
The "big triglycerides" were found out, reminding: after the age of 50, these 4 foods should be avoided as soon as possible

author:Ichii Lao Li
The "big triglycerides" were found out, reminding: after the age of 50, these 4 foods should be avoided as soon as possible

Triglycerides are used as an indicator to detect whether our blood lipids are standard, and it is an important existence of changes in human blood lipids. If the triglyceride is too high, it is easy to cause a variety of physical diseases, especially in the elderly population, and it is important to pay attention to the changes in triglycerides.

In the early stage of triglycerides, the human body will not have particularly obvious symptoms, and generally only in the middle and late stages will the body experience discomfort and physical changes. Therefore, we need to pay more attention to it in our daily life, especially the four foods that should be avoided as soon as possible.

The "big triglycerides" were found out, reminding: after the age of 50, these 4 foods should be avoided as soon as possible

Nowadays, with the diversification of the diet, the "triglyceride giants" have been uncovered. Today, let's take a look at which foods can cause high triglycerides!

1. Triglycerides can cause physical diseases

Triglycerides exist as a special lipid in the human body, which can reserve energy for human body functions. A lack of triglycerides in the body can cause problems in the body, but too high triglycerides can also cause problems in the body.

An increase in triglycerides will be followed by high blood lipids, as an invisible killer of health, triglycerides are not obvious in the early stage, and we don't even feel any discomfort in our bodies.

However, once triglycerides are discovered, they have basically affected the body.

The "big triglycerides" were found out, reminding: after the age of 50, these 4 foods should be avoided as soon as possible

An increase in triglycerides means that it is in excess of the blood, because stasis in the blood will cause the blood circulation to slow down, which can lead to a variety of diseases.

If the body is in a state of high triglycerides for a long time, it is easy to develop fatty liver, diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, chronic kidney disease and acute pancreatitis.

Each of these diseases is fatal for the elderly.

Especially after the age of 50, the human body gradually deteriorates, and many elderly people are already suffering from some chronic diseases. If you already have high blood pressure, heart disease, or high blood sugar, you need to pay attention to the appearance of triglycerides every day.

The "big triglycerides" were found out, reminding: after the age of 50, these 4 foods should be avoided as soon as possible

Because the initial symptoms of triglycerides are not obvious, many people suffer and do not know how to start even if they want to prevent it. In fact, high triglycerides are basically a problem from eating, so we still have to pay more attention to our diet.

With the abundance of medical resources in mainland China in recent years, the inconspicuous manifestations of the initial symptoms of triglycerides have also been explored and investigated.

Now that the "big triglycerides" have been discovered, doctors and experts have reminded that after the age of 50, there are four foods that cannot be eaten.

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The "big triglycerides" were found out, reminding: after the age of 50, these 4 foods should be avoided as soon as possible

Second, the "big triglycerides" were found out

"Disease from the mouth" is the most suitable to describe the appearance of triglyceride problems, as a disease that eats out, "triglycerides big" has been found out, let's take a look at which foods can cause triglycerides to rise.

The "big triglycerides" were found out, reminding: after the age of 50, these 4 foods should be avoided as soon as possible

1. High-fat foods

High-fat foods are one of the main factors that lead to the rise of triglycerides, such as peanut oil, soybean oil, etc., which are all high-fat foods. Basically, as long as we stir-fry, we can't do without fat, so we advocate low-oil cooking in our daily life.

In addition to all kinds of oil containing high-fat foods, such as the meat we usually eat, pork, beef and mutton contain high fat, some people are meatless every day, eating without moderation, and it will inevitably lead to the appearance of triglycerides for a long time.

Animal offal is also the main factor in the production of triglycerides, many people like to eat chicken liver and pork liver such foods, although delicious but they are rich in fat is too high, if a large amount of long-term eating will cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

The "big triglycerides" were found out, reminding: after the age of 50, these 4 foods should be avoided as soon as possible

Many people like to eat foods that have been oily, such as Disanxian, fried chicken wings, fried lotus root and so on. Although the food after oil is full of color and flavor, and it is easier to eat, this kind of food is more harmful than our normal oil stir-frying.

Excessive fat accumulates in the body, and the burden on the stomach and intestines increases, resulting in more and more garbage in the blood vessel wall. Failure to excrete garbage, toxins, and fats can lead to a variety of diseases. Therefore, for the elderly over 50 years old, high-fat foods must be avoided.

2. High cholesterol foods

After the age of 50, reduce the intake of foods with high cholesterol. Excessive intake of high-cholesterol foods can lead to viscous blood lipids, which can lead to a continuous increase in triglycerides.

The "big triglycerides" were found out, reminding: after the age of 50, these 4 foods should be avoided as soon as possible

Like the more common high-cholesterol foods in our daily life, eggs, duck eggs, seafood, broth and cream, etc. The cholesterol levels in them are very high, so remember to reduce your intake.

The initial symptoms of cholesterol are not obvious, and many people are not aware of the problem at all. Therefore, I don't pay too much attention to my diet, but if my mouth doesn't eat these high-cholesterol foods in moderation, it will lead to an increase in triglycerides.

Once cholesterol rises, it will induce various systemic diseases, that is, where the blood stasis is, there will be problems. Therefore, in order for the blood vessels to run smoothly, it is necessary to control the problem of high cholesterol.

The "big triglycerides" were found out, reminding: after the age of 50, these 4 foods should be avoided as soon as possible

3. High-salt and high-sugar foods

Heavy taste has become a popular food target for people nowadays, and people like to eat foods high in salt and sugar for the enjoyment of taste buds. However, this kind of food is very unhealthy food, and it is very harmful to both young and old.

High-salt foods are like the pickled foods we usually eat, and after high-salt pickling, a large amount of salt has been attached to the food. It tastes very enjoyable, but long-term consumption will increase the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

The same is true for high-sugar foods, it is often said that eating sweets makes people feel happy, but eating sweets can also make the body more burdened.

Chocolate, ice cream, candy, cream cake, milk tea, etc., although very tempting, but the damage to the body is very great.

The "big triglycerides" were found out, reminding: after the age of 50, these 4 foods should be avoided as soon as possible

A large part of the rise in blood sugar is caused by too much sugar in the body, and diabetes is a relatively common chronic disease in the mainland, and many people even suffer from diabetes.

Therefore, early diabetes has no impact on people's lives, and many people are not affected much by the disease.

What people don't know, however, is that diabetes itself is not terrible, but its complications. There are many people who die every year because of diabetes complications, and the complications of diabetes are basically involved from head to toe, no matter which complication is enough to kill us.

Whether it is high-fat foods, high-cholesterol foods, and high-salt and high-sugar foods, these are only harmful to the body. Especially when you get older, if you don't make adjustments to your diet, it will be difficult to live a long life.

The "big triglycerides" were found out, reminding: after the age of 50, these 4 foods should be avoided as soon as possible

3. Refuse triglycerides to enjoy a healthy life

Triglycerides are a problem that has a very serious impact on the body, but as long as we can maintain a self-disciplined life in our daily life, it can still be controlled.

As the old saying goes, "keep your mouth shut and open your legs", this is actually very effective in controlling triglycerides. If you want to stay away from triglycerides, you must first control your mouth and maintain a healthy diet.

As we grow older, especially after the age of 50, we must adjust our eating habits in time, and we can no longer eat and drink as much as in the past.

The human body will begin to decline as we age, and both the absorption capacity and the digestion capacity will not be as good as before.

The "big triglycerides" were found out, reminding: after the age of 50, these 4 foods should be avoided as soon as possible

Only by maintaining a light and balanced diet and ensuring sufficient daily intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins, vitamins, etc., can the function absorb beneficial nutrients.

The elderly should also be particular about cooking, cooking with less salt and less oil, and eating some original food. In this way, the digestive system can function normally and will not block the blood circulation due to excessive fat accumulation.

In addition to dietary problems, another way to keep your mouth shut is to control your intake of tobacco and alcohol. Many people like to smoke and drink, maybe it was okay when they were young, and the physical sensation is not a big problem.

However, as we get older, the tobacco and alcohol ingested into the body will become harmful substances and invisibly harm our health.

The "big triglycerides" were found out, reminding: after the age of 50, these 4 foods should be avoided as soon as possible

Keeping your mouth shut is a prerequisite, and opening your legs is also an important factor in controlling triglycerides. Many people live in a state of being able to lie down and not sit, let alone exercise.

However, exercise is very important for good health. Exercise can make blood circulation smoother and metabolism better.

When we are exercising, the human body also slows down the rate of aging. Therefore, it is great to be able to do half an hour to an hour of exercise every day, which is very good for your health.

As long as we can make a reasonable health plan in our daily life, we will definitely be able to stay away from triglycerides.

The "big triglycerides" were found out, reminding: after the age of 50, these 4 foods should be avoided as soon as possible


Triglycerides are often overlooked in daily life, and many people may be concerned about heart disease, kidney disease, cancer, etc.

However, these diseases do not appear in our bodies all at once, and their existence has gradually become a major problem from a small problem.

Nowadays, people's living standards are getting better and better, and the diversity of food makes people want to stop. Every day when I open my eyes, I think about what good things to eat for the day, but it is this variety of delicacies that often become an accomplice to physical diseases.

Just like the big foods that cause high triglycerides, whether they are high in fat or cholesterol, high in salt and sugar, these foods that bring endless pleasure to the taste buds do lead to the root of health problems in the body.

The "big triglycerides" were found out, reminding: after the age of 50, these 4 foods should be avoided as soon as possible

For the elderly who have passed the age of 50 and want to enjoy a happy life in their old age, they must strictly abide by the principle of "keeping their mouths shut and opening their legs", and never bring endless problems to their bodies for the sake of temporary cravings.

Do you know all about the big foods that trigger triglycerides? In addition to the above advice to "keep your mouth shut and open your legs", do you think there are any other good ways to control triglycerides? Share it with us!


The "big triglycerides" were found out, reminding: after the age of 50, these 4 foods should be avoided as soon as possible

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