was time for a change.

In the end, he made the decision to give up showbiz and switch to business. However, the mall was like a battlefield, and Gao Hao soon encountered serious financial difficulties. Faced with the low point of his career, he had to re-examine his life plan.

Yang's turn came more abruptly. Just when his sister-brother relationship with Chen Farong became a good story in the entertainment industry, the two suddenly announced their breakup. This emotional failure brought a huge blow to Yang Junyi, and it also made him start to rethink the direction of his life.

Three years later, he resolutely chose to quit the entertainment industry and returned to the martial arts world he was most familiar with. Although this decision is surprising, it also shows Yang Junyi's repositioning of his self-worth.

Several male stars who retired and became ugly became greasy uncles one by one, and their appearance stayed before the age of 40

Zhuo Fan's transition was a gradual process. has played the same type of role for a long time, and his image in the hearts of the audience has gradually solidified. As he gets older, there are fewer and fewer roles that suit him.

Coupled with the gradual development of his body, Zhuo Fan's path in the entertainment industry is getting narrower and narrower. He began to realize that maybe it was time to write a new chapter in his life. In 2017, after completing the filming of the last TV series "Borrowed Eyes", he chose to officially retire from the circle and started a new life journey.

Behind every turn, there is their helplessness and struggle. Faced with a low point in their careers, they had to re-examine their lives and make new choices.

These choices, perhaps, were not perfect, but they were the best decisions they made under the circumstances. From the glamour on the screen to the obscurity behind the scenes, their experiences have undoubtedly taught us a vivid life lesson.

Several male stars who retired and became ugly became greasy uncles one by one, and their appearance stayed before the age of 40

It tells us that there is no eternal peak in life, and the key is how to find a new direction in the trough and redefine one's own value.

These four former stars may have different stories, but they all show courage and wisdom in the face of life's turning points. Their experiences also let us see the cruel reality behind the entertainment industry, as well as the fragility and strength of everyone in the face of a twist of fate.

Leaving the familiar stage, these former stars began their new lives. Their stories seem to tell a common theme: life is not only brilliant on the stage, but also wonderful behind the scenes.

Chen Jianfeng has chosen a very different way of life than in the past. He became a diving instructor and immersed his world in the blue ocean. Maybe it's underwater, no one cares about his former glory, and no one will point a finger at his current situation.

Several male stars who retired and became ugly became greasy uncles one by one, and their appearance stayed before the age of 40

In this tranquil water, he found inner peace. Although his physical condition does not allow him to return to the screen, he seems to have found a new meaning in this blue life.

Gao Hao's transformation road is a bit bumpy. The transition from actor to businessman was not easy, and his company was in financial trouble at one point. However, Gao Hao did not give up.

In July 2021, he posted a set of recent photos of himself on social platforms, declaring that he was determined to return to the screen stage through weight loss. Although he has been slightly blessed in the photo, those eyes still flash with love and desire for acting career.

This spirit of not being willing to be mediocre and daring to challenge is the embodiment of his inner growth.

Several male stars who retired and became ugly became greasy uncles one by one, and their appearance stayed before the age of 40

Yang Junyi's new life has returned to the territory he is most familiar with. He joined the Jiangsu Provincial Wushu Team and rededicated himself to his martial arts career. This choice seems to have allowed him to find the second spring of his life.

Just one year later, he won the men's team boxing event at the World Championships. This achievement is not only the best reward for his past efforts, but also a proof that he has redefined his self-worth.

At the same time, he also gained his own happy family, raising a cute little princess with his wife. From a screen star to a martial arts coach, from a single aristocrat to a happy father, Yang Junyi's life has undergone a gorgeous turn.

Zhuo Fan's life of retiring from the circle is particularly low-key. He rarely appears in the public eye, and occasionally there are group photos posted by fans to give people a glimpse of his recent situation.

Several male stars who retired and became ugly became greasy uncles one by one, and their appearance stayed before the age of 40

In the photo, although he is slightly fat, his face is full of happy smiles. This attitude of life that is indifferent to fame and fortune and is content with the status quo may be his life perception after years of ups and downs in the entertainment industry.

These stories tell us that life away from the spotlight can also bloom differently. Each of them interprets the meaning of life in their own way, showing the multiple possibilities of life.

From screen stars to diving instructors, from actors to businessmen, from idols to martial arts champions, to unknown ordinary people, their experiences show us that the value of life is not only in fame and aura, but also in finding one's own way to happiness.

The behind-the-scenes lives of these former stars are not only a turning point in their personal lives, but also provide us with a perspective to think about the meaning of life. It tells us that no matter what situation we are in, as long as we are full of hearts, we can find our own wonderful life.

Several male stars who retired and became ugly became greasy uncles one by one, and their appearance stayed before the age of 40

Time is like water, and time is like a knife. Those handsome teenagers are now middle-aged. The change in their appearance is not only a trace of time, but also the accumulation of life experience.

Chen Jianfeng's current appearance makes it difficult to associate him with the former "most handsome Jiang Ziya". The handsome actor who used to be angular and deep-eyed has now become slightly bloated.

However, from his eyes, we can read a sense of indifference after the vicissitudes of life. That calmness and calmness are precious gifts given to him by the years.

Gao Hao's changes are equally obvious. The thin and handsome "most handsome little monk" in the past is now in good shape. But he is still working hard to return to the screen, and this spirit of unwilling mediocrity is the embodiment of his inner growth.

Several male stars who retired and became ugly became greasy uncles one by one, and their appearance stayed before the age of 40

Although the years have taken away his youthful face, they have given him a more tenacious will.

Yang's shift may be the biggest. From the former handsome son to the current martial arts coach, although his figure is plump, his heroic posture is still the same.

The years have added a bit of maturity and stability to him, but it has not diminished his charm in the slightest. The confidence and calmness in his eyes are precious qualities that he did not have when he was young.

Zhuo Fan's change is even more obvious, the image of the bald uncle is like two people in his memory. However, from the group photos shared by fans, we can feel the calmness and satisfaction in his eyes.

Several male stars who retired and became ugly became greasy uncles one by one, and their appearance stayed before the age of 40

That indifference and happiness are something he has never had in his acting career.

These changes tell us that although the years have taken away their youthful faces, they have also given them richer life experience and inner growth. Their stories remind us that true charm doesn't just come from the outside, but also from the precipitation and growth of the heart.

The traces of time will eventually become a unique mark for each person, witnessing our growth and transformation.

Perhaps, true happiness does not lie in staying in the beautiful appearance of youth forever, but in finding the value of one's own life. Whether it is Chen Jianfeng concentrating on the blue ocean, or Yang Junyi regaining his dream of martial arts; Whether it is Gao Hao's insistence on making a comeback, or Zhuo Fan's choice to live a low-key life, everyone is interpreting the meaning of life in their own way.

Several male stars who retired and became ugly became greasy uncles one by one, and their appearance stayed before the age of 40

These stories tell us that the wonder of life is not only in the spotlight, but more often than not, it is hidden in the ordinary daily life. Let's learn to respect everyone's choices and appreciate every possibility in life.

Because on the stage of life, everyone is the protagonist of their own story.

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