
Xiucai was repeatedly subjected to domestic violence by his wife, and had no choice but to commit suicide by hanging the beam, Taoist priest: She is saving you


We Northeasterners love to hear about that strange idea. Today, let's tell you about a talent named Li Qingyun in the peach blossom town in the south of us. This kid looks very energetic, his writing is flying, and he can fix any poems and lyrics. But on this person, there is a fierce mother-in-law at home, who is nicknamed "Tigress" Zhang. Zhang's body is as strong as a cow, and when he opens his voice, it is louder than a gong. She married Li Qingyun, on that day, there was a small quarrel for three days, and a big quarrel for five days, Li Qingyun, a weak scholar, who was her opponent, was often beaten with a blue nose and swollen face, and she didn't even have the courage to fight back.

You said that this Li Qingyun, how miserable, a showman, being bullied by his own mother-in-law like something. Once, he was beaten again, covered in wounds, and lay on the bed humming. When the neighbors heard about it, they all ran to persuade them, but Zhang's eyes were so glaring that everyone didn't dare to squeak. Li Qingyun thought to himself, there is no way to live this day, it is better to have a hundred, so he found a white silk and prepared to hang himself. Just as he was about to do it, a voice suddenly came from outside: "Slow! Li Xiucai, listen to me. "Everyone took a look, it turned out to be a Taoist priest, wearing a Taoist robe, holding a whisk in his hand, that look, fairy wind bones.

Li Qingyun looked at it and thought that this might be the destined savior, so he put down Bai Aya. The Taoist priest entered the room and looked at the Zhang family, then at Li Qingyun, sighed and said, "Li Xiucai, do you know why your daughter-in-law treats you like this?" Li Qingyun shook his head, and the Taoist priest continued: "She's saving you." As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned. Zhang beat Li Qingyun, how can this save him? The Taoist priest smiled slightly, and took out a golden object from his arms, which was not ordinary at first glance. The Taoist priest said: "This is a 'heart shield', which can protect people's hearts and prevent evil spirits. Your daughter-in-law was a fairy in heaven in her previous life, she violated the rules of heaven and was demoted to earth, and she had to go through hundreds of years of hardships before she could return to heaven. In this life, she is here to help you survive the disaster. ”

Xiucai was repeatedly subjected to domestic violence by his wife, and had no choice but to commit suicide by hanging the beam, Taoist priest: She is saving you

"From now on, I have to treat you well, and we will go through this life together." The daughter-in-law of the Zhang family said with tears in her eyes: "Xianggong, you can understand me." Don't look at my usual fierceness, but my heart for you is higher than the sky and deeper than the sea. Let's just go through it until we get to the end of the day. The Taoist priest took a look, nodded and said, "Okay, Li Xiucai, you have to remember that it is not easy for people to live for a lifetime." But as long as there is love in your heart, you can get over any hurdle. I've given you this 'goggle', you have to keep it safe. After speaking, the Taoist priest handed the mirror to Li Qingyun. Li Qingyun took it and looked at it, the mirror was shining with golden light, and it was full of energy. He knew that the mirror was not an ordinary thing, so he carefully put it away. After that, Li Qingyun and the Zhang family were harmonious, loving and loving. Although the Zhang family is still like that, Li Qingyun knows the bitterness and love in her heart. The two went through ups and downs together, and finally turned white together and finished their lives. The legendary "heart goggles" have also become their family heirlooms.

Later, the people in Peach Blossom Town spread the story of Li Xiucai and his "tigress" daughter-in-law. Everyone said that Li Xiucai was really blessed to marry a daughter-in-law who could save his life. The "heart goggles" have also become a treasure in the town, and everyone wants to take a look, but Li Qingyun hides it tightly, afraid that something will go wrong. After a long time, Li Qingyun also slowly understood Zhang's thoughts. He is no longer the Xiucai who only knows how to read and write, and began to learn to do farm work, repair houses, and help his daughter-in-law take care of housework. The tacit understanding between the two is getting deeper and deeper, and the days are getting more and more prosperous.

One day, a wealthy businessman from other places came to Peach Blossom Town, and he heard that there was a treasure called "heart goggles" in the town, so he wanted to buy it at a high price. He found Li Qingyun, and as soon as he opened his mouth, it was five thousand taels of silver. When Li Qingyun heard this, he was shocked, this is a lot of money! But when he thought about it, this mirror is his daughter-in-law's treasure, how can he say that he will sell it? He politely rejected the rich businessman. When the rich businessman saw that Li Qingyun refused to sell, he had bad intentions and wanted to rob it. He found a group of people and took advantage of the dark wind to touch Li Qingyun's house. When Zhang heard the movement, he quickly woke up Li Qingyun, and the two of them picked up the guy and rushed out. The sound of the fight alarmed the neighbors, and everyone came to help. After a fierce battle, the wealthy merchants and thugs were driven out of Peach Blossom Town. The villagers praised Li Qingyun and Zhang as heroes, and the relationship between the couple became deeper.

Xiucai was repeatedly subjected to domestic violence by his wife, and had no choice but to commit suicide by hanging the beam, Taoist priest: She is saving you

As the days passed, Li Qingyun and Zhang gradually grew old. They didn't have children, so they passed the "heart goggles" to a child in the town, hoping that he could inherit the couple's wish and protect the peace of Peach Blossom Town. This child's name is Xiaohu, and he is a smart and clever little guy. Since he was a child, he has admired the legend of Li Qingyun and Zhang, and is full of curiosity and yearning for the legendary "heart goggles". From the day he took over the mirror, he was determined to study and practice martial arts diligently, hoping to one day protect the peace of Peach Blossom Town. As the years passed, Xiaohu lived up to expectations and grew into a chivalrous warrior with excellent martial arts and an open mind. With wisdom and courage, he solves problems for the townspeople, and whenever the town encounters a crisis, Xiaohu always stands up and uses his martial arts and the power of the "heart guard" to build a safe barrier for everyone.

One day, a fierce monster appeared in the mountains and forests near Peach Blossom Town, and it often came down the mountain to harass the villagers, bringing a lot of panic to the town. In the face of the villagers' requests for help, Xiaohu did not hesitate to take responsibility, carrying a "heart guard" and a long sword, and embarked on the journey of subduing the demon alone. After a thrilling fight, Xiaohu finally subdued the monster and removed a major scourge from the town. When he returned triumphantly, he was warmly welcomed and praised by the villagers. In the face of everyone's praise, Xiaohu humbly said: "All this is due to the 'heart guard', which gives me courage and strength." Since then, the "heart goggle" has become a symbol of Peach Blossom Town, guarding the tranquility of this land.

With the passage of time, Taohua Town has developed into a tourist attraction with beautiful scenery and abundant products, attracting countless tourists. The good story of Li Qingyun and Zhang, as well as the heroic deeds of Xiaohu, have also become valuable treasures in the town that have been passed down through the ages. In the square in the center of the town, there is a statue of Li Qingyun and Zhang holding hands, and a line of words is engraved under the statue: "Love in the heart, move forward fearlessly". This is not only a condensation of the story of Li Qingyun and Zhang, but also a vivid interpretation of the spirit of the people of Taohua Town.

Xiucai was repeatedly subjected to domestic violence by his wife, and had no choice but to commit suicide by hanging the beam, Taoist priest: She is saving you

Today, the "heart goggles" are treasured in a conspicuous position in the town museum for future generations to admire. Every time someone stops to watch, they are reminded of the legendary story of love, courage and wisdom, and the endless benefits it brought to Peach Blossom Town. Friends, when you encounter difficulties in your life journey, you may wish to recall this story, think of Li Qingyun and Zhang, think of Xiaohu, and think about how they overcame all difficulties and obstacles with love and courage. Perhaps, this will inspire you to have the inner strength to face all the challenges in life.

With the passage of time, the story of Peach Blossom Town is like the northeast wind, spreading farther and farther, and becoming more and more magical. People not only praised the deep affection between Li Qingyun and Zhang, but also praised Xiaohu's heroic deeds and the mysterious "heart goggle". In Taohua Town, there is an old teahouse, where there are always a few old people, they drink tea while chatting, from time to time to mention those legendary stories, so that these stories in the fragrance of tea, timeless. When the word "heart goggles" is mentioned, the atmosphere in our teahouse is called lively. One day, a young man walked in, dressed very fashionably, and his temperament was outstanding, but his eyes were full of curiosity and yearning. He inquired with the elders about the legend of the "heart goggles", and the elders swarmed around and scrambled to tell the story. "The 'heart goggle', God has gone, saying that it can protect people's hearts and veins from evil spirits." "But isn't it, the mirror is said to have fallen from the sky and fell straight into the courtyard of Li Qingyun's house, do you say God or not?" "And that kid Xiaohu, what a hero, single-handedly defeated the monsters on the mountain and protected the peace of our Peach Blossom Town."

The young man was fascinated by the sound and pondered in his heart: This Peach Blossom Town is really a magical place, not only with beautiful scenery, but also with many stories. He decided to stay here for a few more days and get a taste of the local customs. In the past few days in Peach Blossom Town, the young man has traveled all over the town, tasted the local food, and made a lot of friends. He found the people here to be very hospitable, helpful, and friendly, like a family.

Xiucai was repeatedly subjected to domestic violence by his wife, and had no choice but to commit suicide by hanging the beam, Taoist priest: She is saving you

One night the young man slipped up to the edge of the town, and heard that there was a hill and a lookout on the hill where he could see the whole town. So he went down the path up the hill. By the time he climbed up to the observation deck, it was already dark, Peach Blossom Town was brightly lit, and the lights of thousands of homes were flickering in the night, just like stars in the sky. The young man was fascinated by the beautiful scenery, closed his eyes, and felt the peace and beauty.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and he felt a warmth in his chest. When I opened my eyes, there was an extra mirror on the clothes on my chest, which was the legendary "heart goggles"! The young man was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth and looked around for the mirror. At this moment, a voice sounded in my ears: "Young man, you are kind-hearted and love adventure, this 'heart goggle' will be given to you, may you have a safe life." When he turned around, he saw a white-haired old man standing behind him, looking at him with a smile. This old man is the one in the teahouse who often tells the story of "heart guards".

The young man was so excited that he couldn't speak, and took the mirror to look at it carefully. The mirror shone golden, with a gem embedded in it, glowing softly. He felt a strange connection between his heartbeat and the mirror. The old man told him that this "heart goggle" is not only a treasure, but also a spiritual inheritance, representing love, courage and wisdom, and a precious wealth passed down from generation to generation by the people of Taohua Town.

Xiucai was repeatedly subjected to domestic violence by his wife, and had no choice but to commit suicide by hanging the beam, Taoist priest: She is saving you

The young man was grateful, bowed deeply to the old man, and then said goodbye to the old man and went down the mountain. From then on, our young man treated the "heart goggles" as a baby bump and wore them every day. As soon as something difficult happened, he thought of that unforgettable night, the past of Peach Blossom Town, and those warm-hearted and bold villagers. He firmly believes that as long as there is love, courage and wisdom in his heart, he can overcome any hurdle. The story of this "heart goggle" has also spread more and more loudly in Peach Blossom Town, becoming a golden sign in the town, attracting groups of people to come to this place, feel the customs and customs of our place, and listen to those legendary stories.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Peach Blossom Town has become a well-known tourist destination, and the young man has also become a successful big boss. He has never forgotten his roots, and he has not forgotten the "heart glasses" that gave him strength and courage. He returned to Peach Blossom Town, and built a museum in the town, and placed the "heart goggles" in the most conspicuous place for everyone to come and see. He wants to let more people understand the history and culture of Peach Blossom Town through this trick, and pass on those beautiful legends and stories from generation to generation.

Now, as long as someone walks into the museum and sees the glittering golden "heart goggles", they can remember the story of love, courage and wisdom, as well as the blessings it brought to Peach Blossom Town. That young man has always remembered this experience, and he wants to pass on the spirit of "heart goggles" to benefit more people.

Xiucai was repeatedly subjected to domestic violence by his wife, and had no choice but to commit suicide by hanging the beam, Taoist priest: She is saving you