
Yu Feihong: Just because I'm unmarried doesn't mean I don't have a fixed relationship

author:Hawthorn is a joy to read
Yu Feihong: Just because I'm unmarried doesn't mean I don't have a fixed relationship
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
Yu Feihong: Just because I'm unmarried doesn't mean I don't have a fixed relationship

In today's society, marriage is often seen as the only way to go in life. One woman, however, challenged this conventional wisdom with her own choice. She is the famous actor Yu Feihong.

In a media interview, Yu Feihong said calmly: "Just because I'm not married doesn't mean I don't have a fixed relationship. This sentence is like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples in the entertainment industry and the public.

In the face of the reporter's inquiring gaze, Yu Feihong maintained an elegant smile, and her eyes revealed firmness and confidence.

This actress, who is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with the image of "Amazing Fairy", interprets the charm of independent women with her own actions. Her words are neither humble nor arrogant, neither denying the importance of feelings nor succumbing to the expectations of society.

Yu Feihong: Just because I'm unmarried doesn't mean I don't have a fixed relationship

Yu Feihong's attitude has provoked people to think deeply about marriage, happiness and the value of life.

At this age, many people may feel anxious or restless because they are single. But Yu Feihong showed a calm and unhurried attitude towards life. Her words and deeds seem to tell the world that happiness should not be simply equated with marriage, and everyone has the right to choose the lifestyle that suits them best.

Yu Feihong's story is like a mirror, reflecting the contradictions and thoughts about marriage and personal choices in modern society. Her experience makes us wonder: what kind of growth and life experience has shaped such a woman who dares to challenge tradition and insist on herself? Let's step into the world of Yu Feihong and explore the story behind her unique outlook on life and values.

Yu Feihong's acting career is like a slowly blooming flower, from a young child star to a radiant "Amazing Fairy", her every step is full of surprises and breakthroughs.

Yu Feihong: Just because I'm unmarried doesn't mean I don't have a fixed relationship

Born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, Yu Feihong has been bathed in a strong cultural atmosphere since he was a child. Her father is a top student at Tsinghua University, and her mother graduated from Zhejiang Institute of Chemical Technology, both of whom are knowledgeable intellectuals.

Under such a family background, Yu Feihong has enjoyed superior living conditions and rich cultural influence since he was a child.

Yu Feihong's father knows the truth that "jade is not cut, it is not a weapon", and he took great pains to educate his daughter. He personally instructed Yu Feihong to learn a variety of artistic skills such as dance and calligraphy, which laid a solid foundation for her future acting career.

This all-round art education not only cultivated Yu Feihong's perception of beauty, but also shaped her character of independent thinking and pursuit of excellence.

Yu Feihong: Just because I'm unmarried doesn't mean I don't have a fixed relationship

However, under the well-behaved appearance, Yu Feihong's heart is like a raging fire, full of rebellion and adventurous spirit. In her childhood, she often staged a "trick-or-treating duo" with her sister.

Even though their parents sometimes had to lock them in their homes to ensure their safety, Yu Feihong and his sister were always able to turn their homes upside down. This contrast not only shows her lively and cheerful nature, but also hints at her character traits that dare to challenge tradition and pursue herself in the future.

In the family, Yu Feihong ranks second, with an older sister and a younger brother. This family structure also seems to have influenced her view of marriage. As she said in the interview, because her sister is married and has children, and her parents have hugged their grandchildren, their expectations for her have been met.

This kind of family atmosphere has invisibly created a relatively relaxed environment for Yu Feihong, which has made her feel a lot less pressure when choosing her own life path.

Yu Feihong: Just because I'm unmarried doesn't mean I don't have a fixed relationship

Yu Feihong's upbringing is like a carefully painted picture, and each stroke adds a unique color to her future life choices. Cultivated by an intellectual family, her parents' upbringing inspired her love of art, and her rebellious childhood experiences planted the seeds for her unconventional character.

These experiences are intertwined to shape Yu Feihong's unique temperament that is both intellectually elegant and courageous in challenging tradition. Her growth path is not only a personal transformation, but also a microcosm of the family education of intellectuals in an era, which provides an important background for us to understand her later choices in her career and personal life.

Yu Feihong's life is not only limited to being an actress, she also has a bigger dream - to become a director. The seed of this dream quietly sprouted in an accident in 2001.

It was an ordinary flight journey, and Yu Feihong passed the time by flipping through magazines on the plane as usual. However, fate arranged an unexpected encounter for her at this ordinary moment.

Yu Feihong: Just because I'm unmarried doesn't mean I don't have a fixed relationship

She stumbled upon the short story "Ginkgo Bilo, Ginkgo" written by Xu Lan, which was like a lightning bolt that instantly hit Yu Feihong's heart and aroused her strong desire to bring it to the big screen.

With this nascent dream in mind, Yu Feihong plucked up the courage to contact the famous writer Wang Shuo. Unexpectedly, Wang Shuo not only supported her idea, but also encouraged her to direct the film herself.

This is tantamount to giving Yu Feihong a dose of strength and strengthening her determination to pursue her dream of being a director.

In this way, Yu Feihong resolutely decided to buy the copyright of "Ginkgo Ginkgo" and started her directorial journey. She named this work full of expectations "Love Has an Afterlife", as if it also tells her love and longing for the film industry.

Yu Feihong: Just because I'm unmarried doesn't mean I don't have a fixed relationship

However, the ideal is plump, and the reality is skinny. Yu Feihong soon realized that becoming a good director was no easy task. For this work, she poured ten years of hard work.

Over the past decade, Yu Feihong has shown amazing perseverance and creativity. She is involved in every aspect of the screenplay, director, and producer, and strives to present the perfect image in her heart on the screen.

In order to realize this dream, Yu Feihong even did not hesitate to invest all his savings. Her persistence and enthusiasm have infected many big names in the industry. Wang Shuo served as the film's art consultant, the famous director Tsui Hark was in charge of the post-editing, and Jiang Wen was deeply involved in the entire production process.

This not only reflects Yu Feihong's influence in the circle, but also shows her determination to pursue excellence.

Yu Feihong: Just because I'm unmarried doesn't mean I don't have a fixed relationship

Yu Feihong's road to directing, like her attitude towards life, is full of challenges and persistence. The tempering of the past ten years has not only realized her dream of directing, but also further shaped her image of being independent and brave to pursue her dreams.

From an accidental inspiration to ten years of perseverance, Yu Feihong has interpreted what is true pursuit and love with his actions.

This experience undoubtedly laid the groundwork for her firm attitude towards marriage and life choices in the future. It tells us that whether it is in career or life choices, Yu Feihong is a person who dares to think and act and insists on himself.

Her dream journey as a director is not only a story about movies, but also an inspirational legend about pursuing oneself and realizing one's dreams.

Yu Feihong: Just because I'm unmarried doesn't mean I don't have a fixed relationship

Yu Feihong's unique views on marriage have been fully demonstrated in many media interviews. Among them, her performance in the famous talk show "Qiang Qiang Threesome" is particularly eye-catching, like a battle of wisdom and tongue.

When host Dou Wentao threw out a question about being single for a long time, Yu Feihong's response was both calm and firm. "I don't think it's a question worth digging into," she said.

For me, being single or married is just a different stage of life, and I'm just choosing a lifestyle that makes me feel most comfortable. These words not only show her insistence on the right to choose her own lifestyle, but also reflect her unique understanding of the stages of life.

Another guest, Feng Tang, tried to explore the issue of singleness from the perspective of loneliness, but Yu Feihong's response was more in-depth. "My choice not to marry doesn't mean I lack a stable relationship," she said.

Yu Feihong: Just because I'm unmarried doesn't mean I don't have a fixed relationship

Instead, I chose not to get married precisely because I feel very comfortable at the stage I'm currently in. These words not only express her satisfaction with the current state of life, but also imply that she is not indifferent to feelings and intimacy.

When discussing the topic of marriage, Yu Feihong showed her keen insight and independent thinking ability. She bluntly questioned: "Why is marriage often seen as a gift to women from a male perspective?" "This is a direct reference to the perception of gender inequality that exists in society.

She further elaborated: "In a marital relationship, if the husband and wife do not resonate, then the loneliness and pain of both may be greater than that of a single person.

This insight not only reflects her deep understanding of the nature of marriage, but also challenges the traditional concept of marriage and love.

Yu Feihong: Just because I'm unmarried doesn't mean I don't have a fixed relationship

Yu Feihong always remained calm and rational throughout the discussion. Her views neither deny the value of marriage nor succumb to societal pressures, but insist on her own choices and judgments.

Her remarks convey an important message: true happiness does not depend on whether or not to enter the palace of marriage, but on the fullness and strength of the heart.

In this debate, Yu Feihong's performance fully reflects her wisdom and charm as an independent woman. Her remarks are neither humble nor arrogant, neither evading questions nor blindly agreeing with them.

She uses her own experiences and reflections to provide new perspectives for those who choose different lifestyles.

Yu Feihong: Just because I'm unmarried doesn't mean I don't have a fixed relationship

Yu Feihong's performance in the interview is the best interpretation of her core view that "if I don't get married, it doesn't mean that I don't have a fixed relationship". In her own way, she interprets the complex relationship between marriage, relationship and life, showing a modern woman's deep thinking and firm choice of life.

Looking at the trajectory of Yu Feihong's life, we can clearly see a soul who constantly pursues freedom and independence. Her philosophy of life goes far beyond the single dimension of marriage, showing a broader and deeper wisdom of life.

For Yu Feihong, the definition of happiness is diverse and personalized. She once said: "I chose not to get married because I feel very comfortable at the stage I am in.

This sentence expresses her core pursuit of life - comfort and ease. In her view, the value of life should not be simply equated with marital status, but should be a sense of self-fidelity and satisfaction with life.

Yu Feihong: Just because I'm unmarried doesn't mean I don't have a fixed relationship

Yu Feihong's attitude towards life embodies a rare persistence. In her acting career, she constantly challenges herself, from a child star to a "fairy in the sky", every role has poured her passion and talent.

On the road of directing, she persisted for ten years, just to realize her film dream. This persistence is also reflected in her personal lifestyle choices.

She does not rush into marriage due to social pressures or age anxiety, but insists on waiting for the lifestyle that suits her best.

What's more, Yu's lifestyle conveys an important message: a person's worth should not be defined by marital status. She uses her own example to prove that single women can also live to the fullest, to be fulfilled and respected.

Yu Feihong: Just because I'm unmarried doesn't mean I don't have a fixed relationship

This attitude undoubtedly provides a new model of life for many women facing social pressure.

Yu Feihong's philosophy of life is a gentle but firm challenge to traditional values. She did not radically deny the meaning of marriage, but through her own choices, she showed the diversity of possibilities in life.

Her story teaches us that no matter which lifestyle you choose, the most important thing is to be true to yourself and pursue inner truth and contentment.

In Yu Feihong's world, freedom is not only an external state, but also an inner awakening. Her dedication to her career, her pursuit of art, and her insistence on her lifestyle all stem from this inner freedom.

Yu Feihong: Just because I'm unmarried doesn't mean I don't have a fixed relationship

She used her life to illustrate what true independence is – not to be alone, but to be able to make choices on her own terms and be responsible for them.

Yu Feihong's story is like a mirror, reflecting all kinds of thinking about marriage, career and personal value in modern society. Her philosophy of life tells us that happiness is not a fixed pattern, but an experience that varies from person to person.

This may be the wisdom of life that Yu Feihong has shown, beyond marriage - to be the most authentic self and live the most wonderful life.

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