
played the "murderer" as himself, and another actor was asked by the audience to "check the household registration"

author:Pumpkin talk about it
played the "murderer" as himself, and another actor was asked by the audience to "check the household registration"

It is said that those who read my articles have become big bosses, please use your golden finger to make a fortune, pay attention to it and like it, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to get rich

Like and walk, love you to eternity, focus on a little, get rich forever, I wish you good luck in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and meet noble people in the southeast and northwest

played the "murderer" as himself, and another actor was asked by the audience to "check the household registration"

Zhang Songwen has lived in a poor family since he was a child, and his father has been stationed in the army for many years, so he can only rely on his mother for his life. Although his mother worked hard as a doctor, she always tried her best to find time to be by Zhang Songwen's side, so that although his childhood life was poor, it was also warm and loving.

However, the good times did not last long, and fate played tricks on Zhang Songwen when he was 15 years old. His mother died unexpectedly, and this bad news undoubtedly brought a heavy blow to him at a young age.

played the "murderer" as himself, and another actor was asked by the audience to "check the household registration"

Zhang Songwen fell into a long period of grief, and his studies collapsed, and finally failed to be admitted to high school as he wished.

Losing his mother, the only relative and dependent, 16-year-old Zhang Songwen had to resolutely step into the society and start a long and arduous part-time job. He has tried a variety of jobs, from the most basic air conditioner installer and calendar maker to cleaning soda bottles and restaurant waiter.

played the "murderer" as himself, and another actor was asked by the audience to "check the household registration"

Despite the hardships of life, the dream of being an actor in his heart has never wavered.

During those years, Zhang Songwen often sat alone by the window and was distracted, his eyes were gloomy. He would recall his mother's figure, the kind gaze, the haggard but still strong side face.

played the "murderer" as himself, and another actor was asked by the audience to "check the household registration"

Sometimes he would cling to the corners of his clothes, as if that would save his mother from leaving. More often than not, he will try to resist the urge to cry, grit his teeth and move on.

Although the weight of life made his shoulders almost collapse, he never gave up on pursuing his dreams. As long as there is a glimmer of life, he will hold on tightly and not relax his expectations for the future.

played the "murderer" as himself, and another actor was asked by the audience to "check the household registration"

This dedication is destined to bear fruit one day in the future.

The big thing is coming

At the crossroads of his life, Zhang Songwen decisively chose to pursue his dreams. At the age of 24, he mustered up the courage to apply for the Beijing Film Academy, hoping to start a new chapter in his life here.

During the exam, due to a lack of confidence in his appearance, Zhang Songwen chose the directing department as his main direction. But fate played tricks on him again, and that year Beijing Film Academy did not recruit students from the directing department, so in desperation, he had to apply for the acting department with anxiety.

played the "murderer" as himself, and another actor was asked by the audience to "check the household registration"

Walking into the examination room, Zhang Songwen nervously brushed his sweat-soaked hair, and his palms were full of damp sweat stains. The examiner announced that the exam question was a simulated tour group trapped on a desert island, Zhang Songwen couldn't help but swallow his saliva, and his former tour guide experience was very familiar with this question type.

Sure enough, he mastered the role of the tour guide with great ease, and the on-site examiners were impressed by his acting skills and applauded. After receiving the admission qualification from Nortel, Zhang Songwen seems to have inexhaustible strength, and he believes that he can finally devote himself to the career of his dreams.

played the "murderer" as himself, and another actor was asked by the audience to "check the household registration"

During his study at Nortel, Zhang Songwen worked hard and was not lazy, and finally stood out with excellent results, which made people have high hopes for him. The young man who was questioned and ridiculed by the outside world finally showed his true strength and value at Nortel.


However, just after graduation, Zhang Songwen suffered one setback and blow after another, and the road ahead fell into a fog. In just two years, he traveled between more than 300 crews, but he was rejected more than 300 times one after another, which is simply desperate.

Although he finally took over the sitcom "Riding the Dragon and the Quick Son-in-law" in Guangdong, the popularity and influence of this work were not big enough, and it did not help him to open up his popularity nationwide.

played the "murderer" as himself, and another actor was asked by the audience to "check the household registration"

On the contrary, the outside world's doubts and belittlements of him have come and gone, wave after wave.

Some people ridiculed him for being "short in stature, like a dwarf", some ridiculed him for being "ugly, like an ape", and some people directly sentenced him to be completely unsuitable for the actor industry.

played the "murderer" as himself, and another actor was asked by the audience to "check the household registration"

These voices were like ruthless sticks, hitting Zhang Songwen's body hard, leaving him with a hard blow.

Faced with such a predicament, Zhang Songwen still did not choose to give up. He temporarily returned to his alma mater, Beijing Film Academy, as an acting teacher. Teaching and educating people has given him back confidence in his career, and he will never allow his dreams to be shattered.

played the "murderer" as himself, and another actor was asked by the audience to "check the household registration"

Five years later, Zhang Songwen made up his mind to set up his own acting studio. Although he is still unknown on the silver screen, his reputation in the industry has begun to see the light of day.

Many well-known movie stars such as Zhong Hanliang and Lin Chiling were his students, and people gave him the reputation of "star coach".

played the "murderer" as himself, and another actor was asked by the audience to "check the household registration"

However, despite his fame, Zhang Songwen's career is still in trouble. As a "star leader", he himself was ignored, and his life fell into a difficult situation again.

Sometimes he would sit alone by the window in a daze, his eyes dim, as if to question why fate was always playing tricks on him. But more often than not, he grits his teeth and is determined to turn things around.

played the "murderer" as himself, and another actor was asked by the audience to "check the household registration"


Although fate is always playing tricks on him, Zhang Songwen's persistence in his dream has never wavered. Faced with the poor quality of the script or the inability to reach a unity of understanding with others, he would rather refuse to act, even in the most difficult times of life, to save money to buy coal for heating.

In the dead of night, Zhang Songwen would sit alone at his desk and read the script repeatedly. He will chew on the lines carefully and put himself in the shoes of the characters to understand the inner world of the characters.

played the "murderer" as himself, and another actor was asked by the audience to "check the household registration"

Sometimes his wife will walk in with hot tea, and when she sees his tightly knit brow and focused side face, she can't help but feel that he is so focused and engaged.

In fact, as a "star coach", Zhang Songwen's superb acting skills have long been highly praised by industry insiders. There are even senior directors who are full of praise for him: "His eyes can penetrate the soul, and one look can reveal the most subtle emotions in his heart."

played the "murderer" as himself, and another actor was asked by the audience to "check the household registration"

However, when it comes to the issue of salary, Zhang Songwen, an actor without traffic support, will fall into a gap with traffic stars. In China, the vast majority of actors, like him, have a meager income and are almost unpopular.

Fortunately, fate eventually favored this tenacious actor. The film "A Cloud Made of Rain in the Wind", adapted from the novel of the same name, became a turning point in Zhang Songwen's career.

played the "murderer" as himself, and another actor was asked by the audience to "check the household registration"

In order to create the role of "Tang Yijie" in the play, he successfully gained 31 pounds in just 21 days, shaved off the hair on the top of his head, and even went to the Construction Committee to observe the daily life of cadres in person, and had an in-depth understanding of the role.

Zhang Songwen always stood at the door of the Construction Committee building with a serious face, holding a pencil and a small book in his hand, and recorded some small details from time to time. Sometimes he would follow the cadres into the office and imitate their every move.

played the "murderer" as himself, and another actor was asked by the audience to "check the household registration"

Despite the hard work, he enjoyed it and was excited to be reborn to create a great character.

With such careful preparation, Zhang Songwen finally played the role of Tang Yijie to the fullest. On the day of filming, many staff members even thought he was a local cadre, which shows the realism of his performance.

played the "murderer" as himself, and another actor was asked by the audience to "check the household registration"

As soon as "A Cloud Made of Rain in the Wind" was released, Zhang Songwen's name was finally known to the public, and people looked at him with approval.


Later, Zhang Songwen brilliantly portrayed the character of Gao Qiqiang in "Hurricane", which made him even more famous. As the absolute protagonist in the play, Gao Qiqiang's image can be said to epitomize Zhang Songwen's superb acting skills.

From the beginning, Gao Qiqiang was just an unknown fish seller, his family was poor, his parents died early, and he raised his younger siblings alone. Zhang Songwen grasped the haggard expression and hesitant eyes of this little person vividly, so that the audience seemed to be able to smell the fishy smell emanating from him.

played the "murderer" as himself, and another actor was asked by the audience to "check the household registration"

But the good times didn't last long, and Gao Qiqiang soon embarked on the road of "blackening". In 2000, he was mercilessly bullied by ruffians and hooligans, and finally took the initiative in a rage, a decision destined to change his fate.

Zhang Songwen portrayed Gao Qiqiang's ambivalence at that time - although he was calm on the surface when he entered his opponent's lair, the hands behind his back were already shaking uncontrollably, and his eyes were full of fear.

played the "murderer" as himself, and another actor was asked by the audience to "check the household registration"

The turning point happened in this year, when Gao Qiqiang began to slowly snowball to amplify his criminal guts. In 2006, Zhang Songwen vividly portrayed Gao Qiqiang's complete "blackening" - his indifference and cruelty to the villagers, his ruthlessness and ruthlessness towards the "defeated generals", and there is no humanity at all.

What's even more terrifying is that Gao Qiqiang in 2021 has become a monster with rampant power and materialism, and his conspiracy and calculations under the guise of charity make people shudder.

played the "murderer" as himself, and another actor was asked by the audience to "check the household registration"

Zhang Songwen performed all this without a bad score - Gao Qiqiang smiled at the camera, but there was cunning in his eyes that made people's scalps tingle.

People are glad that it is Zhang Songwen who plays Gao Qiqiang, otherwise it would be difficult for others to shape this role so well. For example, when performing the scene of selling fish, the on-site staff thought that Zhang Songwen was really a fishmonger, and his performance was so realistic and natural.

played the "murderer" as himself, and another actor was asked by the audience to "check the household registration"

In addition to his outstanding acting skills, Zhang Songwen's devotion to the role is also unmatched by others. In order to understand Gao Qiqiang's psychological state, he spared no effort to devote himself to research.

When he found out that Gao Qiqiang had a habit of washing his palms with water before selling fish, Zhang Songwen immediately asked the director to prepare a bucket of water for him to wash his hands before each filming to ensure that the details of the role were in place.

played the "murderer" as himself, and another actor was asked by the audience to "check the household registration"

This dedication stems from Zhang Songwen's pure love for the acting career. He lost his mother since he was a child and experienced too many tricks of fate, but his persistence in his dream has never wavered.

The doubts and ridicule from the outside world will only make him more and more diligent and hardworking. Because of this, he was able to brilliantly interpret the roles of Zhanxiang and Li Dazhao in the TV series "New Home" and the movie "Revolutionary", and won a lot of praise.

"Hurricane" is undoubtedly the pinnacle of Zhang Songwen's career. Through this drama, he showed the image of Gao Qiqiang, the villain, with a unique artistic perspective, vividly and vividly, which shocked the audience.

Some people believe that it is precisely because of Gao Qiqiang's outstanding performance that the audience has questioned and discussed Zhang Songwen's "identity verification", thus pushing his name to a higher center stage.

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