
Xiucai saved Jin Toad Debao, but because of Jin Toad's shell, it brought disaster......


Li Wenxuan in our northeast, that is a talented showman, he reads a lot of books, and he is talented, but he is unlucky, and he always fails the exam. He has a good personality, treats people well, always smiles, and looks like the kind of master who doesn't compete with others. But in this world, it is always not pleasant, Li Wenxuan's family is getting poorer and poorer, and even the money to buy books is tight.

That day, Li Wenxuan was strolling by the river, silently reciting the unfinished poem in his heart, when he suddenly heard a "plop" sound, as if something had fallen into the water. He hurriedly ran over to take a look, good fellow, a golden toad in the river was desperately splashing on the water. Li Wenxuan's heart softened, he took off his clothes and jumped into the river, swimming over to save the golden toad. It took a lot of effort to finally save Jin Toad. This golden toad is not ordinary, it is covered in golden light, and its eyes are as bright as pearls, revealing a sense of spirituality.

Jin Toad came ashore and nodded at Li Wenxuan, as if to say thank you. Then, with one mouth, it spat out a crystal clear bead, which glowed faintly, and at first glance it was not ordinary. Li Wenxuan was stunned, thinking that this golden toad wouldn't be an immortal, right? He carefully put the beads away and took them home.

Xiucai saved Jin Toad Debao, but because of Jin Toad's shell, it brought disaster......

This bead is really magical, as soon as you put it on the table, the room will be bright, as if there is a fairy spirit. What's even more amazing is that with this bead, Li Wenxuan's talent is like a spring that has opened the floodgates, and he can write everything easily, and even his dilapidated house looks stylish. It didn't take long for Li Wenxuan's reputation to spread, and he relied on the inspiration brought by beads to write a lot of good poems, and everyone praised him.

But the good times didn't last long, although Li Wenxuan's talent became famous, the wealth and fame brought by the beads also attracted many people. When the king of the town heard about the beads, he became greedy and wanted to keep them for himself. He first gave a gift and wanted to get close to Li Wenxuan, but Li Wenxuan saw through his thoughts and politely refused. Wang Yuan saw that the soft one was not good, so he came to the hard one, brought a group of people, and broke into Li Wenxuan's house in the dark, wanting to grab the beads.

Although Li Wenxuan was weak, in order to protect the beads, he also let go. After a scuffle, although he beat those people away, he was not lightly injured. Lying on the bed, holding beads in his hand, the five flavors in his heart are mixed. Although this bead has brought benefits, it has also caused a lot of trouble. Li Wenxuan began to wonder if he should still keep this bead.

Xiucai saved Jin Toad Debao, but because of Jin Toad's shell, it brought disaster......

At this moment, the golden toad appeared again, jumped in front of the bed, and his eyes were full of concern. As soon as Jin Toad spoke, his words were full of northeastern straightforwardness: "Wenxuan, you saved my life, I have to repay you by giving you this bead." But this bead is not a mortal thing, we mortals can't hold it, it can give you good luck, but it can also invite trouble. Now that you are wounded by it, I have to take it back so that you don't suffer again. When Li Wenxuan heard this, his heart was bright, he knew that although he wanted money and fame, what he valued more was the calm day and the steadfastness in his heart. So, he returned the beads to the golden toad.

Jin Toad took the bead, nodded, turned around, turned into a golden light and disappeared. Since then, Li Wenxuan's life has returned to the past, he still reads and writes poetry every day, although he is poor, he lives comfortably. That magical bead has also become a secret in his heart.

But the story isn't over yet. Although Li Wenxuan lost his beads, with his talent and hard work, he finally became famous and became an official with a head and face. He used his wisdom and benevolence to benefit the people and won everyone's respect. And the golden toad also continues to guard this land in the river of the water town in the south of the Yangtze River, bringing auspiciousness and tranquility to people.

Since Li Wenxuan returned the beads, his days have been like spring water in the south of the Yangtze River, calm and comfortable. Every day, he holds those old books, shakes his head and reads, and from time to time he can write a few small poems that make people praise, and the villagers praise him as "a literary and opera star". Li Wenxuan knew in his heart that he could have today, thanks to persistence and hard work, as well as a little help from Jin Toad. Although the beads were gone, he got more - the respect of his fellow villagers, the friendship of his friends, and the peace and satisfaction of his own heart.

As the days passed, Li Wenxuan's reputation became more and more famous. His poems not only spread all over the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River, but also spread to the capital, attracting many literati and ink writers to visit. They came to this town to exchange poems and discuss knowledge with Li Wenxuan, and Li Wenxuan's house was very lively for a while.

At this moment, the golden toad appeared again. But this time, it was not golden, but turned into an ordinary frog, quietly squatting in front of Li Wenxuan's house. As soon as Li Wenxuan opened the door, he saw the frog, he was stunned for a moment, and then smiled. "Old friend, you're here." Li Wenxuan said softly. The frog nodded, as if he could really understand him. Li Wenxuan squatted down, held the frog in the palm of his hand, and gently stroked its back. "Thank you for giving me that bead in the first place, although it caused me a lot of trouble, but it also made me understand a lot of things." Li Wenxuan said with emotion. The frog seemed to understand his words, and a glint flashed in his eyes. Immediately, it opened its mouth and spat out a crystal clear orb. This orb is no different from the previous one, but in Li Wenxuan's eyes, it no longer carries the previous temptation and greed. "This is ......," Li Wenxuan looked at the orb in his hand in surprise. This orb, I have purified its greed and evil thoughts, and now it is just an ordinary treasure that can bring you good luck and not evil. The frog's voice sounded softly in Li Wenxuan's ears. After Li Wenxuan heard this, a warm current surged in his heart. He understood that this was Jin Toad's blessing and trust in him. He clenched the orb tightly, and his eyes sparkled with determination. "I'll cherish it." Li Wenxuan solemnly promised. The frog nodded slightly, then turned into a golden light and disappeared. Li Wenxuan stood still for a long time. He knew that his fate with Jin Toad was over, but that gratitude and respect would always be remembered in his heart. Since then, Li Wenxuan's life has become smoother and smoother. With his talent and hard work, he gained fame and became a respected official. With his wisdom and benevolence, he benefited the people and won their respect and love. And that jewel has always been with him, bringing him good luck and good fortune. But Li Wenxuan did not become complacent because of this. He always maintained a humble and low-key attitude, and treated every visitor with warmth and thoughtfulness. His family often had literati and ink writers come to communicate, and the town was even more prosperous because of Li Wenxuan.

Xiucai saved Jin Toad Debao, but because of Jin Toad's shell, it brought disaster......

One night, when Li Wenxuan was reading ancient books in the study, he felt emotion in his heart. He recalled the encounter and parting with Jin Toad, recalled his journey from poverty to wealth, and recalled those relatives and friends who accompanied him through the wind and rain. His heart was full of gratitude and emotion, so he splashed ink and wrote a poem: "Jin Toad gave me the treasure of the treasure, washing away the greed and self-exaltation." Talent is profound and famous, and the benefit of one party is happy. Relatives and friends are often accompanied, and poems and songs are endowed with music. I have no regrets in this life, and I am grateful to heaven and earth for a good night. After the poem was written, Li Wenxuan gently put down his pen, looked at the bright moon outside the window, and fell into deep thought. He knows he still has a long way to go, and that there are many challenges and opportunities ahead, but he is ready. He believes that as long as he maintains a humble and kind heart, he can go further and fly higher. And that golden toad is also silently guarding Li Wenxuan and this land somewhere, bringing auspiciousness and tranquility. Whenever in the dead of night, it turned into golden light and wandered in front of Li Wenxuan's window, as if silently praying and blessing for him. This is the happy ending of the story of Xiucai saving Jin Toad Debao. In our life, gains and losses are really not static, sometimes we know how to let go, which is also a kind of cleverness. It's like saying that as long as we still have humility and kindness in our hearts, then we can go further and fly higher. Li Wenxuan, this kid, was immersed in that deep emotion and tranquility, and suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps and chaotic shouts outside. He was stunned, put down his pen, frowned, and walked out of the study to see what was going on. As soon as I went out, I saw a group of villagers running over in a panic, with an expression on their faces as if they had seen a ghost. "Wen Xuan, the big thing is not good, the fish in the river have turned white, and the crops have wilted, how can this be done?" An old man said breathlessly. Li Wenxuan's heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?" How can this be the case with a good end? "I don't know, all of a sudden, the river is muddy, and the crops are like losing their souls." Another villager added.

Li Wenxuan pondered for a while, and suddenly remembered the golden toad and the bead. His heart moved, could it be that Jin Toad was reminding us of something? He hurried back to his study, took the bead out of the drawer, and clutched it tightly in his hand. At this time, he felt that the beads were a little hot, as if there was a force churning in them. He closed his eyes and felt the power with his heart, and slowly, he seemed to see a golden world, where there was clear river, green crops, and the golden toad jumping happily. Li Wenxuan opened his eyes suddenly, he understood! It's all a golden toad reminding us that the ecological balance of this land has been destroyed.

He hurriedly gathered the villagers, told them his suspicions, and decided to take the beads to the river. When the group came to the river, they saw that the river was as muddy as mud, and the fish turned white, and there was a dead silence. Li Wenxuan took a deep breath, raised the bead in his hand high, and then threw it into the river. As soon as the beads fell into the water, they immediately emitted a dazzling light. The river began to clear slowly, and the white fish began to jump again. The surrounding crops also seem to have come back to life and become green. The villagers were dumbfounded, and they were all amazed. They surrounded Li Wenxuan one after another, asking what the origin of this bead was, why it was so magical.

Xiucai saved Jin Toad Debao, but because of Jin Toad's shell, it brought disaster......

Li Wenxuan smiled, told everyone about the golden toad's gift of pearls, and reminded everyone to cherish nature and protect the environment. Since then, Li Wenxuan has not only used his talent and wisdom to benefit the people, but also often led everyone to plant trees and protect water sources. That land became more and more fertile and beautiful under his leadership. And the golden toad often appears in people's sight, either turning into a golden light flashing in the night sky, or turning into an ordinary frog jumping in the field. Whenever people see it, they feel extremely relieved and peaceful as it has become the patron saint and symbol of good luck in this land. Li Wenxuan's old brother has been holding the bead in his hand, treating it as a baby pimple, looking at it, he can figure out the mysteries of life and nature, and from time to time he can still think of the golden toad, the guidance and inspiration that the guy gave him. The years are unforgiving, in a blink of an eye, decades have passed, Li Wenxuan's hair is gray, but his humble and kind heart has not changed, and his love for this land and the villagers has not diminished.

Before leaving, he passed the bead to his grandson and said earnestly: "This bead is not only a treasure, but also a responsibility and a mission." You have to be like me, use it to protect our land, protect our people, and make our days more beautiful and happier. The grandson took the beads and nodded like pounded garlic, he understood what his grandfather meant, and he also understood the burden on his shoulders. Since then, like his grandfather, he has used his talents to bring benefits to the villagers, and often takes beads to the river to make sure that the ecological balance is not destroyed.

As for the golden toad, it is still guarding this land, turning into a golden light from time to time, flashing in the night sky, reminding everyone to cherish nature and protect the environment. This is the end of the story of Xiucai saving Jin Toad Debao. It tells us that the gains and losses in life are not absolute, and sometimes letting go is also a kind of wisdom; It also tells us that cherishing nature and protecting the environment is the responsibility of each of us, and only in this way can our days be more beautiful and happier.

Xiucai saved Jin Toad Debao, but because of Jin Toad's shell, it brought disaster......

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